{<!-- For each event, check if the remain weight to trigger is less than the current 'next milestone' value. Replace if true. -->
(set: $untilNextMilestone to 1000)
(for: each _event, ...(Custom.datanamesNatural($oneTimeEvents)))[
(if: (_event of $oneTimeEvents > $weight) and ((_event of $oneTimeEvents - $weight) < $untilNextMilestone))[
(set: $untilNextMilestone to (_event of $oneTimeEvents - $weight))
(if: $untilNextMilestone < 1)[(set: $untilNextMilestone to 1)]
}<span id="box">{<div class='roundborder3'>''(text-color: #000000)[Weight: (font:"Courier")[(floor:($weight * 10/10))]]</font>'' lbs (if:((floor:$weight) - (floor:$weightPrev)) >= 1)[((print:"+")(text:(floor:$weight)-(floor:$weightPrev)))](elseif:((floor:$weightPrev) -(floor:$weight)) >= 1)[<font color='#FF0000'>((print:"-")(text:(floor:$weightPrev)-(floor:$weight)))]</font></div>
(if: $untilNextMilestone is not 1000)[(if: $oneTimeEvents contains (passage:)'s name)[<div class='roundborder3'>''(text-color: #000000)[Reached Milestone!]</font>''</div>](else:)[<div class='roundborder3'>''(text-color: #000000)[Next Milestone: (font:"Courier")[(floor:($untilNextMilestone * 10/10))]]</font>'' lbs</div>]]
(if: $health > 50)[(set: $healthBarColor to "green")]
(elseif: $health > 30)[(set: $healthBarColor to "yellow")]
(else:)[(set: $healthBarColor to "red")]
(if: ((floor:$healthPrev) is not (floor:$health)) and ($healthPrev is not 0))[
(if: (floor:$healthPrev) < (floor:$health))[
(set: $healthDelta to "<font color=green> ▲</font>")
(set: $healthDelta to "<font color=red> ▼</font>")
(set: $healthPrev to $health)
](else:)[(set: $healthDelta to "")]
(set: $tempNegHealthText to "")
(set: $tempPosHealthText to "")
(if: ($mobilityAffliction is not "") or ((EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)))[(if: $tempNegHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempNegHealthText += "Temp. Housebound!")]
(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[(if: $tempNegHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempNegHealthText += "Immobile! (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'This one probably doesn\\'t require much explanation. You got really fat. Now you can\\'t get up. This situation seems unlikely to reverse itself.')]")]
(if: (EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0))[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>STARVING (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'Seeing as your mouth is practically buried, nobody will have much luck getting food into you unless you have a feeding tube.')]")]
(elseif: (EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0))[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>Intake Restricted (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'You are literally incapable of feeding yourself. Nobody outside of fetish stories has a truly full-time feeder. Your best bet would be a feeding tube.')]")]
(if: $donnaPissedOff is 1)[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>On a Diet (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'You've managed to piss off Donna, and now you\\'re being fed about 25% less -- for your own good, apparently. She tried a more aggressive diet, but withdrawal symptoms made her take pity on you.')]")]
(if: Ulcer of $generalAfflictions is not 99999)[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>Stomach Pain (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'The pain from your untreated stomach ulcer makes maintaining your usual diet impossible. Your intake (and possible gain) is halved until it clears up.')]")]
(if: (DigestiveCramps of $generalAfflictions is not 99999) or (DigestiveCramps of $mobilityAfflictions is not 99999))[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>Digestive Cramps (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'A lot of food is going right through you at the moment. Your absorption (and possible gains) are halved until this clears up.')]")]
(if: (FoodPoisoning of $generalAfflictions is not 99999) or (FoodPoisoning of $mobilityAfflictions is not 99999))[(set: $tempNegHealthText += "<br/>Food Poisoning (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'You\\'re having a tough time keeping food down. What does stay down doesn\\'t stick around long enough to do much good. Your intake, absorption (and possible gains) are halved until this clears up.')]")]
(if: $location is 2)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Paul Care (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'There\\'s no denying that your descent into immobility would be unsustainable without some hands-on support. Luckily Paul seems willing to provide an acceptable level of care.')]")]
(if: $donna is 1)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Donna Care (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'Donna goes the extra mile to make sure your daily needs are attended to. She even does it with a smile! The benefits to your health are obvious.')]")]
(if: $bariatricBed is 1)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Bariatric Bed (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'There\\'s nothing quite like a proper bariatric bed for cradling your morbidly-obese body. Better comfort, better rest, and the improved drainage and air flow to keep your skin healthier!')]")]
(if: $bariatricSling is 1)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Bariatric Sling (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'Need better access to the underside of a whale? There\\'s no substitute for a professional-grade bariatric sling.')]")]
(if: $medicalOxygen is 1)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Supp. Oxygen (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'Reap the benefit of extra-concentrated oxygen! Helps to overcome the limitations of your chronically constricted lungs.')]")]
(if: $defibrillator is 1)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Defibrillator (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'A home defibrillator offers no direct health benefit, but maximizes your heart attack survival rate during home treatments. Results in success just as often as summoning a Medical technician (though without the health bonus).')]")]
(if: PaulBalancedDiet of $timedEvents is 99999)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Balanced Diet (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'By introducing a regiment of preventative drugs and supplements into your everyday feeding-tube slurry, Paul hopes to keep your health manageable as you enter even more rediculous extremes.')]")]
(if: $audioLink is 1)[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Audio Link (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'These electronic earbuds and special microphone keep you in touch with the outside world -- or at least anyone still willing to be in the room with you. Absolute isolation would probably not go well for you.')]")]
(if: ($popcornChoice is 2) and (EventPopcorn3 of $timedEvents is 99999))[(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[(set: $tempPosHealthText += "<br/>")](set: $tempPosHealthText += "Abundant Snacks (link-repeat: '(?)')[(alert:'Those two pallets of theatre snacks in the garage aren\\'t likely to run out any time soon. Donna has been begrudgingly substituting that food in place of your \\'normal\\' meals, and giving you free access besides. After all, it was your reward and present. Not really a health perk -- but relatively speaking, your calorie intake has doubled. That\\'s kind of noteworthy.')]")]
(if: $health < 30)[<div class='roundborder1warn'>(print: "<b>Health: </b> " + (text:(floor: $health)) + "%" + $healthDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $healthBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $health*10)/10) + "%'>")(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[<div class='roundborder1alt'>Running Bonuses:<br/><font color=green>$tempPosHealthText</font></div>]
(if: $tempNegHealthText is not "")[<div class='roundborder1warnalt'><font color=red>$tempNegHealthText</font></div>]]</div></div>
(else:)[<div class='roundborder1'>(print: "<b>Health: </b> " + (text:(floor: $health)) + "%" + $healthDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $healthBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $health*10)/10) + "%'>")(if: $tempPosHealthText is not "")[<div class='roundborder1alt'>Running Bonuses:<br/><font color=green>$tempPosHealthText</font></div>]
(if: $tempNegHealthText is not "")[<div class='roundborder1warnalt'><font color=red>$tempNegHealthText</font></div>]]</div></div>
(if: $gluttony > 80)[(set: $gluttonyState to "Insatiable")(set: $gluttonyBarColor to "red")]
(elseif: $gluttony > 60)[(set: $gluttonyState to "Overfed")(set: $gluttonyBarColor to "orange")]
(elseif: $gluttony > 30)[(set: $gluttonyState to "Greedy")(set: $gluttonyBarColor to "yellow")]
(else:)[(set: $gluttonyState to "Normal")(set: $gluttonyBarColor to "green")]
(if: ($gluttonyPrev is not $gluttony) and ($gluttonyPrev is not 0))[
(if: $gluttonyPrev < $gluttony)[
(set: $gluttonyDelta to "<font color=red> ▲</font>")
(set: $gluttonyDelta to "<font color=green> ▼</font>")
](else:)[(set: $gluttonyDelta to "")]
<!-- Reveal Gluttony Stat after first event -->
(if: $gluttony is not -1)[
(if: $gluttonyState is "Insatiable" or $gluttonyBold is 1)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1warn'><b>Gluttony: </b>" + $gluttonyState + $gluttonyDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $gluttonyBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $gluttony*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]
(else:)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1'><b>Gluttony:</b> " + $gluttonyState + $gluttonyDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $gluttonyBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $gluttony*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]]
(if: ($creditPrev is not $credit))[
(if: $creditPrev < $credit)[
(set: $creditDelta to "<font color=green> ▲</font>")
(set: $creditDelta to "<font color=red> ▼</font>")
](else:)[(set: $creditDelta to "")]
(if: $credit >= 0)[<br />
(if: ($creditBold is 1) or (($medicalStudy is 0) and ($paulFirstMeeting is 1)) or (((EventPaulDiscussWeight2 of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($location is 1)) and (PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents is 99998) and (PaulMoveInForced of $timedEvents is 99998)) or (($medicalStudy is 0) and ($paulFirstMeeting is 1)) or ((EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($bariatricBed is 0)) or ((EventRequireOxygen of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($ventilator is 0)) or ((EventCantRollOver of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($bariatricSling is 0)) or ((EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0)) or ((Donna8 of $timedEvents is 99999) and ($donna is 0) and (EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)) or (EventFirstHeartAttack of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($defibrillator is 0) or (EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($audioLink is 0))[
<div class='roundborder3warn'>''Uncle Credits:'' (font:'Courier')[$credit] $creditDelta(if: ((passage:)'s name is "NormalDay") and ($paulFirstMeeting is 1))[<div class='button2'>(link: "Call in Favor (NEW)")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div><br />]
<div class='roundborder3'>''Uncle Credits:'' (font:'Courier')[$credit] $creditDelta(if: ((passage:)'s name is "NormalDay") and ($paulFirstMeeting is 1))[<div class='button2'>(link: "Call in Favor")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>]</div><br />
](else:)[<br />]
<span id="footerLabel">Powered by (link-repeat: "Twine 2.0")[(open-url: "http://twinery.org")]
(link-repeat: "Author Homepage")[(open-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")]
(if: (passage:)'s name is "NormalDay")[<div class='button2'>(link: "Save/Load Game")[(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>]
(if: $debug is 1)[(link: "Debug Menu")[(goto: "Debug")]]
{<!-- Shortcut override to force loaded games without a gender tag to go and set one immediately -->
(if: $gender is 0)[(goto: "Gender")]
(display: "TurnCalculations")
<!-- reset flag used to bump priority in Sarah Events -->
(set: $sarahPriority to 0)
<!-- Clearing text early, to allow for possible exception messages (like immobile, bigger problems now) -->
(set: $mobilityText to "")
<!-- Reset destination passage variable -->
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
<!-- Handle 'mobility affliction' until immobility -->
(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[(display: "RollMobilityAfflictions")]
<!-- Otherwise if already immobile, change to general health problem pool -->
(elseif: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999))[
<!-- instant miraculous cure on standard ailments when true immobility reached -->
(if: $mobilityAffliction is not "")[
(set: $mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $mobilityAffliction to "")
(set: $mobilityText to "You've literally become too fat to get up //at all//. Yikes. Makes all your previous issues with getting around seem a tad trivial, doesn't it?")
<!-- target passage CAN modify '$next' if 'first time' for a given condition triggered -->
(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions")
(display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")
(display: "ForwardGeneralAfflictions")
<!-- Reset day advancing variable -->
<!-- MOVED HERE from the general calculations passage... -->
<!-- ... so that the 'day advance' value would still be available... -->
<!-- ... for affliction count downs. -->
(set: $dayAdvance to 0)
<!-- Priority Passage at top -->
(if: $health <= 0)[
(set: $health to 0)
(set: $next to "CriticalCondition")
](elseif: $newMobilityAffliction is 1)[
(set: $newMobilityAffliction to 0)
(set: $next to "NewMobilityAffliction")
](elseif: $weight < 250)[
(set: $next to "EndUnderweight")
](elseif: ($day >= 540) and ($location is 1))[
(set: $next to "EndNoSavings")
](elseif: $gluttonyMaxed is 1)[
(set: $next to "GluttonyMaxed")
<!-- first-time trigger of credit accumulation events -->
(elseif: ($reached10Credits is 0) and ($credit >= 10))[
(set: $next to "Reached10Credits")
](elseif: ($reached20Credits is 0) and ($credit >= 20))[
(set: $next to "Reached20Credits")
](elseif: ($reached30Credits is 0) and ($credit >= 30))[
(set: $next to "Reached30Credits")
](elseif: ($reached40Credits is 0) and ($credit >= 40))[
(set: $next to "Reached40Credits")
<!-- health priority override else start finding event -->
(if: ($next is not "CriticalCondition") and (($health <= 15) or ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains "HeartAttack") or ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains "O2Malfunction")))[
(set: $next to "NormalOverride")
](elseif: $next is "NormalDay")[
<!-- check for turn-specific timed trigger -->
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(for: each _event, ...(Custom.datanamesNatural($timedEvents)))[
(if: (_event of $timedEvents <= $day))[
(set: $currentEvent to _event)
<!-- Set forwarding location to triggered event -->
(if: $currentEvent is not "")[
(set: $next to $currentEvent)
<!-- Once timed event triggered, disable it -->
(if: $timedEvents contains $next)[
(set: $next of $timedEvents to 99999)
<!-- If Donna eligibility is expired, convert to later version of the delivery event -->
(if: ($next is "Donna4") and (EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents is 99999))[
(set: $next to "Donna11")
(if: $next is "NormalDay")[
<!-- check for one-time event weight trigger -->
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(for: each _event, ...(Custom.datanamesNatural($oneTimeEvents)))[
(if: (_event of $oneTimeEvents < $weight))[
(if: $currentEvent is "")[
(set: $untilNextMilestone to 0)
(set: $currentEvent to _event)
](elseif: _event of $oneTimeEvents < $currentEvent of $oneTimeEvents)[
<!-- preserve order when muliple events are triggered on same turn (trigger event with lowest weight)-->
(set: $currentEvent to _event)
<!-- Set forwarding location to triggered event -->
(if: $currentEvent is not "")[
(set: $next to $currentEvent)
<!-- Special Context situations for one time events -->
<!-- Use '99998' to differentiate canceled events from '99999' used ones -->
<!-- Force early scheduled move if immobility would normally be triggered first -->
(if: ($next is "EventImmobility") and ($location is 1))[
<!-- reset event to retrigger next turn -->
(set: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents to (floor:$weight))
(set: $next to "PaulMoveIn4")
(set: $movedEarly to 1)
<!-- Cancel any existing move schedule -->
(set: PaulMoveInForced of $timedEvents to 99998)
(set: PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents to 99998)
<!-- Swap feminine alternates for exclusively "Manly" Event -->
(if: ($next is "EventCantPeeStandingUp") and ($gender is 2))[
(set: $next to "EventBoobPositioning")
(set: EventCantPeeStandingUp of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)
(if: ($next is "EventPinchedJunk") and ($gender is 2))[
(set: $next to "EventDislocatedHip")
(set: EventPinchedJunk of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)
<!-- Belly Bed Event requires Donna, bariatric sling -->
(if: ($next is "EventBellyBed") and (($donna is not 1) or ($bariatricSling is not 1)))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: $missedOpportunity to 1)
(set: EventBellyBed of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
<!-- Popcorn Perk requires Donna -->
(if: ($next is "EventPopcorn") and ($donna is 0))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: $missedOpportunity to 1)
(Set: EventPopcorn of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
<!-- Fattest man sequence requires Donna -->
(if: ($next is "EventFattestMan") and ($donna is 0))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: $missedOpportunity to 1)
(Set: EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
<!-- Donna's Exposition Story passages -->
(if: ($next is "EventDonnaExpo1") and ($donna is 0))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: $missedOpportunity to 1)
(set: EventDonnaExpo1 of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
(if: ($next is "EventDonnaExpo2") and ($donna is 0))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: $missedOpportunity to 1)
(set: EventDonnaExpo2 of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
(if: ($next is "EventDonnaExpo3") and ($donna is 0))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: $missedOpportunity to 1)
(set: EventDonnaExpo3 of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
<!-- Skip audio link (critical) event if already purchased -->
(if: ($next is "EventAudioLink") and ($audioLink is 1))[
(set: $next to "NormalDay")
(set: EventAudioLink of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
<!-- Swap this event for the Paul-based alternate if no Donna-->
(if: ($next is "EventDonnaAltimatum") and ($donna is 0))[
(set: $next to "EventPaulChecksIn")
(set: EventDonnaAltimatum of $oneTimeEvents to 99998)
<!-- If triggered event is a "milestone", then flag it complete -->
(if: $oneTimeEvents contains $next)[
(set: $next of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)
<!-- If no priority event trigger (normal day), roll for a chance to construct a pool of potential random events and trigger one of them. -->
(if: $next is "NormalDay" and (random:0,100) < 60)[
<!-- start with clean array -->
(set: $potentialNext to (a:))
<!-- Consider cookies event if at home, more than 4 days since last time -->
(if: ($location is 1) and (($day - $lastCookiesEvent) >= 4))[
(set: $potentialNext += (a:"GirlscoutCookies"))
<!-- Consider yardwork/housework events if you're physically capable, and you've had your first meeting (since going there before would be weird), and Paul is back from any announced business trips -->
(if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999) and ($paulFirstMeeting is 1) and (($day - ($lastHouseSitEvent + $tripDuration)) >= 0))[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "PaulHouseWork", "PaulYardWork"))
<!-- Also the housesitting event, if 5 days have passed -->
(if: ($day - ($lastHouseSitEvent + $tripDuration)) >= 5)[
(set: $potentialNext += (a:"PaulHouseSit"))
<!-- Online gaming binge, any time while mobile -->
(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "OnlineGaming"))
<!-- Go to the movies or park regardless of location, as long as you can walk decently -->
(if: EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "Theatre", "Park"))
<!-- Sarah appears after immobility (when you should be at Pauls), at least 4 days since the last cookie event, and if a Donna visit/delivery is not pending -->
(if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (($day - $lastCookiesEvent) >= 4) and ($donnaScheduled is 0))[
<!-- This batch is critical to getting Donna achievements, so set flag to bump priority in the event shuffle -->
(if: $donna is 0)[(set: $sarahPriority to 1)]
<!-- If Donna's initial scene has appeared, but she hasn't moved in yet, use Sarah's repeat visit scene (sold bulk cookies, trying for new order) -->
(if: (Donna1 of $timedEvents is 99999))[
<!-- If you've spooked Donna, delay Sarah's reappearance-->
<!-- Passage also handles post-Donna moved in event -->
(if: $donnaProgress is not -1)[
(if: $sarahRefused is 1)[
<!-- sarah snubbed on previous visit -->
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "Sarah4"))
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "Sarah5"))
](elseif: ($donnaProgress is -1) and (($day - $lastCookiesEvent) >= 10))[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "Sarah5"))
<!-- otherwise default to Sarah's initial scene -->
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "Sarah1"))
<!-- immobility chore: paper/phone work for Paul, until can't reach face -->
(if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999))[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "PaulPaperwork", "PaulPhoneWork"))
<!-- Hey, and the water inflation event. Run a bit longer, to show the failure version due to arm flexibility problems -->
(if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999) and ($noMoreWaterStuffing is 0) and ($gluttony < 90))[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "WaterStuffing"))
<!-- Pending Constipation / Mexican Food event -->
(if: ($day - $lastMexican > 13) and (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and not (($activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Constipated" or $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "DigestiveCramps" or $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "FoodPoisoning")) or (EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999 and $feedingTube is 0))[
(set: $potentialNext += (a: "Mexican"))
<!-- If list isn't empty, pick an entry at random -->
(if: $potentialNext's length > 0)[
<!-- If Sarah Priority active, applicable events jump the queue-->
(if: $sarahPriority is 1)[
(if: $potentialNext contains "Sarah1")[
(set: $next to "Sarah1")
](elseif: $potentialNext contains "Sarah4")[
(set: $next to "Sarah4")
](elseif: $potentialNext contains "Sarah5")[
(set: $next to "Sarah5")
(if: $next is "NormalDay")[
(set: $next to (either: ...$potentialNext))
<!-- Run back-to-back repeat checks, if still a repeat after three re-rolls then just default to normal day -->
(if: ($next is $prevNext) or ($next is $prevNext2))[(set: $next to (either: ...$potentialNext))]
(if: ($next is $prevNext) or ($next is $prevNext2))[(set: $next to (either: ...$potentialNext))]
(if: ($next is $prevNext) or ($next is $prevNext2))[(set: $next to (either: ...$potentialNext))]
(if: $next is $prevNext)[(set: $next to "NormalDay")]
<!-- Last-second override - Critical conditions present -->
(if: $next is "NormalOverride")[(set: $next to "NormalDay")]
<!-- After random trigger roll, next is $next, -->
<!-- Grab at last two passage names for repeat checking -->
(set: $prevNext2 to $prevNext)
(set: $prevNext to $next)
<!-- Jump to destination passage -->
(if: ($debug is 1) and ($pauseNext is 1))[(link: $next)[(goto: $next)]](else:)[(goto: $next)]
<!-- alternate code to debug - shows destination as link -->
}{(display: "Initvariables")
(goto: "Disclaimer")}<div class='roundborder4'>**Gaining Leverage - prologue**</div>
<div class='intro'>Your family and friends gather around the old kitchen table, singing off-key. Your stomach rumbles as you eagerly eyeball the huge three-tier chocolate birthday cake, topped with a haphazard and slightly ridiculous array of 30 burning candles.
There are noisemakers and party poppers. Tacky banners. Paper plates and flimsy cutlery. Presents.
And the time-honored traditional birthday wish.
You're not oblivious to the clichés. The whole exercise strikes you as terribly childish, but your uncle insists on making it happen every year -- even more so for your big three-zero. Considering how happy it makes him, an occasional childish party seems like an easy concession to make.
Paul dotes on you -- and for the most part you let him. Some good strokes with the stock market left him notably wealthy. Some bad strokes with his marriage left him notably single and eccentric. But your connection to Paul is far stranger than mere cash or pity: it stems instead from the tragic death his only son.
<div class="roundborder2">**[[Continue->Intro2]]**</div>
(if: $debug is 1)[(link: "Test Entry - day 50, 400lbs, 20 credits, 50 gluttony")[(set: $day to 50, $weight to 400, $credit to 20, $gluttony to 50, MeetWithPaul1 of $timedEvents to 99999, $location to 1, $paulFirstMeeting to 1, Passage1 of $timedEvents to 99999)(goto: "Control")]
(link: "Test Entry - Pauls House, day 50, 900lbs, 40 credits, 50 gluttony")[(set: $day to 50, $weight to 900, $credit to 40, $gluttony to 50, MeetWithPaul1 of $timedEvents to 99999, $location to 2, $paulFirstMeeting to 1, Passage1 of $timedEvents to 99999, EventPaulDiscussWeight of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventCantPeeStandingUp of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventReach600 of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventPaulDiscussWeight2 of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventBedroomDoor of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventAddicted of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventCantReachRestroom of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventBreakChair of $oneTimeEvents to 99999, EventAddicted of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)(goto: "Control")]]
<!-- Master debug enable/disable-->
(set: $debug to 0)
<!-- Gender preference - 0 undefined, 1 male, 2 'other/female' -->
(set: $gender to 0)
<!-- 'next' passage pausing for debug mode -->
(set: $pauseNext to 0)
<!-- temp flag to allow affliction (day advance override) debugging -->
(set: $afflictionDebug to 0)
(set: $saveMessage to "") <!-- save screen status -->
(set: $firstDaySpendCredits to 0) <!-- sloppy flag to get notification display about spending credits (day after first day and pauls house)-->
(set: $location to 1) <!-- 1-apartment, 2-Paul's -->
(set: $weight to (random: 265, 285))
(set: $startWeight to $weight)
(set: $health to 100)
(set: $maxHealth to 100)
(set: $gluttony to -1)
(set: $gluttonyPrev to 0)
(set: $boostGluttony to 0) <!-- random boost of gluttony on turn -->
(set: $gluttonyMaxed to 0) <!-- flag to trigger first time max event-->
(set: $credit to -1)
<!-- Flags for credit accumulation comment events -->
(set: $reached10credit to 0)
(set: $reached20credit to 0)
(set: $reached30credit to 0)
(set: $reached40credit to 0)
<!-- flag when Donna joins the party -->
(set: $donna to 0)
<!-- flag if you insult donna (altimatum event) -->
(set: $pissedOffDonna to 0)
<!-- flag for extra feeding from Paul (paul check in event -->
(set: $paulForceFeed to 0)
<!-- flag to show whether Paul has noticed you're trapped in your room -->
(set: $noticedStuck to 0)
<!-- used to set reason during endgame -->
(set: $endReason to "")
(set: $mealsEaten to 0)
<!-- flag for finale to mention eating extra cake -->
(set: $ateMoreCake to 0)
<!-- Name of currently active temporary issue that prevents getting around -->
(set: $mobilityAffliction to "")
<!-- Flag to indicatate mobility affliction new on this turn -->
(set: $newMobilityAfflication to 0)
(set: $mobilityText to "")
<!-- Sloppy separate text entry to handle affliction status text -->
(set: $afflictionText1 to "")
(set: $afflictionText2 to "")
(set: $afflictionText3 to "")
<!-- setter variable for secondary infections -->
(set: $afflictionOverride to "")
(set: $afflictionOverrideThisTurn to 0)
(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "")
(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "")
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions to (a:))
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "")
<!-- Current days into game -->
(set: $day to 1)
<!-- Number of days to advance -->
(set: $dayAdvance to 0)
<!-- Gluttony effect (weight gain) - divider - higher reduces effect -->
(set: $gluttonyModifier to 22000)
<!-- Basic health regeneration rate per turn -->
(set: $healthRegen to 1)
<!-- Health regen modifier (altered by bonuses) -->
(set: $basicHealthMultiplier to 1.5)
(display: "InitTimedEvents")
(display: "InitOneTimeEvents")
(display: "InitMobilityAfflictions")
(display: "InitGeneralAfflictions")
<!-- Kludgey permanent storage for immobility weight-->
<!-- Used in medical trial event to prevent 'walk again' diet -->
(set: $eventImmobilityWeight to EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents)
<!-- Override display in status box to highlight gluttony -->
(set: $gluttonyBold to 0)
<!-- Override display in status box to highlight 'uncle credit' -->
(set: $creditBold to 0)
<!-- First meeting at Paul's house - flag (for med. study event) -->
(set: $paulFirstMeeting to 0)
<!-- Cookie event flags -->
(set: $cookiesBought to 0)
(set: $cookiesFirstTime to 1)
(set: $cookiesNoSaleFirstTime to 1)
(set: $cookiesMaxFirstTime to 1)
(set: $lastCookiesEvent to -7)
(set: $sarahRefused to 0)
<!-- Flag to show whether you ever met Donna -->
(set: $metDonna to 0)
<!-- Flag for if a big cookie delivery is pending -->
(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)
<!-- Counter for 'positive' deliveries from Donna -->
<!-- Accumulate two in order to initiate full encounter -->
(set: $donnaProgress to 0)
<!-- Flag to mark if Sarah has made a cookie delivery after Donna's events are no longer available -->
(set: $switchToSarahDelivery to 0)
<!-- pest creature 1 mice, 2 ants, 3 maggots -->
(set: $pest to 0)
<!-- Credit event flags -->
(set: $medicalStudy to 0)
(set: $medicalFrequencyExplained is 0)
(set: $researchTopic to 0)
<!-- counter on dieting medical trials -->
(set: $dietCount to 0)
<!-- turn of last housesitting even, for checking a week has passed -->
(set: $lastHouseSitEvent to 0)
<!-- turn of last medical study participation -->
(set: $lastStudy to -7)
<!-- flag for 'Missed opportunity' message on NormalDay screen -->
(set: $missedOpportunity to 0)
<!-- Applied for 'fattest man' record -->
(set: $guinness to 0)
<!-- Another flag for a specific event - EventPopcorn -->
(set: $popcornChoice to 0)
<!-- Flag to disable water stuffing event -->
(set: $noMoreWaterStuffing to 0)
<!-- Medical Item unlocks -->
(set: $bariatricBed to 0)
(set: $medicalOxygen to 0)
(set: $bariatricSling to 0)
(set: $ventilator to 0)
(set: $defibrillator to 0)
(set: $feedingTube to 0)
(set: $audioLink to 0)
<!-- flag to display purchase note on spend credit page-->
(set: $equipmentDelivered to 0)
(set: $treatAffliction to "")
(set: $cureValue to 0)
(set: $movedEarly to 0)
<!-- flag to trigger save slot overwrite in game save routine -->
(set: $replaceSaveTrigger to 0)
<!-- flags to trigger long intro to busywork events -->
(set: $firstYardWork to 1)
(set: $firstHouseWork to 1)
(set: $lastMexican to 0){
<!-- Reset 'new' mobility affliction flag -->
(set: $newMobilityAffliction to 0)
<!-- Record previous credit amount for delta display -->
(set: $creditPrev to $credit)
<!-- Record previous health for delta display -->
(set: $healthPrev to $health)
<!-- Record previous weight for delta display-->
(set: $weightPrev to $weight)
<!-- catch first time Gluttony is maxed out (set to '2' by event) -->
(if: ($gluttony is 100) and ($gluttonyMaxed is 0))[
(set: $gluttonyMaxed to 1)
<!-- Tally health recovery multiplier based on circumstances -->
(set: $healthMultiplier to $basicHealthMultiplier)
<!-- At Paul's -- 'Paul care bonus' -->
(if: $location is 2)[(set: $healthMultiplier += 1.25)]
<!-- 'Donna care bonus' -->
(if: $donna is 1)[(set: $healthMultiplier += 1.25)]
<!-- Bariatric Bed -->
(if: $bariatricBed is 1)[(set: $healthMultiplier += 0.75)]
<!-- Enriched (medical) oxygen -->
(if: $medicalOxygen is 1)[(set: $healthMultiplier += 1.25)]
<!-- Bariatric sling -->
(if: $bariatricSling is 1)[(set: $healthMultiplier += 0.75)]
<!-- Balanced Diet / Meds via feeding tube -->
(if: PaulBalancedDiet of $timedEvents is 99999)[(set: $healthMultiplier += 1.75)]
<!-- Adjust maximum health based on weight -->
(set: $maxHealth to (100 - (($weight-$startWeight) / 60)))
<!-- Natural Health recovery -->
<!-- feb 21 - added random "jitter" to amount -->
(set: $health to it + (($healthRegen * $healthMultiplier) * $dayAdvance) * ((random: 75, 125) / 100))
<!-- Health penalty for overweight -->
(set: $health to it - ((($weight - 300)/175)*$dayAdvance))
<!-- Health panalty for lack of feeding tube -->
(if: (EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0))[(set: $health to it - (5 * $dayAdvance))]
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
(elseif: $health < 1)[(set: $health to 0)]
<!-- Gluttony Cooldown -->
(set: $gluttonyPrev to $gluttony)
<!-- Extra quick gain, after 'paul check in' event -->
(if: $paulForceFeed is 1)[(set: $gluttony += (10 * $dayAdvance))]
(set: $gluttony to it - ((it * 0.008)*$dayAdvance))
(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]
<!-- Aspect of randomness on actual food intake -->
<!-- Also used in display on "normal day" passage -->
(set: $foodIntakeCalc to $gluttony + (random: 0, 40))
<!-- Immobility multiplier on food intake/gaining -->
(if: ($mobilityAffliction is not "") or (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999))[
(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it * 1.3)
<!-- Extra quick gain, after 'paul check in' event -->
(if: $paulForceFeed is 1)[(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it * 2)]
<!-- Penalty if you can't feed yourself, but haven't bought feeding tube -->
(if: (EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0))[(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it / 2)]
(if: (EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0))[(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it / 8)]
(if: Ulcer of $generalAfflictions is not 99999)[(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it / 2)]
(if: $pissedOffDonna is 1)[(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it * 0.75)
(if: (DigestiveCramps of $mobilityAfflictions is not 99999) or (DigestiveCramps of $generalAfflictions is not 99999))[
(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it / 2)
(if: (FoodPoisoning of $mobilityAfflictions is not 99999) or (FoodPoisoning of $generalAfflictions is not 99999))[
(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it / 2)
(if: ($popcornChoice is 2) and (EventPopcorn3 of $timedEvents is 99999))[
(set: $foodIntakeCalc to it * 2)
<!-- General Weight gain rate -->
(set: $weight to it + (($weight * ($foodIntakeCalc / $gluttonyModifier)) *$dayAdvance))
(set: $day to it + $dayAdvance)
<!-- Dynamic 'random' boost to gluttony to keep things moving -->
(if: ($day > 3) and ($gluttony < 35))[
(if: (random: 1, (floor:$gluttony)) < 3)[
<!-- Rev: Mar 6/2018 - moved actual increase to NormalDay -->
(set: $boostGluttony to 1)
(set: $boostGluttony to 0)
](elseif: (EventAddicted of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($gluttony < 55))[
(if: (random: 1, (floor:$gluttony)) < 3)[
<!-- Rev: Mar 6/2018 - moved actual increase to NormalDay -->
(set: $boostGluttony to 1)
(set: $boostGluttony to 0)
}<div class='roundborder4'>**Gaining Leverage - prologue**</div>
<div class='intro'>Even after all these years, you remember growing up and playing together with Randy. Things were pretty normal at first, but changed almost overnight when his //fixation// really took hold. You saw him finish adult-sized meals, groan with obvious discomfort, and inexplicably ask for seconds. He demanded bigger and more frequent snacks, which his recently-divorced father never seemed to deny him. Before long, he was getting big. //Really// big. Some folks offered advice, or expressed concern -- but you could only gaze in wonder at the scale of Randy's life-altering transformation.
You remained by Randy's side, deflecting some of the ridicule at school. You steadied him when he was having trouble even //waddling// between classes. A short time after that he stopped attending classes altogether. The adults all said Randy would begin home schooling, but you only ever witnessed him grazing, sleeping, and playing video games. You were his friend, food-fetcher, and discrete personal assistant. He already required a startling amount of help -- but if your role sometimes resembled "babysitter", you really didn't really mind.
Several more years passed with much the same routine, save for a few new trials. Puberty came and went. The old school friends you knew began to graduate, marry, and move away. Still you remained at Randy's side, devoted to a family member in growing need. For a few months during your late teens, you remember thinking Randy's weight might have actually leveled out.
It was far too late to do him much good, seeing as he was well past trying to leave his room -- but it represented a glimmer of hope.
<div class="roundborder2">**[[Continue->Intro3]]**</div>
</div><div class='roundborder4'>**Gaining Leverage - prologue**</div>
<div class='intro'>He ballooned again. He grew beyond hope. After just a couple more years, Randy's body rested firmly against three stained walls in the small room. His existence was reduced to occasional labored swallows, punctuated by distressed grunts and wheezes. Sweating. Reeking. Utterly helpless. He never once complained, even as he was forced to focus the majority of his will upon each desperate, painfully clipped breath.
Weakened by a frightening host of serious complications, he patiently fought the obscene pressure that was crushing his lungs until he could fight no longer.
He died. //Obviously.//
While tragic, this came as a surprise to absolutely no one. His "untreatable eating disorder" was common knowledge. Your //role in hastening his decline// was never suspected.
It's strange, but... you miss that part of your life. You wish you could be a part of something like that again.
You absently blow out the candles to a weak smattering of applause, and claim a generous double-portion of your cake.
<div class="roundborder2">**(link: "Continue")[(goto: "Act1")]**</div>
</div><div class='roundborder4warn'>**Disclaimer**</div>
<div class='intro'>This text-based game contains depictions of extreme weight gain, immobility, solo sexual gratification/denial, medical situations, and body horror.
If you have no interest in these themes, you're almost certainly going to have a bad time.
<div class="roundborder2">**(link-repeat: "Quit Now")[(open-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")] / (link: "Load Game")[(goto: "SaveGame")] / [[New Game->Gender]]**</div>
<!-- Version WITHOUT save game Support
<div class="roundborder2">**(link-repeat: "Quit Now")[(goto-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")]
(link: "Start New Game")[(goto: "Intro")]**</div>
</div> -->
<!-- Version that includes save game support
<div class="roundborder2">**(link-repeat: "Quit Now")[(open-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")] / (link: "Load Game")[(goto: "SaveGame")] / [[New Game->Gender]]**</div>
--><span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")After the party</font>''</div>
It's the next morning. You're back at your own apartment, hauling yourself out of bed a little later than usual. You blink away sleep, and prepare for another comfortable day in the modestly-furnished space you call your own. You have to admit you've done ok for yourself, other than a long-standing and innate ability to keep (if: $gender is 1)[ladies](else:)[men] away. You'd have to range pretty far to find anybody who hasn't summarily dismissed your advances. Ah, life in a small town.
You settled here a couple years ago, working a contract for local graphic design firm. Your Uncle helped you find the apartment, which by conincidence was just a couple blocks from his his place. It definitely feels like home. Thanks to a successful year and generous bonus, your finances are no immediate concern. You're planning a little 'stay-cation' before job seeking again.
The rest of your family are already on their respective flights back home. It's certainly generous of Paul to fly everybody in and out for a stupid birthday.
You spare a glance in the mirror, still spotting hints that betray your decent foundation of natural muscle. It's been enough to help you ignore the noticable paunch (if: $gender is 2)[and other sagging features that are] starting to form -- not that the extra pounds bother you much anyway. After bearing witness to a //true// case of 'runaway obesity', you have a simple outlook: //Why sweat the little things?//
Anyways, you're hungry. Breakfast is important.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Have some toast and cereal")[(goto: "passage2a")]
(link: "Have a piece of leftover cake")[(set: $ateMoreCake to 1)(set: $gluttony += 5)(goto: "passage2b")]
(link: "Try to finish the whole slab of cake")[(set: $ateMoreCake to 2)(set: $gluttony += 15)(goto: "passage2c")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- DataMap with single-time event names, and weight when they are triggered -->
<!-- Initialized in rough order of occurrence, in seperate commands to account for dependencies on earlier random rolls -->
<!-- Passage Name, Activation weight, (99997 on standby/unused, 99998 if cancelled, 99999 if already triggered) -->
<!-- reserved "female" event versions (pinched junk, pee standing up) -->
(set: $oneTimeEvents to (dm:
"EventDislocatedHip", 99997,
"EventBoobPositioning", 99997,
(set: $oneTimeEvents to (dm:
"EventNotNormal", (random: 340, 375),
"EventBreakChair", (random: 350, 395),
"EventPaulDiscussWeight", (random: 390, 450),
"EventCantPeeStandingUp", (random: 425, 480),
"EventAddicted", (random: 460, 525),
"EventReach600", 600,
"EventPaulDiscussWeight2", (random: 650, 675),
"EventBedroomDoor", (random: 710, 755),
"EventCantWalkFar", (random: 695, 755),
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventBedroomStuck", $oneTimeEvents's EventBedroomDoor + (random: 60, 80),
"EventCantReachRestroom", $oneTimeEvents's EventCantWalkFar + (random: 10, 30)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventImmobility", (random: 850, 925),
"EventRequireOxygen", (random: 1050, 1100)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventCantRollOver", $oneTimeEvents's EventImmobility + (random: 100, 150),
"EventCantJerkOff", $oneTimeEvents's EventImmobility + (random: 200, 225)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventReach1000", 1000,
"EventFirstHeartAttack", (random: 1225, 1325),
"EventFeetSmothering", (random: 1425, 1490)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventBellyBed", $oneTimeEvents's EventFeetSmothering + (random: 90, 175),
"EventGroinFart", $oneTimeEvents's EventFeetSmothering + (random: 200, 300),
"EventFeetStuck", $oneTimeEvents's EventFeetSmothering + (random: 425, 500)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventFattestMan", 1500,
"EventBedCollapse", (random: 1400, 1600),
"EventCantReachFace", (random: 1650, 1800),
"EventPinchedJunk", 1900,
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventHandsSmothering", $oneTimeEvents's EventCantReachFace + (random: 350, 400)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventHandsStuck", $oneTimeEvents's EventHandsSmothering + (random: 100, 140),
"EventReach2000", 2000,
"EventFinale", 3000,
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventFaceBuried", $oneTimeEvents's EventHandsStuck + (random: 50, 150)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (dm:
"EventAudioLink", $oneTimeEvents's EventFaceBuried + (random: 300, 350),
"EventPaulExpo1", (random: 1300, 1400),
"EventPaulExpo2", (random: 1900, 2000),
"EventPaulExpo3", $oneTimeEvents's EventFaceBuried + (random: 50, 125),
"EventDonnaExpo1", (random: 1600, 1700),
"EventDonnaExpo2", (random: 1790, 1850),
"EventDonnaAltimatum", (random: 1900, 2000),
"EventDonnaExpo3", (random: 2050, 2100),
"EventPopcorn", (random: 2480, 2580)
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Whoops. Did I leave my socks on?</div>''
It might not have been especially smart, in retrospect... the way you've casually ignored the prolonged absence of your feet.
It was a novelty at first; coaxing your feet to 'nest' within your fleshy calves. You even took it as a personal challenge: how well could you pack your heels and ankles inside that rubbery threshold? With practice, and //maybe// the benefit of some extra weight, it got easier. They plunged deeper, or at least had less distance to cover. You remember when both feet "dissapeared" entirely for the first time -- even the toes -- for just a few tense seconds. As always, the moment you stopped concentrating, they quickly and noisily spewed back out. It was horrifically inappropriate, yet oddly satisfying -- like a set of raunchy oversized BIC click pens. After a few more weeks of senseless repetition, the transition didn't even phase you. You could hold them there much longer -- basically until you lost interest. Your ankles grew accustomed to spending time in this awkward position, and the alien sensation became almost unremarkable.
The first time you woke to find your feet had withdrawn into their puckering cavities //on their own//, well... it honestly freaked you out. You stubbornly wrote it off as a fluke; perhaps the aftermath of a dream, or random shifting in your sleep. Your explanation wore thin after just a few more unexplained 'incidents'. You finally caught them in the act -- slinking more than halfway into hiding before you noticed, despite being very much awake at the time. After the initial shock faded, you began to let it happen. You stopped sometimes, momentarily irritated, to squeeze them out again with same casual air as someone hiking up a pair of saggy pants. Little did you know how quickly their new preferred 'natural buried state' would become routine. After just a couple more weeks, your feet only //stayed// exposed with conscious effort. That fact was a tad embarrassing, and you tried to keep up appearances around Paul(if: $donna is 1)[ and Donna]. (if: $donna is 1)[She seemed rather amused by this, since she knew better than anyone what was happening. ]Even that symbolic resistance was short-lived. The reality was that sometimes your feet weren't appearing for days at a time.
Big deal, right? So what if you neglected to liberate your feet? They have no impact on a day in the life of an immobile fatass. Besides, by this point, it had gone beyond a simple annoyance to keep them out. You didn't want to admit it, but the reality was much worse. People had probably seen the last of your heels and ankles. The effort required to express //any part// of your feet had become far from trivial.
Dragging yourself back to the reality of your current situation, you've come to a startling realization: You're not even sure how long it's been since your toes last felt a kiss of cool air. Was it a couple of weeks ago? (if: $donna is 1)[//"Three weeks!"// Donna calls out, apparently eavesdropping on your internal monologue. Neat. "You got tired and gave up in less than a minute!", she helpfully adds. Ok, then. You guess it's probably been three weeks.](else:)[Maybe closer to three, now.] Your feet have certainly stayed warm, if perhaps a bit sweatier than you'd prefer. The sheaths of fat are like ultra-thick fitted socks -- certainly refreshing to take off on occasion, but otherwise cozy, all-natural and -- you hope -- consequence-free.
Of course, now that you've thinking about them, your feet seem to itch, tingling with surprisingly numb recognition. The effect is maddening, impossible to ignore. Their blood circulation probably hasn't been ideal, and you suppose the hygiene concerns are real enough. If you do this, maybe (if: $donna is 1)[one of your gracious caretakers](else:)[Paul] would even agree to clip your nails.
Alright! Time to evict a pair of lazy, good-for-nothing feet.
A couple of minutes pass rather noisily as you struggle at full extension, gasping with increasingly pained exertions. All traces of your noble ambitions are evaporating. It doesn't seem like your feet are advancing at all. They might still be several inches from the threshold, and it would take dislocating your hips to test that theory any farther. (if: $donna is 1)[You consider just asking Donna to check, but decide to hold off a few moments. She's not far away. You hate to admit it, but sometimes these bizarre personal challenges help to keep the days interesting.]
You shift gears for a moment, focusing on a differnt sort of exploratory wiggling, and come to a different realization -- the flesh near your feet openings isn't nearly as tight as you remember. It's soft and loose, and a great deal thicker; deep and plush enough that you're surprised you didn't notice sooner. Is it possible you've been subconsciously 'reaching'? Mentally adjusting for your steady expansion, even as your legs approached their limit?
You suppose there's one way to find out.
You begin clenching and relaxing the muscle groups around your legs and hips, letting them ease into whatever position is most natural. It takes a few minutes, but your joints suddenly pop with sudden blossoming ache -- signaling a release of tension you didn't realize you were holding. The sensation suggests a significant shift of mass -- enough to subtly alter your posture. You note the disconcerting sensation as your legs and feet are caught in a slurping undertow of fat. They sink deeper -- gingerly at first -- snagging painfully before churning up a thick layer of natural lubrication. They keep going long after you expect them to stop. Still further... and...almost... almost... //there//.
Damp squelches erupt from the exaggerated creases in your fleshy thigh mounds. Both leg cavities have just collapsed internally. You push experimentally, and find resistance to such an extent that you can actually 'stand' on the fleshy platforms for a few seconds -- painfully digging your toes into the wall of their tombs in the process, but affording your head and arms a temporary improvement in flexibility.
It's like standing tippy-toe in a pool nearly too deep to reach bottom.
The water is actually thick lard.
You can't swim.
You are the pool.
It's been a while since you could reach the bottom at all, and you surprise yourself admitting this brings a certain sense of relief. You don't need to resist, pretend, or wonder. Whether you think them comfortable or not, these socks are permanent. You don't even find the prospect particularly upsetting.(if: $donna is 1)[
"Hey! I heard that from out here. What the hell did you just do?"
Of course Donna's annoyed she didn't see it.]
''Your feet have seen light for the last time.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Not that you really need them, but still...")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(if: ($health <= 15) or ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains "HeartAttack"))[(set: $critical to 1)](else:)[(set: $critical to 0)]<!-- Shortcut override to force loaded games without a gender tag to go and set one immediately -->
(if: $gender is 0)[(goto: "Gender")]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Standard Report</font>''</div>
(if: $mobilityText is "")[(display: "MobilityText")]
(if: $boostGluttony is 1)[
(set: $gluttony += (random: 5,15))
(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]
(set: $flavorText to "")
<!-- Grab flavor text based on weight -->
(if: (random: 1,100) < 80)[
(if: $weight < 300)[
(display: "FlavorText250")
](elseif: $weight >= 300 and $weight < 350)[
(display: "FlavorText300")
](elseif: $weight >= 350 and $weight < 400)[
(display: "FlavorText350")
](elseif: $weight >= 400 and $weight < 500)[
(display: "FlavorText400")
](elseif: $weight >= 500 and $weight < 600)[
(display: "FlavorText500")
](elseif: $weight >= 600 and $weight < 700)[
(display: "FlavorText600")
](elseif: $weight >= 700 and $weight < 800)[
(display: "FlavorText700")
](elseif: $weight >= 800 and $weight < 1000)[
(display: "FlavorText800")
](elseif: $weight >= 1000 and $weight < 1250)[
(display: "FlavorText1000")
](elseif: $weight >= 1250 and $weight < 1500)[
(display: "FlavorText1250")
](elseif: $weight >= 1500 and $weight < 2000)[
(display: "FlavorText1500")
](elseif: $weight >= 2000 and $weight < 2500)[
(display: "FlavorText2000")
](elseif: $weight >= 2500 and $weight < 3000)[
(display: "FlavorText2500")
](elseif: $weight >= 3000)[
(display: "FlavorText3000")
](else:)[(set: $flavorText to "error: failed flavor text selection")]
<!-- otherwise default to general filler message -->
(display: "FlavorTextGeneral")
<!-- Set 'mealsEaten' increment regardless of specific circumstances -->
(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $mealsEaten += 1)]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $mealsEaten += 2)]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $mealsEaten += 3)]
(else:)[(set: $mealsEaten += 4)]
<!-- Still Mobile enough to eat out -->
(if: (($weight + (random: 0,150)) < 600) and ($mobilityAffliction is ""))[
(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>You found enough to eat ")(if: $location is 1)[(set: $foodText to it + " at home today.")](else:)[(set: $foodText to it + " in Paul's pantry today.</div>")]]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>" + (either: "You ate out at your favorite restaurant for ", "You ordered take out food for ", "You had fast food for ") + (either: "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner") + " today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2yellow'>" + (either: "You ate out at a restaurant ", "You ordered take out food ", "You had fast food ") + "twice today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2orange'>" + (either: "You ate out at a restaurant ", "You ordered take out food ", "You had fast food ") + "for all three meals.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2red'>" + (either: "You ate out at a restaurant ", "You got take out ", "You had fast food ") + "for all three meals, with more than a little snacking in between.</div>")]
<!-- Less mobile, but still abulatory - any location -->
](elseif: (EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999) and ($mobilityAffliction is ""))[
(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>You found enough to eat ")(if: $location is 1)[(set: $foodText to it + " at home today.</div>")](else:)[(set: $foodText to it + " in Paul's pantry today.</div>")]]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>" +(either: "You ordered take out food for ", "You had fast food for ") + (either: "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner") + " today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2yellow'>" + (either: "You ordered take out food ", "You had fast food ") + "twice today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2orange'>" +(either: "You ordered take out food ", "You had fast food ") + "for all three meals.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2red'>" + (either: "You ordered take out ", "You had fast food ") + "for all three meals, with more than a little snacking in between.</div>")]
<!-- Nearly immobile at Home (immobility would force move to Pauls) -->
](elseif: ((EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) or ($mobilityAffliction is not "")) and ($location is 1))[
(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>Despite maneuvering yourself there mostly out of desparation, you did manage to eat entirely from your own kitchen.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>You ordered take out food for " + (either: "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner") + " today. The delivery guys all have keys, and bring it right in.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2yellow'>You ordered take out food twice today. The delivery guys all have keys, and bring it right in.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2orange'>You ordered take out food for all three meals. The delivery guys all have keys, and bring it right in.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2red'>You ordered take out for all three meals, with some strategic leftovers for a midnight snack. The delivery guys all have keys, and bring it right in.</div>")]
<!-- Nearly or fully immobile, at Paul's -->
](elseif: (($mobilityAffliction is not "") or (EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)) and ($location is 2) and ($donna is 0) and ($paulForceFeed is 0))[(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>Paul leaves you with some standard fare from his own pantry.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>Paul was nice enough to get you some takeout for " + (either: "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner") + " today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2yellow'>Paul let you order takeout for two meals today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2orange'>You ordered take out food for all three meals. Paul gave you a dirty look each time.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2red'>Paul brought in the take out you ordered for all three meals, with a bit extra for your midnight snack.</div>")]
<!-- Alternate specific to "paul force feed" branch -->
](elseif: (EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($location is 2) and ($donna is 0) and ($paulForceFeed is 1))[(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>Even eating 'light' is an experience when Paul is literally pumping food down your gullet.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>Event considering you're not super hunger, Paul made sure you had your fill.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2yellow'>Paul made sure to test your stomach's limits a few times today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2orange'>Paul saw that you were absoluately stuffed to the gills all day.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2red'>Paul saw that you were painfully stuffed, and beyond, constantly.</div>")]
<!-- Variants with Donna on scene -->
](elseif: (EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($location is 2))[(if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>Donna brings you with some standard fare from the pantry.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2'>" + (either: "Paul", "Donna") + " was nice enough to order you some takeout for " + (either: "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner") + " today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2yellow'>" + (either: "Paul", "Donna", "Paul and Donna") + (either: " brought", " ordered") + " takeout for two meals today.</div>")]
(elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2orange'>Paul gave you a dirty look when you ended up eating take out food for all three meals. Donna just smiled.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "<div id='message2red'>" + (either: "Paul", "Donna", "Paul and Donna") + (either: " brought", " ordered") + " take out for all three meals, with a bit extra for your midnight snack. Donna looked after the snack.</div>")]
(else:)[(set: $foodText to "Error -- Unexpected eating criteria")]
}(if: $mobilityText is not "")[<div id="message3">$mobilityText</div>
](elseif: ($afflictionText1 is not "") or ($afflictionText2 is not "") or ($afflictionText3 is not "") or ($health <= 30))[<div id="message3">(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "")[<font color='red'>**NEW issue listed!**</font>(if: $afflictionOverrideThisTurn is 1)[
//<font color='darkblue'>$afflictionOverrideText</font>//(set:$afflictionOverrideText to "")(set: $afflictionOverrideThisTurn to 0)]
](if: ($afflictionText1 is not "") or ($health <= 15))[<font color='black'>**CRITICAL ISSUES:((link-repeat:"''?''")[(alert:"Critical health issues that require immediate attention, or they may quickly turn fatal.")])**</font>
(if: $health <= 15)[<font color='darkblue'>HEALTH EXTREMELY LOW</font>
(if: ($afflictionText1 is not "") or ($afflictionText2 is not "") or ($afflicationText3 is not ""))[<br/>]]$afflictionText1](if: ($afflictionText2 is not "") or (($health <= 30) and ($health > 15)))[(if: $afflictionText1 is not "")[
]<font color='black'>**Serious health concerns: ((link-repeat:"''?''")[(alert:"Seriously low health, or other medical concerns that may have a significant impact on your health going forward. Ignoring these is almost always a regrettable decision.")])**</font>
(if: ($health <= 30) and ($health > 15))[<font color='darkblue'>HEALTH VERY LOW</font>(if: ($afflictionText2 is not "") or ($afflicationText3 is not ""))[<br/>]]$afflictionText2](if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(if: ($afflictionText1 is not "") or ($afflictionText2 is not ""))[
]<font color='black'>**Health irritations: ((link-repeat:"''?''")[(alert:"Health irritations usually only have a minor impact on your overall health, but may lead to more serious problems if ignored.")])**</font>
$afflictionText3](if: ($afflictionText1 is not "") or ($afflictionText2 is not "") or ($afflictionText3 is not "") or ($health <= 30))[
(link: "Seek Treatment")[(if: $location is 1)[(goto: "MedicalAssistEarly")](else:)[(goto: "MedicalAssist")]]]</div>
](set: $newGeneralAffliction to "") <!-- Clear new affliction stat -->
(if: ($day > 500) and ($location is 1))[<div id="message3">You've nearly exhausted your savings. You honestly have //no intention// of job hunting any more, and can't bring yourself to beg for money, knowing you won't be paying it back. Things could get ugly if you keep dragging your feet like this.</div>
](if: $boostGluttony is 1)[<div id="message3">You feel a stirring within your mind, driving you toward more gluttonous choices. You can't shake the notion that you just got a 'nudge' from something beyond your control.</div>(set: $boostGluttony to 0)
](if: $critical is 1)[<div id="message2a">As much as you crave to make note of your food consumption, or share another trivial anecdote about your day, you're a bit distracted by your **immediate risk of dying**. Best concentrate on that.</div>](else:)[//$foodText//
<div id="message2a">$flavorText</div>]
(if: $day is 1)[<div class="message5">See those **"Uncle Credits"**? Save them up for **helpful assistance** later. Paul might ask for your help with odd jobs sometimes, allowing you to earn more.</div>](if: $firstDaySpendCredits <= $day)[(set: $firstDaySpendCredits to 99999)<div class="message5">See the new button under the 'Uncle Credits'? Try it out to see your spending options. Note that the button only appears on idle days. (Spend your credits wisely. They might turn out to be important!)</div>](if: $missedOpportunity is 1)[<div class="message5">You have the strangest feeling that this day should be more interesting. Like, if somebody else was around. Maybe you're thinking of another lifetime.)</div>
(set: $missedOpportunity to 0)](if: ($critical is 1) and ($location is 2))[<div class="roundborder2">If you want to survive the day, you should probably (link: "seek medical assistance")[(goto: "MedicalAssist")]</div>](elseif: (($critical is 1) or ($health <= 30)) and ($location is 1))[<div class="roundborder2">Crap. You're in terrible shape. As much as you didn't want to get Paul involved, you might ask him for (link: "medical assistance")[(goto: "MedicalAssistEarly")]. Otherwise take your chances and (link: "continue")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")</div>].](else:)[
<div class="roundborder2">(either: "Ooh, informative.", "Good to know.", "Got it.", "So, another boring day?", "Fascinating.") Guess you can sleep (link: "until tomorrow.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $creditBold to 0)(set: $gluttonyBold to 1)(set: $gluttony to 0)(set: $gluttonyPrev to 0)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Being sensible</font>''</div>
The leftover cake they sent home with you after the party looks like an easy cheat, but seems a bit too indulgent to have this early in the morning, even for you.
Surprising even yourself, you manage to avoid temptation and have a sensible breakfast. Thus, you maintain your base //gluttony level//... for the moment.
<div class="message5">("Gluttony" represents your tendency to passively eat and gain weight, and is mostly influenced by food-related choices. It has a slow cooldown rate, and never entirely fades.)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">You're just finishing, when you hear (link: "the doorbell")[(goto: "passage3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $gluttonyBold to 1)(set: $gluttony to 5)(set: $gluttonyPrev to 5)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Being practical</font>''</div>
The leftover cake they sent home with you after the party looks like an easy cheat. It can't be any more indulgent than, say, a stack of syrupy pancakes. Just one slice can't hurt.
The rich chocolately frosting is positively sinful, and you feel a little piggish when the slice disappears quicker than intended. Your //gluttony level// creeps up a little.
<div class="message5">("Gluttony" represents your tendency to passively eat and gain weight, and is mostly influenced by food-related choices. It has a slow cooldown rate, and never entirely fades.)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">You're just finishing, when you hear (link: "the doorbell")[(goto: "passage3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $gluttonyBold to 1)(set: $gluttony to 15)(set: $gluttonyPrev to 15)(set: $health to it - 20)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Being reckless</font>''</div>
The leftover cake they sent home with you after the party is still fresh, easy, and within reach -- and you find yourself craving the challenge of finishing it all. NOW.
The rich chocolately frosting is positively sinful, and you feel queasy after scarfing down more than double the portion you had last night. You aren't sure what you were thinking. It's quickly apparent you won't be able to stomach it, and you spend a few unfortunate minutes getting sick in the washroom. You still feel unwell, but realize you're actually having thoughts of trying again. Your //gluttony level// has risen significantly.
<div class="message5">("Gluttony" represents your tendency to passively eat and gain weight, and is mostly influenced by food-related choices. It has a slow cooldown rate, and never entirely fades.)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">You're barely cleaned up, when you hear (link: "the doorbell")[(goto: "passage3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Yikes... 600lbs?</div>''
Seems like it crept up on you. You weren't exactly lean to begin with, but how did let yourself get to be three times the weight of a "normal" person? It's definitely a significant day-to-day burden, though you're still managing pretty well.
Honestly, you expected that if you //did// hit 600lbs, it would be a more tangeable milestone -- something to stand out and demand your attention. Maybe it's because you remember it being a terrible burden on Randy's significantly smaller frame. Maybe it's the way society likes to use 600 as the threshold defining truly //freakishly// overweight individuals -- the kind who waddle onto talk show stages or get reality TV programs dedicated to their plight. You make a mocking little "hop" on your toes... not nearly enough to actually leave the ground, but enough to set the substantial mounds of fat jiggling. It's a lot, and //damn// heavy for sure, but... it's funny how it can still seem almost mundane when you wake up with it every morning.
You decide that a lot of TV guests are probably just looking for attention. You're living proof that it's possible to continue living a //relatively// normal life.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "It's kind of a big deal, I guess.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Seek medical 'cause' -->
(set: $finalCauseArray to (a:))
(for: each _condition, ...(datanames: $generalAfflictions))[
<!-- currently active conditions -->
(if: _condition of $generalAfflictions < 99999)[
(if: (_condition is "HeartAttack") or (_condition is "O2Malfunction"))[
(set: $finalCauseArray += (a: _condition))
(if: $finalCauseArray's length is 0)[
(for: each _condition, ...(datanames: $generalAfflictions))[
<!-- currently active conditions -->
(if: _condition of $generalAfflictions < 99999)[
(if: (_condition is "PanicAttack") or (_condition is "CreatureHost") or (_condition is "FoodPoisoning") or (_condition is "SkinTear") or (_condition is "Infection") or (_condition is "BreathingDifficulty"))[
(set: $finalCauseArray += (a: _condition))
(if: $finalCauseArray's length is 0)[
(for: each _condition, ...(datanames: $generalAfflictions))[
<!-- currently active conditions -->
(if: _condition of $generalAfflictions < 99999)[
(if: (_condition is "Bedsore") or (_condition is "Ulcer") or (_condition is "ChronicLymphedema") or (_condition is "Constipated") or (_condition is "Overheated") or (_condition is "ChronicItch") or (_condition is "DigestiveCramps") or (_condition is "Exhaustion") or (_condition is "DisgustingHygiene"))[
(set: $finalCauseArray += (a: _condition))
(if: $finalCauseArray's length is 0)[
(set: $finalCauseArray += (a: "Health"))
(set: $endReason to (either:... $finalCauseArray))
(goto: "EndMedical"){(set: $showBedSling to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Tired of counting the ceiling tiles...</div>''
You lurch and flail, twisting in a desperate bid to shift your lard-anchored body. You just want to roll onto your side for a bit, and even out your circulation. Bed sores suck. You remember that not so long ago, this would have been a fairly straightforward exercise. Your soft blubbery mounds were willing to yield somewhat, flowing and spilling across one another in a predictable fashion when you adjusted position. When a cascade finally settled, it 'held' your progress, giving you a chance to rest. Given enough time and sweat, you could gradually roll from your back to your side in a series of deliberate and manageable stages.
Until now. That was all before your blubber ran out of voids to fill. Your massive core has conspired to become more swollen, inflexible, and restrictive. You see signs this might change again as more time passes -- your flesh tingles as it races to catch up to demand, always stretching, softening, and advancing to provide extra space -- but for the moment it's like you're held in an iron grip. You can't reposition yourself in any manner except "all at once".
You've been lying in bed, on your back, sitting up slightly thanks to a combination of pillows and natural cushioning. The position is reasonably comfortable, tolerable even a few days at a time. But not weeks. The throbbing of your worsening bed sores is tortuous irritation. You're suddenly gripped by a powerful stir-crazy compulsion to move at any cost.
You take a few extra deep breaths to prepare for the immense pressure you know will be pinching your lungs. You firmly grip your headboard with one hand, warm up with a couple of slow rocking heaves to build momentum, and then throw all your strength into a twisting motion. You manage to slowly crane your lumbering outside leg into the air, and do your best to ignore the searing pain of livid overstretched skin. One enormous butt cheek begins to rise ponderously, wobbling just a few inches above the bowl-shaped impression in the mattress. It's a good start, but the real goal is reaching the elusive tipping point; the moment when the bulk of your belly spills sideways and gravity begins to help rather than hinder. Your painfully swollen curves push back, digging into your bedding as you progress. There will be no intermediate stage; no chance to rest. You're wheezing with effort, and barely managing to hold your precarious position. A few more seconds pass, but rather than make headway, you hang frozen in place. The kiss of cool air on your backside feels like bliss, even as a tang of festering flesh reaches your nostrils.
Exhaustion hits you hard. Your heart gallops, and scorching pain bleeds through your muscles while you gasp desperately. You falter all at once, collapsing harshly back into place with a painful grunt and a few seconds of stiff, muted sloshing.
Perfect setup, textbook execution, and -- you note with some frustration -- no reason to think another attempt might yield better results. Not without the right equipment, anyway.
''You're no longer able to roll over by yourself.''
<div class="message5">Paul might have something new and useful to offer.</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Mildly inconvenient.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $gluttonyBold to 0)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")An unnecessary visitor</font>''</div>
It's your uncle Paul. Half bald, always tired-looking, glassy-eyed Paul. You wonder what he could possibly need in the short time since you left his place last night.
(if: $gluttony is 15)["Oh, my... I didn't mean to interrupt." He's staring at your chin and neck, which you realize still sports a smeared dribble of warm brown frosting. You self-consciously try to wipe the worst of it, barely able to meet his gaze.](elseif: $gluttony is 5)["Oh, good morning. Uh... breakfast of champions, I see?" The crumbs and dirty plate tell the story of your improvised breakfast. You try not to look guilty.](else:)["Oh, good morning. Hope you're well rested." He looks your tidy apartment over, with a nod of approval.]
"I just wondered if you’d mind dropping over again soon. No rush -- whenever is fine. I found something in the old room I think you’ll appreciate, and I didn't want to pull you away from the party.”
Ugh. The "old room". It's been cleaned up, but it's still not a place you would linger on purpose. Too many memories. You're not sure what Paul could possibly have found after all this time, and he doesn't seem willing to ruin the surprise.
<div class="roundborder2">Reluctantly, you (link: "agree")[(goto: "passage4")].
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $lastJerkedOff to $day)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>One less entertainment option...</div>''
It's still fresh in your mind: your tragic and ultimately useless //final// attempt to shift the blubbery mass permanently pinning you on your back. You couldn't do it then, and you certainly can't now. As if that wasn't already inconvenient enough, you've come to realize you're also facing an extremely regrettable side effect.
When you //could// roll over, and your belly(if:$gender is 2)[ and breasts ] reluctantly spilled off to the side, it provided somewhat reliable access to your smothered nether regions. You took this access for granted. Now that you've lost the option, you're spending a lot more time pent-up and frustrated. Yes, you can occasionally manage to auto-climax with the right mood and a little friction, but the results are unreliable at best... and you'll soon stand a good chance of killing yourself to make the effort. Even if you were desperate enough to ask for... //help// with this, Paul is ever the prude and (if:$gender is 1)[utterly unsympathetic to your plight](else:)[seemingly uncomfortable with the idea]. He refuses to linger in that area any longer than the bare minimum a sponge-bath requires. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna, on the other hand, is a bit of a mystery. You're somehow certain she would do it, in her oddly impulsive and eager way -- but you still sometimes wonder about her intentions. You try not to encourage anything too kinky. ]So without convenient shortcuts, you've resorted to playing "miner".
With belly fat spreading well beyond your hips, and no small amount of accumulation around your chest and arms, the "direct" route to your crotch seems a little more impassable with each passing day. You're forced to reach widely around, blindly probing for the best spot beneath your massive flabby horizon. You push and begin reverse-clawing with your fingers to widen an improvised tunnel. A foetid odor reaches your nose as the moist cavity is exposed to air, and a thick film of slimy residue coats your hand as you burrow even deeper. One massive (if: $gender is 1)[man-boob nearly](else:)[breast] smothers your arm and simultaneously crowds against your face, collecting droplets of hot labored breath. Your shoulder begins to burn with effort of keeping your upper arm pinned close to your fleshy torso. Sooner than you hoped, but about when you expected, you find yourself struggling at the absolute limit of your reach.
You wiggle you fingers within an uncertain mound a lard, suddenly certain that you feel a faint sympathetic shiver teasing your buried (if:$gender is 1)[cock](else:)[sex]. You probe back and forth, noting with frustration the telltale crusty fluids and coarse strands of pubic hair. You must be infuriatingly close to your goal! Your shoulder is cramping painfully. You continue to struggle, pleading for the strength to (if:$gender is 1)[touch it](else:)[finger yourself] just one more time. It's hard to breathe. Mounting waves of exhaustion begin to erode your will, spoiling a tenuous (if: $gender is 1)[erection you didn't even realize was building. Turns out that stiffness was the only thing that gave you a fighting chance. The tantalizing shiver recedes -- No.. No... your goal shrinks -- now](else:)[heat that you didn't even realize was building. Frustration brings fresh tears. You realize your slit may literally be] impossibly beyond reach. **DAMMIT!**
Dammit! Damn it. Damn. Damn it all... You need to clear your head. After forcing yourself to rest for a moment, you're relieved to find your hand hasn't shifted out of position. You set out on a more deliberate and strategic round of exploratory probing, trying to form a proper mental picture of the problem. Your target is completely enfulfed; your own fat pad forming the cavernous fortress of plump cushioning. Worse, the distant mouth of the 'cave' is already simply too far away.(if: $gender is 1)[ It's probably been several weeks since your erections came close to exposing even the //tip// of your smothered organ.] It's no use. You're exhausted, uncomfortable and deeply unsatisfied with this outcome, but forced to concede cruel defeat all the same. You wonder if you'll ever again count yourself among the sensible masses for whom (if: $gender is 1)[penis](else:)[genital] accessibility is a normal and simple thing.
As a final insult, you're completely caught off guard by one last ironic difficulty: simply retrieving your arm. All your sweaty mounds of flab conspire to hold the trespassing limb in a remarkably secure grip. You tug with reckless abandon, wincing each time a few more hairs tear free. Your entire belly ripples mockingly. For more than five minutes, you grapple in tired frustration, making frighteningly little headway. Just when you're beginning to consider whether you'd be able to sleep in this position, a sloppy squelch of suction precedes the messy and uncerimonious rebirth of your glistening arm. Instagram moment.
''You're no longer capable of traditional personal masturbation.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Stupid lucky kittens...")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Half a ton?</div>''
Well, half a "short ton" at least -- more than a thousand pounds! Even when you say it like that, it still seems crazy. What the hell are you doing to yourself?
You've blown past all the "traditional" milestones. You're entered a territory exclusive to folks like Randy and just a few other //former// all-time-fattest. It's hard not to feel like the accelerator pedal is jammed to the floor, and you must be careening toward the wall a the end of the straightaway.
You've seen the footnotes -- they tend to read "nearly 1000lbs", or "over 1000lbs", as if that simple statement is reason enough. No need to explain further. Carrying the weight of more than (if: $gender is 2)[6 average women](else:)[5 average men] paints a pretty dire picture for life expectancy. Even if you //could// turn back, it would means years suffering just to //survive// the extensive weight loss, and then trying in vain to get your old life back. Your body would remain forever deformed by the echoes of excess.
Then again, you've already made all this space. Your skin begrudgingly continues to cover the cavernous expanse, scarred and puckered where elasticity wasn't enough. It will never //un//stretch. Accommodations have already been made.
The way forward is easy, downhill, and shrouded in darkness. Possibly toward a pit, or into the mouth of a majestic cave. There might be spikes, or treasure... possibly a snarky dragon.
Ok, so...apparently having so much time to yourself might be fraying your mind a little. The fact remains that you feel surprisingly... well, not //healthy//, certainly, but much better off than you have any right to be. Maybe it's genetics, or dumb luck. Maybe Randy is looking out for you after all -- whatever the case, you honestly believe you might have a lot more time. At this point, the question isn't the direction you'll go... it's how far.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Yay for Dragons and big round numbers.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $credit to 5)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Fill your schedule</font>''</div>
"Good, good. I'll get out of your hair then. I don't mean to pester my favorite (if: $gender is 1)[nephew](else:)[niece]. Hardly need to chase you halfway across the country, like everyone else."
You quirk an eyebrow at that last remark, but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Oh, and I'm sure I don't have to remind you again -- but you've got at least a few standing 'favors' saved up for being such a helpful (if: $gender is 1)[boy... er... young man.](else:)[girl... er... young lady.] I've been keeping track. I haven't forgotten about all you did for Randy and me, either. When the time comes, I'll do my best to help you out -- just say the word."
Lovely. And kinda... weird? Yeah. Definitely weird.
Well, you're committed to paying him another visit, but that can wait for another day. When do you want to get it over with?
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Tomorrow")[(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "MeetWithPaul1", 2))(set: $firstDaySpendCredits to 3)(goto: "passage5")]
(link: "In 3 days.")[(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "MeetWithPaul1", 4))(set: $firstDaySpendCredits to 5)(goto: "passage5")]
(link: "A week is soon enough.")[(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "MeetWithPaul1", 8))(set: $firstDaySpendCredits to 9)(goto: "passage5")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- DataMap with event names, that occur on (or ASAP following) a particular turn -->
<!-- Passage Name, Activation turn (99998 if unused, 99999 if already triggered) -->
(set: $timedEvents to (dm:
"Passage1", 1,
"MeetWithPaul1", 8,
"PaulMoveInForced", 99998,
"PaulMoveIn4", 99998,
"Donna1", 99998,
"Donna4", 99998,
"Donna8", 99998,
"Donna11", 99998,
"EndIntervention", 99998,
"Anniversary", 350,
"Anniversary4", 99998,
"Anniversary5", 99998,
"EndAnniversary", 99998,
"PaulBalancedDiet", 99998,
"EventPopcorn3", 99998,
<!-- Key: Donna1 (first tentative appearance)-->
<!-- Key: Donna4 (encompasses follow-up 'get used to you' deliveries)-->
<!-- Key: Donna8 (asks to move in)-->
<!-- Key: Donna11 (deliveries after proposal (moved in, or not))-->
}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Give and Take</font>''</div>
With that out of the way, you stop to dwell on Paul's last comment. You tend not to call attention to his supposed "indebtedness" to you -- not just because you know you don't deserve it -- but also because you hesitate to encourage his borderline needy/clingy behavior. It's harmless, but still...
Whatever you might think about your dear Uncle Paul, you still have a feeling that cultivating his goodwill might be a worthwhile investment. After all, it's always good to be prepared for the worst, and to try and keep sight of the //big picture//. You just never know what might happen.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "If you say so.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $creditBold to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
{(set: $health to it * 0.6)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//*creeee...creak...*//</div>''
It's this middle of another marathon computer gaming session. You stop for a moment, partway into the motion of reaching for another can of cola. You have a premonition that you had best consider your next move carefully. The culprit is obvious.
You have a distinct lack of confidence in your cheap standard-issue computer chair. Yes, it's ridiculously comfortable -- you've had it since college -- but while the durability and support might be adequate for a student's dorm room, it's pretty worn out, and you're a lot bigger now.
Gingerly, you lean a little further... *creeeak*
**POP** -- You yelp at a split second of weightlessness before you abruptly collide with the floor. Your head bounces with a dull smack.
You groan, momentarily rattled. Your wrists ache from your instinctive but failed attempt to catch yourself, and you're sure you'll have some fresh bruises.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "The floor still seems solid.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Well, this is a little inconvenient...</div>''
You stand in front of your toilet, awkwardly juggling the bulk of your massive hanging belly. One arm cradles most of your gut, struggling to support the awkward load for more than a few seconds. With luck, you'll be able to sneak your other hand in quickly and nudge your cock in the correct general direction.
You've been forced to practice ochestrating this peculiar pee dance, but lately it's just becoming an overwhelming challenge. Worse yet when the mood strikes you, and your stiff member grants you an additional handicap.
You feel a growing urgency to do your business. Despite your best efforts, the edge of your sagging belly is still spoiling the target. You rearrange your grip a couple more times, and fear it's still not quite good enough, but you take a gamble.
You curse at the telltale warm trickle. It's already running down your leg and dripping off your hand. Before you can stop or do anything else, you carelessly lose your grip, resulting in an even more complete and embarrassing failure.
You make a quick attempt to mop up the worst of it, but there's no denying the awful mess you've made of yourself. With the odds stacked this far against you, it's simply not worth the risk any more.
You begrudgingly accept that a significant manly convenience has been lost to you today.
''You're no longer able to pee standing up''.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Well, crap.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day: The Mysterious "something".</font>''</div>
So... you should probably go and see Paul today. Like you planned. Find out what he wants to show you. It could be exciting. Right?
For lack of a decent excuse, you head over to his house. It's only a couple of blocks away, and in no time at all you're approaching his front porch. The place is an average sized dwelling... for a growing family. Far larger than Paul really needs on his own. You've often helped out with his yardwork and maintenance -- but whenever you're not around he seems quick enough to hire somebody. Paul seems to have plenty of money these days.
You find Paul on the porch, sipping ice tea, checking the stock market on his tablet, and balancing a phone on his shoulder. You overhear him mention something about //"upcoming medical studies"//, but he hastily ends the call and sets everything aside when he sees you coming.
"Hey, good to see you. (if: $day is 2)[So soon, too! You don't know how much I appreciate that. Remind me that I owe you an extra favor sometime.(set: $credit to it + 1)] Like I said, there's something you should see in the old room. Just go on in -- I'll be right behind you."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Go Inside")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $paulFirstMeeting to 1)(goto: "MeetWithPaul2")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Door-to-waist ratio...//</div>''
It seems like it's been ages since you could simply stride into your room without taking special care not to bark your hips and love handles on the door frame. (if: $location is 2)[Despite other renovations, the main entrance to Randy's room was never made bigger than normal, and you're already 'running into' the same problem.] It's simply not practical to approach interior doors straight-on these days. Lately you've resorted to turning sideways and shimmying through, and that adjustment has been enough.
//Until now.//
One side of the door is harshly wedged between your butt cheeks, cutting clear through to your tailbone. You've managed to shimmy and jostle your bulk across the opposite jam(if:$genders is 2)[, draping one plump breast past the threshold, and getting] as far as your belly button. You've stalled at the thickest part of your midsection -- two equal pillows of lard crudely spill past the edges on each side. You're wary of the pinching discomfort and squeezing pressure on your lungs and bladder -- as well as the realization of how terribly close you are to actually getting stuck. You keep working at it, thankful for each fraction of an inch, if only for the blessing of shifting the pressure onto a new patch of skin.
When you finally work your sprawling gut past the halfway point, the relief is tempered by the sharp throbbing ache that lingers long afterward. Livid red marks decorate your sagging belly, layered on top of forgotten bruises from your previous efforts over the past several weeks.
Now that you've become amply wide in both directions, something is going to have give. Soonish.
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $location is 1)[(link: "Time to start thinking about where to ride this out. And with who.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]](else:)[(link: "At least you're in a good place to ride this out.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day: Paul's house - Prison without chains</font>''</div>
You find yourself automatically following the hall, taking the stairs down to the basement, and entering a nondescript door on the right.
The room is far smaller than you remember. There's a tiny ground-level window that barely needs a little fabric valance for privacy. Against one wall is simple twin bed and night stand, apparently never used. It's all staged a little too perfectly. The floorplan is extra-cozy thanks to a comically exaggerated and oversized en-suite washroom. One might question the odd proportions if they didn't have any context.
You absently note the fresh drywall and paint. New carpeting has hidden a central floor drain you know lies somewhere beneath. You heard that an entire wall was torn down and later rebuilt, owing to certain fundamental physical impossibilities. Not even the studs-deep renovation has completely eliminated the cloying odor, which you suspect has leeched deep into the concrete foundation. It's barely perceptible, but still enough to trigger memories of a certain cramped previous occupant.
Aside from a few permanent fixtures, none of the original furnishings were kept. Most were simply beyond salvaging. Nothing spent any longer than necessary in here -- not if it was worth saving.
Paul enters just as you begin to puzzle over an ugly dark scar on the far wall. It stands out like a sore thumb, clashing with all the renewed material, but seems to be deliberate. Following your gaze, your uncle nods. ‘Consider it a late birthday gift. I had that small section lacquered and carefully patched back into the wall where I found it. Go on -- take a closer look’.
It's an irregularly-shaped piece of the original wall, nearly crumbling from the prolonged kiss of Randy’s flesh. It takes a moment before you finally recognize a messily scrawled message, nearly illegible against the green-brown stains of mold and decay. The rushing of your own pulse suddenly beats loudly in your ears.
**//“Bless my cousin for being here. May God grant (if:$gender is 2)[her everything she](else:)[him everything he] deserves.”//**
Paul mistakes your silence for reverent appreciation. He barely pauses before launching into another round of small talk, describing other notable aspects of the renovation. You barely hear any of it.
<div class="roundborder2">At the first opportunity, you (link: "politely excuse yourself")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")], and sleep fitfully that night.</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $health to it * 0.8)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>A difficult burden...</div>''
You place your hands firmly (and your (if:$gender is 2)[breasts and ]belly, unintentionally) against the door jam, marvelling at the undeniable truth. Your heart is already pounding. Each sharp laboring breath is coming a little quicker. The simple task of remaining upright -- even with the aid of a structural wall -- has become an unsustainable burden. If you dawdle much longer, the chances are good that you'll fall or careen face-first into something.
It's been a while since you've been able to casually rise or move about. Sitting has gradually become your natural state, and rejecting that nature requires deliberate planning, economy of movement, and no small amount of effort. On the increasingly rare occasions when you're willingly on your feet, you're forced to acknowledge that your world has practically dwindled to the space inside the walls of your bedroom.
You reached and surpassed 600lbs with a casual air, finding that milestone almost disappointingly mundane. Now you're being punished for that bravado. Without actively excercising or conditioning yourself to cope with an ever-increasing bulk, your muscles have quickly reached... and //exceeded//... their limits. Your daily struggle has gone from "manageable" to "dire" after adding just a fraction to your previous gains. Your instincts are yammering for your attention, urging you to consider self-preservation.
A sharp spasm in your back forces your mind back to immediate concerns. You've wasted too much time already. Abruptly, desperately, you diliberately shove away from the wall. You hastily waddle three short steps in a state of rising panic, barely pivoting in time to collapse ass-first onto your creaking bed. Even hitting the mark, smashing into the matresss... it hurts. God, you're getting big.
When you finally recover enough to concentrate on something besides gasping for breath, you still face the slow and arduous process of hauling up your legs, and scooching your ass toward the comfortably worn crater near the middle. You wince, already sensing a fresh blossoming cluster of bruises. Guess it could have been worse.
''You can barely stand for a minute, or walk more than a few short steps.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Thank God for delivery.")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $maxCookies to (random: (floor:($weight/60)), (floor:($weight/40))))(set: $lastCookiesEvent to $day)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">*DING DONG*</div>
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "")[Ah, if it isn't (if: $cookiesFirstTime is 1)[a darling young girl,](elseif: $cookiesNoSaleFirstTime is 0)[the not-so-darling young girl,](else:)[the darling young girl again,] toting a heaping wagon load of pre-packaged bite-sized baked goods.
"(if: $cookiesFirstTime is 1)[Heya (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]. Wanna support the Girl Scouts, or just enjoy some tasty cookies? I honestly don't care which.](else:)[Heya (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]. You should really buy more cookies.](if: $weight > 400)[ You look like you would //really// enjoy some.]"
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "No deal. Work on the sales pitch.")[(goto: "GirlscoutCookies2")]
(link: "*sigh* Just two boxes of Thin Mints. I love those things.")[(goto: "GirlscoutCookies3")]
(link: "How many can you sell me? $maxCookies boxes? That'll do... for now.")[(goto: "GirlscoutCookies4")]
</div>](else:)[You heard a distinctive squeaky wheel on a familiar wagon. There's a good chance your favorite cookie delivery Scout is at the door.
Unfortunately, your door is locked and there's no way in hell you'll be getting far enough to do anything about it. Not much point in getting worked up over it. You'll have to wait until next time. You consider trying to call out in apology, but the melancholy squeak is already retreating down the street.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Come back, cookies!")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Yard Work</font>''</div>
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "")[(if: $location is 1)[(if: $firstYardWork is 1)[Your apartment is part of a small complex that includes contracted outdoor maintenance. Your Uncle's home, however, has a substantial and high-maintenance yard. Certainly more than he can handle alone.
He ](else:)[Paul ]called you up](else:)[Paul came down to your room] this morning, and asked if you would help with (either: "cleaning the gutters", "mowing the lawn", "pruning one of the trees", "cleaning up some eggs that a hoodlum threw last night", "weeding the garden", "transplanting some flowers", "trimming the hedge", "clearing some debris from a storm drain", "sealing the driveway", "painting a storage shed", "fixing a rotten section of his fence", "cleaning some grubby-looking lawn furniture", "clearing away a fallen branch", "assembling a kit for some new garden accent", "cleaning his fish pond", "getting an old tiller machine running again", "clearing out a nest of bats from under the awning", "chasing away a colony of feral cats that just moved in", "making a homemade birdfeeder from seed and peanut butter", "refilling the hummingbird feeders", "picking up a load of dog crap left by the local dog walker", "digging out the irrigation ditch which collapsed during the last storm", "painting over some graffiti left by the local kids", "pouring gasoline on a huge colony of fire ants", "weeding out the rose bushes",).
(if: $weight < 400)[It shouldn't take too long, and a bit of honest labor might actually do you some good.](elseif: $weight < 500)[Ugh. You're not sure how much help you'll be, but it's probably still good for you to feel the burn once in a while... if you don't hurt yourself.](else:)[The request is probably more a courtesy than actual expectation. Paul knows your flailing blubber-butt will be resting on a chair most of the time, and you'll probably be a liability to yourself and others. Still, he seems to appreciate when you make the effort.]
(if: $health < ($maxHealth - 5))[As //thrilled// as you are with the prospect of manual labor, you also feel like a healthy nap might be a productive way to spend your time.
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $location is 1)[(if: $weight < 400)[(link: "Head over there")[(set: $firstYardWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulYardWork2")]](elseif: $weight < 500)[(link: "You could probably head over there.")[(set: $firstYardWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulYardWork2")]](else:)[(link: "You really want to head over there?")[(set: $firstYardWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulYardWork2")]]](else:)[(link: "You can probably still get up.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulYardWork2")]]
(link: "Decline")[(set: $firstYardWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulYardWork3")]
](else:)[(if: $location is 1)[Paul called you up](else:)[Paul came down to your room] this morning, and asked if you would help with (either: "cleaning the gutters", "mowing the lawn", "pruning one of the trees", "cleaning up some eggs that a hoodlum threw last night", "weeding the garden", "transplanting some flowers", "trimming the hedge", "clearing some debris from a storm drain", "sealing the driveway", "painting a storage shed", "fixing a rotten section of his fence", "cleaning some grubby-looking lawn furniture", "clearing away a fallen branch", "assembling a kit for some new garden accent", "cleaning his fish pond", "getting an old tiller machine running again").
(if: EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[(if: $noticedStuck is 0)[(set: $noticedStuck to 1)You point out, a little testily, that your door is too small, and you're no longer going to be able to join him.<br /><br />"Oh, goodness! That must be rather alarming. Try not to get worked up about it! I suppose I'll seek help elsewhere."](else:)[You remind him, rather pointedly, that you're even LESS able to join him than the last time he asked. <br /><br />"Oh, right. Right. Never mind then." You're half convinced he's just trying to draw attention to it at this point.]
<br />When you suggest he might do something about the door, he hesistates, and mumbles something like "it'll sort itself out soon enough".<br />
](else:)[You're quick to explain however that (if: $location is 1)[you've been stuck at home](else:)[you're more useless than usual], and you're not going to be up to helping him today.
He seems to accept that reality with minimal disappointment.
"Of course. Of course. Hope you're feeling better soon."
]<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Continue")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cookiesFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")No cookies</font>''</div>
(if: $cookiesNoSaleFirstTime is 1)[The girl's features twist into a mockery of 'puppy dog eyes'. It's like an alien tried to learn what 'cute' meant though a written correspondence course. Creepy. You revise your earlier opinion about her adorable-ness.](else:)[The girl tries the 'puppy dog eyes' thing again. She might have been practicing. It's hard to tell.]
"You sure, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]? My mother will kill me if I don't sell more of these."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Eugh. *shudder* Maybe... next time.")[(set: $gluttony to it - 4)(if: $glutton < 0)[(set: $gluttony to 0)](set: $cookiesNoSaleFirstTime to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]
(link: "Fine, I'll take a couple boxes... just stop doing whatever //that// is.")[(set: $cookiesNoSaleFirstTime to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "GirlscoutCookies3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $cookiesFirstTime to 0)(set: $gluttony to it + 3)(if: $glutton > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set: $cookiesBought to it + 2)(set: $weight to it + 0.5)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Gotta have Thin Mints</font>''</div>
"Sure thing, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]."
Once you've proven you have the requisite cash, the girl picks out a couple boxes of the popular thin and minty variety, and hands them over. Her smile seems manufactured, as though she reminded herself to put it on at the last minute.
"Here you go, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]. Thanks, and I know where you live."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Comforting.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set:$cookiesFirstTime to 0)(set: $gluttony to it + (1.5 * $maxCookies))(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set: $cookiesBought to it + $maxCookies)(set: $weight to it + ($maxCookies * 0.25))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookie Binge</font>''</div>
(if: $cookiesMaxFirstTime is 1)["Oh, uh... you're the boss, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]."](else:)["You bet, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]."]
Once you've proven you have the requisite cash, the girl pulls seemingly random boxes from the bunch she was in the process of delivering. You wonder how many other orders have just been bumped by an unforseen delay. She dutifully juggles the precarious stack into your waiting arms. (if: $cookiesMaxFirstTime is 1)[You see the wheels turning, as if she's plotting how she can move this stop closer to the start of her route next time.]
(if: $cookiesMaxFirstTime is 1)["Thanks for making my day shorter, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]."](else:)["Thanks again, (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss]."]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Um... sure, glad to help.")[(set: $cookiesMaxFirstTime to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")A day without yard work</font>''</div>
(either: "You apologize, and tell him you're not feeling up to it today.", "You make an excuse, and say you've hurt your back again -- but maybe another time.", "You apologize, and mumble something about an job interview you can't miss.", "You concoct a quick story about a meeting with your old coworkers that you need to attend, and apologize that you can't make it.")
"Oh, uh... alright then.(if: $weight > 500)[.. um... I know you might feel so encumbered by your weight that your help wouldn't matter, but the amount of work you can do isn't the important thing.] Hope to catch you next time."
You almost feel bad -- but then you know he hires handymen and contractors for a lot of his labor-intensive yard work anyways.
Congratulations on avoiding work. Do you want to celebrate with a full-day "power" nap? (Chance of minor health recovery.)
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "See you tomorrow!")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(set: $healthPrev to $health)(set:$health += (random: 1,10))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)](goto: "Control")]
(link: "Resume this lazy day.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: _workAmount to $weight + (random: 0, 150))<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day - Paul's Yard - Physical Labor</font>''</div>
The day is (either: "warm and sunny", "overcast and muggy", "cool and breezy", "misty and wet", "miserably hot"), and after a few hours at Paul's you (if: _workAmount < 500)[handily clear away the project at hand, and a few side projects as well. You feel tired, but invigorated for the satisfaction of honest labor.](elseif: _workAmount < 600)[feel like you're going to collapse from exhaustion, even though you're not even through with the main job. The excessive burn in your muscles is doing more harm than good health-wise -- it's obvious your weight is a handicap. Your knees begin to buckle...](else:)[wish you were home again. Every movement seems send sharp pains down your back, and your chest aches. Your contribution this time barely qualifies as a 'supervisory' position. You're trying not to nod off, and the few times you've been on your feet, it was only to get relief from the arms of the yard chair from digging into your sides, literally drawing blood.]
(if: _workAmount < 500)[Paul shakes your hand for your hard work. "That's more than I ever expected to get done today. Thanks again, and know that I'll remember this day if you ever call in a favor."(set: $credit to it + 1)](elseif: _workAmount < 600)[Paul jumps in, supporting some of your weight, and forces a cold drink into your hand. "That's enough for today. Don't worry about the rest -- I'll get it looked after."(set: $health -= (random: 5,8))(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]](else:)[Paul takes a break from the work he's basically done by himself, and gives you a wistful look.(set: $health -= (random: 10,15))(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)](if: $location is 1)["Thanks for coming, by the way. I know you'd rather be somewhere else."](else:)["Thanks for your help today. I know you'd rather be doing anything else."]]
(if: (_workAmount >= 500) and ((random: 0,100) > 80))[After a moment, he adds "...but I saw how hard you worked, and even if we didn't finish I know it wasn't for lack of effort. I'll still owe you one."(set: $credit to it + 1)](elseif: (_workAmount >= 500) and ((random: 0,100) > 90))[After a moment, he adds "...but I want you to know it means the world to me that you still came, no matter how pointless it might seem. Remind me I owe you a couple more favors."(set: $credit to it + 2)]
Exhausted, you smile weakly, and nod.
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $location is 1)[You stumble home to wash and (link: "get some sleep")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")].](else:)[You waddle downstairs to quickly wash and (link: "collapse into bed")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")].]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")House Work</font>''</div>
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "")[(if: $location is 1)[(if: $firstHouseWork is 1)[Your Uncle's home is sized with a family in mind, and since he's been living on his own, some every-day upkeep tasks tend to get neglected. For some reason, he refuses to hire a regular housekeeper. Maybe he doesn't like being reminded of his ex-wife. Hard to say with him.
You spoke with him earlier, and he](else:)[Paul called and] asked for](else:)[Paul woke you up earlier than usualy this morning, hoping to find] an extra set of hands for (either: "sorting through an enormous stash of seasonal clothing he'll never wear again", "patching up a leaking bathtub", "clearing a plugged dryer vent", "scrubbing the floor around the entryway", "putting a fresh coat of paint on a couple of dusty old spare bedrooms", "moving a couple of sofas", "putting together a couple of cheap 'bookshelf-in-a-box' kits", "resetting some mouse-traps, and putting out fresh bait", "vacuuming cobwebs out of all the high corners", "removing a suspicious looking rusty water heater from the attic", "alphabetizing his massive book collection", "turning out the dusty bedsheets in the spare bedroom").
(if: $weight < 400)[It couldn't hurt to spend a little time helping him put his home in order.](elseif: $weight < 500)[Ugh. You're not sure how much help you'll be, but it's probably a good excuse for some social time. Hopefully you don't just trip and hurt yourself...](else:)[The request is probably more a courtesy than actual expectation. Paul knows your flailing blubber-butt will be resting on a chair most of the time, and you'll likely just be a liability to yourself and others. Still, he seems to appreciate when you make the effort to visit.]
(if: $health < ($maxHealth - 5))[As //thrilled// as you are with the prospect of manual labor, you also feel like a healthy nap might be a productive way to spend your time.
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $location is 1)[(if: $weight < 400)[(link: "Head over there")[(set: $firstHouseWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulHouseWork2")]](elseif: $weight < 500)[(link: "You could probably head over there.")[(set: $firstHouseWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulHouseWork2")]](else:)[(link: "You really want to head over there?")[(set: $firstHouseWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulHouseWork2")]]](else:)[(link: "You can probably still get up.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulHouseWork2")]]
(link: "Decline")[(set: $firstHouseWork to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulHouseWork3")]
](else:)[You spoke with Paul earlier, and he asked for for an extra set of hands for (either: "sorting through an enormous stash of seasonal clothing he'll never wear again", "patching up a leaking bathtub", "clearing a plugged dryer vent", "scrubbing the floor around the entryway", "putting a fresh coat of paint on a couple of dusty old spare bedrooms", "moving a couple of sofas", "putting together a couple of cheap 'bookshelf-in-a-box' kits", "resetting some mouse-traps, and putting out fresh bait", "vacuuming cobwebs out of all the high corners").
(if: EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[(if: $noticedStuck is 0)[(set: $noticedStuck to 1)You point out, a little testily, that your door is too small, and you're not going to be able to join him.<br /><br />"Oh, goodness! That must be rather alarming. Try not to get worked up about it! I suppose I'll seek help elsewhere."](else:)[You remind him, rather pointedly, that you're even LESS able to join him than the last time he asked. <br /><br />"Oh, right. Right. Never mind then." You're half convinced he's just trying to draw attention to it at this point.]
<br />When you suggest he might do something about the door, he hesistates, and mumbles something like "it'll sort itself out soon enough".<br />
](else:)[You're quick to explain however that (if: $location is 1)[you've been stuck at home](else:)[you're more useless than usual], and you're not going to be up to helping him today.
He seems to accept that reality with minimal disappointment.
"Of course. Of course. Hope you're feeling better soon."
]<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Continue")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: _workAmount to $weight + (random: 0, 150))<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day - Paul's Place - Housekeeping</font>''</div>
After a few hours at Paul's you (if: _workAmount < 500)[knock out the project at hand, and a few side projects as well.](elseif: _workAmount < 600)[feel like you're going to collapse. You've been on your feet too long, and your knees are about to buckle. The job wasn't nearly as easy as expected, and you're not even through with the job you started.](else:)[wish you were home again. Every movement seems send sharp pains down your back, and your chest aches. Your contribution barely qualifies as a 'supervisory' capacity. You're trying not to nod off -- //again// -- after managing to fall out of your chair and sprain your (either:"shoulder","elbow","wrist") earlier. The few times you've been on your feet, it was a necessary visit the facilities.]
(if: _workAmount < 500)[Paul shakes your hand for your hard work. "That's more than I ever expected to get done today. Thanks again, and know that I'll remember this day if you ever call in a favor."(set: $credit to it + 1)](elseif: _workAmount < 600)[Paul grabs your arm to help take some of your weight, and forces a cold drink into your hand. "That's enough for today. Let's watch a bit of TV before you go. Don't worry about the rest -- I'll get it looked after."(set: $health -= (random: 5,8))(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]](else:)[Paul takes a break from the work he's basically done by himself, and gives you a wistful look. (set: $health -= (random: 10,15))(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)](if: $location is 1)["Thanks for coming, by the way. I know you'd rather be somewhere else."](else:)["Thanks for your help today. I know you'd rather be doing anything else."]]
(if: (_workAmount >= 500) and ((random: 0,100) > 80))[After a moment, he adds "...but I saw how hard you worked, and even if we didn't finish I know it wasn't for lack of effort. I'll still owe you one."(set: $credit to it + 1)](elseif: (_workAmount >= 500) and ((random: 0,100) > 90))[After a moment, he adds "...but I want you to know it means the world to me that you still came, no matter how pointless it might seem. Remind me I owe you a couple more favors."(set: $credit to it + 2)]
Exhausted, you smile weakly, and nod. You stay a while longer, cooling down, chatting, and enjoying a drink before you leave.
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $location is 1)[You stumble home to wash and (link: "get some sleep")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")].](else:)[You waddle downstairs to quickly wash and (link: "collapse into bed")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")].]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")A day to yourself</font>''</div>
(either: "You apologize, and tell him you're not feeling up to it today.", "You make an excuse, and say you've hurt your back again -- but maybe another time.", "You apologize, and mumble something about an job interview you can't miss.", "You concoct a quick story about a meeting with your old coworkers that you need to attend, and apologize that you can't make it.")
"Oh, uh... alright then.(if: $weight > 500)[.. um... I know you might feel so encumbered by your weight that your help wouldn't matter, but the amount of work you can do isn't the important thing.] Hope to catch you next time."
Congratulations on avoiding work. Do you want to celebrate with a full-day "power" nap? (Chance of minor health recovery.)
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "See you tomorrow!")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(set: $healthPrev to $health)(set:$health += (random: 1,10))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)](goto: "Control")]
(link: "Resume this lazy day.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Hardly a secret</div>''
“You do realize… you’ve gained quite a bit of weight lately, right?”
It’s such an understatement that your first instinct is to laugh. But when you really start to process the remark, you turn to stare at your Uncle in slack-jawed surprise… To your knowledge, he hasn’t come this close to directly addressing any person as “fat” since… well... you can’t even remember when. Probably not since Randy's decline.
This quirk was //especially// notable in discussions about Randy. It was always so odd, hearing Paul speak in vague terms about his son’s condition – using words like “sickly” and “weakening”. It was as if Randy’s worsening condition was a mysterious thing, and if his son “chose” to stay in his room all the time, there was nothing in the realms of science or faith that could begin to explain why.
At first, you chalked it up to willful ignorance or denial. Eventually you decided it had to be some sort of mental break or defense mechanism. For this reason, you've always assumed Paul would remain oblivious to your own rapidly developing obesity; unable to even process the notion.
Perhaps he has been healing emotionally. Maybe your change in appearance is especially striking. In any case, if Paul thinks you're getting fat, it might be time to take note.
“Please stop looking at me like that. I’m sorry, it’s just…. I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re an adult now – but… Jesus (if: $gender is 1)[boy](else:)[girl], have you been eating //constantly//?”
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "He's not oblivous.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Hardly a secret</div>''
“Are you sure you're not //trying// to get bigger? It… it’s already too much, you know. You probably don’t want to hear this, but it’s just too much.”
It seems to cause your uncle no end of distress to broach the topic again. Part of you warms to his fatherly concern, and the genuine anguished look on his face. As far as the weight gain he’s referring to… *sigh* …he’s absolutely right, and it’s not like you’ve failed to notice. You’re not having much luck pretending it doesn't affect how well you get around. Your ungainly movements must be brutally obvious to others. It’s been like a gang of precocious toddlers constantly hanging from your frame, except that recently a couple of full-grown adults have decided to join the game. The rate you’re packing on pounds hasn’t given you time to even begin shaking off the awkwardness. Fields of jagged streaks are blooming across your skin. It’s hard to find clothes that even remotely fit, at least not from shops that cater to the standard size designations for your species.
“I can’t imagine what's possessed you to stuff yourself like a hog (if: $day < 60)[the last (if: $day < 14)[week](else:)[(floor:($day/7)) weeks]](elseif: $day < 365)[the last (if: $day < 60)[month](else:)[(floor:($day/30)) months]](else:)[since your 30th birthday], but I’m worried about you. And I feel like… I should be trying to stop you…”
You’ve considered trying to explain. Maybe even coming clean. You could make excuses. You could weave a sordid tale of karma, curses, and even a misguided birthday wish. But Randy would still be dead, and your penance for what you did to him – did to //yourself//, you realize -- has firmly taken root now. You don’t stand a chance. You could pour your effort into fighting this – maybe even delay it for a while…
“…but it wouldn’t make any difference, would it?” You look up in surprise as Paul seems to complete your thought, and meet his gaze for a few seconds. You shake your head sadly.
“Well, I guess that doesn’t change anything between us. Don't think for a second that you're facing this alone. Remember I'm here, and I'd offer my help, home and hospitality if you should ever need them. Even if I cannot fathom your reasons, I can see in your eyes that you're committed. My thinking is this: let nature take its course, and may we both have strength enough to embrace the winds of change. I’ll try to shelter you from the gale.”
You politely ask him not to get that poetic again unless someone is actually dying. After a tense silence, he breaks a little snigger, and you share a good belly laugh together.
<div class="message5">Fabulous new credit spending option: "move in with Paul"</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Hooray. Pretend everything is fine!")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(if: $critical is 1)[<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Dire Assistance</div>''
Given your critical condition, it's clear that your priority for any remaining credits should be
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $location is 1)[(link: "medical assistance")[(goto: "MedicalAssistEarly")]](else:)[(link: "medical assistance")[(goto: "MedicalAssist")]]</div></span>
](else:)[<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Weights and Balances</div>''
(if: $equipmentDelivered is 1)[<span class="message5">New equipment delivered. (either:"Enjoy!","Neat!","Convenient!")</span>
Anything else?(set: $equipmentDelivered to 0)](else:)[You (if: $location is 2)[holler a few times, and (either:"manage to get Paul's attention as he's walking down the hall", "end up waiting until later in the day -- but eventually Paul appears", "think you hear a few thumps as Paul gets out of bed. It's a few more minutes before he finally checks on you", "catch Paul just as he was about to leave for work")](else:)[call Paul up, and (either: "ask him to drop by when he has a moment", "leave a message asking if he could drop by when he has a moment"). Later on in the day, he arrives, rings the bell, and strolls in with a deliberate air of purpose -- like there is nothing else he would rather be doing].
"Oh, my. You sure look like you have something on your mind."]
<!-- Checking that active afflictions list is not empty, and that it does not specifically contain *only* disgusting hygiene (since that has another solution event) -->
<div class="roundborder5">(if: ($health < 75) or ($activeGeneralAfflictions's length > 0) and ($activeGeneralAfflictions is not (a: "DisgustingHygiene")))[(if: $location is 1)[(link: "Medical Assistance")[(goto: "MedicalAssistEarly")]](else:)[(link: "Medical Assistance / Cures")[(goto: "MedicalAssist")]]
](if: ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains "DisgustingHygiene"))[(link: "Sponge Bath / Cleanup")[(goto: "SpongeBath")]
](if: ($medicalStudy is 0) and ($paulFirstMeeting is 1))[(link: "Medical studies?")[(goto: "PaulMedicalStudiesExplain")]
](if: $medicalStudy is 1 and ((($day - $lastStudy) >= 7) or (($medicalFrequencyExplained is 0 and (($day - $lastStudy) < 7)))))[(link: "Participate in medical study ")[(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies") (1 credit)]
](elseif: $medicalStudy is 1 and (($medicalFrequencyExplained is 1 and (($day - $lastStudy) < 7))))[Medical studies available (if: ($day - $lastStudy) is 6)[again (link: "tomorrow")[(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies")]](else:)[ (link: "in " + (text:7 - ($day - $lastStudy)) + " days")[(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies")]]
](if: ((EventPaulDiscussWeight2 of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($location is 1)) and (PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents is 99998) and (PaulMoveInForced of $timedEvents is 99998))[(link: "Move in with Paul")[(goto: "PaulMoveIn")] (5+ Credits required)
](if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($bariatricBed is 0))[(if: EventBedCollapse of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[(link: "XTRA HEAVY DUTY Bariatric Bed")[(goto: "PaulNewBed")]](else:)[(link: "Quality Bariatric Bed")[(goto: "PaulNewBed")]] (1 Credit required)
](if: (EventCantRollOver of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($bariatricSling is 0))[(link: "Bariatric Sling / Crane")[(goto: "PaulBariatricSling")] (1 Credit required)
](if: (EventRequireOxygen of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($ventilator is 0))[(link: "Ventilator & Heart Monitor")[(goto: "PaulVentilator")] (1 Credit required)
](if: (EventFirstHeartAttack of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($defibrillator is 0))[(link: "Heart Defibrillator")[(goto: "PaulDefibrillator")] (1 Credit required)
](if: (EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($feedingTube is 0))[(link: "Feeding Tube")[(goto: "PaulFeedingTube")] (1 Credit required)
](if: (EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($audioLink is 0))[(link: "Audio Communication Link")[(goto: "PaulAudioLink")] (1 Credit required)
](if: (Donna8 of $timedEvents is 99999) and ($donna is 0) and (EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents is not 99998))[(if: $credit >= 5)[(link: "Let Donna stay here")[(set: $credits-=5)(goto: "Donna9")] (5 Credit required)](else:)[//(5 Credits required to let Donna stay)//]
](link: "Sorry. Nothing, actually.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"SpendCreditCancel")]</div>
</span>](display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Moving backwards</div>''
(if: $credit >= 5)["Yes, I remember saying I'd 'Shelter you from the gale'. I said it, and I meant it. I just didn't expect such a windy day. Not so soon."
You shift in your chair as best you can, knowing that the not-so-subtle demonstration of your girth would not be lost on Paul -- reinforcing the the urgency of your request.
"I suppose we both knew this was coming. It's obvious you need to be somewhere with some basic assistance -- even if that starts with me. "
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $credit >= 20)[It's critical. I need to move (link: "tomorrow")[(set: $credit -= 20)(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "PaulMoveIn2", $day+1))(goto: "passage4")] (20 credits)
](if: $credit >= 10)[Please hurry. Set this up (link: "within 3 days.")[(set: $credit -= 10)(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "PaulMoveIn4", $day+3))(goto: "PaulMoveIn2")] (15 credits)
](if: $credit >= 5)[Thanks. It can wait (link: "a week")[(set: $credit -= 5)(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "PaulMoveIn4", $day+7))(goto: "PaulMoveIn2")] (5 credits)
](link: "Haha... Just kidding.")[(goto: "PaulMoveIn3")]
](else:)[You want to set things up for the future. You might have guessed that would mean moving in the Paul, eventually -- but you just don't have the heart to ask so much of him right now. You've taken too much and given too little, plus it's pretty late in the game to be worrying about making up lost ground.
If you could do things over again, you might try looking farther ahead.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "How do I not have 5 credits?!")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Schedule the move</font>''</div>
"Alright then. I'll see to it". Paul always seems to come alive when he has a mission, and now he has one.
You wistfully look around your apartment, struggling to acknowledge the significance of your decision. A change in weather is certainly in the forcast.
"Just don't you worry about a single thing. Do you have the contact info for your landlord? Good. Let me look after all of it. You won't have to deal with anything until I bring a crew down here on moving day."
You're quiet for a moment, suddenly holding back tears, so distracted that you barely notice as Paul pulls you into a comforting embrace. Someone needs to tell him he's underdressed. He should have worn a brightly colored cape.
<div class="roundborder2">Eventually, he leaves you (link: "alone to rest and reminisce.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Abort the move</font>''</div>
"Oh? But... but you're sure then?" You can tell he's looking you over one more time, and making certain observations about your physical state. It seems he's already come to the conclusion that you probably //should// have a change in living arrangments.
You give him a pinched smile, and nod your head. Apologetically, you offer him a refreshement, and eventually send him home.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Not today.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day - Wasting his time</font>''</div>
"Oh? But... are you sure? I'm here now. You're certain you're fine?"
You give him an apologetic smile, and nod your head. (if: $location is 1)[You offer him a refreshement, thank him for coming, and eventually send him home after wasting enough of his time.](else:)[He still seems concerned, but eventually leaves without a fuss.]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: (either: "Meh. He doesn't mind.", "Just keeping him on his toes.", "It's not like he came from very far.", "Maybe next time."))[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day - Moving Day</font>''</div>
Paul arrives with a motley crew -- people dressed in a mix of street clothes, overalls, lab coats and scrubs. A few different vehicles pull up on the street, including a rented moving van. (if: EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[A couple men immediately set to work with hammer and chisel, pulling apart the framework around your bedroom door.] Boxes come out, and several people begin sorting through your drawers and haphazardly emptying them. You're not sure about this group -- they don't look terribly familiar. Paul might have handed 20 dollar bills to random folks along the way and said 'follow me'. A few of them have begun emptying your fridge, unplugging electronics, and preparing to move furniture. It's a anti-barn-raising. A quick-and-dirty dissasembling of your life, really.
(if: $movedEarly is 1)[
"Yeah, SURPRISE, we're here a bit early. I didn't feel right about leaving you to your own devices any longer than necessary."
(if: ($mobilityAffliction is not "") or ($health < 15))[Paul comes to you and oversees the immediate tending of your most pressing medical needs. Luckily there's nothing wrong that won't respond well to a little modern medicine, and they get you feeling well enough to handle the short trip. (set: ($mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions) to 99999)(set: $mobilityAffliction to "")(if: $health < 30)[(set: $health += 20)]](if: EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[A few medically-skilled-looking folk give you some personal attention, poking and prodding until they finally clear you for the next 'step'. Paul joins a couple of other stong helpers in supporting you -- taking you by the arms, and patiently helping you waddle past each obstacle. (if: (EventBedroomDoor of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999))[There's a huge delay as you snag and struggle at your door frame.
"Why didn't you tell me it was already this bad? Hold it -- back up -- let's just get you back to the bed for a few minutes..."
He beckons a couple of the contractors to look at the door. They set to work with chisel and hammer, pulling the frame apart. Within a few minutes, they've widened the opening enough for you to squeeze through with much reduced difficulty. All told, it's nearly an hour before you finish heaving yourself into the waiting van.](else:)[It's nearly half an hour before you finish heaving yourself into a waiting van.]](else:)[You grab a handful of little things from around your room, and slowly make your way through the apartment, stopping to give advice on sorting or handling certain items. Paul eventually signals for you to relax, and points out a vehicle waiting out front.
"Follow me, I'll give you a ride. This is all under control."
You hesitate, but agree, making your way out to Paul's car and hauling yourself into the passenger seat.]
<div class="roundborder2">While the work continues, you're (link: "transported to his house.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $location to 2)(goto: "PaulMoveIn5")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Datamap containing possible mobility-affect conditions, and a corresponding numeric state -->
<!-- 0 for terminal, 1-9998 for countdown (days), 99999 for inactive -->
(set: $mobilityAfflictions to (dm:
"Exhaustion", 99999,
"HurtBack", 99999,
"TwistedKnee", 99999,
"HipPain", 99999,
"SkinInfection", 99999,
"DigestiveCramps", 99999,
"FoodPoisoning", 99999,
"FellDown", 99999,
"Overheated", 99999,
"BingeIncapacitate", 99999,
<!-- "Stuck in Room" Override -->
(if: (EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999))[
(set: $mobilityAffliction to "StuckInRoom")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is not "")[
<!-- Decrement Turn Counter on existing affliction, cancel status if timer is zero -->
(set: ($mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions) to it - $dayAdvance)
(if: ($mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions) is <= 0)[
(set: ($mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions) to 99999)
(set: $mobilityAffliction to "")
<!-- Roll for new condition IF over 400lbs, AND not within 50lbs of immobility, AND not immediately following a new affliction -->
(if: ($weight > 400) and ((EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents - $weight) > 50) and ((history:)'s last is not "NewMobilityAffliction"))[
(set: $tempDiceRoll to (($weight - 400) / 22))
](else:)[(set: $tempDiceRoll to 0)
(if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999) and (($mobilityAffliction is "") and ((random: 0, 100) < $tempDiceRoll)))[
(set: $mobilityAffliction to (either: ...(datanames: $mobilityAfflictions)))
(set: $newMobilityAffliction to 1)
(set: $health -= 5)
(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "Exhaustion")[
(set: Exhaustion of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,3))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "HurtBack")[
(set: HurtBack of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,5))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "TwistedKnee")[
(set: TwistedKnee of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,5))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "HipPain")[
(set: HipPain of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,4))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "SkinInfection")[
(set: SkinInfection of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 3,9))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "DigestiveCramps")[
(set: DigestiveCramps of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,3))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "FoodPoisoning")[
(set: FoodPoisoning of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,3))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "FellDown")[
(set: FellDown of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 4,8))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "Overheated")[
(set: Overheated of $mobilityAfflictions to (random: 2,3))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "BingeIncapacitate")[
(set: BingeIncapacitate of $mobilityAfflictions to 1)
](else:)[(alert:"Mobility Afffliction init failed (2) - mobilityAffliction value:" + $mobilityAffliction)]
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "Exhaustion")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of a bout of **acute exhaustion**. You're simply too weak to stray far from your bed.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "HurtBack")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of **sharp back spasms**. You can barely turn and reach the glass of water on your night stand.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "TwistedKnee")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of a badly **twisted knee**. You're not even sure how you managed to wrench it so badly.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "HipPain")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of the firey **pain in your hips**.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "SkinInfection")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of debilitating pain from a **weeping skin infection**. You've got some cream to treat it, but it needs time to heal.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "DigestiveCramps")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of **stomach cramps**. You simply can't trust yourself to get further than a few steps from the restroom.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "FoodPoisoning")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of **food poisoning**. You're weak, forced to stay within easy range of the toilet, and hoping to God it passes soon.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "FellDown")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of a **slip-and-fall accident** that left you a bit beat up. It wasn't too serious. You'll mend on your own.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "Overheated")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of **heat stroke**. You just weren't careful enough, and let yourself get too dry and overheated. It's left you feeling awful, and too weak to do much more than lift your head")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "BingeIncapacitate")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because of an incredibly stupid and **reckless binge** that has left you nearly in a food coma. You're too bloated and tired to think, let alone move.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "StuckInRoom")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because your are **literally too fat to use the door**.")
(if: ($mobilityAffliction is not "") and ($mobilityAffliction is not "StuckInRoom"))[
(if: $mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions is 1)[
(set: $guess to (either: "**by tomorrow.**", "in **a day or two**."))
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions is 2)[
(set: $guess to (either: "in **a day or two**.", "in **two or three days**."))
(set: $guess to "in **" + (text: ($mobilityAffliction of $mobilityAfflictions + (random: -1,1))) + " days or so**.")
(if: (EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999) and (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999))[
(set: $mobilityText to it + "
You're no doctor, but you feel like you should be up and about again " + $guess)
}{(set: $mobilityText to "")
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "Exhaustion")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you were overcome with a bout of acute **exhaustion**. You're simply too weak to stray far from your bed.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "HurtBack")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you turned the wrong way, and set off a series of sharp **back spasms**. You can barely turn and reach the glass of water on your night stand.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "TwistedKnee")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you pivoted toward your fridge and managed to badly **twist your knee**. You're not even entirely sure how you managed to wrench it this badly.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "HipPain")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you were overcome with a blaze of **firey pain in both your hips**. You must have been on your feet too long.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "SkinInfection")[
(set: $health -= 10)(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you were finally forced to lie down to ease the pain from a neglected **weeping skin infection**. You've got some cream to treat it, but it needs time to heal.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "DigestiveCramps")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you were overcome with **violent stomach cramps**. You simply can't trust yourself to get further than a few steps from the restroom.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "FoodPoisoning")[
(set: $health -= 10)(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you were struck with the suddon symptoms of **food poisoning**. You're weak, forced to stay within easy range of the toilet, and praying to God that it passes soon.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "FellDown")[
(set: $health -= 10)(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because **you crossed up your footing, slipped, and went down awkwardly.** You're sore, and a bit beat up -- and you've strained some muscles that make walking improbable for a little while. Luckly it wasn't more serious. You'll be able to mend on your own.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "Overheated")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you've been hit hard by **heat stroke**. You just weren't careful enough, and let yourself get too dry and overheated yesterday. It's left you feeling awful, and too weak to do much more than lift your head.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "BingeIncapacitate")[
(set: $gluttony += 10)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]
(set: $weight += ($weight * 0.02))
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because let yourself get into a cycle of incredibly reckless binging. By the time you really knew what you were doing, you were **nearly in a food coma**. You're too bloated and tired to think, let alone move.")
](elseif: $mobilityAffliction is "StuckInRoom")[
(set: $mobilityText += "You're stuck at home today, basically trapped in your room because you're **literally too fat to use the door**.")
](else:)[(alert:"No Text for mobilityAffliction value:" + $mobilityAffliction)
]}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Not going anywhere for a while?//</div>''
Well, this is an unpleasant surprise. $mobilityText
(either: "Sometimes you think that all this extra weight is making you clutzy, accident prone, and succeptible to all manner of bodily woes. Sometimes you're smarter than you look.", "Sometimes you wonder if it's pure stubbornness that keeps you from seeing a doctor. That's probably a big part of it.", "It could be worse. No need to get worried about something that will sort itself out with a little time.")
<div class="roundborder5">(link: (either:"Outside is overrated anyway.", "Time to catch up on being lazy.", "Probably good practice for later."))[(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day: Side Business</font>''</div>
"Hmmm? Where did you hear about that? Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. It's not some big secret -- but I have been trying to keep that business under the radar. Brings far too many weirdos to my doorstep."
Your obvious confusion is enough to prompt him for a little clarification.
"When I began making enough extra money to play around with, I got involved with various investments and business ventures. One of them was an upstart laboratory that specialized in human trials and studies. Since the field is so controversial and heavily scrutinized, few people had faith the lab would last the year."
"Imagine how pleased I was when it not only survived, but flourished, expanded, and became recognized as the //gold standard// for many types of human medical studies. I bought a majority share just before the big boom happened. Technically I'm their CEO. The reality is I mostly delegate and let the smart people do their thing."
"Their focus is on testing nutritional supplements, diets, exercise programs and equipment -- and all the latest health fads. There's big money in it. I sometimes get visits from people who think I'm secretly holding back the cure for cancer or some ridiculous thing. Others just want me to fast-track studies about their products, or at least skew results in their favor. Realistically, I can't abuse my position like that. If I'm being generous, I //might// use my influence to study participant pool. It's usually just a batch of random volunteers, but sometimes a little 'creative selection' can occur -- unofficially, of course. It's a bit like putting together a jury."
This seems relevant to your interests.
"What are you looking at me like that for? Oh, is it... could it be you'd like to participate in a study? There are usually a few trials that need more members, and even a few that allow... um... unusual body types. There might even be something that will help with a diet, if you were in that frame of mind -- or maybe something else worthwhile."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "'Something //else//' might be worth exploring.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $medicalStudy to 1)(goto: "SpendCredit")].</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<!-- Check for health drain since previous turn, and set a warning if you could not survive 10 days of drain at that rate. -->
(if: ($healthPrev is not $health))[
(if: (floor:$healthPrev) > (floor:$health))[
(if: $health < (10 * ($healthPrev - $health)))[
(set: $healthDrainWarning to 1)
](else:)[(set: $healthDrainWarning to 0)]
}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Science Stuff</font>''</div>
(if: $mobilityAffliction is not "")[(if: (EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999))[Your desire to be a part of another study is complicated by your recent allergy to doors.
When you suggest widening the openings, Paul seems to hesitate. It says he has a better solution in the works, and mumbles something about how the "problem will sort itself out soon enough".
In the meantime, you're no closer to participating in a medical study.](else:)[You're excited at the idea of being a test subject, but Paul thinks you should wait until you're up and about again.
Apparently his lab will do 'housecall' clinical trials in some cases, but only where the participant has a permanent disability.]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Damn.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>
](elseif: ($day - $lastStudy) < 7)[You're excited at the idea of being a test subject again, but when you ask Paul, he (if: $medicalFrequencyExplained is 0)[puts an unexpected damper on your ethusiasm:](else:)[sighs and patienty explains **//again//**:]
"You're going to have have to **wait at least a week** before reapplying, and even that is //really// pushing our policy. Anything shorter would be scientifically irresponsible. The risks are too high, and the data collected would be unreliable."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Damn.")[(set: $medicalFrequencyExplained to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>
](elseif: ($afflictionText1 is not "") or ($afflictionText2 is not "") or ($health < 25))[
You're excited at the idea of being a test subject again, but when you ask Paul, he takes one look at you and suggests you put your priorities elsewhere.
"The staff at the lab make some pretty big allowances to keep working with you, but I need to draw the line somewhere. Put your health in order first. Get yourself looking at least a quarter healthy, and clear up any //critical// or serious health concerns, and we can discuss this again."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Damn.")[(set: $medicalFrequencyExplained to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>
](elseif: (PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents - $day) < 10)[You're excited at the idea of being a test subject, but you can't start anything like that while you're waiting for your big move. Not happening.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Damn.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>
](elseif: $healthDrainWarning is 1)[You take an extra moment, considering something before you jump right into another medical trial:
Your health was down by (print: (text: $healthPrev - $health)) percent today. These trials can last up to 10 days, and those lab goons seem a little clueless about things like safe-words or resucitation techniques. If things carry on as they have been, you could be in mortal danger before the trial ends -- and that's without even considering the possibility of something ELSE going wrong.
You'd better make sure you're reasonably patched up, or at least prepared to accept the risk...
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Understood. Still doing it.")[(set: $healthPrev to $health)(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies")]
(link: "On second thought... abort.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>
](elseif: $credit > 0)[Paul pulls out his phone, hits the speed dial, and talks to somebody for a few moments.
"So it won't be problem?(if: EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[ Even though (if:$gender is 2)[s]he'll be staying (if: $location is 2)[here](else:)[at home] for the duration?] Alright, here (if:$gender is 2)[s]he is. I'll let you set something up."
He (if: EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[climbs over, and holds the the phone up to your ear.](elseif: EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents < ($weight + 150))[leans over a long way so you can reach the phone. You get it up to your ear, but secretly you hope you won't have to hold your arm up long.](else:)[hands you the phone.] A professional-sounding, probably disgustingly high-paid secretary speaks confidently:
"I understand you're interested in participating in one of our upcoming medical trials. We have several different kinds of research going on, with exciting opportunities for personal improvement! Did you have a certain field in mind?"
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Personal Health")[(set: $researchTopic to 1)(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies2")]
(link: "Meal Replacement and Caloric Supplements")[(set: $researchTopic to 2)(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies2")](if: (EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and (($weight - $eventImmobilityWeight) < 150))[---
Diet and Weight Loss programs are temporarily canceled due to (either: "staffing shortage", "scheduling conflicts", "government inspections", "funding difficulties").](else:)[
(link: "Diet and Weight Loss")[(set: $researchTopic to 3)(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies2")]]
(link: "No thanks -- you've reconsidered.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>
](else:)[You're excited at the idea of being a test subject, but you're out of favors with Paul at the moment. Not happening.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Damn.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "SpendCredit")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")Day $day - (if: $location is 1)[(if: EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Stuck in your Bedroom](else:)[Your Apartment]](elseif: $location is 2)[(if: EventBedroomStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Paul's Basement](else:)[Paul's Place]] - <br/><br/><div class='actbody'>
**(font:"Courier")[ACT 1:
//(link:"Have Your Cake...")[(goto:"Control")]//]**
</div><br/><br/><div class='actbody'>
**(font:"Courier")[ACT 2:
//(link:"And Eat it, too.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto:"Control")]//]**
</div>{(set: $weight to it + (($weight * ($foodIntakeCalc / ($gluttonyModifier * 1.5)))))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Go see a show</font>''</div>
You see a promo for the latest (either: "Sci-Fi adventure", "romantic comedy", "blockbuster", "shoot-em-up") movie release, and realize it's playing at your local theatre just a few blocks away. You'd like to head over and catch the matinee.
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "")[(if: $weight < 400)[You leave early, and take a leisurely walk at your own pace. It feels good to get the blood flowing. You stop to chat with a (either:"neighboring family", "neighbor") -- they were just on their way (either:"back from", "to") the (either:"grocery store", "park", "book store") -- and still arrive in plenty of time.](elseif: $weight < 550)[You leave early, but struggle with the challenging walk. It used to be a lot easier to manage. You run into a (either:"neighboring family", "neighbor") -- just on their way (either:"back from", "to") the (either:"grocery store", "park", "book store") -- but you have to cut short the small talk to avoid missing the start of the film.](else:)[By this point, you don't even kid yourself. You book a taxi, making sure to request an appropriate van-type vehicle. Even if you did manage to waddle the whole way, you'd hardly enjoy the film without finding a place to shower first. You suspect anyone seated nearby would agree.]
The concession stand is pretty basic in your small town theatre, with just the traditional popcorns, sodas, and a basic selection of candy. You pick up a (if: $foodIntakeCalc < 40)[medium buttered popcorn and soda.](elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 65)[large buttered popcorn and soda.](elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 90)[large buttered popcorn, soda, and a bag of candy.](elseif: $foodIntakeCalc < 110)[sacrifical bag of popcorn that barely makes it through your wait in line. You get another large buttered popcorn with extra butter, with a large soda and a family-sized bag of candy.](else:)[sacrifical bag of popcorn that barely makes it through your wait in line. You get another large buttered popcorn with extra butter, with a large soda and a family-sized bag of candy. You end up bribing another threatre-goer to fetch you some refills less than halfway through the show.]
The actual movie was (either: "pretty awesome", "barely watchable, but you sat through it", "something you think should have gone straight to video", "everything you through it would be", "one of the best you've seen", "forgettable"). (if: $weight > 650)[It's a shame that there's just no way for you to stay comfortable any more. Your favorite pair of jury-rigged seats are showing signs of giving up the battle. You'd honestly consider just hanging out in the aisle, if they'd let you, and if you weren't so worried about getting up again. ](elseif: $weight > 550)[You'd kill for better seating arrangments. By this point, you've at least convinced management to partially remove an armrest -- but you're already spreading into triple-width territory.](elseif: $weight > 400)[You certainly wish they had double-width seats. The armrests were digging into your love handles the entire time.]
After making your way home uneventfully, you make a few posts on social media about your thoughts on the show, update your cozy little movie blog, and eventually settle down to enjoy the remainder of your day.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: (either: "Truly a movie critic at heart.", "It's important to support local businesses.", "If you don't review it, the studios never learn how not to suck.", "Popcorn is just empty calories."))[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>](else:)[Unfortunately, you're still out of commission. Hopefully you'll be back on your feet before the flick leaves town.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "I guess some Netflix will have to do.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>A single-room existence...</div>''
No matter which direction you approach the problem, your great quivering mounds only seem to grind against the walls on either side of the bedroom door. Increasingly frustrated, you take firm hold of both sides of the jam, and move with determination to achieve a stubborn and single-minded goal: force your way through. You've done it before, and you'll do it again. You struggle to breathe as the corners bite into your flesh, but you keep pushing, pulling, and twisting to drive yourself deeper. You're not quite halfway before your dwindling progress grinds to an absolute halt. You're red-faced and puffing, and realize your last few increasingly chaotic waves of struggling have earned not even a fraction of an inch -- in either direction. The frame creaks with the stress. Tightly pinched fat extrudes from the opening in both directions, flaring out like a overtight stopper.
**//"STUCK!"//** your mind suddenly screams. In your careless panicked rush to free yourself, you foolishly lose your footing in a puddle of your own sweat. Before you can even react to the prospect of a catastrophic fall, you realize you've jerked to a ragged halt, dangling percariously from the creaking doorframe. Your brief flash of horror is chased by a totally innapropriate flush of arousal. You groan and wobble inanely, suspended soley by the friction of your fat.
Never before has the question 'how's it hanging?' had such an absurd answer.
You're soon motivated back into action by the desire to continue breathing, and stop the flaring pain from your abraded sides. You scrabble to regain your footing on the sweat-slickened floor. The pain flares anew as your legs struggle to bear your weight again, shifting and agravating freshly torn and traumatised skin. By this point, it's obvious your only option is to abort, and you smother your fear at the possibility that it might already be too late. You try desperately to calm yourself despite the searing sensations, ignoring the smears of blood. Slowly and deliberately, you wiggle and pull. Wiggle and pull. Several times you nearly pass out. Wiggle and pull. Wiggle and...
About ten minutes later, you've finally stumbled, crawled, and dragged most of your abused and blubbery body as far as the floor next to your bed. The floor will suffice for a while -- until you've recovered more strength. You're nearly senseless with exhaustion, but still mindful of this vivid testament to your confinement.
''You are trapped in your room.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "This... doesn't seem sustainable.")[(if: ($location is 1) and ((PaulMoveInForced of $timedEvents - $day) > 10))[(set: $timedEvents += (dm: "PaulMoveInForced",$day))](set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Moving backwards</div>''
Paul let himself in with your spare key. You told him you were stuck in the house. Stuck in your room.
You were able to drag yourself back to your feet, and roll onto the bed with in a feeble final roar of battle strength. You barely phoned and spoke to Paul before passing out again. The desperation of your struggle serves as a not-so-subtle reminder of your current disabling girth. You're bruised, bloodied, and... damn it all, starving. The significance isn't lost on Paul. He recognizes the urgency of your situation.
"This isn't sustainable", he observes.
(if: PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents is < 99998)[He looks things over, calmly noting that some significant alterations will be required for at least this doorway. The main entrance is a bit larger, but will likely still need doors and hinges removed temporarily.
"I hadn't realized things would be this challenging, but at least moving day is already arranged. You'll be getting out of here soon enough. You think you'll be alright for (print: (text:(PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents)-$day)) more day(if:(PaulMoveIn4 of $timedEvents)-$day) > 1)[s]?"
You nod your head sullenly.
"Alright then, I'll be seeing you soon."
<div class="roundborder2">He leaves you wondering how things got (link: "this much worse in such a hurry.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
](elseif: $credit >= 5)["Not here. Not without help. 'Shelter you from the gale', I once said, and I meant it. I just didn't expect a windy day would arrive so soon. It's obvious you need to be somewhere with at least basic assistance -- even if that starts with me."
He looks things over, calmly states that some significant alterations will be required for at least this doorway. The main entrance is a bit larger, but will likely still need doors and hinges removed temporarily. That, he declares, should be enough to get you out.
"You're moving. The only question is how soon."
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $credit >= 20)[This is pretty critical. Get me out of here (link: "tomorrow")[(set: $credit -= 20)(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "PaulMoveIn2", $day+1))(goto: "PaulMoveIn2")] (20 credits)
](if: $credit >= 10)[Please hurry. Set it up (link: "within 3 days.")[(set: $credit -= 10)(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "PaulMoveIn4", $day+3))(goto: "PaulMoveIn2")] (10 credits)
](if: $credit >= 5)[Thanks for everything, but please give me (link: "another week")[(set: $credit -= 5)(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "PaulMoveIn4", $day+7))(goto: "PaulMoveIn2")] (5 credits)]</div>
](else:)["I wanted to 'shelter you from the gale', but you seem intent on dedicating every spare moment to throwing yourself into it headfirst... even to the detriment of family.
"...and I... wish things could go differently, but you've left me little choice. You might have moved in with me, had you tried looking farther in front of your face than your next fast-food fix. But you didn't. This isn't some minor situation; some little throwaway favor. It's at least 10 times that -- thanks in part to the short-sightedness of getting yourself stuck -- and it's honestly a shame you haven't been able to earn that, and much more."
Paul looks defeated. He puts on a forced smile, unable to mask the sadness apparent in his eyes.
"Relax. It's over now. You'll be getting the help you need, but probably not the help you want."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Epilogue")[(goto: "EndNoCreditsToMove")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $days += 365)(set: $weight to $weight - 231)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Intervention</font>''</div>
You’re not sure why you feel so disappointed. Resentful, even. Did you really believe you were //entitled// to this new life… and that nothing would dare prevent you from getting even more self-destructively overweight? You understood it was an absolutely terrible idea, yet you had increasingly come to crave it. It startled you how strongly you still wanted… //more// -- but that’s a mute point now.
You were foolish to assume Paul would just stand by and let it happen. He was in a tough position. Nobody owed you anything – least of all the kind support it would take to remain on that perilous course. He was right to call things off. Who knows how grave your situation might have become?
It took a couple of weeks for your parents arrive. Paul had called them, carefully phrasing things in terms of being ‘concerned for your welfare’, and suggesting they had ‘best come and see for themselves’. Of course, you got a call shortly after, looking for more details. You hedged and mentioned some unhealthy weight gain, but insisted you were fine. Your denials convinced them you weren’t in immediate danger, but they visiting.
The reunion was as awkward as you feared. You were partway through a third pizza when you heard Paul let them in your apartment. You didn’t even bother trying to clean yourself up.
Your father couldn’t quite smother his startled gasp, his expression quickly flickering from appalled to disgusted. Your mother didn’t even react. She just stared a few seconds and promptly fainted. Your father barely managed to catch her, and shot you a hostile glance while he and Paul half-dragged her from the room to recover her wits. You heard the name ‘Randy’ spoken several times in hushed whispers. When they finally returned, your mother had fresh tears in her eyes. Paul managed to look properly solemn. Your Dad appeared bitter, coldly judging.
There was a tense interrogation, led mainly by your Dad. You acknowledged your ongoing suicidal eating binge. You knew precisely how stupid it was, and how bad it looked that you had never asked for help. You didn’t know why you did it. Each reasonable but unsatisfying response only seemed to upset your father, as if he would sooner believe you had lost your mind. Alas, you seemed mostly sane. You mother just looked on sadly, occasionally looking like she wished to come closer, to hold your hand or steal a hug… but thinking better of it at the last second.
They suspected you had contracted Randy’s illness – or that you were trying to copy the symptoms for some perverse reason. It was Paul had gently suggested that last possibility. Your parents dismissed it as preposterous, but you weren’t so sure. Either way, they agreed the only course of action was a firm intervention.
They actually had you hospitalized for a while. You fought. They chose for you. A parade of doctors, dieticians, specialists, physical therapists, personal trainers, and life coaches. Paul contributed many of these resources, supposedly as guilty compensation for not letting your parents know about you sooner. After a couple weeks of negligible results, you began to lose weight… at a slow, realistic, and absolutely tedious pace.
It’s a year later. You’ve lost a good chunk of the weight. You’re not even back to where you’re started, but your skin hangs off you. The withdrawal symptoms have stopped. You’re healthier than you’ve been in years, and more energetic. Your life coach helped you score a new job in web development. You feel better off in many ways.
You keep telling yourself it was for the best. Sometimes you almost convince yourself.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Score Card")[(set: $endReason to "NoCreditsToMove")(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $showBedPan to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>URGH! Shit..shit...shitshitshit</div>''
You're roused by the intensity of your need to use the toilet, and immediately begin the arduous process of levering yourself toward the edge of the bed. Every twist, wobble, and grunt makes you regret the agonizing pressure on your bowels. After a seemingly endless parade of of sloshing blubber, you're finally in position -- gasping for breath, feet planted on the floor, fat spilling well past your knees.
You look across the room to the ajoining bathroom, steeling yourself. It isn't far. One smooth motion. //God, please...//
You rock backward and forward again before ambitiously pushing off the edge, grunting as gravity savagely defies your attempt to straighten up. From the outset, you know you're in trouble. Trying to keep your sphinter clenched has robbed some of your usual hoisting strength. You're left wavering partway, trying to lock your knees and pinwheeling your arms for balance. An abrupt landing or straight-out fall could spell disaster.
You go for broke... //Pfft...// forcing yourself the rest of the way up through sheer force of will... //Pffth..blpupp....// and focusing on each of the half-dozen or so steps to reach your goal.
You sort of make it.
You barely remember your gargantuan ass hitting the porcelain. As you sit there red-faced and shuddering with relief, the smell finally hits you. (if: $location is 2)[Paul checks in on the commotion for just a second, appearing equal parts sympathetic and disgusted, before quietly shuffling off to get some strong cleaning products. You think you hear him muttering something about a complimentary bedpan.] It takes quite a while to deal with the awful mess left in your wake on this decidedly //un//restful night.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "At least you stuck the landing.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Beached...</div>''
Sweat runs down your face, little rivulets joining the others, collecting and funneling down to where, despite a valiant effort, your couch-swallowing ass has once again sunken into the worn furrow of your abused mattress. After the considerable time and energy you spent manuevering to the edge of your bed this morning, it was hardly your intention to end up here again so soon, let alone stay indefinitely.
The first time you tried -- and failed -- to rise, a little wave of panic served up a jolt of adrenaline. You were so close -- you just have to give it your full attention next time. You probably weren't fully awake yet, and besides, you always feel stronger after some breakfast.
The second time was even more abortive than the first, cut short by breathlessness, and rubbery weakness in your overburdened legs. Breakfast just weighed heavily in your stomach. More time... just a bit more time. You needed to at least let your muscles recover properly before jumping to conclusions.
You waited almost an hour -- long enough for your legs to recover as much as they likely would. Long enough to let you mull over the prospect of another failure, and psych yourself up with a fresh boost of adrenaline.
The result was predictable. It's plain to see you're now really, //truly//, stuck here, wobbling helplessly and adding regrettable amounts of fresh moisture to your bedding. Once again, Paul makes a late appearance, but seems to immediately understand what's transpired. Carefully, almost sympathetically, he helps you to awkwardly position yourself back to your customary, now mandatory, spot on the bed.
''You are bed-bound and effectively immobile.''
<div class="message5">Paul says he might be able to find you a more appropriate bed.</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Thank God for cell phones.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $tripDuration to (random: 3,5))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day: House Sitter</font>''</div>
(if: $lastHouseSitEvent is 0)[Paul Called you up this morning, asking if you had plans for the next few days. No, he's not inviting you on a road trip, or to a lavish resort...
He's](else:)[Paul's] leaving on a **business trip for $tripDuration days**, and wants you to look after his place. Apparently he has deeply rooted concerns about the safety of his property, and doesn't want to leave it unprotected against the obvious threat (either: "of vandalism", "presented by terrorists", "presented by wild dogs", "presented by atheists", "of lightning strikes", "of tsunamis", "presented by groups of roving gang members", "presented by communists", "presented by out-of-control learning drivers", ). (set: $lastHouseSitEvent to $day)
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "")[He says if you agree, he'll make sure the pantry is stocked up(if: $location is 1)[, and a spare room is prepared]. You can just make yourself at home until he gets back.
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $location is 1)[(link: "No problem. Be there shortly.")[(set: $dayAdvance to $tripDuration)(goto: "PaulHouseSit2")]](else:)[(link: "No problem. I'll hang around.")[(set: $dayAdvance to $tripDuration)(goto: "PaulHouseSit2")]]
(link: "Decline")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulHouseSit5")]
](else:)[You apologize, however, and explain that you're basically out of commission at th moment. (if: $location is 1)[Even if you could make it over, you'd be an awefully poor security guard.](else:)[While it's a virtual certainly you'll be here, it's not like you'll be able to do much in the event of an actual threat.]
Paul mumbles something about making arrangements to have a neighbor check on the place from time to time, and wishes you a speedy recovery.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Maybe next time.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(display: "TurnCalculations")(if: $location is 1)[(display: "RollMobilityAfflictions")](else:)[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions") (display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")(display: "ForwardGeneralAfflictions")]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")House Sitter, hungry</font>''</div>
The time passes uneventfully. You hold down his fort for $tripDuration days, mostly while gaming and streaming movies. After what seems like no time all, he calls you on the road to let you know he'll be back early tomorrow.
He wasn't kidding about stocking the pantry. You've eaten as well as you ever would, and in fact, even struggled to behave yourself -- especially after a little discovery:
Poking around the back of the garage, you found a freezer tucked away in the corner crammed to the brim with an impressive stash of (either: "thaw-and-serve cheesecake", "chocolate-covered snack cakes", "Twinkies. For some reason", "bacon. Lots of bacon"). It's not clear if you were meant to discover any of it, but you can't imagine Paul eating that much in the space of a year. Besides, you're pretty sure "make yourself at home" should include at least one good binge.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Makes sense. Dig in.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "PaulHouseSit3")]
(link: "Leave it alone.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(if: ($gluttony > 70) and ((random: 1,100)>50))[(goto: "PaulHouseSit6")](else:)[(goto: "PaulHouseSit4")]]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(display: "TurnCalculations")(if: $location is 1)[(display: "RollMobilityAfflictions")](else:)[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions") (display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")(display: "ForwardGeneralAfflictions")](set: $weight to it + (3*(($weight * ($foodIntakeCalc / $gluttonyModifier)))))(set: $gluttony += 15)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")House Sitter, Glutted</font>''</div>
Paul returns to find you passed out on the couch. You're covered in the sloppy remains of your unrestrained meal, and groaning in a fitful half-sleep. Your unconscious movements serve to grind whatever missed your mouth a bit deeper into the cushions.
He has trouble waking you, but eventually rouses you enough to confront you about your embarrasing display of slobbish gluttony. He's not exactly thrilled.
"Look -- I'm not even worried about the couch, and I'm glad you stayed here for a few days -- but (either: "I was saving that food for an office party next week.", "that stuff wasn't even mine. I was keeping it for the next door neighbor -- her deep freeze stopped working last week.", "I can't believe you ate so much rich food at once. How are you not shitting your guts out right now?") I can't even imagine how... *sigh* Well, at any rate... it's probably best if you (if: $location is 1)[head home.](else:)[retire to your room.]
It's probably still another hour before you can (if: $location is 1)[wobble home](else:)[waddle downstairs] without excessive discomfort.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Mission Accomplished?")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(display: "TurnCalculations")(if: $location is 1)[(display: "RollMobilityAfflictions")](else:)[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions") (display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")(display: "ForwardGeneralAfflictions")](set: $credit += 1)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")House Sitter, Complete</font>''</div>
Paul returns the next morning to find his house in decent order. You had a chance to do a bit of last-minute tidying.
"Thanks again for doing this -- I knew I could trust you. I'm glad nothing happened, and I hope you (if: $location is 1)[found the stay](else:)[stayed] comfortable enough. As usual, I owe you one."
You (if: $location is 1)[leave without learning](else:)[decide not to ask about] his plans for that suspicious stash of food.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Mission Accomplished")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")(if: $location is 1)[Look after your own house](else:)[Not much of a housekeeper]</font>''</div>
(either: "You apologize, and tell him you're not feeling up to it.", "You make an excuse, and say you've hurt your back again -- but maybe another time.", "You concoct a quick story about a meeting out of town, and apologize that you won't be able to help him.")
"Oh, uh... alright then. I'll get something figured out. Maybe next time."
He mumbles something about making arrangements to have a neighbor check on the place from time to time.
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $location is 1)[(link: "You like your apartment better anyway.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]](else:)[(link: "Probably safer that way")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")A walk in the park</font>''</div>
You get the urge to actually get out. See nature. Enjoy a lovely little park that happens to be just a few blocks away.
(if: $mobilityAffliction is "")[(if: $weight < 400)[It's long-ish but leisurely stroll. It feels good to get the blood flowing. (set: $health += 5)(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)] You stop to chat with a (either:"neighboring family", "neighbor") along the way.](elseif: $weight < 550)[You struggle quite badly with the challenging walk. You're not sure how much longer you'll be able to tackle this trek. You run into a (either:"neighboring family", "neighbor") along the way, but find it difficult to speak for long, given how sweaty and badly winded you are.(set: $health += 3)(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]](else:)[By this point, you don't even kid yourself. You book a taxi, making sure they know to send an appropriate van-type vehicle. Even if you did waddle the whole way, you'd probably be stranded down there, or die during the slightly-uphill return trip.]
You find a fairly clean bench, settle in, and spend a couple of hours just (either: "reading a paperback novel", "feeding the ducks", "watching the clouds", "watching some kids play a soccer match", "dozing in the cool breeze").
As the sun begins dips in the sky, you eventually haul yourself to your feet, and (if: $weight < 550)[make your way home](else:)[call another cab to pick you up].
<div class="roundborder2">You decide you still appreciate an occasional (link: "change of scenery.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>](else:)[Unforunately, you're still out of commission. Hopefully you'll be back on your feet before long.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "I guess some Netflix will have to do.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $lastCookiesEvent to $day)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies Track you Down</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">*DING DONG*</div>
“Oh, heya Paul. Didn’t expect you’d be home this time of day. Too lazy to do the adult working thing?”
“Hello, Sarah, you disrespectful little rat. Still in uniform? They haven’t kicked you out yet?”
As usual, the voices are muffled by your distance from the entryway, but you immediately perk up at hearing the voice of the Girl Scout who was always pedaling cookies at your doorstep. It seems your uncle knows her -- on a casual first name basis, even. Guess that’s hardly surprising if her route runs through this part of the neighborhood.
It occurs to you that you never even bothered to learn her name, let alone warn her about your sudden change in circumstances. She’ll have surely noticed your sudden absence from the apartment. She's probably missed your patronage. If she’s sensible at all, she’ll have assumed the worst.
“Kick me out? I’d like to see them try. My Mom would eat them for breakfast. Anyways, I’m not here because of you, stingy old man. You don’t even //like// cookies.” You grimace at her accusing tone, tempted for a moment to imagine her scrunched up, alien little face.
“C’mon, be nice. I volunteered for few Scout events. Even helped you out…”
“Just with stupid paperwork stuff. No cookies. Waste of time. Listen though... I’ve heard rumors – somewhat //credible// rumors -- that you might know something about the disappearance of my best customer. Can’t really miss (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]. Epic fatass. Reeks of sweat, shame and Thin Mints.”
You strategically choose that moment to bellow pathetically from your hole in the basement. There's a sudden, drawn out pause in their conversation.
“Mostly sweat and shame these days”, Paul observes glibly.
There's a rustling of paper, like somebody conveniently producing a printed form and pen. “Shall we… fix that?” Sarah offers hopefully.
There’s more faint rustling you assume means Paul is looking over the form. “Hmm. They’re actually pretty cheap in bulk.” *sigh* “Well, I guess it still depends on one thing.”
Suddenly it’s clear he’s projecting his voice for your ears: “You know you need this like an addict needs a line of coke, right? But... fine. Whatever. I’ll get you some damn cookies, but consider one favor officially used up. More snacks certainly won’t be doing any favors for your waistline.”
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $credit is > 0)[(link: "Yes. Yes. YES.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $credit -= 1)(goto: "Sarah2")] (1 credit)
](else:)[//No credits left!//
]You apologize, but (link: "not today.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Sarah3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies in bulk</font>''</div>
"Thanks!" Sarah replies,(if: Donna1 of $timedEvents is 99999)[ carefully stowing the form with a confident smile.](else:)[ quickly re-checking the signed form as if she can scarcely believe her own fortune]. "Should take about a week, if they have this many cartons at the depot(if: Donna1 of $timedEvents is 99999)[. You should see the looks on their faces when I drop in orders like this!"](else:)[. They're never going to believe I pulled off this many sales!"]
Paul drily responds, "This is me being happy for you. Go. Go submit the order, and don't dawdle. Try not to get lost, or choke on your own spit."
"Sure thing, Paul. Say thanks to (if: $gender is 1)[mister](else:)[miss] fat-ass for me."
<div class="roundborder2">You feel like pointing out you're (link: "still in earshot.")[(if: (Donna8 of $timedEvents is 99999) or (EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents is 99998))[(set: Donna11 of $timedEvents to ($day+(random:5,10)))(set: $donnaScheduled to 1)](elseif: Donna1 of $timedEvents is 99999)[(set: Donna4 of $timedEvents to ($day+(random:5,10)))(set: $donnaScheduled to 1)](else:)[(set: Donna1 of $timedEvents to ($day+(random:5,10)))](set: $donnaScheduled to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<!-- Key: Donna1 (first tentative appearance)-->
<!-- Key: Donna4 (encompasses follow-up 'get used to you' deliveries)-->
<!-- Key: Donna8 (asks to move in)-->
<!-- Key: Donna11 (deliveries after proposal, or Donna event deadline (moved in, or otherwise))--><span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies Denied</font>''</div>
"Oh, C'mon! Captive audience! I demand a recount! How can (if: $gender is 2)[s]he possibly refuse?"
Paul sounds amused, and you picture him condescendingly patting her on the back.
"It's alright dear. You heard (if:$gender is 1)[him](else:)[her]. Nobody here but a couple of stingy (if:$gender is 1)[men](else:)[folk] who aren't buying cookies today."
"This doesn't end here! You haven't heard the last from me!"
"No, I don't imagine we'd be so lucky. Have a nice day, Sarah."
<div class="roundborder2">You're (link: "drooling with regret.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $lastCookiesEvent to $day)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies Hounding You</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">*DING DONG*</div>
“Heya, weird Grinch man”.
“Hello, Sarah. Come to witness a stable, mature adult role model?”
“I’ll let you know if I see one. Is the land-whale gonna get more cookies yet? Can’t imagine that force of nature could ever just stop cold-turkey. I’m mean, unless (if:$gender is 2)[s]he had a heart attack or something, which is probably pretty likely. It’s what I guessed when the apartment was suddenly empty… and if (if:$gender is 2)[s]he //IS// dead, I’ll stop coming, but I wanted to check and…”
Paul finally cuts in. “(if:$gender is 1)[He](else:)[She]’s alive Sarah --(if: EventFirstHeartAttack of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[ though (if:$gender is 2)[s]he **has** had a heart attack.](else:)[ and] I’ll be honest – I was proud of (if:$gender is 1)[him](else:)[her] for turning down the sugar bomb last time. It’s just a shame that one good choice won’t be nearly enough to turn (if:$gender is 1)[his](else:)[her] situation around. Give me a moment and I’ll check if (if:$gender is 2)[s]he’s changed his mind.”
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $credit is > 0)[You break down and (link: "confirm the order.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $credit -= 1)(goto: "Sarah2")]
](else:)[//No credits left!//
]You apologize, but (link: "still no.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Sarah3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)(set: $metDonna to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Hesitant Delivery</font>''</div>
The muffled female voice echoes down from the entranceway. You’re caught in a half doze.
“Girl Scouts! Anyone home?”
Girl Scouts? You fight to shake off sleep – Paul is usually meticulous about locking the door before he leaves -- but //crap//... you can only think of one reason a girl scout would be here. You don’t quite manage to suppress the automatic impulse to try and get up – resulting in a ragged gasp, some jiggling, and a muffled curse. Ok fine. Quiet until she leaves. That could work too. She’ll just come back another…
<div class="message5">BRAAAAAP!</div>
Oh, well played.
“My goodness… H…Hello? Whoever‘s down there… are… are you… ok?”
You’re honestly mortified; angry at yourself about the monstrous burp you didn’t even feel coming. About the stranger now wandering through the house. The whole damn situation is a gem, really. You consider trying the silent act again, hoping that she'll simply give up and leave -- but after screwing up this much, maybe it's a good time to gamble. A plan forms in your mind, presenting a slim chance you might have those cookies a little bit sooner. You clear your throat, and call out a clipped acknowledgement from your dank nest. She seems unsure how to respond.
“I’m so… sorry… sorry if it’s a bad time -- the door was open.” she calls back. Her voice gets clearer, perhaps a few steps closer to the stairwell. “I’m uh… Donna – local troop leader. I got a rather odd request from one of my scouts, and I thought I should come in person to sort out… well… Did you order these four cartons of cookies? Are there other scouts here who needed to resupply?”
You manage to choke out a vaguely affirmative reply despite your suddenly debilitating drooling. The noise you manage to make might have originated from a tank at Sea World.
“A... an..anyway, you sound like you’re… um… awfully tied up. We can chat another time… uh…. These were pre-paid, so I’ll just leave the cartons at the door.”
<div class="roundborder2">Thank her and (link: "let her go.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna2")]
Ask her to (link: "bring the cookies down to you")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $lastCookiesEvent to $day)<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies Hounding You</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">*DING DONG*</div>
“Heya, Peter Paul”.
Paul sighs. “Hello, Sarah. That isn't my name, //Sarah//.”
“Sure Peter. (if: $weight < 2000)[Is the land-whale ready for more cookies? (if: ($donnaProgress is -1) and (EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999))[I'd have been back sooner, but (if: $gender is 2)[s]he sure did //something// to put my Troop Leader on edge! It's kind of hilarious, really. I'm not even supposed to be here, but I know my customers.] Those other cartons must have been fine for at least an hour or two, but after that... God have mercy, by now (if:$gender is 2)[s]he must be positively wasting away!”
"Oh yes, viewed side-on (if: $gender is 2)[s]he nearly disappears. Give me a moment. If I can find (if: $gender is 1)[him](else:)[her], I'll check if we're going to be restocking.”](else:)["Look... you know why I'm here. I can //smell from here// that (if:$gender is 2)[s]he's somehow still alive. Don't judge me. So... more cookies?"]
(if: $donna is 1)[<div class="roundborder2">It's not like you need them -- but they are tasty and fattening.<br />
(if: $credit is > 0)[(link: "Confirm another order.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $credit -= 1)(goto: "Sarah2")]
](else:)[//No credits left!//
](link: "Not happening.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Sarah3")]
</div>](else:)[<div class="roundborder2">(if: $credit is > 0)[(link: "Confirm another order.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(set: $credit -= 1)(goto: "Sarah2")]
](else:)[//No credits left!//
]You apologize, but (link: "not today.")[(set: $sarahRefused to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Sarah3")]
</div>]</span>(display: "StatusBox"){}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">Day $day - Settling In</font>''</div>
(if: EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You soon see the familiar sight of Paul's house. He parks the van, and another vehicle parks behind. The same pair of strong arms helps you out of the van, up the sidewalk and the steps and into the house. Luckily Paul's front door is quite accommodating. Just as you're preparing to take a seat, you realize they've been steering you toward a familiar door.](else:)[You soon see the familiar sight of Paul's house. He parks the car, you grab the handful of things you brought, and get ready go inside.]
"I considered setting you up in the main floor guest bedroom, but as you might remember, the hallway outside is narrow and the bathroom is pretty tight. With the space you'll need for your belongings and furniture -- well, I hope you won't mind being in the basement. I've already got things cleaned up down there, a kitchenette built and stocked in the common area, and a TV installed and working."
The basement? You can see the logic of it, but... negotiating the stairs each day? And the rooms down there are all small or partially finished... except for Randy's old room.
"The rest of your stuff should be along in the next hour or two. I'll go back to oversee it. I'll be back."
<div class="message5">(Now that you're in a place with some regular care and oversight, your health will be easier to maintain.)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">For better or worse, (link: "this is home.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(set: $location to 2)(goto: "Act2")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cookiesBought += 12)(set: $metDonna to 1)(set: $weight to it + 4)(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)(set: $donnaProgress += 1)(set: $gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies for Later</font>''</div>
You hear a few dull thuds as the cartons are arranged near the door. As much as you would love to cram a couple packages of those cookies into your maw this instant, you haven’t entirely lost your wits. It’s not like she would bring them down to you. Can you even imagine?
"Great… I’ll be going now. Thanks for your generous support.“
<div class="message5">Paul breaks open the boxes for you that night. The substantial cache of cookies has a predictable effect on your gluttony.</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Wonder if she'll be around again.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cookiesBought += 12)(set: $metDonna to 1)(set: $weight to it + 4)(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)(set: $donnaProgress -= 1)(set: $gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cookies for later</font>''</div>
"O…Oh... Um…"
You hear the obvious hitch in her voice, as if several (if: $gender is 1)[predatorial](else:)[unsavory] scenarios run through her mind at once. (if: $donnaProgress is 0)[You might be imagining things, but she <span class="message5">paused a moment. </span> She's ](elseif: $donnaProgress is 1)[The way she draws out her response, you really believe <span class="message5">she's considering it.</span> But it's still too tall an order. She isn't comfortable enough to ignore common sense. She's ](else:)[You feel like an idiot, and you should. Of course she's going to freak out -- she sounds like she could be in her mid twenties -- young, but hardly naïve. She’s ]probably already on edge, concerned about trespassing, and unaccustomed to the cloying and not-quite-animalistic odor that clings to this place.
Really though, why should she hesitate? Who doesn’t respond well to a crudely bellowed invitation to join a (if:$gender is 1)[stranger](else:)[mysterious lady-friend] in a dark and smelly basement? So tempting. //Genius.//
“I’m sorry … um… sir… , but I really am in quite a hurry.” ***clatter*** ***thump*** “I’m leaving the cartons here, and you can direct further inquiries to the number on the enclosed inser… ” ***slam***
So that went well. At this point, you’ll be lucky if Sarah, or any other young purveyor of cookies, is allowed to come back.
<div class="message5">Even though you end up waiting until Paul breaks open the boxes that night, but the substantial cache of cookies still has a significant effect on your gluttony.</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Whoops.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cookiesBought += 12)(set: $metDonna to 1)(set: $weight to it + 4)(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Hesitant Repeat Delivery</font>''</div>
(if: $donnaProgress is -1)["Girl Scouts! Making a delivery!"
A familiar muffled voice echoes down from the entranceway. You’re caught in a half doze, but quickly shake yourself wake. You warned Paul you were expecting a delivery this time, and he must have left the door unlocked on purpose. This seemed rather trusting of him, but he did say something about installing some cameras. You give a shout to make your presence known.
"More boxes. All Thin Mint. Leaving them here."
She sounds all business. You know it's useless to try and make conversation this time. It will probably take at least one or two more uneventful visits before she takes you off her 'watch list'. You'll be lucky if she hasn't taken steps to put you on a more official 'watch list'.
<div class="message5">Even though you end up waiting until Paul breaks open the boxes that night, but the substantial cache of cookies still has a significant effect on your gluttony.</div>
<div class="roundborder2">You barely thank her and (link: "she's already gone.")[(set: $donnaProgress += 1)(set: gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
](elseif: ($donnaProgress is 0) or ($donnaProgress is 1))[“Hello?”
A familiar muffled voice echoes down from the entranceway. You’re caught in a half doze, but quickly shake yourself wake.
“It's Donna again. Anyone home?”
You warned Paul you were expecting a delivery this time, and he must have left the door unlocked. This seemed rather trusting of him, but he did say something about installing some security cameras. You give a shout to make your presence known.
“Another big delivery! I'll just leave the boxes up here, like before.”
<div class="roundborder2">Thank her and (link: "let her go.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna2")]
Ask her to (link: "bring the cookies down to you")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna3")]
A familiar muffled voice echoes down from the entranceway. You’re caught in a half doze, but quickly shake yourself wake.
“It's just me, Donna. I'm guessing my mysterious big spender is still somewhere down there?”
Paul left the door open again as you asked. You give a shout to confirm your presence.
“Well, I've brought the usual. Please enjoy... whatever it is you're doing with all of them.”
<div class="roundborder2">Thank her and (link: "let her go.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna2")]
Ask her to (link: "bring the cookies down to you")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna5")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Hesitant Encounter</font>''</div>
"I really... don't know if..."
It's not an outright refusal. You can work with that. You repeat the request, trying for something all at once pleading, non-threatening, and dripping with genuine charm. Apparently the effect came off sounding less like a drooling (if: $gender is 1)[sex-offender](else:)[dominatrix] than it did to your own ear, because you can hear her gathering up a couple of cartons.
"You're down this way, right?"
She trods to the correct doorway, and at your urging, down the stairs. You notice her hesitation as she approaches your bedroom. The lighting isn't great. Paul doesn't waste electricity when it's just you here. The pervasive smell would have to seem particularly intense to the uninitiated. You keep talking, and eventually hear her arrival just outside your door. She stops for a moment and sets down the boxes, probably trying to ensure she won't be caught unawares by God knows what.
She gingerly steps around the corner, allowing your first look at each other in the gloom. You pick out a few splashes of green from her contemporary Scout garb, and (if:$gender is 1)[nearly lose yourself in](else:)[find yourself admiring] her dark, straight, jet black hair. She’s holding her sleeve tightly against her nose, bracing against the practically tangible barrier of your odor. She’s definitely spotted you – not that you’re hard to miss – but she seems frozen in place. Her eyes blink in wary confusion.
“Holy Sh… Is that… all... just your own… Oh, MY GOD... it is, isn’t it?“
You expect the next thing you’ll hear is screaming, but would honestly prefer she skip straight to the overly dramatic gagging. It’s far easier on the ears, considering the small space. If she doesn’t flee too quickly, you might even overhear a few choice words of vehement disgust.
She surprises you.
“You…you can’t move, can you? Not even a lit… No… no, of course you can’t.“
The words become less a question, and more a statement -- as if she’s beginning to process what she’s seeing. Remarkably, she seems in no rush to leave, and doesn't bother to keep covering her face.
Huh. Not so squeamish, this one. Maybe you should just be a good sport and answer her question properly.
You limber up, and go through the motions – pushing, wheezing, and grunting until you’re at least partially sitting up. With a flailing flourish of flopping lard, you make a sincere effort to haul yourself toward the edge of your bed. The initial attack is followed by several follow-up thrusts, almost ideally timed to build upon the momentum of each sloshing rebound. You know what to expect, yet it's still an alarming experience. The muffled rebounds are disappointingly weak and quickly disperse. Beyond the second or thirst thrust, there’s barely any apparent connection between your pained grunts and the chaotic jiggling that follows. As the doomed exercise devolves into little more than pointless thrashing, you stop rather than risk hurting yourself. There's no possibility of escaping the bowl-shaped pit you’ve worn into the mattress. You slump back in sheepish and embarrassed exhaustion, leaving little doubt as to the scale of your predicament.
You expected your startled guest to slip out at the first opportunity. After you finally regain your focus and wipe the sheen of sweat from your brow, you're honestly surprised to find she's still standing nearby.
She takes a step closer. The wariness in her eyes is touched by a hint of amusement.
"Can I… can I touch it?”
Ironically, you’re completely speechless. (if:$gender is 1)[Part of you drily thinks //“Oh, to hear that question a year ago!“//. Another part only](else:)[The cynic in you] drips with bitter disbelief. What reason could she possibly have? Freakish curiosity? A good story to rile up the grandkids? //“Please, tell us again -- the one where you won a backstage pass at the freak show!”//
Then again, it might be most significant that she asked at all. It's a measure of respect you'd hardly expect. Maybe she really is curious. Maybe she wants to stay on good terms with her high-volume customer. You remind yourself that if she decided to 'cop a feel', it’s not like you could stop her.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Alas, you're constantly harassed by admirers.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna6")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Impulsive Encounter</font>''</div>
Ultimately, your own curiosity overcomes your misgivings -- and you imagine the situation must be something similar for her.
You shrug – or at least try to. The scrunch of your shoulders is probably still vaguely recognizable. You point out a convenient box of disposable latex gloves by the door.
“Oh, never mind that. (if: $gender is 1)[Ever been in charge of a gaggle of young girls? Let me tell you… such //disgusting// creatures!](else:)[After being in charge of a gaggle of young girls... well, it's certainly a learning experience. Let me tell you… such //disgusting// creatures!] Anyways, just give me a heads up if you think there’s a real chance you're infected with… I don’t know… leprosy, or something.”
Definitely not squeamish and perhaps a bit impulsive, it seems. You might need to be careful with this one. You also, belatedly, pick this moment to concern yourself with what her precise definition of “touch it” might be.
She leans in, and lightly places her fingers near the bottom edge of your belly, tracing the puckering curve where it begrudgingly tents over your leg near the knee. Pushing a little more firmly, she tests how the flesh yields beneath her fingers, and makes a little affirmative noise as if she’s just confirmed something. Before you can ask what she thinks she’s doing, she suddenly plants both palms, braces her entire body and leans into them like she’s trying to move a car. You exhale with squawk of surprise. A significant section of your blubber domes around the pressure of her hands. She visibly strains, demonstrating a surprising reserve of ropey muscular strength. You swear she's also stifling a giggle. The mountain of flesh sluggishly shifts, temporarily exposing part of your deeply smothered leg. Without warning, she suddenly steps back and moves to withdraw. In a surprising flash of ninja-like movement, she snatches something from the void before the cascade of blubber rushes back into place. The clearly audible //SMACK// of impact actually stings a bit, and sets your blubber to jiggling for several seconds. Donna watches the spectacle with curiosity until the motion completely settles. She's obviously winded, but manages to look smug as she casually hands you a mangled and soggy voucher booklet for a local burger joint. It’s a couple months expired.
“Hope that wasn’t too presumptuous. I thought I spotted something during your little show earlier. Figured this shouldn’t be allowed to stay in there and eventually… well… //add// to your problems.”
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Thanks, but they're expired...")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna7")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cookiesBought += 12)(set: $weight += 4)(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")More Help</font>''</div>
She rolls her eyes at your 'complaint', and just snorts out loud when you insist you're serious. Hard to get any respect these days. She even carries on like you hadn't spoken at all...
“You obviously have some unusual… uh… //hygienic// challenges. I’m not even going to ask if you have plans for weight loss – because honestly, if you look like this... well… it's either a case of "too little, too late", or your plan has been working //far// too perfectly for you own good. Regardless, it seems like whoever is currently handling your special needs might be a tad overwhelmed.”
You ignore the implied accusation that you might have gained weight intentionally -– mostly because she seems so indifferent, and you’re not sure an explanation would change anything. As far as your hygiene is concerned – well, there’s some truth to what she says. Paul’s prior experience caring for Randy helped to prepare him for the unsavory aspects of your care. He’s been generally willing and able to help you, but admittedly not the most diligent or enthusiastic assistant. He can't be at your side full-time, and always has to juggle more important work to ensure he can keep both of you fed and sheltered. Sometimes you wish he would stay around longer, scrub harder, or do better job servicing some areas that seem to offend his prudish sensibilities – but you’ve mostly stopped bothering him with special requests.
You tell Donna more about Paul – defending him, but admitting you’ve become a burden.
“You're bigger than a half dozen normal (if: $gender is 2)[wo]men, and absolutely useless to yourself. Would you really expect a single part-time cargiver to cover everything? Look… tell Whats-his-Name... //Paul//… that I’ll be back. It’s not like I have loads of free time -- I have other commitments, but I think I could manage. I could try to grind through more of the Scout administration stuff during the off-hours, and schedule more events in this area. I can be here. I think I’d like to help you.“
You simply watch her for another moment, looking for any sign of deception. She seems legit, as remarkable as that seems.
You tentatively agree, and start thinking about how you're going to explain all this to Paul. He barely believed it when you said you told him you 'spoke' to this woman Donna before. Now she's been inside, seen you properly, and wants a chance to come back? You're still not sure if you entirely believe it yourself.
"In the meantime, show me what you've been doing with all those cookies."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Gladly.")[(set: $gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set: Donna8 of $timedEvents to ($day+1))(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Respiration Frustration</div>''
You catch yourself fading again, your vision going dark around the edges, before wobbling in sudden panic and struggling to take a few more labored, gasping breaths. Fresh beads of sweat run down your brow, and a dull ache radiates from your chest. You have a serious problem. Hardly a //new// problem, mind you, but one that simply refuses be ignored any longer.
You were well aware that getting this big would mean more than simply giving up your mobility. At more than (if:$gender is 1)[(floor:($weight/200)) times an average man's](else:)[(floor:($weight/150)) times an average woman's] weight, the pressure on //all// your organs is obscene, but you feel it the most on your lungs. Your body is still expanding, demanding more oxygen, but your lungs have already squashed down to a fraction of their usual capacity. Your diaphragm aches with constant effort, and you feel tired and vaguely ill all the time. A fog clouds your thoughts. You have little energy to spare. You realize with a strangled gurgle how dangerously close you are to suffocating, but there doesn't seem to be enough air left in the whole world to properly call for help.
Gaining was so easy -- is //still// easy -- and it's not you can simply rewind your progress. This weight is your burden to bear. You wriggle weakly in one last feeble attempt to shift something... anything... to mitigate the force of weight crushing your chest. You fade deeper, sinking beneath consciousness to a place of even more profound emptiness...
(if:$credit > 0)[(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $medicalOxygen to 1)You wake at dawn to a pinching sensation around your face. A gentle hissing sound enters your awareness, bringing with it an unaccustomed sense of comfort, energy and well-being. You crack open your eyes, and the room seems brighter; your mind sharper. Paul is looking at you with real concern. You reach up to nudge at something chafing your cheeks, squirming with an inappropriate little quiver of euphoria.
"Glad you're feeling better. That was a close call last night", he says. "Could planned a little better for this, I suppose. Should have realized how bad the symptoms were getting, but of course you were never one to complain. It's like you don't know how to speak for yourself, sometimes."
You finally begin to comprehend the uncomfortable mask, and the small pressure tank nearby. Your lungs still ache with the effort of breathing, but the tiny amount of air you are getting is like pure //nourishment//.
"I've got a couple of tanks, but I'll pick up an oxygen concentrator tomorrow as a long-term solution. I'll also get you into something a bit less clunky than that full-face mask. This was the best I could come up with in the minute or two before the risk of brain damage really set in."
''You are dependent on enriched oxygen.''
<div class="message5">One credit **automatically withdrawn** to keep you alive. You're welcome, fatass.</div>
<div class="message5">Also available now: Shiny new vital signs monitor and full mechanical ventilator. Because honestly, with the way you're going, why wait?</div>
You'll have to be on guard for future issues with breathing difficulty (or equipment malfunctions), now that your dependency and weakness is known.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Breathing is surprisingly important.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>](else:)[Somewhere in limbo, you become vaguely aware of Paul's presence. He grabs your blue face, tilts your head some, and checks your airway. You're not quite awake, unable to speak, or even open your eyes. He pulls his hands away, and seems to take a couple of steps back, considering something.
He's still in the room, perhaps watching you. In your nightmare, you scream silently.
He mumbles something under his breath. It sounds a bit like //"not worth it"//.
<div class="roundborder5">Your heart makes one last painful flutter, and you (link: "slip away completely.")[(set:$endReason to "Suffocate")(goto:"EndMedical")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Suitable Bed</div>''
With access to certain medical suppliers, it's no surprise that Paul can source an improvement (if: EventBedCollapse of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[on your previous bariatric bed -- a perfectly sensible model that was more than adequately designed for any //other// person alive today.](else:)[on your sturdy but seriously overtaxed twin-sized bed.]
With an adjustable incline, durable moisture-wicking materials, and an advanced anti-microbial treatment infused right into the fabric -- you can expect better sleep, and a general boost to your natural health recovery.
(if: $credit > 0)[(if: EventBedCollapse of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[He says he's expected this day would come, and had a prototype made with additional reinforcement. He assures you it won't break again. It's waiting in storage. Just say the word.](else:)[He says there's one in a storage room at work. Say the word, and you'll be sleeping on it tonight.]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Yes Please.")[(set: $equipmentDelivered to 1)(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $bariatricBed to 1)(goto: "SpendCredit"). (1 credits)]
(link: "Not today.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
](else:)[If you had even one favor left to spend, it could be yours. But you don't.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "This sucks.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Decrement Turn Counter on existing afflictions, cancel status if timer is zero -->
<!-- use this loop to update count of active conditions -->
(set: $generalAfflictionCount to 0)
<!-- and also generate a lists of active and inactive conditions) -->
(set: $inactiveGeneralAfflictions to (a:))
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions to (a:))
(for: each _condition, ...(datanames: $generalAfflictions))[
<!-- Act upon currently active conditions -->
(if: _condition of $generalAfflictions < 99999)[
<!-- safety check in case day advance wasn't set -->
(if: ($dayAdvance < 1) and ($afflictionDebug is 0))[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)]
(set: _condition of $generalAfflictions -= $dayAdvance)
<!-- If timed out, disable -->
(if: _condition of $generalAfflictions <= 0)[
(set: _condition of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $inactiveGeneralAfflictions += (a: _condition))
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions += (a: _condition))
(set: $generalAfflictionCount += 1)
(set: $inactiveGeneralAfflictions += (a: _condition))
<!-- reset 'new' affliction variable -->
<!-- TEST alternative - reset in "NormalDay" passage, since this is only relavent once the affliction is presented to the player -->
<!--(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "")-->
<!-- Override if secondary infection / affliction triggered -->
(set: $afflictionOverrideThisTurn to 0)
(if: ($afflictionOverride is not "") and (not ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains $afflictionOverride)))[
(if: ($afflictionOverrideCause is not "") and (not ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains $afflictionOverrideCause)))[
<!--(alert: "Affliction override -" + (text:$afflictionOverride) + " canceled")-->
(set: $afflictionOverride to "")
(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "")
(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "")
<!--(alert: "Affliction override -" + (text:$afflictionOverride) + " confirmed")-->
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions += (a: $afflictionOverride))
(set: $generalAfflictionCount += 1)
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to $afflictionOverride)
(set: $afflictionOverrideThisTurn to 1)
(set: $afflictionOverride to "")
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is "")[
<!-- Trigger and initialize criteria -->
<!-- Divider preset - higher number reduces overall odds -->
(set: $generalTriggerDivider to 35)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Debug")[(set: $generalTriggerDivider to 1)]
<!-- Odds increase proportionally with weight beyond 800 -->
<!-- but new spawn chance is divided when multiple conditions active -->
(set: $tempDiceRoll to ($weight - 800) / ($generalTriggerDivider * ($generalAfflictionCount + 1)))
(if: (((random: 0, 100) < $tempDiceRoll)) and ($inactiveGeneralAfflictions's length is not 0))[
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to (either: ...$inactiveGeneralAfflictions))
(set: $generalAfflictionCount += 1)
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions += (a: $newGeneralAffliction))
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "")[
<!-- Each available condition -->
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is "Exhaustion")[
(set: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2,3))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Ulcer")[
(set: Ulcer of $generalAfflictions to (random: 7,14))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "DigestiveCramps")[
(set: DigestiveCramps of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2,4))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "FoodPoisoning")[
(set: FoodPoisoning of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2,5))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "SkinTear")[
(set: SkinTear of $generalAfflictions to (random: 4,9))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Bedsore")[
<!-- Bedsores do not self-resolve
(set: Bedsore of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "ChronicItch")[
<!-- chronic itch does not self-resolve -->
(set: ChronicItch of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "HeartAttack")[
<!-- Ignore this random trigger unless the special 'first time' event has already occured -->
(if: EventFirstHeartAttack of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[
<!-- Heart attacks don't self-resolve -->
(set: HeartAttack of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions -= (a: $newGeneralAffliction))
(set: $newGeneralAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "")
<!-- Cancel invalid 'secondary' infection text -->
(if: $afflictionOverrideText contains "heart attack")[
(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Infection")[
(set: Infection of $generalAfflictions to (random: 6,25))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "O2Malfunction")[
<!-- check if 'required O2' event has occured -->
(if: EventRequireOxygen of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[
<!-- O2 Malfunction don't self-resolve -->
(set: O2Malfunction of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions -= (a: $newGeneralAffliction))
(set: $newGeneralAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "BreathingDifficulty")[
<!-- Ignore this random trigger unless the special 'first time' event has already occured -->
(if: EventRequireOxygen of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[
(set: BreathingDifficulty of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions -= (a: $newGeneralAffliction))
(set: $newGeneralAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "ChronicLymphedema")[
<!-- does not self-resolve -->
(set: ChronicLymphedema of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Constipated")[
(set: Constipated of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2,14))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Overheated")[
(set: Overheated of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2,4))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "PanicAttack")[
(set: PanicAttack of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2, (floor:($weight/300))))
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "DisgustingHygiene")[
<!-- Slobbish condition will not self-resolve -->
(set: DisgustingHygiene of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "CreatureHost")[
<!-- Creature will not vacate on its own -->
<!-- Cannot trigger this illness until you can't reach -->
(if: EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[
(set: CreatureHost of $generalAfflictions to 99998)
(if: $pest is 0)[
(set: $pest to (random: 1,3))
(set: $activeGeneralAfflictions -= (a: $newGeneralAffliction))
(set: $newGeneralAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "")
](else:)[(alert:"General Affliction init failed - Affliction: " + $newGeneralAffliction)]
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>On loan from Sea World</div>''
With access to certain medical suppliers, it's no surprise that Paul can source a convenient solution for your dwindling ability to move, turn, or do much of anything.
Introducing a bariatric sling -- an electronic crane, boom, and tarp for manipulating even the most immobile patients. It looks like a mad combination of an auto-shop engine jack and something used to move whales.
As the risk of bed sores and chronic infection loom large, you can certainly appreciate the importance of such equipment.
(if: $credit > 0)[He says he can intercept a shipment bound for a certain marine entertainment facility. Let him know, and it can be installed yet today.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Yes Please.")[(set: $equipmentDelivered to 1)(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $bariatricSling to 1)(goto: "SpendCredit"). (1 credits)]
(link: "Not today.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
](else:)[If you had even one favor left to spend, it could be yours. But you don't.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "This sucks.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>No Resisting</div>''
The pressure is always there, throbbing behind your eyes. It's like a headache borne of a craving; borne of a //need//. You recognize the things you're doing -- you see the pattern, because you've seen it all before. These habits used to belong to someone else.
What distresses you most is the ineffectiveness of your resistance. You //have// been trying. More than once, you've decided 'this stops now!' and believed it more than anything. You can hold yourself to a sensible-sized meal. You might even skip dessert, despite the building headache that seems to come out of nowhere. If you last through two sensible meals, without snacking, you're rewarded with shaking cold sweats and difficulty focusing. Your heart races. During one particularly ambitious attempt, you even made it through an entire day with only normal-sized meals. It was nothing short of absolute torment. You ended up overdosing on sleep-aids in a desperate search for the blissful release of unconsciousness. Your hope was that by 'escaping' for the night, you would get you over the hump, and you'd have an easier time the next day.
You awoke in a nightmarish semi-conscious stupor, caught in a nonsensical psychotic twilight of blackouts and seizures. Your first clear thoughts came only after you had finished an entire cold leftover pizza and some fresh Chinese that had just arrived. You couldn't remember dragging yourself to the fridge, let along ordering anything. The delivery guy must have thought you mad. He would probably be right.
The demands of the compulsion aren't complicated or difficult. A persistent mantra echoes in your mind -- a command that comes across clearly in Randy's voice. He sounds insistent, but also infuriatingly patient.
//"Eat"//, he says. //"Accept what you have wrought. Eat until your body becomes a living Hell, or experience living Hell every moment until you do."//
Hardly ideal, is it? You'd like discuss a compromise, or explore other options... but it's quite difficult to argue with the stubborn ghost. There's only a single variation in the maddening repetition:
//"Take this burden willingly, and you'll learn to forgive yourself."//
Well, that's comforting. You notice there's no mention of //HIS// forgiveness, which is almost certainly what this is really about. Are you doomed to keep growing? Will the curse will be lifted once you have sufficiently atoned?
You've never truly had a choice, you suddenly realize. You've always liked eating well enough, and eating //excessively// has been an effortless transition -- just a gradual force of habit, allowed to flourish. You should be able to support yourself financially for the forseeable future. You already have more experience than most at mitigating the physical consequences of this path.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Maybe it will be enough.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $studyLength to (either: 5, 7, 10))(set: $lastStudy to ($day + $studyLength))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Science Stuff</font>''</div>
"Alright! I've already got something lined up. You'll be joining a program already in progress, and you'll be placed under //ridiculous and highly-scientic scrutiny// for $studyLength days."
(if: EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)["Owing to your unique circumstances and mobility limitations, a series of lab technicians will be dispatched to make sure you are prepped, instructed, and provided with all necessary supplies. They will also be monitoring your progress and results."](else:)["Paul will give you the address of the local testing facility. You'll be expected to report for 6AM tomorrow, and will be provided with supplies and accommodation for the duration of the testing. (if: EventPaulDiscussWeight2 of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Don't worry -- Paul has already apprised us regarding some of your unusual dietary needs. We'll be sure work around them! ]See you then!"]
You noticed that the exact nature of your upcoming trial was left a mystery. Who runs things like this? It's like your life is just a game, and someone is trying desperately to keep it interesting.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Onward, Guinea Pig.")[(set: $dayAdvance to $studyLength)(goto: "PaulMedicalStudies3")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(display: "TurnCalculations")(if: $location is 1)[(display: "RollMobilityAfflictions")](else:)[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions") (display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")(display: "ForwardGeneralAfflictions")]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Guinea Pig</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">$studyLength Days Later...</div>
After being subjected to a barrage of testing, repetitive questions, and irritating lack of privacy, you can finally return to your normal routine. The result? Well...
<!-- Health Perks -->(if: $researchTopic is 1)[(either: "Their unusual regiment of exercises, combined with a new type of supplement, helped to **boost your health**.(set: $health += $health * ((random:20,50)/100))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth) At least, it seems to have leveled off at the best possible state for a (if:$gender is 1)[man](else:)[woman] of your... um... girth. Oh Well.]", "Some bizarre spa-like treatment sessions, combined with regular applications of a disgusting green jelly-like lotion, seem to have **permanently improved your hardiness and natural recovery.**(set: $healthMultiplier += 0.2)")]<!-- Weight and Gluttony Increases -->(elseif: $researchTopic is 2)[(either:"They gave you a single pill, which despite their assurances would be 'temporary', **built your gluttonous urges to desperate and insatiable levels**. You gained some weight while they watched with great interest. Your gluttony is still peaked, but just as the trial ended you began to feel as thought it might finally be starting to wane on its own. (set: $gluttony to 100)(set: $weight += $weight * ((random: 3,4)/100))","They insisted you ingest regular servings of a saccharine sweet syrup, and you actually experienced your first real freedom from food cravings in quite a while. **Your gluttony has dropped**, but since the syrup was intended as a high-calorie 'recovery' elixir for emaciated individuals, **you've also put on some (extra) extra weight**.(set: $gluttony -= $gluttony * ((random:20,35)/100))(if: $gluttony < 1)[(set: $gluttony to 0)](set: $weight += $weight * ((random: 3,6)/100))","They seemed to spend the entire time simply trying to find your 'natural' food intake level -- presumably for baseline numbers to use in later testing. They didn't get past that part, since your 'natural' intake was whatever they had on hand before they ran out of it. This caused the researchers no end of frustration, and they kept stubbornly trying, day after day, with larger amounts of food. You were dismissed without further comment, though **you have packed on a significant chunk of weight** at a result.(set: $weight += $weight * ((random: 2,5)/100))","A strange putty-like compound was added to your bowl of otherwise boring corn-flakes each morning. This experimental metabolic enhancer put your digestive system into overdrive, and the researchers were eager to see how much you could eat in the meantime. You **have packed on a significant chunk of weight**, but also saw an **incredible healing factor** during this short time.(set: $weight += $weight * ((random: 2,5)/100))(set: $health += $health * ((random:20,50)/100))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth) Your health has maxed out -- or at least, it seems to have leveled off at the best possible state for a (if:$gender is 1)[man](else:)[woman] of your... um... girth. Oh Well.]")]<!-- Weight and Gluttony Reductions -->(elseif: $researchTopic is 3)[(either:"(set: $dietCount += 1)You never want to hear the word 'laxative' again. Your guts still ache. On the upside, you weren't really processing food very well, **lost some weight**, and **can't say you're as desperate to eat as you were before**. That's something. (if: $dietCount > 1)[Strangely though -- you noticed an odd //push// back from your body as well -- almost like it's actively adapting to **resist** anything resembling a diet. (if: $dietCount > 4)[You barely got any benefit at all this time.] At least... that's what you overheard the lab techs discussing.](set: $gluttony -= $gluttony * ((random:20,35)/100))(if: $gluttony < 1)[(set: $gluttony to 0)](set: $weight -= $weight * ((random: 3,5)/(100*$dietCount)))","(set: $dietCount += 1)You were subjected to an awful-tasting metabolic enhancer -- basically a strong stimulant. They closely monitored your blood pressure and pulse, and noted a few moments when you experienced the unfortunate side-effects, such as delirium, dry mouth, and incontinence. The upside, presumably, is that you burned more calories than you used, and **lost some weight**.(if: $dietCount > 1)[Strangely though -- you noticed an odd //push// back from your body as well -- almost like it's actively adapting to **resist** anything resembling a diet. (if: $dietCount > 4)[You barely got any benefit at all this time.] At least... that's what you overheard the lab techs discussing.](set: $weight -= $weight * ((random: 5,8)/(100 * $dietCount)))","(set: $dietCount += 1)You drew the short straw on this one. Their 'miracle diet aid' was basically an amazing-tasting candy... that made you violently sick to your stomach within a minute or two. They required you to eat one after every meal. Suffice to say, they had to help with clean up, and you ended up with sore muscles and **a (if: $dietCount > 1)[some ](else:)[good chunk of ]weight loss**. (if: $dietCount > 1)[Strangely though -- you noticed an odd //push// back from your body as well -- almost like it's actively adapting to **resist** anything resembling a diet. (if: $dietCount > 4)[You barely got any benefit at all this time.] At least... that's what you overheard the lab techs discussing.](set: $weight -= $weight * ((random: 5,8)/(100 * $dietCount)))", "In the course of testing a new type of diet-aid stimulant, you took a terrible reaction. The researchers intervened before too much damage could take place -- but you've **lost some of your vitality**. You didn't even lose any weight! On the upside, you did get ONE of the intended effects: **A near complete remission of gluttony**(set: $health -= ($health * 0.4))(set: $gluttony -= ($gluttony * 0.9))")](else:)[ERROR - Research topic selection failure](if: $health <= 0)[(set: $health to (random: 2, 6))]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Remarkable. That was " + (either:"probably","definitely","totally","almost","arguably","likely") + " worth it.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Volunteerism</font>''</div>
“So... you say you were here yesterday. For some reason, you ended up chatting with my ‘guest’ downstairs. Now you’re back again, and eager to volunteer your time? I don’t know what (if:$gender is 2)[s]he told you, but if it was something along the lines of ‘Oh please, I’m tragically overweight and I need your help’… (if:$gender is 2)[s]he might have understated a few important details. I just… I can’t imagine… You did actually get a chance to //see// (if:$gender is 1)[him](else:)[her], right?”
It’s a new day, and you’re eavesdropping on yet another conversation from the comfort of the fat-cave. You did have a chance to speak with Paul, and tried your best to explain Donna’s intentions. He was understandably skeptical, probably suspecting you invented the whole encounter – so imagine his surprise when the fictional lady actually shows up. The two of them have been making introductions upstairs. She started out a little hesitantly, but seems to be getting a read on Paul.
“Goodness, yes”, she chuckles. “I’m fairly certain I’ve seen (if:$gender is 1)[him](else:)[her]. Most of(if:$gender is 1)[him](else:)[her], anyway. I even got to know (if:$gender is 1)[him](else:)[her] a little bit. I //do// apologize for that, by the way. I don’t usually make a habit of wandering around in random strangers’ homes.”
“I can’t say I’m terribly thrilled about that part, but I can see how it wasn’t really your fault. You've already made a few legitimate deliveries, and I should have guessed that (if:$gender is 1)[Mr.](else:)[Ms.] Stomach-With-Legs would never pass up a chance to get (if:$gender is 1)[his](else:)[her] snacks a few hours sooner.”
You feel you should be offended, but can’t help but agree. Paul really //should// have guessed.
“You’ll need to shorten that name soon, with the way (if: $gender is 2)[s]he can pack away those cookies“, Donna observes knowingly.
“Huh. Well, maybe you //do// know something of what you’d be dealing with. Also a point in your favor: you seem mostly sane. Hold up -- don't look at me that way... In my work, I’ve learned not to take such things for granted. Try to take it as a compliment. I suppose holding down the position of… what was it? ‘troop leader’? That certainly demonstrates some measure of trustworthiness. Maybe I could try you out for a while...”
Donna seems willing to brush off her shock at having her sanity called into question, and sounds confident: “I won’t let you down, sir. I'm even prepared to begin immediately, if you don’t mind.”
“Can't fault your enthusiasm -- or... explain it, really. Different strokes, I suppose. You said you had to drive more than an hour to get here? That could make things awkward if you plan to make regular visits. I won’t argue with a little extra help, but I’m not so desperate that I’m looking to cover your travel expenses.”
“So no chance of bringing him to my place for sleep-overs?” she deadpans. The remark seems to miss the mark. After an awkward silence that stretches a little too long, she offers a forced chuckle, which Paul eventually shares after another moment’s hesitation. “We could work out some kind of schedule”, she finally says.
Paul considers it. “I think you’ll have to find lodging nearby. That may be the only way to make this work, especially long term. I suppose I could help with those arrangements... try to find you something affordable.”
“I'd appreciate that.” she says after a moment. “I’m not exactly tied down to my old place, and more of the scout members are concentrated in this area anyway.” She seems sold on the idea. “Hey, who knows? If I turn out to be useful, maybe you could let me use that guest bedroom in the… um… in that part of the house the looks like it might have… extra… bedrooms... from outside.”
There’s another moment of awkward silence. You can clearly imagine Paul's accusing flat stare.
Unexpectely, he turns to direct his voice in your direction: “I’m not sure how you earned yourself a fan, but you’re going to have to call in a good chunk of my favors before I let this troublemaker have… any //more//… run of my house.”
<div class="roundborder2">(if: $credit >= 5)[She should (link: "hang around")[(set: $credit -= 5)(goto: "Donna9")] (5 credits)
](else:)[//(5 Credits required)//
](link: "Maybe Later?")[(goto: "Donna10")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $donna to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")A Third Wheel</font>''</div>
(if: (history:)'s last is "SpendCredit")[Paul tracks down Donna at your behest, and she miraculously arrives before the day is through. You hope she wasn't doing anything important.
"Is this about what I think it is?" She sounds like she's smiling. You're glad she's not bitter.
]"Looks like we'll be sharing a burden", Paul declares nonchalantly. "I'll be putting together a list with some housing options, and we'll be in touch. You're welcome to drop by in the meantime."
"Thank you... I'll just check on him before I go, if that's ok."
She's down the stairs faster than you think you could have managed in your prime. She checks you over, apparently satisfied you're not dying just yet, and spends a few more minutes rubbing your feet before she goes.
The dynamic is odd. From the look in her eyes, you can't shake the feeling that she doesn't see you as a (if:$gender is 2)[wo]man, or a potential (albeit utterly useless) (if:$gender is 1)[boy](else:)[girl]friend -- but something closer to an exotic pet.
You suppose it makes a weird sort of sense, but have to wonder if there's something more to this young lady who would willingly spend her spare time caring for a cursed fat (if:$gender is 2)[wo]man.
<div class="message5">(Running Health Bonus due to Donna's attention and care)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Welcome to the team.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Volunteer Denied</font>''</div>
"I regret to inform you that your services will not be required", Paul informs her. He manages to sound somewhat relieved at this development.
"Please, I ask you to reconsider...", Donna begs. "I... don't even know myself why it seems so important. I just think I can truly help."
Paul seems unmoved. "I've got your phone number if things change."
<div class="message5">(Donna will come back, if you call in a big favor with Paul - but only for a limited time.)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "How much difference could she make, really?")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")The Wife, Cathy</font>''</div>
Paul seems usually quiet today. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna is off doing some presentation for the Scouts, so the difference is even more noticeable.] After seeing to your mid-afternoon feeding and routine cleanup, he takes a seat on the corner of your bed, and silently peruses a small photo from his wallet. You nod off, but even after you wake from a short nap, and he’s still there.
“I suppose you won’t have seen or heard much about Cathy, since she was gone long before you would remember. I’ve kept a few pictures like this, but I don’t really keep them on display. Not after the bitterness of our separation.“
That’s an intro to some forced exposition if you’ve ever heard one. You suppose it wouldn’t kill you to be a good listener. Even if it would, you’re still not going anywhere. You politely feign interest.
“I’ve mentioned before that I made it big by investing in the medical testing firm I still run today. (if: $medicalStudy is not 1)[Didn’t I? I was sure I’d mentioned it. It’s not a bit secret or anything. Ask me about medical trials sometime. Anyways, what](else:)[What] I didn’t tell you is that my connection to that company stretches back much farther – to before you and Randy were born. I got personally involved with that fledgling startup because I believed it had potential. I worked long hours, traveled for marketing and executive conferences, and was gone weeks at a time with only brief appearances at home. I covered expenses out-of-pocket with little compensation, quickly frittered away all my savings, and even dipped into what little money my wife Cathy could offer. We hadn’t been married long at that point, and Cathy came to resent my absence. She perceived my efforts as reckless disregard for her and our unborn son. I tried to explain that I wanted what was best for the family –- that my hard work would pay off, and if I only had a little more time she would finally see. Her resentment ran deeper than I realized.
"Things really fell apart once she left me. She signed a few papers, screamed a lot, and refused my help as she dragged her luggage to the Greyhound depot. I didn't understand how badly I’d alienated her. Whatever her greivances with me, I always knew her priorities as a mother would come first. That's why the harshest blow of all was that she left two-month old Randy in my care. Maybe she simply couldn’t imagine raising him with all the money gone. Maybe her hatred had unfairly bled over to the child. Or just maybe, she knew that would be the strongest message she could possibly send -- a sort of passive-aggressive vengeance. I don’t think she had any other family nearby, and she refused to tell me where she was headed.
"I never heard from her again."
With that, he seems to deflate, leaning back and softly sobbing into his arm. You wish you could put your arm around his shoulder -- or at least something more comforting. After a few moments, it's apparent that his story is finished... for now.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Talk about a mood killer...")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")].</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")A burden of secrets</font>''</div>
Even after all this time, you’ve kept your secret. You've never confided in Paul about the ‘extra feeding sessions’ you put Randy through. Sometimes, though, you have to wonder about the coincidence of your similarly boundless weight gain. Lightning //can// strike twice, but you’re not about to blindly accept those odds. Today, you went as far as suggesting – out loud – that there could be a connection. You mention your birthday wish (with a slight revision), saying that you wished: ‘Randy could still be with us’. You wonder if he may have actually visited in spirit, or some more tangeable way... and acted upon you.
Curiously, Paul responds to this notion with an unexpected spark of anger.
“So you think this happened to you through some sort of… maliciousness of Randy’s spirit? You can’t just accept that you got this fat on your own? No… no, no… Let me tell you something – first, I really don’t appreciate you sullying his memory with such nonsense. Second, I happen to know perfectly well what his problem was. Randy had an excuse, even if he never knew it. It was never his fault.”
He lets you to chew on that for a moment, while he takes a few deep breaths. His mood sizzles down into something far more melancholy.
“I suppose there’s no harm in talking about in now. It’s just… it's still raw, even after so many years. You've seen it in me. I've noticed the way you carefully skirt around the subject of my son. I appreciate your discretion – but you deserve to know the truth about Randy more than anybody."
You stare, your own secrets forgotten, and simply nod. He closes his eyes, and seems to mentally prepare himself before continuing.
“I've talked about how Cathy divorced me. I was left to raise Randy alone, and my situation became all at once dire and desperate. I juggled the single-father duties as best I could, while also continuing to gamble on my only asset: the company that had seemingly ruined everything. In a last-ditch effort to turn things around, I urged management to accept several risky contracts. They were trials for a rash of controversial and radical products that nobody else was willing to touch. Management agreed – they were desperate too, and the contracts paid well. The upfront deposits kept us afloat, but the hard part was following through. Time, space, and staff were all stretched paper thin -- so much so, that I even //brought some work home with me//.
"It was reportedly a multi-vitamin formulated to 'improve mood and energy’. I used it regularly for nearly a year. It seemed passably effective, but later on I began noticing certain side effects: namely mood swings, altered libedo, and unexpected intense food cravings. Specialized tests revealed some pretty sketchy things were going on with my brain chemistry. Undisclosed chemical additives were building up and causing disruptions in my reward and pleasure centers. What’s more, the chemicals involved were surprisingly stable and difficult to metabolize. They accumulated in my body to such an outrageous degree that they leeched from my pores and skin.
"This is how, for several months, //I was inadvertently dosing Randy as I held him.//"
"His tiny body could neither tolerate the drug, nor expell the chemicals quickly enough. The result was a critical concentration -- more than enough to permanently alter his brain. A week – a day – it all might have made the difference… if I could have guessed what was happening just a little bit sooner…"
He begins to sob, and you're once more left cursing your own helplessness, wishing you could do more than listen, be here, and try to delay rude bodily functions. It seems Randy's tragedy was more complicated that you ever imagined. You just wish you weren't so tangled in it.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Paul needs more stories that don't end in tears.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Twisted Revelation</font>''</div>
It's a particularly quiet day, noticeable even through the muffled shell of lard that surrounds you. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna isn't around to use you as a human waterbed/trampoline, which would otherwise break the monotony.] You're surprised when you feel someone methodically scaling your upper body, and carefully pull aside some of the flesh entombing your head. Paul looks down, seemingly concerned with whether you're awake. He takes the opportunity to check if all your equipment is still in place, (if: $audioLink is 0)[and teases you with another demonstration of the improvised mic/earbud setup that you never took him up on.](else:)[particularly the improvised mic/headphone setup that lets you join a conversation.] He must be in the mood to talk.
"Still hanging in there, I see. Didn't really expect you would manage to dwarf Randy's final size. Congratulations, I guess."
He's using your chest like a bench seat, and you get the distinct impression he's looking for an excuse to talk. He gets this way sometimes, usually going all weird and melancholy toward the end. Against your better judgement, you decide to grunt out a question, asking how he found the strength to carry on after Cathy left.
Paul seems to hesitate, absently tracing a finger through your chest hairs, as if he's just lounging on a slightly unusual lawn.
"I... wasn’t exactly in a good place through most of those years. After the divorce, financial struggles, failing business, and finally the realization that I’d probably inflicted some kind of lasting abnormality on my own son… well… I was distracted to say the least. Ironically, the same round of controversial testing that doomed Randy was also responsible for discovering a highly promising cancer therapy – the one that almost single-handedly ensured the company’s survival.
"It was several years before Randy’s symptoms began to manifest. ‘Maybe I’d dodged the bullet.’ I thought. ‘Maybe the tests would turn out to be wrong. Maybe he’d still lead a normal life.’ Then, just when I dared to hope, Randy began eating and never stopped. I tried to deny him. I tried to manage his diet, but to him food was more than just enjoyable, or necessary. It was powerfully addictive. Anything less than a steady and gradual increase in food intake led to panic attacks, withdrawal symptoms, even seizures.
"By that point my finances were no longer a concern. I had a measure of freedom to focus on raising Randy, monitor his condition, and explore options for therapy or even a cure. I quietly tried dozens of potential solutions, all while trying to give him as normal a childhood as possible. He went to school as long as he could. He didn’t have very many friends, but you were always counted among them; a notable pillar of support. I tried not to stigmatize him, or talk about him like he was different. Some of that was down to my own denial and guilt… I didn’t want to acknowledge his rapid decline, at least not before I’d exhausted every hope of giving him a second chance. I thought I could find the right treatment. I simply had to.
"When he became completely immobile, I knew I was running out of time -- but that's when I had a breakthrough. I checked, tested, rechecked, and just //knew// this new drug was going to fix things. It was the only idea I had left, and when it worked, I’d finally get my son back…
"…but you already know the rest. It was the last in a long string of failures. Early signs were good. Cravings, food intake – they all began to settle down. It might have been the turning point that gave us a chance to safely scale back his feedings and finally break the cycle. That didn't happen at all. Randy’s intake took another sharp and unprecedented //increase//. There shouldn't have been any rebound effect. No chance of outright rejection. I still don’t get it. The formulation was perfect. On paper, in theory, from any angle I looked, it should have worked a hundred times over. I still beat myself up over it, lying awake at night, trying to figure out what went wrong."
The sound is muffled, but you think he's weeping again. You're thankful Paul can't see your face. You're afraid that even through a ton of fat, your pounding heartbeat may betray you.
Your chest feels tight. Your moral soap box has collapsed. You told yourself Randy only had one direction to go, and you only helped him get there a bit sooner. You even remember seeing a change -- the one Paul was expecting. You thought Randy wasn't feeling well. His eating became sluggish -- closer to outright resistance that you had ever seen. You thought the increased portions might have finally proved too much -- but Randy remained stubbornly determined to finish everything you put in front of him. It was a matter of pride. As a team, you pushed through that slump.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You sealed his fate.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")].</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Somebody's Fantasy</div>''
With Donna's encouragement, coaxing and pulling with what assistance she can offer, you sputter and heave and wiggle a little closer. Walking -- or even standing -- are both distant memories, but with enough persistence you should still be able to manage this much. After a few more comically ineffective thrusts, you feel yourself begin to spill over the unseen edge of your bed. Your belly pulls at you(if: $gender is 2)[, followed by the mass of your draping breasts]. It all seems to start in slow-motion, but soon you're helplessly riding an avalanche toward the floor. The ride is short, and the ending is unpleasantly abrupt. A pained grunt escapes your lips as the air is driven from your lungs. Your blubber tries to escape in all directions at once, before sharply rebounding with a painful slap that must have bruised some organs. An involuntary trickle runs down the round fleshy slope at your rear, yet you still cling to hope that your bowels will hold out long enough. Tears of pain cloud your vision. You pray your mass is somewhere near the center of the sling tarp, as intended.
You've stranded yourself -- face-down and belly-bound -- in an enormous sprawling heap. Your legs are splayed wide, uselessly straddling the widest part of your gut. You wriggle, trying to brace or push with your hands, but are forced to settle for the pathetic leverage available by reaching (if: $gender is 2)[around your breasts, and ]past your vast rubbery brisket. With some abrupt and frantic sloshing, you barely manage to sweep the toes of one foot uselessly against the floor. You have the craziest sensation of being both utterly stuck, yet at the same time dangerously unstable. Your hind-brain dreads an undeniable fact: any further settling or shifting of your mass -- whether it be desirable or disastrous -- is utterly beyond your control.
Donna seems to be torn about whether to take any of this seriously. "Oh... *giggle* I'm sorry... this just seems like a cliché straight out of a cartoon! It just needs some better sound effects. Can you still breathe well enough?"
Honestly, it's a near thing. This foolish stunt //seemed// like a vaguely attractive notion -- like something that you wanted... no, //needed// to try while you still had the chance. Unfortunately, this flight of fancy works much better in fan fiction. It's easy to imagine a belly bed as a comfy thing; a supportive mattress of living flesh, with the core of the pampered host conveniently tethered somewhere near the plush horizon. Nobody imagines the true scenario -- a prison of crushing blubber that drapes haphazardly around and //through// you, pinning you awkwardly. You're totally trapped by your accumulated mass, and eduring torturous grinding pressure that might at any moment provoke you into choking on your own vomit.
"You've got a look on your face that says you're in free-fall without a parachute, Hon. Hold on. We're gonna cut this short."
While she rushes to put some tension on the bariatric sling, confirming, thankfully, that it //is// correctly in position. You spend a few more minutes //trying// to fixate on something wonderful about the experience. You end up remembering only how your body screamed for relief.
You're glad the sling works properly, and that Donna has been a quick study and a competent operator. As you flop bonelessly into the concave spillway formed in your mattress, you're still desperately gasping for breath. You never thought you'd be so happy to be stuck on your back again. Angry bruises are already sprouting at the margins of your belly and chest as a painful testament to this foolish excercise.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Not sure why that one doesn't show up on more bucket lists.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cookiesBought += 12)(set: $donnaScheduled to 0)(set: $gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set: $weight += 4)}<span id="content">
(if: (EventFattestMan of $oneTimeEvents is 99998) and ($donna is 0))[
''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")By the wagon full...</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">*DING DONG*</div>
You think you hear a squeaky wagon. Paul opens the door, grumbling something unpleasant.
"Hey Paul! You look positively radiant today. Do something with your hair?"
(if: ($switchToSarahDelivery is 0) and ($metDonna is 1))[
"My hair is normal, Sarah. What //isn't// normal is being forced to tolerate your company again so soon. I see your wagon is heavily loaded. Donna couldn't make it?"
"She asked me to look after deliveries here from now on. Guess she was tired of putting so many miles on her car. She said your account looked legitimate, and neither of you seemed likely to murder me."
"Well, I've definitely kept the account paid..." Paul submits in a drole tone.](else:)["Still no, Sarah. Thanks for asking. More cookies?"]
"Yes, and an old man could make himself useful and help a little girl unload these cartons," she snipes.
"Only because you asked nicely... and will probably leave sooner."
You hear a few dull thuds as the cartons are arranged near the door.
"See you again soon, Mr. Paul. (if: $metDonna is 1)[I'd ask about another order right away, but Donna (if: $switchToSarahDelivery is 0)[(set: $switchToSarahDelivery to 1)said](else:)[still says] oversupplying the customer is poor marketing practice. //Scarcity ensures healthy demand.// I was skeptical, but I see how well it works for Nintendo. I'll come back.](else:)[I wouldn't want to let your (if: $gender is 1)[nephew](else:)[niece] starve.]"
"Peachy. Get off my lawn, demonic little girl."
"Sure thing, Paul. Take care of that living cookie vaccuum. I'd take it personally if (if:$gender is 2)[s]he dies before I get back." Sarah saunters away, humming an inappropriate tune, with her squeaky wagon in tow.
<div class="roundborder2">You hope Paul (link: "doesn't wait too long with those cartons.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</div>](elseif: $donna is 0)[''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Still Doing her Job</font>''</div>
“Hey there. Don't get up! It's just me.”
A familiar muffled voice echoes down from the entranceway. You’re caught in a half doze, but quickly shake yourself wake. Casual footsteps make their way down the hall in into your room.
“Don't get the wrong idea. I'm still mad at you for turning me away, but apparently nobody else in this district is willing to drop off your cookies. Well... Sarah probably would. But she'd have to make several trips with her wagon, and I'd just end up delivering them to //her//.”
She chuckles. You both chat for a bit. She scratches a stubborn itch for you. The cartons are conveniently opened and left in reach. She departs again.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You thank her for coming.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Donna2")]
<!-- else if donna is 1 - ie. cookie delivery while she lives there -->
</div>](else:)[''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Still Doing her Job</font>''</div>
"Hey, guess what just arrived from the depot! Another batch of cookies for you to inhale."
Even with her constant enthusiasm, you think you can hear the barest hint of disapproval. It's not like you //need// the cookies for anything. They did sort of bring Donna into your life, but that's a done deal. Now you just //really// like them, even though they're about the worst possible thing for you.
<div class="roundborder2">You politely wait to stuff your face (link: "until you're sure she's done talking.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")One for the record books</font>''</div>
"I think we should do it." Donna says, for only about the twentieth time. You'd point out she has an obsession if that wasn't such a shakey accusation coming from you.
"You've got to admit," she continues, "even after poking around, doing research on the Internet... reports of people significantly over a thousand pounds are pretty rare. I think you're a shoe-in for the record."
A Guinness record. She's firmly convinced this is something worth persuing. You're not especially troubled by your freakish state, or what people would think... but would 'official recognition' really worth the hassle? Do you want the inevitable attention, good and bad? Media interviews, curious onlookers and hecklers, studies and researchers... You can barely imagine the inconvenience it would cause Paul, serving as your patient host. Perhaps it's for the best that Donna hasn't mentioned her idea to him yet.
"Plus... I don't know... I just get this //weird feeling// that putting the word out might be helpful to you in the end. You're kind of isolated."
Speaking of getting the word out, you haven't really shared the extent of your 'transformation' with your parents. They know you've put on some more weight, but must assume you're still up and about, doing normal things. If you don't get your act together, they'll hear you first on the evening news -- especially if Guinness makes if official.
"Just keep in mind, they're not likely to put someone on the //next available flight// to come and validate a claim like this. I'm not saying don't bother, but just... you know... maybe you should decide now, in case there's... a time crunch?"
In other words, 'limited time offer'. Hurry up and get your name immortalized in print.
Try not to die first.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Let her send the application.")[(set: $guinness to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "EventFattestMan2")].
(link: "Not going to happen.")[(set: $guinness to 0)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "EventFattestMan3")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Floored...</div>''
At certain times of the day, a few rays of sun still filter through the window despite the small ground-level view and the shade that's usually drawn for privacy. You think you see an unusual shadow from the corner of your eye. Maybe some curious kids heard rumours about the blubbery freak living on this street, and want to sneak a quick look. It wouldn't even surprise you if there werew voyeurs for this kind of thing. You almost call out, but quickly remember (if: $donna is 1)[ that Donna stepped out to go and teach a group of girls how to make bird feeders out of pinecones, and] Paul isn't home yet from whatever he calls work these days.
You wheeze, craning your neck as far as possible against the thick noose of flab. You want to get a better look... but see only the fleshy horizon that seems intent on blocking any decent vantage point. You reach up and blindly grasp for the edge of your headboard. With a rare stroke of luck, you find within convenient grabbing distance, and manage to wrap your pudgey fingers around the edge. You test the strength of your grip, hoping to find the leverage to rotate your upper body in the desired direction.
You begin with a couple of woefully inadequate lurching twists, barely altering your position. A fully committed third effort finally succeeds in shifting your upper body a few inches, but (if: $gender is 1)[also traps your other arm beneath your flowing chest](else:)[also sends your gargantuan breasts and the bulk of our chest itself spilling to that side, completely trapping your bottom arm]. You gasp with discomfort and dangerously restricted breathing -- momentarily convinced you must have dislodged your oxygen lines. Stubbornly, you fight to prevent yourself from sliding back, determined to catch just a quick glimpse. Ahh... so that's it. It was just the neighbor's damn cat.
<div class="message5">**Creak...cre-crack!**</div>
The image of a lumberjack calling "timber" flashes through your mind, before blurring into a violent onslaught of sensations. A louder, sharper snapping sound. A split second of weightlessness. Joints screaming in pain, limbs splayed outward with traumatic overextension. A concussive shock, like the snap of a wet towel to all your organs at once. Wild, fatty undulations that seem to take forever to settle. The terrifying realization that your lungs refuse to respond. Pain. Stars. Darkness.
You wake from a nonsensical dream -- something about a vehicle collision, and a heated argument about where to locate the license number on the rogue manatee. You try to shake your head to clear it of sleep, and realize the haze isn't lifting. Everything is heavy. Everything is sore -- especially the arm and shoulder that were caught on the bottom. You're not yet certain it isn't dislocated. Also, everything is a couple of feet closer to the floor now.(if: $donna is 1)[Donna seems to have arrived home during your unscheduled nap. You note with a twinge of irriation that she's actually wearing an amused smile, which you judge to be a wholey inappropriate. You're about to chew her out when you notice she's also checking you carefully for signs of lasting harm.
"Nice work on the bed frame, blobby dearest. This actually makes some things a little easier for me to reach. Glad you're thinking of me."]
(if: $bariatricBed is 1)[<div class="message5">Paul's not going to like what you've done to the fancy bed. You can just use the crushed mattress on the floor for now, but maybe you can ask him to track down a replacement.</div>(set: $bariatricBed to 0)](else:)[You remember that was a particularly well-built bed, and you even had a few extra bars of reinforcement added. There's honestly nothing stopping you from just leaving the crushed mattress on the floor, but <span class="message5">maybe it's a //really// good time to consider asking Paul for one of those fancy bariatric beds.</span>]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Gravity is a dick to fat people.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Datamap containing possible general (after immobiliity) health conditions, and a corresponding numeric state -->
<!-- 0 for terminal, 1-9998 for countdown (days), 99999 for inactive -->
(set: $generalAfflictions to (dm:
"HeartAttack", 99999,
"O2Malfunction", 99999,
"PanicAttack", 99999,
"CreatureHost", 99999,
"Ulcer", 99999,
"FoodPoisoning", 99999,
"SkinTear", 99999,
"Infection", 99999,
"BreathingDifficulty", 99999,
"ChronicLymphedema", 99999,
"Constipated", 99999,
"Overheated", 99999,
"ChronicItch", 99999,
"DigestiveCramps", 99999,
"Exhaustion", 99999,
"Bedsore", 99999,
"DisgustingHygiene", 99999
<!-- flags to trigger a 'first time' passage for each condition -->
<!-- 1 for never triggered, 0 once it has -->
<!-- Heart Attack has separate 'first time' trigger -->
(set: $generalFirstTime to (dm:
"HeartAttack", 0,
"O2Malfunction", 1,
"PanicAttack", 1,
"CreatureHost", 1,
"Ulcer", 1,
"FoodPoisoning", 1,
"SkinTear", 1,
"Infection", 1,
"BreathingDifficulty", 1,
"ChronicLymphedema", 1,
"Constipated", 1,
"Overheated", 1,
"ChronicItch", 1,
"DigestiveCramps", 1,
"Exhaustion", 1,
"Bedsore", 1,
"DisgustingHygiene", 1,
}{(set: $weight += (random: 800,1200))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Is anybody there?</div>''
Has anyone remarked upon the globular, misshapen mound literally plugging the room like a swollen cork? The unimaginable reek? The walls moldering straight through to the adjacent rooms? The stains of seeping fluids, dried and crusted into layer upon layer of peculiar overlapping patterns?
Do they wonder about the tubes and wires that seem to disappear into oddly natural formations? The beeping machines? The whistling of pressurized gas?
Do they notice nearly imperceptible shivers of movement?
Can such a thing really be alive?
//Am I alive?//
'Who knows?', (if: $gender is 2)[s]he asks. 'I might be', it tells itself. Hours. Days. Sometimes seconds. Occasionally eons. They begin and end endlessly, jumbling together.
Sanity is failing. Fleeting. Floating somewhere inescapable: trapped in a numbing alphabet soup of regret, tethered in a chamber of sourceless and pervasive discomfort. Why does it still listen? How could it? Did anybody even bother to learn your name?
Piercing the agonized whimpers, penetrating the weariness -- the tenuous touch of a dragon. A wisp of living flame, flickering delicately, seeping beneath the relentless grip of blackest darkness. At these impossible depths, are the bindings broken? Unspoken? The syrupy pulse of time trickles upon forgotten senses like an unsteady wingbeat. Stuttering. The flame is quickly guttering. Fading. All-consuming. The final moment truly begins.
//No...// a heart wrenching spasm... //Please wait... Left behind... something important. **Wait!**//
A glimmer resolves into piercing starlight, sloughing away every shadow.
'''You did good, (if: $gender is 2)[honey](else:)[baby]... I want you to know that. Don't worry about me, just go on ahead.'''
The tether breaks... but you're already flying.
<div class="roundborder2">Congratulations! You found the **BEST** of the main endings!
(link: "Score and Summary")[(set: $endReasonMessage to "Existential Dragon Flight")(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){<!-- End Reason Display Parsing -->
(if: $endReason is "HeartAttack")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Fatal Heart Attack")
](elseif: $endReason is "O2Malfunction")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Critical Breathing Equipment Failure")
](elseif: $endReason is "PanicAttack")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from Acute Panic Attack")
](elseif: $endReason is "CreatureHost")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from hosting (if:$pest is 1)[a family of mice](elseif: $pest is 2)[a colony of ants](else:)[too many industrious maggots]")
](elseif: $endReason is "Ulcer")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Advanced Ulcer / Blood Poisoning")
](elseif: $endReason is "FoodPoisoning")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from food poisoning")
](elseif: $endReason is "SkinTear")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from torn skin / infection")
](elseif: $endReason is "Infection")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Advanced Infection / Blood Poisoning")
](elseif: $endReason is "BreathingDifficulty")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Suffocation")
](elseif: $endReason is "ChronicLymphedema")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from Lymphatic System Failure")
](elseif: $endReason is "Constipated")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Internal poisoning from chronic constipation")
](elseif: $endReason is "Overheated")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Fatal acute Heat Stroke")
](elseif: $endReason is "ChronicItch")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from itching/scratching infection")
](elseif: $endReason is "DigestiveCramps")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Fatal Dysentery")
](elseif: $endReason is "Exhaustion")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Acute Exhaustion / Sleep Apnea")
](elseif: $endReason is "DisgustingHygiene")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Complications from poor hygiene")
](elseif: $endReason is "PinchedJunk")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Serious allergy to crushed balls")
](elseif: $endReason is "NoCreditsToMove")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Being left high and dry by Paul")
](elseif: $endReason is "Insanity")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Trapped down the fat-clotted rabbit hole")
](elseif: $endReason is "DislocatedHip")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Popped a leg socket and freaked out")
](elseif: $endReason is "Health")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Succumbed to a general health decline")
](elseif: $endReason is "Intervention")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Family Intervention")
](elseif: $endReason is "Anniversary")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "A Big Fat Birthday Intervention")
](elseif: $endReason is "NoSavings")[
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Burned through your savings, Intervention")
(if: $endReasonMessage is "")[
<!-- Kludge to let me manually set the message earlier -->
(set: $endReasonMessage to "Crap. Please report this error.")
(set: $eventsUnlockedCount to 0)
(set: $totalEventsCount to 0)
(for: each _event, ...(Custom.datanamesNatural($oneTimeEvents)))[
(set: $totalEventsCount += 1)
(if: (_event of $oneTimeEvents is 99999))[
(set: $eventsUnlockedCount += 1)
(set: $score to (floor: (($weight*100)/$day) + (($credit + 1)*100)))
(if: $popcornChoice is 2)[(set: $score += 1000)]
}<div class='actbody'>YOUR SCORE: $score</div>
Final Weight: (floor:$weight) lbs
Average gained per day: (print:((floor:((($weight-$startWeight)/$day)*10))/10)) lbs
Events/Milestones reached: $eventsUnlockedCount/$totalEventsCount
Game Ending Event: $endReasonMessage
Unused Favors: $credit
Fast Food Meals Eaten: $mealsEaten
Boxes of Cookies Eaten: $cookiesBought
(if: $popcornChoice is 2)[Pallet loads of snacks dented: 1<br />](if: $popcornChoice is 1)[Movie Studios that bought your soul: 1<br />](if: EventFinale of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Family members slowly murdered: (if: $donna is 1)[1](else:)[2]<br />](if: $weight > 400)[Number of starved Ethiopian children that would have survived a whole year, given the food devoured during this game: (floor:($weight * 4000)/(1200 * 365))
<div class="roundborder2">**(link-repeat: "Quit Now")[(goto-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")]
(link: "New Game")[(reload:)]**</div>
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")For the record, results are pending.</font>''</div>
"Oh good, because I actually submitted the application last week."
You take a sharp breath and grit your teeth. Seems like you might have used the words 'impulsive' and 'troublemaker' to describe Donna in the past. Can't quite remember why it came up.
"They seemed optimistic the report would be scheduled for review, and they were supposed to call me when more details were... <span class="message5">bzzz</span> Oh... <span class="message5">bzzz</span> that's my phone now. It looks like their number."
Well that's suspiciously convenient. She takes the call, but you don't quite manage follow her half of the conversation. She seems surprised at first, then quite angry. It's a few minutes before she finally hangs up.
"Can you believe this? She says your assigned investigator got rerouted to China, and he might not return for weeks, or even months! I told her to send someone else, and she just rhymed off a boilerplate response. It was something like: 'half of the reports in the fattest person categories are obvious hoaxes. A lot end dying before we arrive, or before getting published. With our society so determined to breed new and fatter people each day, the records seldom last from one edition to the next. We can't justify the extra staff and expense to confirm your alledged record at this time.'"
Brutal. You ask if they mentioned what the alleged new record in China was about.
"Oh, apparently you have competition. There's some hermit woman deep in the mountains that the locals call 'The Great Whale of the Valley' or some nonsense. Guinness got a couple of unsubstantiated reports that she's been housebound for several years, and could already be over 2000 lbs. Apparently it was enough to get you bumped down the list. I even sent them pictures, dammit!"
You make a few strangled noises, before quietly accepting that there could be some uncredited new photos on niche porn sites before nightfall.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Hopefully she didn't embed your name on the images.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")For the record, no.</font>''</div>
"You're sure, then? It really is your decision, after all. I guess I'm going to have to respect that."
You assure her that you are, in fact, quite certain you want nothing to do with the record books.
You are simply enormously fat. Nothing more, and nothing less. It's your personal curse. Not a spectacle to amuse (or disgust) the masses. You intend to say out of the headlines if you can help it.
She watches you quietly for another moment, a little sadly it seems, before giving a quick nod. She excuses herself to go and fetch your latest hot and tasty meal, which, judging from the doorbell, has just arrived.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Mmmm. Smells like Italian.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Taking your situation to heart...</div>''
Gnawing agony. Ripping slashes from dull razor blades. Jolting seizures of pain. Fiery cramping convulsions.
These are phrases people might use to describe the sensation ripping through your chest, and they would all be woefully inadequate.
There have been previous 'episodes'. When they came up, you would generally grin and bear it, working around the nagging pain, and patiently waiting until it passes. A grotesquely obese person doesn't survive long without developing some unusual tolerance for pain and discomfort.
Sweat has already drenched your sheets, flowing freely down the exaggerated valleys of your anatomy. The stress feeds upon itself, leading to panic and struggle, multiplying the strain on your spasming heart. You manage a few feeble squawks of pain, but the squeeze on your chest prevents you from drawing a proper breath.
This event is on a different level. You’ve already waited too long. You can’t even call out. It can only be the worst case scenario -- a proper, full-blown and very deadly heart attack.
(if: $ventilator is 1)[(set: $health to it - ($health * 0.50))The shrill tone from your monitor pierces the silence, which brings Paul running. Your heart offers a few more irregular gallops -– enough to momentarily interrupt the solid tone from the machine –- but continues to falter.
As usual, Paul seems level headed, and wastes no time. Confirming you’re still conscious, he makes adjustments to further enrich your oxygen supply and secures the full ventilation mask to your face.
“I know it hurts – but I need you to try your best to relax.”
Easy for him to say, but admittedly the volume of new air pushed into your lungs is a welcome feeling. You’re just beginning to think you'll make it over the hump when another agonizing spasm rolls through your chest... and you heart goes still. Your eyes go wide, and your pupils roll back.
“Shit.” Paul remarks succinctly. The machine’s piecing drone fills the room. He curls his arm, and recklessly hurls himself like a pro-wrestler to drive his elbow downward into your chest. The first shot lands a little high, and is wasted on several extra inches of breast flab. He resets and tries again, this time finding his mark. Even through the fatty layer, he manages to apply a jarring blow to your ribs. He prepares and delivers anothers shot, and then another. The ventilator continues its steady pump and hiss as nearly a minute passes. Again and again, he applies the same bruising jolt.
A beep. And another. Paul stands back, gasping with exertion, sweat running down his face.
Gradually, the rhythm approaches a regular pattern. Your eyes flutter. You blink in confusion. You feel awful; the pain is still intense, but different in texture. Less immediate. It's a more tempered and tolerable ache, even considering a new flavor of discomfort. Cracked ribs? You see Paul’s conflicted face, and understand.
He’s saved your life, that you might yet live to see worse.
<div class="message5">Now available: Defibrillator unit. The right tool for the job. Fewer broken ribs. Gives the Paul (first aid) the same chance of resucitating you as a field medic.</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Continue. How could it get worse?")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>](else:)[Nobody seems to notice any of this. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna is off today. ]Paul should be home right now, but you’ve missed your opportunity to easily warn him. No communication device is within reach. You don’t even have anything noisy to make a meaninful ruckus.
Another massive quake grips your chest, sending electric shots of agony down your arms. Barely a second passes before a wicked aftershock grips your heart yet again. You’re blacking out. The series of convulsions would have stolen your breath if you had any left to spare. You beg it to stop.
You absently realize your heart has gone completely still.
Managaing a final strangled chirp of distress, you consider the value of choosing concise instructions, and promptly die.
<div class='message5'>Remember that vital signs monitor and ventilator unit? Yeah, the one you didn’t get. They’re known for making an //attention getting// amount of noise when a person’s heart stops.</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Thanks for the heads up, jerk.")[(set: $endReason to "HeartAttack")(goto: "EndMedical")]</div>
]</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Playing Footsie...</div>''
It's been difficult to properly visualize your growing proportions, especially with so much of your lower body creeping out of sight (and out of reach). (if: $donna is 1)[Donna is always eager to show you pictures that highlight the changes since she arrived, but the there's still an odd disconnect in your mind.](else:)[There's an odd disconnect in your mind.]
Every once in a while, you just have to take a moment and //really// feel what's going on. It helps you look for the latest trouble spots, check your range of movement, and revise your list of what still jiggles and what simply //doesn't//.
Laying comfortably in your favorite mandatory bed, you casually begin to test the flexibility of each joint, starting with your feet. The sensory feedback is already a little difficult to process. You wiggle your feet, stop, and wiggle them again, marveling at the thick swollen cushion that hugs your ankles and fully cradles your heels.
A perverse and powerful urge suddenly comes unbidden, no doubt fuelled by restless boredom and enforced bed-bound inactivity. You clench your muscles and diliberately tug, dragging your legs against the rubbery perimeter of your vast bulk. More quickly than you expect, your ankles firmly hug the edge of their puckering sockets, squeaking with tension.
Christ. That sensation alone is educational. How soon until you face this sort 'tug of war' all the time? You hadn't realized your calves and thighs were already so monolithic. The threat is real. How soon before they literally consume your feet?
A unexpected spasm shoots down your legs, triggering another unvoluntary tug. Much to your surprise... your heels each slip past an unseen crown of flesh with an odd <span class="message5">pop-blorp!</span> As if on cue, the taut anklets of flesh cinch like tugged drawstrings, narrowing into a snug collar just behind the balls of your feet. Your toes are aimed perfectly erect like a bizarre parody of ballet dance en pointe. Your ankles immediately blossom with a burning ache, rejecting the unnatural position.
Wide-eyed and distracted by the sensation, it takes you a few seconds to realize you're still pulling like some kind of retard. You squirm in your haste to relax your hips and allow your legs to return to their full reach. You needn't have bothered. The moment you stop pulling, the heels of both feet eagerly squirt back out.
You weren't expecting today's body image update to be quite that vivid.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "There's no reason to do that again.
Not... immediately.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Cultured living...</div>''
The numbness has been spreading. More of your lower body is fully immobilized with each passing day. The previously loose, draping mounds have become too massive -- too heavy to manipulate. An almost featureless mountain of flab has subsumed most of your legs and torso, holding them in a totally restrictive embrace. Blood circulation to many areas is less than ideal. You're looking awfully roundish these days.
Where numbness hasn't quite taken hold, a throbbing itch plays on the fringes of your folded skin, hinting at the dank and festering hell that hides just beneath the surface. You can't begin to shift enough of your bulk to air out your loins. Deep exploration with brush and sponge can't tame the thriving ecosystem.
<div class="message5">PPPPHRAAAP!</div>
That one was hardly more than a squeaker, really. You've become accustomed to farts that would drown out a loud conversation. Something about the expulsion did seem different, though. You normally notice a change of pressure in your bowels. The smell isn't normal -- a sour whiff that reminds you of the last few times (if: $donna is 1)[Donna helped clean and service some of](else:)[Paul begrudgingly agreed to venture anywhre near] your smothered groin bits. Are your entombed cavities turning into some kind of stagnant, human fermentarium?
<div class="message5">prrpf... ffffpupup...</div>
Yeah, maybe.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Well, aren't you just the freakin' circle of life.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Facing adversity...</div>''
Humanity has conceived many forms of torture.
Waterboarding. Crucifixion. Nickelback. Not so long ago, you would have considered //stairs// a top contender.
You would subject yourself to all of those at once for one chance to scratch your itchy nose.
*//Damn it.//* (if: $donna is 1)[Why would if have to be when Donna and Paul are nowhere to be found? ](else:)[Paul is nowhere to be found, as usual.] Ok. It's fine. Relax. Surely such a mundane problem is still within your meager capabilities.
You begin to drag your dominant arm a little closer, flexing your elbow against tangeable and immediate resistance. A heavy sack of flesh dangles from your upper arm, draping fully around the joint, and deforming noticeably where your arm //should// bend. You feel the flesh pinching, still soft enough to yield a bit, but reluctant to allow much progress. Grunting with effort, you continue to strain. Your shoulder is burning, begging for a return to its rest position. A ominous tug at your chest makes you think of your heart, but turns out to be a more literal tug as your balled-up fist meets the (if:$gender is 1)[dangling edge of your pillowy man-breast](else:)[perimeter of one of your massive sagging breasts]. The obstacle is not entirely unexpected -- but further efforts only drive your hand slightly deeper -- and //under// the mound of lard. That's new. Even if you could bend your elbow enough to... //Holy shit//.
When did you last feed yourself? Or touch your face? It can't have been recently. It's certainly not going to be today.
As a somewhat positive consolation, you manage to scrunch your chin and neck, deal with a few tense moments of breathlessness, and finally, //just barely//, rub your nose with the top of that same pillowy (if:$gender is 1)[man-]breast. Ahhhh.... God, //yes...// the simple things in life...
''Seriously though... you can't reach your own face.''
<div class="message5">Your standard food consumption rate is reduced, since your self-feeding options are now zero. Visit the Paul-a-torium for great deals on feeding tubes.
Also: Paul probably won't bother you with any more phone duty or paperwork. Except maybe ironically.</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Ahhh yeah... still rub-scratching.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Blue in the face...</div>''
You feel a certain kinship with Miss Beauregarde.
You keenly recall the climax of her fantastical ordeal. Relentlessly expanding, hands flailing, limbs forced absolutely erect. Helpless, but stubborn even in her crowning moment of dread. You close your eyes, and put yourself in her place. It doesn't take much imagination. You slowly and deliberately roll your wrists, letting your hands sweep against the puckering spillage from your massive forearms. You try to wiggle your entombed feet, spilling a little moan at how their dull tingling barely penetrates the chronic numbness.
Sure, your circumstances are a bit different. You never had the benefit of any experimental chewing gum. You've had to grind a massive surplus of calories and survive long enough to reap these consequences. You'll never be an idyllic blue sphere, ripe for creepy orange slaves to roll down the hallway. You're a sprawling, increasingly gravity-contorted, utterly immovable mound of blubber. You'll find no relief or salvation in any oversized juicer. Not for you. Not the kind you're looking for, anyway.
Somebody apparently thought you had a //whole// lot to atone for.
You frantically flail your hands in a mock display of horror -- one that isn't entirely faked. Breathing is obscenely difficult. Your wrists already ache with the strain, and you idley wonder how much longer you'll be able to manage that much flexibility.
The comparison with a certain blueberry girl is hardly a stretch, but you haven't finished stretching yet.
(if: $ventilator is 0)[<div class="message5">It's miraculous you've gone this long without a mechanical ventilator. You'll have no relief from breathing difficulty until you get one.</div>]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "You get one Willy Wonka reference.
That was it.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>You must weigh a ton!</div>''
So maybe you're a little shy of a proper 'Ton', but any American would say it's true. You suspect everyone else will be in agreement soon enough.
Surely a jest. Hyperbole. A ridiculous exaggeration. The kind of phrase an exchange student might take literally. After all, nobody has ever //actually// weighed a ton. How could they? //Why// would they? How would that even work?
You're not entirely sure you can provide answers, despite being the sole living authority on the subject.(if: $guinness is 1)[.. unless that mountain wench in China turns out to be real.]
It doesn't seem so very long ago that 1000 pounds represented an unsurmountable natural barrier; the threshold for all sorts of unpleasant complications, and almost certainly //the beginning of the end.// Yet here you are, doubling that weight. It's not a particularly enviable feat, nor one you would recommend any sane person try to duplicate. Indeed, the mass of a //small automobile// has somehow anchored itself to your feeble human frame, practically engulfing it in the process.
Your body, by rights, should have collapsed under this abuse long ago. No amount of preparation or luck could have guaranteed this outcome. You have to assume someone... or some//thing// else has been acting in your favor.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "A ton of regrets, maybe.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $afflictionOverride to "PanicAttack")}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Look Ma, no hands...</div>''
Your hands were one of your last meaningful connections to the physical world. You still felt a responsibility to preserve that connection, but knew you were failing miserably. The clammy mittens of flesh were persistent. Claiming your palms. Devouring your knuckles. They made you work for every precious moment your fingertips might continue to appear outside their fleshy tombs.
You’ve been avoiding the issue, and avoiding the finality it would eventually bring. For a time, you never bothered to really test your suspicions. To your mind, better to have a definitive result. Better to skip the anxious days of wondering “can it still be stopped?”, when you know in your heart there can be only one answer. You’ve intentionally kept your fingers to yourself – within yourself – (if: $donna is 1)[throughout several of Donna’s cleaning sessions, and ]while Paul begrudgingly washes around your extremities. It’s been long enough that it hardly takes a genius to surmise your difficulty.
Not such a huge difficulty, really, if you don't fight it. Life has become rather abstract. Sleep happens. You just float. Waking is only a vague transition to consciousness -- a traditional time to open your eyes. Perhaps yawn, if you're so inclined. Take stock of any new and particularly distressing discomforts. And, of course, eat. You appreciate the predictability of the routine.
This //particular// morning offers up an unpleasant surprise:
You wake out of the ragged and immediately effects of a dream, sweating and gasping. Your arms and shoulders ache. There's an undeniably sweet edge of afterglow. Despite the warmth of endorphins still running through your brain, you’re also dangrously riled. Near panic, even.
You remember. The dream had you helplessly sealed inside an egg. Suspended within, //floating//, and desperate to break out. You needed to breathe. You found the shell agonizingly close but always just slightly out of reach.
Then you started devolving. Your limbs blurred, your body slowly melting into creamy gelatin. Soon yellow yolk surrounded in slimey white completely filled the egg's interior. Your consciousness shriveled to a pinpoint as the pressure inside pressed to crack the shell without.
Thick white fluid burst forth.
Your subconscious needs to take a lesson in subtlety.
You try to recover your wits and your stamina, swearing you've survived not less than a whole marathon. You cannot stifle a shiver of fear, unintentionally dwelling on a not-so-distant future when you’ll gaze upon only a wall of your own flesh, or the oppressive darkness that follows. Even after several hours, you struggle to find peace. The panic attack is going to linger.
<div class="message5">No, really. You going to have to deal with a panic attack.</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "You have ten fingers and ten toes. They're just antisocial.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: Ulcer of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>You stomach started with the correct number of holes...</div>''
You would think that with the near constant flow of food that goes through your system, you would have a pretty good resistance against ulcers.
It's not like you get into a lot of alcohol, or super-spicey foods. You didn't choke down an entire back of whole nuts with abrasive shells. You don't think you've been eating thumbtacks in your sleep. Nothing like that. All you can figure is the general strain on your enormously fat body has caused an internal chink in your armor. You hope it's not a common thing, because boy do these suck.
You alternately feel feverish and naseous. The sharp pain feels just sourceless enough that you initially worried about a heart attack. The intensity is certainly in that realm.
All you can do is try to avoid foods that irritate it more than usual, and hope it heals up before long. Your overall intake is restricted. You might check to see if Paul can arrange some sort of treatment to speed things up.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: Exhaustion of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Being fat is exhausting...</div>''
It's a combination of factors. The constant strain on your body. The additional load on your repiratory and cardiovascular systems. The simple fact that physically doing //anything// is a chore beyond anything you could have imagined not long ago.
You remember Randy had 'off' days. Day when he wasn't helpful at all during clean up activies. Days when he seemed less responsive. Days when he just wanted to sleep. You didn't always let him, but now you wish you had found a bit more sympathy.
This qualifies as your first real 'spell' of lasting, chronic exhaustion. Obviously your size is a major factor -- but you get the sense that it still might pass given time or treatment. All you know is you don't feel better with rest. Spending so long drained like this has to have a secondary effect on your immunities and health. Maybe it's partly nutrition. Maybe something else needs adjusting. It could be worth checking with Paul. In the meantime, you get to feel like a bag of shit.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: DigestiveCramps of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Explosive shits...</div>''
Your general expansion has brought with it a significant increase in your digestive tract capacity. Stretched stomach. Enlarged intestines. Higher general throughput.
One of the unfortunate side effects is that when your system rebels, you have //a lot// to get rid of. You're not sure if you've had too much rich food, or maybe got into something a bit spoiled. Perhaps a minor stomach virus. In any case, your guts have been cramping, you're constanty thirsty, and the shit is flowing either freely or in exhausting bursts.
The environment you're creating isn't pleasant for anybody involved.
You're not exactly comfortable, perky and full of energy, or getting proper nutrition while this is happening. The acidic burning of your rectum is yet another glorious experience for the resumé of a veteran fatass.
You're hoping the worst of it passes soon. Maybe Paul can set you up with some helpful medication.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: FoodPoisoning of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Food is always welcome, except for that...</div>''
One might expect that after consuming such a variety of foods, and in such quantities, you would have a certain //flexibility// when it comes to exactly what you eat. An iron stomach, so to speak. Eskimos are resistant to cold. Exposure to some bateria or viruses helps long-term immunity. By this logic, you really ought to be able to eat whatever the hell you want.
Except, apparently, for those old (either: "frozen dinners", "pudding cups", "jello snacks", "stale cupcakes") from last night. They tasted a little off, and now you feel like you're dying.
It's amazing how a little toxin in your system can make the environment unpleasant for anybody in the house.
The cramping of your guts is painful and intense. The acidic burning of your rectum is noteworthy in itself. You aren't even hungry, which might be the biggest crime of all.
You're hoping the worst of it passes soon. Maybe Paul can set you up with some helpful medication.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: SkinTear of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Stretched a little too far...</div>''
Skin is a remarkable organ (yes, //organ//), but not remarkable enough to withstand this. There's a boring bit of math called the square-cube law. In a nutshell, it explains the difference between an observed size ("hey, you're twice as big"), and your volume and surface //skin// area -- which expand at a far quicker rate.
Some of the most abused areas -- around folds, near the epicenters of new fat deposits -- are simply stretched too far and too fast. It starts as a notable itching sensation as the desperately skin tries to scar and knit ahead of further damage. This time, the stress wasn't relieved. The itch suddenly turned to pain, and you knew you had an open sore.
Every poke or jostle is like wildfire. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna has already patched it up](else:)[Paul begrudgingly patched it up] but it's going to take a while to heal. There's a risk of infection. Your continued weight gain is probably not going to help the process.
Maybe there's some kind of salve or 'liquid stitches' product that could speed up the process.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: ChronicItch of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>An itch too far...</div>''
Stupid, torturous itches. Some just go on tormenting you without any way to retaliate. While you can still scratch some of the worst itchy sites on your own, it doesn't always mean you //should//. Some areas don't get the drying powder they need. Sometimes the risk of infection is severe.
No suprisingly, you've finally got a spot (either: "near your groin", "under your arm", "under your belly", "by your neck", "behind your leg") that seems persistent, and also seems intent on getting worse. Even additional attention from your caregiver(if: $donna is 1)[s] hasn't had an impact. You suppose it will be a long time clearing up on its own, if at all.
Maybe Paul can set you up with some special medication.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: Infection of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Infectious...</div>''
So many factors are working against you. Poor access. Difficult hygiene. Ideal festering conditions. It's no surprise you've finally got a significant infection (either: "near your groin", "under your arm", "under your belly", "in the fold of your neck", "behind your leg").
The searing pain is enough to drive you crazy, but there's also the alarming odor that even you have to admit qualifies as unpleasant.
Hopefully it clears up before going septic. Maybe Paul can find you something to help with treatment.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: BreathingDifficulty of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Infectious...</div>''
So many factors are working against you. Poor access. Difficult hygiene. Ideal festering conditions. It's no surprise you've finally got a significant infection (either: "near your groin", "under your arm", "under your belly", "in the fold of your neck", "behind your leg").
The searing pain is enough to drive you crazy, but there's also the alarming odor that even you have to admit qualifies as unpleasant.
Hopefully it clears up before going septic. Maybe Paul can find you something to help with treatment.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: O2Malfunction of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>To air is human...</div>''
It was awfully nice of Paul to save your sorry ass with the whole oxygen support sytem. Truth is, you needed it then, and today you need it more than ever. You know... to breathe.
On that note, you're find it especially distressing that a few non-productive crunching noises just came from the thing that's supposed to be keeping you alive.
After a few more minutes, you know it's definitely not working at 100%. That's a problem. You already feel like shit, and the situation probably not going to improve on its own. Not until the equipment is fixed.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: ChronicLymphedema of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Misshapen deposits...</div>''
Christ. You could have done without hearing the phrase 'lymphatic system' again. You vaguely recall it from some discussion regarding Randy when he approached his extreme.
So apparently fat isn't the only think you have to worry about. Your circulation isn't great in some places. Some extra puffiness was to be expected -- but not the huge, painfully swollen bags of fluid you're now coping with. You know from photos you've seen that a complete reversal is unlikely, but the condition does needs some special attention.
Untreated, you'll face long-term issues with infection. Paul may be able to set you up with drugs to mitigate the circulation problems.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: Constipated of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Blocked output...</div>''
One would think that will the volume of rich foods flowing through your digestive system, nothing would stand in the way. You'd sooner stop Niagara Falls.
Apparently the Falls have been dammed.
Your abdomen cramps again, straining your already plump and swollen bowels. Remarkably, despite a diet full of natural laxitives, you're experiencing //mechanical// constipation. The sheer weight and pressure of fat impedes normal digestive flow. It was just a matter of time before the circumstances aligned to cause this sort of problem.
You don't think it's life threatening, and should still resolve on its own -- but maybe Paul has something potent enough to flush you out early.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: Overheated of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Natural insulation...</div>''
It's even more difficult to notice the warning signs at this size -- especially when your own options for coping are so limited.
Settle down. Ask if someone could get you a cool drink. Open the windows. Crank the air conditioning. OR.. you know... shut up and keep panting and stewing in your own sweat -- because the temperature is probably fine, and it's just you. As usual.
There was an extended episode where you tried to reach a stubborn itch. That was probably enough to get your temperature up for too long.
Heat stroke was bad enough when you were still mobile. Now, it's a special sort of achey and unpleasant hell, complete with and extra-large dose of weakness and nausea.
You're careful to keep cooler, but you're just going to have to wait a while for this to blow over completely.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: PanicAttack of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Fight or Flight...</div>''
Normal human instincts are a bit of a nuisance in your situation. You can thank your lucky stars you're not especially claustrophobic -- but any form of captivity will begin to grate after a while. Discomfort without a solution just builds your frustration. Your 'fight or flight' response doesn't go away just because you're incapable of either option.
So it comes as no surprise that you're often struggling to supress your well-ingrained desire to move, escape, and be free. The longer you struggle, and the harder you try, the stronger the backlash from your instincts.
It's finally come to a head. You're panicking. Wasting energy. Pushing your mind and body beyond their limits, and gaining nothing but exhaustion and further stress. It all feeds on itself, and you're powerless to break the cycle.
The episode will eventually burn itself out -- but not before putting you at very high risk for complications. Maybe Paul can give you something to help relax.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: CreatureHost of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Unwanted guests...</div>''
Well, this is embarassing. And a little disturbing.
You had your suspicions based on the tickling sensations that didn't quite seem to fit the norm. Paul spotted them first. (either:"At least one pair of enterprising mice have nested somewhere under your bulk, and seem to come out and forage at night.(set: $pest to 1)", "A steady trail of ants -- not just temporarily harvesting some forgotten sugary sweet, but actually nesting in a cavity somewhere in your bulk and //bringing food back//.(set: $pest to 2)", "Some sort of larvae, retreating from a deep fold near your leg. He seems rather stoic while describing the sight, but you nearly gag just hearing about it. He reminds you that maggots can actually be helpful when dealing with diseased flesh.(set: $pest to 3)")
Suffice to say, you're not thrilled by the prospect. You've begun constantly chasing little disturbances deep within random fat folds. You waste your effort wriggling ineffectually, pretending you could do something force them out. The visceral response to the idea that you're hosting little pests... is alarming. Panic-inducing. Just plain wrong.
Disturbing as it may be, the risk to you is fairly minor -- but that's not to say they might not cause flesh irritation and infection, or just upset you enough to trigger a panic attack.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: DisgustingHygiene of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Slobbish tendencies...</div>''
You never claimed to be the most fastidious and well-groomed example of a human (if: $gender is 2)[fe]male -- but at least you tried to keep things socially acceptable.
Your standards have been slipping. //Quite// a bit.
You might jokingly blame it on the short list of people you're trying to impress these days, but the truth is... it's a result of new physical challenges. Token efforts aside, you're pretty much helpless to look after yourself. Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna do their](else:)[does his] best to keep ahead of your hygenic needs, but it's often a uphill battle.
You're not oblivious to your own state. The smells. Grime and residue from your bodily functions. The growing portion of your anatomy that escapes the attention of any casual observer, and lately, even the most dedicated explorer. Whether you accept it or not, you've got a lot of 'slob' going on.
Honestly, this isn't something that's going to change your daily routine a great deal. (if: $donna is 1)[Neither Paul or Donna is](else:)[Paul isn't] terribly phased by the extent of your unique funk. It's just one more harsh reality of what you've become.
However -- it does add some risk factors for more serious problems, so maybe //someone// can arrange a special cleaning session to try and get the worst of it under control. For a while.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Donna's Boyfriend</font>''</div>
“I suppose, more than anything else, I find this therapeutic.”
Half asleep, you struggle to catch Donna’s train of thought. Was there a question? How much did you miss?
“Don’t pretend you haven’t wondered. What’s my motivation? Why come back here each day? What //possesses// a young woman with plenty of options to willingly choose ‘unpaid blob-man custodian’?”
That’s not necessarily the job title you would have used, but valid question is valid.
“I’m not a saint. I’m not particularly altruistic or selfless. I clearly have no hope of ‘saving’ you. Even if I thought I could, I’m not sure I’d bother trying. So what else does that leave? I wouldn’t even blame you for thinking this must be some sinister kink for me.”
You don’t believe that’s the reason. Not entirely, anyway. You’ve had time to give it some thought, and it seems like Donna craves companionship at some level. If that “level” did turn out to just be “fetish pet”, well, at least she manages to be pretty well behaved about it. She’s never crossed the line. You still can’t explain her uncanny knack for respecting your boundaries even when her daily routine involves literally digging them up.
“You’ve probably spotted a few of my wistful and distracted moments. Some of those times, I’m simply marveling that you even //exist//, and that I somehow lucked upon finding you. Mostly though, I’m //thinking of my old boyfriend//.”
Jealously doesn't even cross your mind -- you're struck instead by how she seems more upset than you’ve ever seen her before. You make no comment as she takes a few moments to collect herself, eventually looking up at you with a forced little smile. She carefully picks a couple of well-practiced footholds, and shortly has herself draped comfortably across the shelf of your belly. She seems to finally relax, breath slowing, head and back gently pressed into your pillowy breast. She knows you well enough not to worry you’ll react jealously, or even consider refusing her this simple comfort.
Before you can prompt her continue, you realize her breathing changed again. She's already fast asleep. You're left quietly wondering what has her so upset, and how it relates to her choice to be with you. It's not long before her subtly sweet scent and gentle warmth do their work on you. You quickly nod off as well, faced with more questions than answers.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Whatever he did, you won't forgive him.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")].</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Donna thinks you're harmless</font>''</div>
Donna seemed to consider returning to the conversation about her boyfriend a few different times, but always found a way to change the subject, or suddenly thought of something else important she needed to do. You never forgot though. Even though your physical options have dwindled to nearly nothing, you still devise a method to try and coerce her into finishing the story.
It took about two weeks of uncannily well-timed sloppy farts, usually when she was arm-deep, scrubbing with her face //really// close, before she finally broke down.
"Ok, ok! I get it! I give up. You're <span class="message5">*cough*</span> awful, you know that? This has got be a violation of the Geneva Convention." She tries to force a laugh, but it just comes off tired and desperate.
You ask her what happened.
She forces a ragged sigh, but energetically bounds up one of your abandoned foot slits like it was always a stirrup for her personal convenience. She briefly considers her options before turning to take a seat front and center. Back toward you, //facing away//, you notice. She slides gently over the sloping edge of your belly-sill, and lets her feet gently catch in the base of your navel. It takes a couple moments for her to collect and settle. She begin speaking, refusing to meet your eyes.
“It was an abusive relationship that took me far too long to escape. He used me. Beat me. Seemed to save all his violent tendencies for our 'special' times together. He was careful to make sure the marks were easy to hide. He did a couple of stints in jail -- always for misdemeanors, and never for what he did to me. Even those periods while he was away were little reprieve. He called often. Made sure I remembered he'd be back soon enough. The implied threats were enough to keep me quiet.”
“I was //lucky// that between the timing and self-medication, I never ended up carrying his child. I considered packing up and slipping away while he was out drinking one night... a few close friends were already on board, ready to help spirit me away. I was thinking about it again, working up the nerve, when I got word he’d been //killed in a car accident//.”
“It should have been the solution to all my problems, but the mind does strange things. The aftermath was gruesome; they showed me a man who didn’t even look like him anymore. Maybe it would be different if I saw him die. Hell, *sob* maybe I needed to kill him myself. I don't know. The point is, mentally, I just never clicked. My anxiety never left. Counselling... vacations... even self-defense courses. None of it helped... because he’s still with me. I always feel like... //like he’s coming home.“//
You feel her shaking now. (if: EventHandsStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You groan with dispair that you can't reach out to her, and wish you could offer more than your muffled, vaguely supportive sounds.](elseif: EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You briefly wiggle your hands, trying to draw her attention. She needs to know you're there for her.](else:)[You briefly struggle to reach out with your hands in a show of support, but it's a foolish-looking gesture.] She seems to notice, and turns to face you, revealing the deep runs in her eyeliner.
"Then there's //you// -- his complete opposite. My shelter from the storm. I think I'm drawn to you because in your own peculiar way, you represent everything he never was. You're so helpless. So appreciative. You're predictable, honest and easy-going. From the moment we met, I could see past the daunting trainwreck you were making of your body, because I also saw something that subconsciously put me at ease -- the very definition of a man who would be //literally incapable// of hurting me."
Sadly, you're not sure that last one is entirely true. Your time is already short. You're not sure this is truly helping her. You'd hate to poison her life further with yet another gruesome and unfulfilling ending.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You'll offer comfort while you can.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")].</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Donna: The puppeteer</font>''</div>
You quietly watch Donna “makes the rounds”, as she puts it. Something about that phrase always seems to make her smile. The actual procedure – well, it can only be described as grueling, unpleasant and monotonous.
Wiping, drying and powdering. Strategic application of moisturizers, healing salves, and bitter-smelling antifungal ointments. Exploring the musty folds that remain accessible, hoping //and// dreading to find any cavity packed with excrement or foul seepage. You’ve learned to cooperate as best you can, but your pathetic attempts to heft and jostle in a helpful manner do little to address the fundamental challenges involved. She sometimes dwells on the unreachable areas, never quite satisfied, stubbornly prodding with long-handled brushes and other tools until she apologizes for the discomfort she causes. Even with Paul’s help, and increasingly creative use of rigging and equipment, she can only do so much.
She’s stopped for a moment, and seems to be quietly considering something. There’s a sad look in her eyes -- a sobering change from her usually bubbly and irreverent demeanor. She looks up and notices you watching, and quickly puts on a wide smile.
She walks over to the base of your left leg mound, and playfully grabs the rubbery ‘lips’ of the conspicuous cave where your foot (if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[used to hang out sometimes -- until recently. ](else:)[usually hangs out. You've been messing around with keeping them hidden sometimes. Of course she noticed. ]She engages goofy ventriloquist mode:
“I’m just fine! All completely normal. I’m just a little //fat bit//!… er... a little //*bit fat*//!”
It’s the oddly muted slapping from the improvised mouth that finally gets you. You break down laughing, and almost regret the wave of exhaustion that follows. Almost.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "No worries. She seems fine.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")].</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
(set: $replaceSaveTrigger to 1)
<!-- DEPRACATED - LEFT FOR TESTING PURPOSES (if: ($replaceSaveTrigger is 1) and ((history:)'s last is "ReplaceStep2"))[
<!-- Only true if set by ReplaceSave event -->
(if:(save-game:$deleteSlot, "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " + (text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Overwrite Completed!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - could not write!")
<!-- Kludge to RE-SAVE with the trigger variable turned off -->
(save-game:$deleteSlot, "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " + (text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs")
](else:)[(set: $replaceSaveTrigger to 0)] -->
(if: ((history:)'s last is "Disclaimer") or (((history:)'s last is "SaveGame") and ($loadOnly is 1)) or (((history:)'s last is "DeleteSave") and ($loadOnly is 1)))[(set: $loadOnly to 1)](else:)[(set: $loadOnly to 0)]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "A" or (saved-games:) contains "B" or (saved-games:) contains "C" or (saved-games:) contains "D" or (saved-games:) contains "E" or (saved-games:) contains "F" or (saved-games:) contains "G" or (saved-games:) contains "H")[(set: $availableSave to 1)](else:)[(set: $availableSave to 0)]}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[Save or ]Load a Game...</div>''(if: $loadOnly is 1 and $availableSave is 0)[NO SAVED GAMES](else:)[<table class='foodTable' border='1' bordercolor='#000000' cellpadding='10' bgcolor='#fff3e6'><tr><td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "A")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "A")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 1 Loaded!")(load-game:"A")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "A")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "A")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 1")[(if:(save-game:"A", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 1!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 1 Empty]</td>
<td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "B")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "B")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 2 Loaded!")(load-game:"B")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "B")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "B")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 2")[(if:(save-game:"B", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 2!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 2 Empty]</td></tr>
<td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "C")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "C")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 3 Loaded!")(load-game:"C")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "C")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "C")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 3")[(if:(save-game:"C", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 3!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 3 Empty]</td><td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "D")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "D")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 4 Loaded!")(load-game:"D")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class=
"button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "D")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "D")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 4")[(if:(save-game:"D", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 4")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 4 Empty]</td>
<td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "E")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "E")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 5 Loaded!")(load-game:"E")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "E")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "E")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 5")[(if:(save-game:"E", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 5!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 5 Empty]</td>
<td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "F")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "F")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 6 Loaded!")(load-game:"F")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "F")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "F")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 6")[(if:(save-game:"F", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 6!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 6 Empty]</td>
<td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "G")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "G")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 7 Loaded!")(load-game:"G")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "G")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "G")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 7")[(if:(save-game:"G", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 7!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 7 Empty]</td>
<td style='padding:15px'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "H")[**(print:(saved-games:)'s "H")** <br /><div class="button2">(link: "Load")[(alert: "Game slot 8 Loaded!")(load-game:"H")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[ <div class="button2">(link: "Replace")[(set: $deleteSlot to "H")(goto: "ReplaceSave")]</div>] <div class="button2">(link: "Delete")[(set: $deleteSlot to "H")(goto: "DeleteSave")]</div>](elseif: $loadOnly is 0)[
<div class="button2">(link: "Save to slot 8")[(if:(save-game:"H", "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " +(text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "Game Saved to Slot 8!")
](else: )[
(alert: "ERROR - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]</div>
](else:)[Slot 8 Empty]</td>
(if: $loadOnly is 0 or (($loadOnly is 1) and ($saveMessage is "Game Loaded!")))[<div class="roundborder2">Ready? Then (link:"continue this game...")[(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>](else:)[<div class="roundborder2">(link:"Return to Start Screen")[(goto:"Disclaimer")]</div>]
</span>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[(display: "StatusBox")](else:)[<span id="box">Waiting for game data...
<span id="footerLabel">Powered by (link-repeat: "Twine 2.0")[(open-url: "http://twinery.org")]
(link-repeat: "Author Homepage")[(open-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")]</span>]<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Paperwork</font>''</div>
"Alright -- you need a break from taking a break. I've got a job for you. It'll feel good to make yourself useful."
Paul brought in a bin filled with colored file folders. He selects a few, and arranges them within easy reach.
(either: "\"I seem to recall you weren't so bad with numbers back in the day. These are some records on a few of my investments. I'd like some help preparing some forms for tax season.\"",
"\"These are some records for employee that will be getting special bonuses this year. I'd like you to help me draft some personalized letters.\"",
"\"I've misplaced an important property tax file from a couple years ago, and I was hoping you'd help me find it.\"",
"\"This is honestly just a real tedious pain in the ass. My secretary took off for the weekend, and left behind these research documents I'd asked her to print. The problem is that there's about 60 copied sets, and none of them were properly collated.\"",
"\"I'd like you to proofread these papers. They're about research projects results from the lab. It's boring reading, and I don't expect you'll follow all of the medical jargon, but just look for any obvious punctuation and spelling issues.\"",
"\"These are some concepts for an upcoming advertising campaign. I know you have some design background, and was hoping to get some suggestions and feedback.\"",)
You're a little surprised Paul would trust you with some of this information, but then it's probably a safe bet you won't be gossiping.
As //thrilled// as you are with the prospect of paperwork, you do feel as though you might like to take a siesta day instead, and maybe schedule some quality power-nap time.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Make yourself useful.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulPaperwork2")]
(link: "Refuse")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulPaperwork3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Paperwork Sucks</font>''</div>
(either: "You apologize, and tell him you're not feeling up to it today.", "You make an excuse about being //really// tired, and beg him to leave you be.", "You explain that you're really not the detail-oriented sort, and you'll probably just screw it up.", "You're in a particularly short mood today, and just tell him you won't do it.")
He gives you a disappointed look, but doesn't force the issue. He gathers up the files, and say's he'll see you later.
Congratulations on avoiding work. Do you want to celebrate with a full-day "power" nap? (Chance of minor health recovery.)
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Sleep time. See you tomorrow!")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(set:$health += (random: 1,10))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)](goto: "Control")]
(link: "Normal idle day, please.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: _diceRoll to (random: 20,100))(set: _ability to EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents - $weight)(set: _output to _ability * (_diceRoll / 100))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Paperwork Sucks</font>''</div>
After a few hours of headache-inducing concentration and paper shuffling, (if: _ability < 100)[you only find yourself getting more deeply frustrated by your physical limitations. You struggle to lift your arms, and can barely manage to keep anything a workable distance in front of your own face. You're constanty asking Paul to retrieve other pages. You feel nearly useless, except for occasional discussion of ideas.](elseif: _ability < 300)[you realize that even 'desk' work like this is enough to leave you tired. It's physically taxing to manipulate sheets of paper when you have to haul a couple hundred pounds of arm around at the same time. Paul tries to work with you, and keep the right material at arms length, but it's still slow going.](elseif: _ability < 500)[you really find yourself craving the simple convenience of a desk. Having to work around the uneven surface of your own rolling chest, or strain to find the space on a distant night stand, is far from ideal.](else:)[you could be fooled into thinking you were actually a productive member in a real office environment.]
(if: _output > 300)[Paul couldn't be more pleased with everthing you've done.](elseif: _output > 150)[Paul seems satisfied with the results of your labor.](else:)[Paul holds his tongue, and remains polite despite the dissapointing results of day.]
(if: _output > 300)[(if: _diceRoll > 70)["You're a miracle worker. It would have taken me days to sort that out. You should have a couple of extra favors for that effort."(set: $credit += 2)](else:)["See? No need to feel like you're out of tricks. All that help is definitely worth a favor."(set: $credit += 1)]](elseif: _output > 150)[(if: _diceRoll > 40)["Not too bad for a tag-team effort. Glad you could look over that stuff with me. I owe you one."(set: $credit += 1)](else:)["Not quite finished, but I think I can get it from there. Hey... you expected a credit for that? It's not like you had anything better to do."]](else:)["You're getting a bit exhausting to work with, I'm afraid. Might have honestly been faster to do this myself. But I suppose it's still worthwhile if it helps to keep your brain from turning to mush." (if: _diceRoll > 80)["Look... sorry for dragging you through all that. I'll still owe you one."(set: $credit += 1)]]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You should get hazard pay for the paper cuts.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")].
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Water you gonna do?</font>''</div>
You wake from one of your many naps. Paul(if: $donna is 1)[ and Donna are](else:)[ is] apparently out at the moment, leaving you to your own devices. One this occasion, you notice the sprayer nozzle is still draped over your headboard and resting within reach. It's a handy sprayer wand with a pressure line that runs into the nearby washroom, and definitely makes your cleanup procedure easier for all involved.
A quick squeeze of the hose reveals that the water supply was left on. (if: $donna is 1)[Sometimes Donna even does that on purpose, because she knows you get dry during the day and like to sneak a drink.](else:)[Paul must be getting careless. He's usually sure to stow it away. He'd also be paranoid about a leak if the hose ever burst while he was away.]
(if: EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[You go ahead and take a swig of hose water. It's not fresh, or sweet, or especially enticing -- but you take a couple of extra gulps anyway.
You'd certainly rather be stuffing your face with something solid and greasy, but there's no arguing with convenience. You wonder if it might be interesting change of pace to suck down your fill of water.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Slurp. Slurp.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "WaterStuffing2")]
(link: "Not that thirsty.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "WaterStuffing3")]
</div>](elseif: (EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999) and ((random: 1,100) > 50))[You go to take a swig of water, or perhaps consider doing //something else// with the convenient water source, but you're faced with the reality of your worsening handicap.
Given the limited flexibility of your hands and arms, you try tossing the stubborn nozzle the final distance, swinging it by the flopping hose. It's like playing a crude game of "cup-and-ball" with your your waiting mouth. After a few tries, you get the knack for it and score a lucky shot. You're able to suckle at the nozzle and bump the valve to hold it open.
You get a good drink, and wonder whether to just keep it going.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Slurp. Slurp.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "WaterStuffing2")]
(link: "Not that thirsty.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "WaterStuffing3")]
</div>](else:)[You go to take a swig of water, or perhaps consider doing //something else// with the convenient water source, but you're faced with the reality of your worsening handicap.
With the frustratingly limited flexibility of your hands and arms, you try tossing the stubborn nozzle the final distance with an awkward flailing swing of the hose. It's like playing a crude game of "cup-and-ball" with your your waiting mouth. You used to be better at this game. After accidentally hitting yourself in the eye, and clumsily dropping the wand on the floor, you're forced to concede this guilty little pleasure might be finally beyond you.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Damn.")[(set: $noMoreWaterStuffing to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Water you thinking?!</font>''</div>
You (if: EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[akwardly squeeze the valve with your chin and breast, spraying yourself in the face quite a bit in the process. Eventually you somehow still manage to get it dialed in. You ]adjust the nozzle to a fast stream that you can still comfortably drink, and start patiently gulping away. It takes (if: $weight < 1000)[less than a minute](elseif: $weight < 1200)[over a minute](elseif: $weight < 1350)[a few minutes](elseif: $weight < 1550)[several minutes](else:)[more than 10 minutes] before you begin to process the swelling lump of pressure building inside.
You're posessed by a stubborn need to keep drinking. It's not quite the stuffing you crave, but still familiar enough to trigger a stirring of desire. You know your stomach can take more. And it does.
A warning pinch of real pain brings you back to reality. (if: EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You bobble the nozzle badly, nearly losing it and catching it in your teeth before it slips away. It seems to take an eternity before you can bump the valve into the closed position, and not before you're choking and nearly drenched.](else:)[You rush to shut off the hose, fumbling the valve and spilling some water.] You're not immediately sure whether you'll be able to stop yourself from spilling a lot //more// water -- but somehow you keep it down. Your guts ache. This just leaves you feeling //ill//, far moreso than when you overindulge on food. You have to wonder what you were expecting.
On and off through the rest of the day, you practice pissing like a race horse, and consider how long you should wait before trying it again.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Probably not today.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Dry Spell</font>''</div>
You're just not that desperate, or in the right mood. Somehow filling up on flavorless liquid and pissing like a racehorse for several hours just doesn't sound like a exciting way to spend the day.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Probably for the best.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Call Center</font>''</div>
"Bet you thought you were going to spend another day freeloading."
Paul strides in purposefully with a couple of matching portable phones and headsets, as well as a portfolio with some printed naming lists.
(either: "\"My secretary called in sick, and I need to call all these people to confirm they have updated times for a seminar coming up.\"",
"\"Somebody a work screwed up a recent mailout, and I need to know how many of these employees are missing a particular orange form from an information package. Unfortunately, it's time sensitive and //we// have to call them today.\"",
"\"I'm trying to drum up some business from previous clients. Today, we get to make a bunch of cold calls. I'll give you a script to follow.\"",
"\"Every once in a while, I call the telecoms and renegotiate my contracts. Keeps them on their toes. You just never know how much you can save until you threaten to cancel! I'll take the phone company, and you take the cable company.\"",)
You never were much of a telephone personality, but it's hard to argue you've got a lot of better things to do -- aside from getting some extra power-nap time in.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Make yourself useful.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulPhoneWork2")]
(link: "Refuse")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "PaulPhoneWork3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: _diceRoll to (random: 20,100))(set: _ability to EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents - $weight)(set: _output to _ability * (_diceRoll / 100))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Calling Everybody</font>''</div>
After a few hours of dialing, sounding pleasant, and talking yourself hoarse, (if: _ability < 100)[you only find yourself more deeply frustrated by your physical limitations. You struggle to lift your arms, and can barely manage to hold a phone to your ear for more than a minute. The headset works, but you're still faced with getting caller information and dialing out each time.](elseif: _ability < 300)[you realize that even 'desk' work like this is enough to leave you tired. You constantly bobble the phone, or information sheets. Paul tries to work with you, and helps you keep things at arms length, but it's still slow going.](elseif: _ability < 500)[you really find yourself craving the simple convenience of a desk. Having to work around the uneven surface of your own rolling chest, or strain to find the space on a distant night stand, is far from ideal.](else:)[you could be fooled into thinking you were actually a productive member in a real office environment.]
(if: _output > 300)[Paul couldn't be more pleased with the number of calls you completed.](elseif: _output > 150)[Paul seems satisfied with the number of calls you made.](else:)[Paul holds his tongue, and remains polite despite the dissapointing number of calls you actually managed.]
(if: _output > 300)[(if: _diceRoll > 70)["You're a miracle worker. It would have taken me days to talk to everyone myself. You should have a couple of extra favors for that effort."(set: $credit += 2)](else:)["See? No need to feel like you're out of tricks. All that help is definitely worth a favor."(set: $credit += 1)]](elseif: _output > 150)[(if: _diceRoll > 40)["Not too bad for a tag-team effort. Glad you could share some call volume with me. I owe you one."(set: $credit += 1)](else:)["Not quite finished, but I think I can get it from there. Hey... you expected a credit for that? It's not like you had anything better to do."]](else:)["You're getting a bit exhausting to work with, I'm afraid. Might have honestly been faster to do this myself. But I suppose it's still worthwhile if it helps to keep your brain from turning to mush." (if: _diceRoll > 80)["Look... sorry for dragging you through all that. I'll still owe you one."(set: $credit += 1)]]
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Maybe I could make extra cash in telemarketing.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")].
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Call it like you See it</font>''</div>
(either: "You apologize, and tell him you're not feeling up to it today.", "You make an excuse about being //really// tired, and beg him to leave you be.", "You explain that you're really horrible with phones, and would had to insult anybody.", "You're in a particularly short mood today, and just tell him you won't do it.")
He gives you a disappointed look, but doesn't force the issue. He gathers up the phones and names, and you hear his voice echo through the house for most of the day.
Congratulations on avoiding work. Do you want to celebrate with a full-day "power" nap? (Chance of minor health recovery.)
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Sleep time. See you tomorrow!")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(set:$health += (random: 1,10))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)](goto: "Control")]
(link: "Normal idle day, please.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Heavy Breathing...</div>''
You didn't think you were claustrophobic, but at this point it probably wouldn't matter.
An oddly muted pounding fills your ears; the now-familiar sluggish and irratic pulse of increasingly syrupy blood. A swollen tire of flesh has slowly climbed your face, squeezing your cheeks, forcing your eyes into a squint and threatening to further narrow your field of view. The gradual expansion has already stolen much of your hearing. All sound from outside your body is muffled and non-directional, if you've been plunged underwater.
You struggle to turn your head, working your jaw with exaggerated chewing motions in a desperate bid to defeat the constricting grip on your face. If anything, the attempt only sets the noose into place more tightly. Despite knowing better, you still give in to the natural but futile urge: lifting your arms. It's a dangerous waste of effort. The pounding gets louder, matched by the throbbing, overstretched sensation that consumes most of your body. Your limbs provide only the most basic feedback. Pain. Pressure. Numbness. Unyielding resistance. These simple yet powerful indicators aptly demonstrate the degree of your absolute restraint.
You gently gasp and cough with poorly concealed anxiety. A witness could blink and miss the little jiggling spasms that roll across your rotund form. You slowly force yourself to relax again, fearful that you could unintentionally accelerate your self-imposed burial.
Beyond even the physical sensations, your sense powerlessness is the most difficult thing to bear. Peering though your shrinking window upon the world, you realize how badly you crave another chance to exert some control... ANY control -- to set your will to a meaningful task, and execute it with this body God has given you. Rolling over? Sitting up? Swimming or clawing your way toward escape? Impossible... but there has to be something.... //anything.//
You set into motion an explosive, multi-stage fart that lasts more than 20 seconds. (if: $donna is 1)[You hear a tortured, gasping cry from from the next room. //My GOD (if: $genders is 2)[wo]man! What could any of us have done to deserve THAT?//]
You smile widely, though nobody can tell. Not today. Never again.
**Your face is concealed beneath folds of fat, and the peak of your head isn't far behind**
(if: $feedingTube is 0)[<div class="message5">You're **starving** without a feeding tube. Your health will rapidly fail without one.</div>]
<div class="message5">Now available: Audio Link to stay in touch with the world around you.</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "That'll do, pig. That'll do.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Can you hear me now?</font>''</div>
You've been held too long by the constant press of darkness. Yours is an endless night.
Occasionally you can feel activity going on around you. The pokes and jabs of studious cleaning. The barest glimpse of light filtering through, when someone forcefully spreads open the aperature in front of you receding face. For the most part, your worldly experience is only the hiss of oxygen, the drumming of your racing heart, and the muffled rush of thickened blood in your ears.
Not surprisingly, your mind finds ways to adapt. It simply supplies your new reality. You've explored the jungle. Visited the pyramids. Trained in international espionage. Outwitted ninjas. Chased faeries. Repaired spaceships. Shared drinks with a snarky dragon.
When lucidity does return, it's always accompanied by a fleeting wave of wonder; at your continued survival, and at the scale of your predicament. Without anything further to hold your attention, you just fade back into your state of ennui. Lately you've barely been bothered to return at all.
(if: $credit > 0)[
Yet, very sluggishly, you manage to return to harsh awareness yet again. Sanity seems eager to slip through your grip. Consciousness feels as futile as delving into a bowl of broth with only a fork.
You finally begin to focus on the new stimuli that must have drawn you back -- a persistent clawing irritation. Something is trying to access the cramped space around and next to your head. They're persistent. It's not pleasant. You wish they would leave you be.
Stubborn fingers work at meticulously positioning some sort of anchored earbuds, along with tucking something larger into the deepest crease of your neck. Whatever these things are, you get the impression that someone intends this to be a one-time installation.
A truncated crackle resolves into a nearly forgotten voice. (if: $donna is 1)["...hear me? Please tell me you can hear this... oh, please!"](else:)["...hear me? This had better work."]
It's a moment more before you can even attempt to speak. You tenuously reply an affirmative, struggling to force air through your strangled throat. You barely hear yourself. You're not even sure your reponse qualifies as a proper whisper.
(if: $donna is 1)["Oh thank God, you're still in there! We thought you'd gone full vegetable. Christ, it's been so long -- you couldn't have been very far off."](else:)["Hey, you're still in there. Nice work. I thought you might have already gone full vegetable. It's been long enough that you had to be getting close."]
You force yourself to squeak out a few more awkward words, trying to inquire how it's possible you can hear each other.
"The earpieces you've probably figured out, but what really made this possible is the little box against your neck. It's a subvocal sensor. It picks up the slightest action from your vocal chords, and feeds the signal to a processor out here. You sound just like Stephen Hawking."
Perhaps not your first choice, but beggars can't be choosers. You spend the rest of the afternoon getting used to the feedback from your fancy new audio link, already feeling better grounded.
Who knew that forced isolation was so detrimental to mental health?
<div class="message5">One credit **automatically withdrawn** to preserve your sanity. Like, seriously -- you were about the go off the deep end there.(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $audioLink to 1)</div>
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "You probably would have been fine.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
](else:)[(if: $health > 20)[(set: $health to 20)]
Soon every moment is completely absorbed into your manufactured reality of fiction.
Nothing remains of the here and now. You've lost sight of your plight. Your achievements. Your former live. All has become someone else's tale. Unpleasant. Unimportant. Easily forgotten, and lost somewhere beyond these walls of forced isolation.
Between your autonomic systems and the tireless medical equipment, you keep coughing, breathing, and shitting -- little more than a comatose vegetable.
Even the best systems break down. Infections bloom undetected. Pneumonia festers silently in your lungs. Adequate care requires feedback. Without an active host, your body soon reaches a state of critical neglect.
<div class="roundborder5">None of this matters as you withdraw further into your mind, reveling in a total (link: "descent into insanity.")[(set:$endReason to "Insanity")(goto:"EndMedical")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Everything you deserve</font>''</div>
A coffin would be less claustrophobic. Your options for participating in this world are almost non-existent. There’s just not enough space – none to wiggle, or stretch, or begin to satisfy the even the tiniest urge for freedom. You’re not leaving a lot of space for //anybody else//, either. You’re told the bedroom door is jammed open, held ajar by the spillage from leading edge of your vast belly. Your spreading mass has flowed into and slowly filled the corners, blocking the washroom entrance, and almost completely occluding the floor. The medical equipment has all been relocated into the hallway, with costly extensions on all the lines and wires, for strictly practical reasons.
You’ve heard that some blind or deaf people learn to rely more heavily upon their other senses, honing them to almost supernatural levels. Perhaps you’ve learned to do something similar. Even from within this sensory-deprived purgatory, you surely sense someone is nearby.
They've been lingering without announcing their presence. It’s probably been at least an hour since you noticed. You've tried to raise a response from your silent audience, but without success. Your only option is to wait.
You’re surprised when, without any warning, they practically vault through the door and onto your belly. They carelessly scale and scrape their way to your upper body,(if:$gender is 2)[ between your significant hillock breasts,] and fiercely plunge their arm into the depression of your sunken head cave. They seem to find what they're looking for. A couple of stiff and deliberate shoves against your feeding tube are enough to send it a several inches farther down your throat. You helplessly cough and yelp, feeling an odd pinching sensation from somewhere under your ribs. After one more piercing shove, the intruder seems satisfied and finally relents. The rough adjustment was enough to cause some trauma, and you taste your own blood. Almost as an afterthought, but with practiced care and precision, they finally check that your audio link is working.
“Still breathing quite //comfortably// in there?” Paul asks non-chalantly. There’s an odd, manic edge to his voice that you don’t care for one bit. He’s supposed to be a work. Something is terribly wrong.
“I was just thinking… how none this life support equipment was tested for such an oversized patient. It would be a real shame if something were to //malfunction//, don’t you think? How long do you think you could last? Maybe… 10 seconds? Even less, I’d wager. It wouldn’t be anyone’s fault, of course. Just a shame. A completely believable shame.”
You try and ultimately fail to suppress your instincts. A muffled grunt and a nearly imperceptible shiver along your skin is all that betrays your sudden panic. You reel from the consequences of so much wasted effort, and only cling to consciousness by sheer stubbornness of will. Somewhere, one of the myriad machines begins to beep angrily.
“Careful now. That’s pretty dangerous, letting your heart rate spike like that. Just //relax//. Remember how relaxed Randy always was? You should pretend you’re him. Hmm…” He seems to regard you for a moment, considering some arbitrary criteria. “Hmm… YES!…just like that! Perfect! Now let’s do a little //role play//, shall we?“ He twists his voice into a mocking, nasally tone that is probably meant to sound like you. “Ready for more, //dear cousin//? Don’t you //dare// hold back on me, now. You //absolutely deserve// a proper feeding.”
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You find the strength to mutter a curse.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "EventFinale2")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<!-- Setter variable for 'spawning' secondary infection next turn -->
(set: $afflictionText1 to "") <!-- Critical -->
(set: $afflictionText2 to "") <!-- Serious -->
(set: $afflictionText3 to "") <!-- Annoying -->
<!-- Each available condition -->
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Exhaustion")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "Exhaustion")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.02))
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Experiencing Chronic Exhaustion - " + (text:Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Ulcer")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "Ulcer")[
(set: $health -= 3)
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText2 += "Suffering from Ulcer - " + (text:Ulcer of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "DigestiveCramps")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "DigestiveCramps")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.04))
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Suffering from digestive cramps - " + (text:DigestiveCramps of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "FoodPoisoning")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "FoodPoisoning")[
(set: $health -= 4)
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText2 += "Suffering from food poisoning - " + (text:FoodPoisoning of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "SkinTear")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "SkinTear")[
(set: $health -= 2)
<!-- chance of skin tear causing infection -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 10) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (SkinTear of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "SkinTear")(set: $afflictionOverride to "Infection")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your skin tear festered and caused a new infection!")]
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")](set: $afflictionText2 += "Recovering from torn and overstretched skin - " + (text:SkinTear of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Bedsore")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "Bedsore")[
(set: $health -= 2)
<!-- chance of bedsore causing infection -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 10) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (Bedsore of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "Bedsore")(set: $afflictionOverride to "Infection")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your festering bed sores caused a new infection!")]
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")](set: $afflictionText2 += "Suffering from bed sores - persistent if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "ChronicItch")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "ChronicItch")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.02))
<!-- chance of itch causing infection -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 5) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (ChronicItch of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "ChronicItch")(set: $afflictionOverride to "Infection")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "You irritated the itch enough to cause a new infection!")]
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Suffering from chronic festering itch - persists unless treated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "HeartAttack")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "HeartAttack")[
(set: $health -= (random: 20, 40))
(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
(if: $afflictionText1 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText1 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText1 += "**Experiencing Heart Attack!**")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Infection")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "Infection")[
(set: $health -= 2)
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText2 += "Suffering from chronic infection - " + (text:Infection of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "O2Malfunction")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "O2Malfunction")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.05))
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 50) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (O2Malfunction of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "O2Malfunction")(set: $afflictionOverride to "BreathingDifficulty")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your malfunctioning oxygen equipment has led to breathing difficulty!")]
(if: $afflictionText1 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText1 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText1 += "**Oxygen Supply malfunction!**")
(if: ($activeGeneralAfflictions contains "BreathingDifficulty") or ((EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999) and ($ventilator is 0)))[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "BreathingDifficulty")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.02))
<!-- chance of secondary panic attack -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 25) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (BreathingDifficulty of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "BreathingDifficulty")(set: $afflictionOverride to "PanicAttack")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your inability to breathe has sent you into a panic attack!")]
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText2 += "Experiencing severe breathing difficulty - persists unless treated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "ChronicLymphedema")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "ChronicLymphedema")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.02))
<!-- chance of secondary infection -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 5) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (ChronicLymphedema of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverride to "Infection")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your irritated and swollen Lymphedema spawned a new infection!")]
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Suffering from chronic Lymphedema - persists unless treated") ]
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Constipated")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "Constipated")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.02))
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Suffering from constipation - " + (text:Constipated of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Overheated")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "Overheated")[
(set: $health -= ($health * 0.02))
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Suffering from heat stroke - " + (text:Overheated of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "PanicAttack")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "PanicAttack")[
(set: $health -= 3)
<!-- chance of secondary heart attack! -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 20) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (PanicAttack of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverride to "HeartAttack")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your unresolved panic attack triggered a full-blown heart attack!")]
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText2 += "**Experiencing panic attack!** - " + (text:PanicAttack of $generalAfflictions) + " more days if untreated")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "DisgustingHygiene")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "DisgustingHygiene")[
<!-- chance of secondary infection -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 5) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (DisgustingHygiene of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverride to "Infection")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your disgusting hygiene left you succeptible to a new infection!")]
<!-- chance of secondary pest infestation -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 2) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (DisgustingHygiene of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "DisgustingHygiene")(set: $afflictionOverride to "CreatureHost")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your disgusting hygiene (if:$pest is 1)[attracted a family of mice to nest beneath you!](elseif: $pest is 2)[encouraged a colony of ants to become established!](else:)[is breeding ground for industrious maggots!]")]
(if: $afflictionText3 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText3 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText3 += "Your hygiene is slobbish and disgusting")
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "CreatureHost")[
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "CreatureHost")[
(set: $health -= 3)
<!-- chance of secondary infection -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 5) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (DisgustingHygiene of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverride to "Infection")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "Your (if:$pest is 1)[family of mice have](elseif: $pest is 2)[colony of ants have](else:)[industrious maggots have] irritated tender flesh and caused new infection!")]
<!-- chance of secondary panic attack -->
(if: ((random: 1,100) < 5) and ($afflictionOverride is "") and (BreathingDifficulty of $generalAfflictions > 1))[(set: $afflictionOverrideCause to "CreatureHost")(set: $afflictionOverride to "PanicAttack")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "The unnerving sensation of your (if:$pest is 1)[family of mice](elseif: $pest is 2)[colony of ants](else:)[industrious maggots] has sent you into panic attack!")]
(if: $afflictionText2 is not "")[(set: $afflictionText2 += "<br/>")] (set: $afflictionText2 += "You're an unwilling host to (if:$pest is 1)[a family of mice](elseif: $pest is 2)[a colony of ants](else:)[industrious maggots] - persists unless treated")
(else:)[(set: $tempErrorVal to "Did NOT process any afflictions.")]
<!-- confirm secondary condition trigger isn't already active -->
(if: $afflictionOverride is not "")[
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains $afflictionOverride)[
<!--(alert: "Override canceled - " + (text:$afflictionOverride) + " already active")-->
(set: $afflictionOverride to "")
<!--(alert: "Secondary affliction triggered for next turn: " + $afflictionOverride)-->
(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
}{(set:$weight += (random: 180, 220))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Getting everything you deserve</font>''</div>
Paul scrambles down, deliberately stomping the pit of your gaping navel before dropping to his butt and sliding the rest of the way like a precocious child. He doesn’t go far, and you realize in horror that he’s focused on something near the medical equipment. You hear him unscrew and reattach a fitting, perhaps tweak a couple dials, and then toggle a ridiculously heavy-sounding switch. An unfamiliar humming seems to vibrate the entire room. Within seconds, a cool sensation begins to suffuse the feeding tube. You automatically begin swallowing – a pointless exercise, since the tube essentially bypasses your throat – especially with the recent adjustment. With alarm, you realize you can actually hear – and //feel// -- the discharge forcefully splashing the inner wall of your stomach.
“Thank you, dear //Randy//, for your messages from beyond the grave. I don’t imagine it was easy for you to reach the surface of your wall with your pudgy fingers, let alone scratch those letters. You were always something of a contortionist, but the last few entries must have really stretched the limits of your failing body.”
//Brap… BRAAP…… Bp…Brp…// You unintentionally release a smattering of muffled burps as displaced air eagerly escapes.
“The early messages were lighthearted; obviously something done out of mischief or boredom. Crude jokes. Limmericks. In truth, seeing these truly warmed my heart. They seemed so good-spirited. It’s clear that //at the beginning// you appreciated the regular visits from your friendly and supportive cousin.”
// Bp…….. Brp………… Bp……. *Hic….splurp*// The string of burps abruptly halts with one final wet hiccup. Remarkably, you don’t even register any fullness yet. You cough a little, and finally get a good taste the mystery fluid – it’s some kind of sweet and thick milkshake-like concoction loaded with heavy cream and vanilla. You try not to admit to yourself that it’s incredibly delicious.
“Bless your brave soul for continuing to scribble on the wall, even when the messages shifted to a more fearful and desperate tone. At some point, you must have realized you were compiling a sort of posthumous diary. You were //literally// hiding the signs your clandestine activity with the advancing tide of your own body -- whether by accident, or by design, I cannot say with certainty.”
The valve at the base of your esophagus finally responds to your stomach's backpressure by clamping shut, but it only closes //around// the still-gushing tube and secures it in place. The elastic walls of your stomach begin to dilate, ready to accommodate the increasing volume.
“ //‘Why won’t (if:$gender is 2)[s]he let me stop?’// Oh, that’s so poignant, and so… **damning**. //‘When I say anything, (if:$gender is 2)[s]he smirks and brings even more. Does (if:$gender is 2)[s]he enjoy hurting me?’// ”
The rushing noise takes on a low muffled tone and the outlet is fully submerged. You try a futile avenue of resistance; snagging a little slack in the tube with your teeth, thinking to maybe bite down on it. Loosen it, or force it to leak. You'll surely drown yourself if comes to that, but for a few seconds you focus entirely on that goal.
“ //‘Roses are red. All food tastes bitter. When I die as a blob, it’s thanks to my sitter.’// ”
Your jaw flares with pain. The tube is impervious to your teeth, and you choke slightly on the taste of blood from your bleeding gums. Even against the near immeasurable mass already surrounding it, you can feel your stomach still spreading out. The weight of its contents alone probably accounts for for the notable difference. Under less threatening circumstances, you might find the sensation comforting – even desirable – but this pressure is building and intensifying at a rate you wouldn’t have thought possible. The sheer //speed// of your inflation is ample cause for alarm. There must be a lot of pressure behind that tube.
“Alright – I thought these theatrics would be more //cathartic//, but I was wrong. Bad enough having to spend another moment in your disgusting presence – I hardly need to make myself nauseous by pretending you have anything in common with my son. Even after growing yourself to over twice his size, you aren’t fraction the human-being Randy was.”
Your bloated stomach begins to painfully crowd your other organs. The sound from one of the life support equipment changes pitch, laboring noticeably -- probably the ventilator. A few other scattered beeps of urgent warning join a macabre chorus. Subjectively, this still only feels like a light meal. You’re barely satisfied, and would probably go on to eat a great deal more, were it not for the obvious strain it puts on your body. It’s been a long time since you’ve truly felt ‘full’, and this is precisely the reason.
“//None// of this should have taken nearly so God Damn long! Any //normal// person would keel over dead if they tried to gain hundreds of pounds in just a few months. It amazed me when Randy endured it for so long. He turned out to be prodigy of natural obesity tolerance. It was a blessing! It gave me the extra time I needed. I //perfected// his treatment, with time to spare! I had a chance to save him. It was a chance you //stole// from me!”
You’re still trying to comprehend how such a massive flow continues to roar through the narrow tube. You’re already warned by little aching twinges that your stomach walls are fast approaching their limit of elasticity. Your heart is racing. You're barely getting air with each shallow, gasping breath.
“Then you went on blissfully with your pathetic life for a decade, apparently satisfied that your scheme had gone undiscovered. I eventually pieced together what happened. When I gave you opportunities to admit what you did, you remained silent. That, more than anything, was unforgiveable: your utter //arrogance//. It was a cruel lesson about family and betrayal, but I learned it well. I hatched a plan that started with a very special cake. The necessary dose was a gamble – but I was pretty confident you would eat enough. I was right. (if: $ateMoreCake is 1)[Scarfing down more the next morning just sealed the deal.](elseif: $ateMoreCake is 2)[I couldn't believe my luck when I saw you practically forcing the curse upon yourself the next morning.] It went perfectly -- for the most part.”
Your stomach reaches its maximum girth, and stubbornly refuses to stretch any further. The internal pressure rapidly increases within the limited space, but this does nothing to stem the incoming flow. A series of painful cramps suggest your intestines are begrudgingly accepting some of the reserve, rushing to relieve the overwhelming volume. Even with machine assistance, you’re basically holding your breath. Your lungs are fully compressed. Your oxygen is running low. You’re beginning to wish you would simply pass out.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Even that form of escape is denied you.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "EventFinale3")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $weight += (random: 380, 440))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Satisfaction</font>''</div>
“I can’t tell you how many times I almost called the whole thing off. Even with creative accounting, the cost of supporting your appetite and purchasing all your special equipment put the lab at risk again. Worse yet, I could see you were //actually enjoying// it, you intolerable //sick **fuck**//. But I knew if I kept you alive – if I could just bide my time – you would live to regret everything. I’d swoop in to appear at your death bed, and complete my vengeance. Yeah, so I’m cheating on the schedule. I got tired of waiting for you to suffocate on your own. Sorry, my //dear (if: $gender is 1)[nephew](else:)[niece]//. Maybe you can find it in your //generous heart// to forgive me.“
It hurts so much. You can’t take much more. It’s remarkable, in a way-- to actually feel full one more time. Your guts emit a few ominous squeaks and burbles. The sounds have a resonant and exaggerated quality, lingering like the rumbling echo of drumhead. Several of the bio-support machines have ceased beeping and transitioned to a piercing solid tone. One probably indicates the status of your heart. You honestly can’t tell.
“Seems like you might finally be at your limit. Gosh, that looks agonizing. //Good//. You //fucking killed// him, and I have no sympathy left to spare. If you can manage it, try not to //get off// while you pop like a pimple.“
Your ligaments and muscle walls creak ominously, many of them on the verge of rupturing. Huge swaths of skin have thinned to the waxy sheen of crepe paper, blushing angry crimson at the margins of your room-filling belly. A few of the weakened and infected areas are already letting go -- slowly ripping apart with electric flashes of agony. You feel your bowels repeatedly cramp and issue searing shotgun bursts in a last ditch bid to relieve pressure.
The humming stops, and the room falls uncannily silent. Something gradually rips with a couple ragged little steps, but stops. Several more seconds pass. You’re deafened by your own mental scream.
“//Really?// Christ, that was an entire 75 gallon tank – more than 600 lbs of fluid… and you’re just… you’re //unbelievable//. This is really beginning to //piss… me… off!// Of course you //would// have to go and demonstrate the same obesity tolerance as Randy. Of course it would be a god-damned genetic family trait! A scientific marvel, to be sure – maybe one that could secure funding for the lab, or even change the world – but I DON’T CARE. Can’t I //just// have a little **satisfaction**? Is that really too much to ask? Stop setting records! Stop surviving the unsurvivable!”
He solves his empty tank problem by the simple expedient of switching to the tap water supply. The flow suddenly resumes.
“Do me a favor. Just fucking **DIE**.”
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Discover your true ending...")[(if: $donna is 0)[(goto: "EndNoDonna")](elseif: $guinness is 0)[(goto: "EndDonna")](else:)[(goto: "EndDonnaGuinness")]]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){<!-- feminine altnerate is the "dislocated hip" passage -->(set: _lastReachedJunk to ($day - $lastJerkedOff))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Forgotten junk...</div>''
You barely even moved. You barely //can// move, so that much should be a given. (if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[So much is now hidden beneath the surface. You're aware of a vague tension that has been escalating since the final burial of your feet and legs. Aside from that, all you've known is an ](else:)[Nothing is much different from any previous day, save for the ]incremental tide of expansion, almost perfectly camouflaged by your already considerable girth. Estimating new gains is getting to be a real ‘forest for the trees’ situation.
You //feel// more than hear the ominous little sensation –- a strange sort of ‘Schnick… Bllluurp!’ -- from one of you deepest, most inaccessible recesses. You begin to dismiss it. You can’t possibly dwell on all the odd sensations that are constantly teasing the edges of your physical awareness – not at this size.
It’s about that point that you start **//screaming//**.
Several seconds pass before you can form another coherent thought. Are you dying? Did something rupture? Are you bleeding? Your heart is palpitating wildly. The pain seems to encompass everything, inescapable. Gut-twisting, radiating, vomit-inducing. Merciless… unending…. and yet… somehow familiar? You’re beyond speaking. Something has to stop it. Something has to make it end.
(if: $donna is 1)[Donna is the first to arrive, distraught by your continuous howling. She asks you questions you don't really hear, and fails to get any meaningful reply. She helplessly checks the medical equipment, but is otherwise at a loss for how to proceed. ]Paul strolls in (if: $donna is 1)[shortly after ]with a deliberate and purposeful stride, seemingly calm despite the way you’re squealing like a stuck pig. Even if you wanted to, you can’t spare the breath to explain yourself. This feeling is something you’ve experienced before, but the scale and intensity are on a completely different level. It's at that moment that the answer comes instinctually. You share a panicked glance with Paul, and miraculously, after a moment, he purses his lips and nods as if in understanding.
“We need to get you rolled over.” Paul calmly declares, as if that should be obvious.
Christ, of course it's your //** balls.**// Your blood-starved, half-numb, tragically neglected balls – squandered and left to ferment in a nightmarish moldering pit of your own creation. They must be a hell of a sight these days… if you thought anyone stood a real chance of finding them. Their cozy, flexible pocket of flesh was long ago absorbed into the pad-like mass that now envelopes that entire section of your anatomy. They’ve enjoyed some extra protection from the surrounding pressure, but nothing is entirely immune -- not with such intense competition for space.
You imagine your testicles are now tragic victims in a chance event of shift or slippage; probably being dragged through a narrow pinch point this very moment… caught, squashed, twisted, or torn in different directions... you can’t know for sure, but the point is moot. It’s been (if: $lastJerkedOff < 60)[(if: $lastJerkedOff < 14)[a week](else:)[(floor:($lastJerkedOff/7)) weeks]](elseif: $lastJerkedOff < 365)[(if: $lastJerkedOff < 60)[a month](else:)[(floor:($lastJerkedOff/30)) months]](else:)[over a year] since you could lay a finger anywhere near them. The vise-like anguish continues to pierce through you, and you can’t do a damn thing about it.
(if: $bariatricSling is 1)[While you’re bemoaning how exceptionally screwed you are, Paul has already finished positioning the bariatric sling. (if:$donna is 1)[Donna is following instructions, jumping to secure lines and help shift sections of tarp. You feel a set of strong hands planted against your side, pushing with surprising force.]
“Roll, damn you!” comes Pauls barked command.
Some part of your mind still works well enough to act on the directive. Struggling does nothing to inhibit the unbearable pain. Your pathetic contribution hardly seems relevant... but remarkably, after a moment, it seems like it //just might// just make the difference.
Paul seems to find enough control and precision to slowly shimmy and drag your bulk //in place//, rather than sending you spilling off the bed. The crane and boom both labor against the load. The tarp threatens to tear. (if:$donna is 1)[Donna runs around to shout feedback on the progress, occasionally pushing or pulling both flesh and tarp alike.] You’re only vaguely conscious and aware of your hulking mass gradually shifting and climbing over itself, representing a bigger manipulation than you’ve experienced in months. As you settle mostly onto your side, your gargantuan ass is revealed in all its shit-encrusted glory. If not for the still-unbearable pain, you might find time to be ashamed. You might have more concern for how this position has almost completely cut off your breathing. As it is, you barely stay conscious, spasming and defecating without any semblance of control.
Paul jogs out of the room for a moment, and returns with a couple of reinforced medical-grade tubes with unpleasant-looking invasive fittings. “There’s no way you’re sitting back down before (if: $donna is 1)[we’ve](else:)[I’ve] gotten these installed”, he says.
(if: $donna is 1)[Donna goes to work alongside him, unapologetically stirring up the mire. Apparently mindful of your immediate distress, she seems to be sweeping the hidden depths of your fat pad, searching for ingress.](else:)[He efficiently goes to work, prodding and stirring up the mire. Apparently satisfied that you’re not dying, he actually completes the insertion of rectal catheter before focusing on the hunt for your smothered penis.] You’re slipping in and out of consciousness, useless as a guide for any of these explorations. With a jolt that seems to punch clean through you chest, the pinch somehow //trebles// in excruciating intensity for a split second… then mercifully subsides.
(if: $donna is 1)[“Hey! I think that’s got it.”](else:)[“That seems like it might have done it.”]
Paul mumbles something about a improvising a protective shroud, and seems intent on inserting the other catheter. For your part, you take a couple of shallow gasps before blacking out.](else:)[“But clearly, getting you turned isn’t even a remote possibility. You’re already much too huge for that. Maybe with the help of… well… //anything//… Hmm. Shit. Probably should have seen this coming.“
You writhe in agony, wasting your strength, unable to believe this is happening. A different, but hardly complimentary pain blooms in your chest.
“Just... try to relax. I’ve got some lumber in the garage. Maybe I can slap together some kind of jack and levering rig. I’ll just be a few…”
A thready pounding builds in your head, washing over his last few words until you don’t hear him at all. Your vision begins to fade, suddenly resolving into a sharp flash of crimson. A spasm wracks your body. You imagine a searing harpoon blasting upward through your groin, and emerging from your chest in a fierce and dramatic flourish of flames.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Blissful darkness follows.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(set: $endReason to "PinchedJunk")(goto: "EndMedical")]</div>]
(if: $bariatricSling is 1)[You wake again briefly as Paul manipulates the controls to unceremoniously flop you onto your back again. Apparently once (if: $donna is 1)[they had](else:)[he] finished up, Paul took note of how you were barely breathing and rushed to move you in time.
Once you convince (if: $donna is 1)[both of them](else:)[Paul] that you're stable and lucid, you ask to be alone for a moment. You simply lie there a while, breathing and trying to recover your wits, nearly chilled beneath the glistening sheen of sweat. You usual body odor blends with the musky note of terror that still hangs heavily in the air. You have a new appreciation for relatively pain-free moments. You still hurt, but it’s the pure, genuine ache of trauma and exhaustion. It’s seems you’ll survive… for now.
<div class="message5">Your exhaustion is so deep that it will linger for days.</div>{(if: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions is 99999)[(set: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions to (random: 3,5))](else:)[(set: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions += 3)]}
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "A thing like this almost makes you lose your appetite.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Feeding Tube</div>''
Too weak or ill to feed yourself? Medicine has the answer! It's perhaps a little unorthodox to use a feeding tube to support someone who is too fat to move their arms, but hey... it works.
Paul says he can look after the setup and extra equipment needed. Conveniently, this particular model works with most everyday food items, provided they're processed into an easily-pumped smoothie consistency. It's also an extra high-volume model with thick puncture-resistant tubing. Never hurts to future-proof. Not after that bed fiasco.
(if: $credit > 0)[Get yourself set up for hands-free feeding?
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Yes Please.")[(set: PaulBalancedDiet of $timedEvents to $day + (random: 5, 10))(set: $equipmentDelivered to 1)(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $feedingTube to 1)(goto: "SpendCredit"). (1 credits)]
(link: "Not today.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
](else:)[If you had even one favor left to spend, it could be yours. But you don't.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "This sucks.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Mechanical Ventilator and heart monitor</div>''
This represents the full-on hospital ICU experience. You would like to think you're not at this phase yet -- that you're still independent, and reasonably healthy, and... well... not in immediate danger.
But you know better. One close call is enough to make that clear.
(if: $credit > 0)[Paul's lab doesn't exactly keep a stockpile of life support equipment, but they do have connections for such things. They sometimes have to plan for emergencies, especially for trials that involve exceptional risk factors. With just a bit of creative paperwork, some of that equipment might end up in Paul's basement for 'off-site storage'.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Yes Please.")[(set: $equipmentDelivered to 1)(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $ventilator to 1)(goto: "SpendCredit"). (1 credits)]
(link: "Not today.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
](else:)[If you had even one favor left to spend, this could be very helpful. But you don't.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "This sucks.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "")[
<!-- Each available condition -->
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is "Exhaustion")[
(if: Exhaustion of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstExhaustion")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Ulcer")[
(if: Ulcer of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstUlcer")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "DigestiveCramps")[
(if: DigestiveCramps of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstDigestiveCramps")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "FoodPoisoning")[
(if: FoodPoisoning of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstFoodPoisoning")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "SkinTear")[
(if: SkinTear of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstSkinTear")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "ChronicItch")[
(if: ChronicItch of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstChronicItch")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Bedsore")[
(if: ChronicItch of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstBedsore")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "HeartAttack")[
<!-- Has it's own special first time event -->
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Infection")[
(if: Infection of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstInfection")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "O2Malfunction")[
(if: O2Malfunction of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstO2Malfunction")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "BreathingDifficulty")[
<!-- Has it's own special first time event -->
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "ChronicLymphedema")[
(if: ChronicLymphedema of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstChronicLymphedema")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Constipated")[
(if: Constipated of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstConstipated")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "Overheated")[
(if: Overheated of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstOverheated")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "PanicAttack")[
(if: PanicAttack of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstPanicAttack")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "DisgustingHygiene")[
(if: DisgustingHygiene of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstDisgustingHygiene")
](elseif: $newGeneralAffliction is "CreatureHost")[
(if: CreatureHost of $generalFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "FirstCreatureHost")
](else:)[(alert:"General Affliction init failed - Affliction: " + $newGeneralAffliction)]
]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Bluetooth saves the day</div>''
Thank goodness for rugged electronics. The conditions around your smothered face and head are hardly count as ideal. The moist, rapidly festering environment would kill an iPhone quicker than a South American jungle. Paul thinks that he can rig up a sort of waterproof headset to let you communicate, despite the challenges.
You need to hear things -- at the very least. Extreme sensory deprivation presents a very real risk to your sanity. Seeing would be nice too, but keeping any kind of electronic display link working might be a bit much to ask. Paul agrees that it's probably best just to keep your eyes closed.
(if: $credit > 0)[
Get you set up?
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Yes Please.")[(set: $equipmentDelivered to 1)(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $audioLink to 1))(goto: "SpendCredit"). (1 credits)]
(link: "Not today.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
](else:)[Your sanity would be an excellent investment, if in fact you had even one favor left to spend. But you don't.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "This sucks.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Like a Pimple</font>''</div>
Paul goes silent, apparently done with monologuing, but you imagine he’s watching very intently. You still can’t breathe. You can’t struggle. You can’t even seem to find the merciful escape of unconsciousness. Perhaps he used drugs to ensure that too.
Your esophageal sphincter finally lets some of the fluid escape, failing to hold back the immense pressure. It’s not nearly enough to offer meaningful relief. The seepage backs up and begins to flood your head cavity, adding literal drowning to your list of immediate concerns.
More flashes of pain. More sharp, snapping reports of parting flesh. It all happens in the space of a few racing heartbeats, but seems to stretch into an eternity while you’re forced to simply endure.
A frosty shiver ripples through your core, as if you’ve been doused in gasoline. You get a split second to wonder how the water could possibly run so cold, before a ragged ‘snap’ turns the gasoline into a rush of flame. There’s a foreboding sense of shifting mass. A sudden rush of liquid. A moaning wail that can’t possibly be coming from your throat. A blaze of dragonfire washes over every nerve, consuming your senses.
The seconds keep passing. They insist on presenting yet another moment, and another -- until you finally realize something.
You’re still alive.
The waterlogged ear pieces are muted, crackling with static, but still functioning. Paul apparently sees fit to pick up his running commentary. He seems to have shelved his fury. He sounds tired; his words drip with jaded irritation.
“Well damn. You didn’t split wide open. Bravo. You even managed to spoil //that// for me. //*sigh*// It’s fine though. I suppose I can settle for this. Ruptured stomach. Agonizing death from toxic shock. Maybe it's better this way. Twice the suffering, with half the mess. Not quite the ‘shock and awe’ I was looking for, but honestly – this works just fine.”
Seemingly without reason, Paul starts another slow and deliberate climbing expedition toward the peak of your body. He’s forced to carefully pick his path, navigating around new and unexpected obstacles. He seems to be in no particular rush, prodding and kicking at random points along the way.
“You realize these swollen lumps and bulges are getting more grotesque by the second, right? And… you’re definitely leaking from a few places. That must kind of suck. The outer fatty layer doesn’t serve as much of a holding tank, eh?“
Whatever he’s dosed you with is incredible. You have no business remaining conscious. Your heart flops and spasms randomly, forcing just enough blood to your brain for another jolt of unwelcome lucidity. You’re pretty sure your stomach isn’t the only thing that’s ruptured. With the last of the air you thought you used up ages ago, you squeeze your throat into one final keening, burbling cry. You pray to the reaper, begging him to take you.
Paul’s meandering steps reach the fringe of your neck sinkhole, now completely flooded. He seems to stop and consider something. You hear the muffled chink of a belt buckle.
“You know what? If I have to settle for shit, so should you. Have a heartfelt parting gift, you cousin-killing (if: $gender is 2)[cunt](else:)[cocksucker].”
Finally, the edges of your mind waver. Your soul pours through the cracks, embracing the opportunity for a blissful and cowardly escape.
A wet <span class='message5'>plop</span> echoes across the abyss.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Epilogue")[(goto: "EndNoDonnaEpilogue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Epilogue</font>''</div>
Several nondescript trucks visit Paul’s house the following week. They're the sort of bland, utilitarian vehicles that might fill out the fleet of any major contractor -- perhaps a big home renovation firm, or some kind of cleaning service. The workers all don full-body hazard suits and masks. They work long shifts, hauling dozens of slopping bags back to their trucks and taking them away.
Only a couple of Paul’s neighbors complain about the intense odor drifting on the wind. The problem is hardly a new one, and most folks are already surprisingly tolerant of it. The foul organic stench has often drifted from his home, if never quite this strongly. The popular rumor is that Paul is a chronic hoarder, and the crews have come to finally deal with the mess. Paul finds this near-truth so convenient that he even adopts a questionable number of cats just to reinforce the stereotype.
Folks are assured the stench will improve shortly. They accept this news with guarded relief.
Your parents grow suspicious after your birthday comes and goes without comment. Paul weaves a story about how you were gripped by love at first sight, and jumped on a last-minute flight to Jamaica in pursuit of an attractive young lady. He assures everyone that you arrived, and sounded happy –- but that you haven’t returned his calls for quite a while. It's eventually decided to report your disappearance. Your old picture shows up on sign posts police station bulletin boards throughout Jamaica. A few shaky leads ultimately amount to nothing. You become a ghost.
“Heya, Paul”.
"Hey, Sarah. I thought I might see you again."
"Damn right. Did you honestly think that last payment was going to cover everything? Don't even think about saying 'oh, I but always paid for the cookies'. You know damn well what I'm talking about. They're asking a lot of questions, Paul. They figure someone who goes door to door would know something. And you know what else? Just a couple days ago, I convinced a lady from his old apartment block that the posters were of a different (if: $gender is 2)[person](else:)[guy]. This //really// sucks, Paul."
"You're a tough cookie. You can handle it."
"Look. I respect your entrepreneurial spirit, and can read between the lines as well as anyone. Here's another $1000 cash. Figure something out. Don't bother me again."
"Oh, uh... well, OK. I guess this... *sigh* ...this concludes our business, then. Good evening, Paul. Try to stay out of trouble."
She turns to tread back down the walkway, looking back for just a moment, but saying nothing further. Paul patiently watches her go. Even after she's out of sight, Paul remains at his doorstep a while, simply watching the sunset. The evening brings a cool breeze.
"Can you believe she'd say that, Cathy? Trouble? I've always been the very picture of honesty."
His words fade unanswered into the retreating light.
<div class=”message5”>Congratulations! You found the **worst** of the main endings! It’s ok though. //Shit happens.//
(It’s a real shame nobody was around to save you.)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Score and Summary")[(set: $endReasonMessage to "Popped like a Pimple")(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Final resting place</div>'' <!-- CATCH ALL FOR MEDICAL ENDINGS -->(if: $debug is 1)[(link: "Add 10 health and continue")[(set: $health to it + 10)(goto: "Control")]
(link: "Add 40 health and continue")[(set: $health to it + 40)(goto: "Control")]](if: $endReason is "HeartAttack")[You’ve had plenty of time to think about death. You've considered some of the ways you might die at such an insane size, and how some of the possibilities obviously seemed far more likely than others. Among the top candidates, you thought you would probably //prefer// a quick heart attack, rather than suffering through a prolonged episode of suffocation.
Of course neither option would be pleasant, and it’s not as if you actually get to pick, when it came down to it – but it turns out you were wrong regardless. Heart Attacks can last a while. You failed to comprehend the level of agony involved, or the depth of your regret while in the grip of utter helplessness. Any thought of struggling brought even more suffering, amplified tenfold.
Despite the volume of your wailing, Paul only looked on grimly. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna kept pleading, insisting there must be something more that could yet be done. ]Perhaps all the miracles had been used up on merely allowing you to arrive at this point. When you finally fell silent, the silence was absolute.
](elseif: $endReason is "O2Malfunction")[The dream was terribly vivid. There was something extremely visceral about the burning in your chest – the fear as you desperately fought the assailant. You struggled to snatch just one more precious breath. You never saw his face clearly, though there was something familiar in the outline of his features. A mouth gaped in sickening laughter, though you can’t remember any sound.
These images were merely echoes of the truth. There were no hands around your neck. None were needed –- not to make one so fat and unhealthy as yourself suffocate in their sleep. By the time someone arrived to help, they found the situation quite irreversible.
](elseif: $endReason is "PanicAttack")[There’s no telling which trigger finally brought your anxiety to a climaxed, fevered pitch. You hadn’t slept well. Your abused body was already too strung out by the continuous strain. Heart racing. Muscles cramping. Everything seemed to add more fuel to the fire, despite your own feeble and desperate attempts to relax. Those maddening, unreachable itches. Every whiff of sour sweat. The vise gripping your chest. All were constant reminders of your inescapable, torturous and self-imposed imprisonment.
The massive aneurysm had been building for some time. When the white-hot flash of pain erupted from the base of your neck, it was only followed by a few seconds of confusion while you fought the irresistible urge to sleep. The pain faded. Everything faded, and that, quite simply, was the end of it.
Paul (if: $donna)[and Donna ] never discovered the specific cause. There was enough work to do cleaning up without dwelling on unimportant details. An autopsy wouldn’t change anything.
](elseif: $endReason is "CreatureHost")[Bacteria. Viruses. Fungi. We all play host to a wide variety of life. Your selection just happened to include creatures of a larger and more irritating variety. Given your overall condition, it’s a bit pointless to try and name a specific reason for your sudden death last night. Your unusual guests certainly didn’t improve your situation. That much, at least, is certain.
Maybe if you’d evicted them, things might have continued a bit longer. Who can say? It's too late now.
](elseif: $endReason is "Ulcer")[There are a lot of reasons why you might feel like shit at any given moment, so you weren’t exactly alarmed when the burning pain from your ulcer seemed to subside, but instead blended into a broader aching discomfort -- a general malaise that came in waves. If you were feeling more tired than usual, that could also be explained away. You couldn’t have realized your stomach acids were slowly rotting nearby organs, or that you were in mortal peril.
Unfortunately Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna ]missed the signs too. Ulcers aren’t usually fatal, but when combined with your ridiculous physical situation, this one turned out to be an overachiever.
](elseif: $endReason is "FoodPoisoning")[Way to go. You’ve gone and died. Were you really done in by some bad food? That’s a tad ironic, isn’t it?
Ok, so to be fair – you had a lot of things going against you. The food poisoning was – at //best// -- just the catalyst that set off an explosion of secondary problems. Digestive irregularity. Weakness. Nausea. Poor nutrient absorption. Cardiovascular distress. A pile of issues that just seemed like another bad day, until that moment when you didn’t wake up again.
](elseif: $endReason is "SkinTear")[It didn’t seem like a big deal. Just another little patch of ripped skin.
Some ongoing health considerations are unavoidable at your size -- but you didn’t think something so minor would be the nail in your coffin. That bit of torn skin had festered a bit, and with the combined ‘weight’ of your overall worsening condition – well… it had gone septic, and nobody realized it until it was too late. Blood poisoning did you in.
](elseif: $endReason is "Infection")[Infection can be nasty business, even for properly healthy people. Little wonder it turned out to be fatal for you, with your suppressed immune system, severely limited access for disinfection and cleaning, and massive warm and sticky chasms ripe for the festering.
It was just a matter of time before something turned septic, and began rotting you out from the inside. Anything visible was just the tip of the iceburg. Too bad you went full //Titanic//.
](elseif: $endReason is "BreathingDifficulty")[You thought you’d have more warning. Sure, the writing was on the wall the whole time -- but you didn’t even get a chance to wake up. You just stopped breathing in your sleep, and never opened your eyes again.
No sputtering. No panicked, last-ditch effort to cry out. Your blood oxygen was too low. Your brain never had a chance to respond. You were trapped in a dream, playing hide-and-seek in the darkness where nobody would ever find you.
](elseif: $endReason is "Suffocate")[Your spirit moved on while carrying its newest burden -- one of sadness, knowing that Paul had seemingly failed you. Perhaps you could haunt him.
Of all the ways you thought you might die, suffocation was perhaps the one that had preoccupied your mind the most. The thought of desperately gasping, gripped with primal, brain-stem fear... it seemed to you that it could only be a terrible way to go.
You were not wrong. There was some consolation in being spared a longer, more drawn-out window of suffering, yet it was exceptionally traumatic.
](elseif: $endReason is "ChronicLymphedema")[It shouldn’t have been deadly, in and of itself. The abnormal deposits of flesh and fluid, mostly strangling your legs, had certainly grown quite massive -- courtesy of poor drainage from a compromised lymphatic system. Inconvenient and dreadfully uncomfortable to be sure... but deadly?
The blood flow in your legs had nearly trickled to a halt, and the resulting blood clots must have been floating around for days. Worse, you didn’t even recognize the numbness on one side of your face for what it was. Your ‘collapse’ initially went undetected, considering the secure grip of your fleshy cradle. Your condition was discovered mere minutes later, but it was already too late.
](elseif: $endReason is "Constipated")[The discomfort wasn’t even a particularly noteworthy or unique feeling. You’ve been stuffed and stretched so many different ways, that the building pressure in your impacted bowels was hardly even on your radar. In retrospect, it probably should have been.
Left unresolved, your hyper-extended upper intestinal lining was quietly strained beyond its limit. Your only warning was a peculiar little stab of pain. A warm ache seemed to suffuse your upper abdomen, as a cocktail of blood and raw excrement pooled around your internals. It wasn’t a quick end; waiting for the toxicity to leach through your bloodstream and become critical. Paul (if: $donna)[and Donna ] discussed the possibility of emergency surgery, but were forced to admit the futility of it. You had several hours to consider your choices before finally losing consciousness one last time, poisoned by your own shit.
](elseif: $endReason is "Overheated")[You’re so well insulated, it didn’t take much to make you sweat buckets. Your recent brush with heat stroke, despite never leaving your bed, just serves to illustrate the fine line you’ve been balancing.
Already weakened and nauseous, nobody suspected that your body temperature was still rising. You didn’t even realize it yourself, consumed in the general caress of your own flesh. It was a fairly hot day, but nobody else would say your basement suite was unduly warm.
Unfortunately, you’re not like everybody else. It took too long before Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna ]to realize you had become completely unresponsive.
](elseif: $endReason is "ChronicItch")[Ok, so… it looks like you died? How in God’s name did you manage that? There were plenty of dramatic possibilities, yet when it came to it… you died of complications stemming from your itchy, irritated skin. Probably a blood clot, or undiagnosed septic infection. You didn’t have time to ask.
Sure, you were plenty of general //ongoing// health concerns. Your overall health was, honestly, pretty terrible. You just didn’t expect something so minor would be the nail in your coffin.
](elseif: $endReason is "DigestiveCramps")[Hah. You died of dysentery. Ok, not really… it wasn’t //actually// dysentery, but you ARE dead. Something about your particular combination of a stomach virus, dehydration, stress, and lingering weakness. Congratulations on such a dubious accomplishment.
All that worked fattening yourself up to $weight pounds, and you just shat yourself to death. Bravo.
](elseif: $endReason is "PinchedJunk")[Well, that's one for the bards to sing in the ballads. 'For the fat man roared to the heavens, his junk crushéd most verily'.
Seriously though, you never had optimistic warm-and-fuzzy illusions about the worst things that might happen if you stayed the course. Of all the things you even //remotely// considered, death by self-castration never crossed your mind. Maybe if there was some sort of tool to help roll you over...
Quite the oversight, in retrospect.
](elseif: $endReason is "Exhaustion")[Ever feel so tired, that you just don’t want to get up ever again? Apparently this was your situation last night.
There was no struggle. No panick. No painful spasms. Your heart just… stopped. Your lungs stilled halfway through drawing a shallow breath, and you simply didn’t wake up.
](elseif: $endReason is "DislocatedHip")[Didn't see that one coming.
Seriously though, you never had optimistic warm-and-fuzzy illusions about the worst things that might happen if you stayed the course. You even considered the possibility of death by self-induced panic...
You just didn't predict it might be triggered by sudden unfortunate de-socketing of your own leg. Quite the oversight, in retrospect. Maybe if there was some sort of tool to help roll you over...
](elseif: $endReason is "Bedsore")[It might be embarrasing, in a way, to acknowledge your demise was linked to the nagging and irritating sensation that you so quickly learned to ignore.
Bed Sores are a constant reminder of your limited mobility, and always seemed like a low priority. I guess it bears remembering that any sore is a potentially worsening infection. If you felt a little more tired than normal, or perhaps a bit feverish... well...
The point is you didn't, and your minor undiagnosed case of blood poisoning took only hours to cascade into a coma, organ failure, and sudden death. Whoops.
](elseif: $endReason is "Insanity")[(set: $day += 184)(set: $weight += 1111)It was something like six months later before Paul finally pulled the plug. You were basically comatose, offering no response to outside stimuli. Even so, your body continued to stubbornly swell and cling to survival.
(if: $donna is 1)[Donna wept. She and ]Paul had watched carefully for any remaining indication of consciousness, and finally made the tough decision. (if: $donna is 1)[They](else:)[He] could never know that you still dreamed. You tasted the colors of dragonscale, and learned entire new languages. You had already solved the the world's most pressing problems, if only someone could hear. Your brilliant insanity blazed most intensely in the moments before it was quietly snuffed out.
](elseif: $endReason is "DisgustingHygiene")[You were disgusting. Not your appearance, though that’s open to discussion – but you lacked any respect for a fundamental level of cleanliness. This led to not only your remarkable odor, but an unsafe risk of contracting all sorts of unpleasant cultures, diseases, and parasites.
You danced that line for a while, striking an unexpected balance. Last night, the organisms finally trashed the place. Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna ]found you dead, and took some blood samples to be tested. The lab is still trying to identify some of the weirdness growing in their Petri dishes.
](elseif: $endReason is "Health")[Yep. You died. Your health was critically poor. It's difficult to blame your sudden passing on any single factor; were it not for your obviously life-threatening state of obesity, you might even be tempted to use the words 'natural causes'.
Nevertheless, you had settled down for the night with a sense of unease. There was a wave of malaise that felt a bit too intimate. Too threatening. Indeed, you probably even sensed the end coming, for all the good it did.
](else:)[PLEASE REPORT ERROR - no handler for issue "$endReason"]
(either: "At least Paul can draw on previous experience for disposing of oversized corpses.", "It was a rather inconvenient few days afterward. Cremation had to be performed in a number of separate stages.", "Apparently Paul knew a local excavator operator pretty well. Once the basement wall was opened up to remove your remains, an arrangement was made to begin work on a really big hole in the yard.", "It was rather sudden. You might have wondered whether (if: $donna is 1)[Donna missed you terribly, or if ]your parents ever noticed your extended absence.")
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Score and Summary")[(goto:"ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Donna: Shared regrets</font>''</div>
''"Don't bother getting up. We need to talk."''
You open your eyes to find Donna nearly face-to-face, regarding you with unexpected intensity. She's lazily draped on your ample chest, with her chin propped in her hands. As usual, her elbows have partially sunk into your flab. You nearly chuckle at the ‘don’t get up’ comment for about the millionth time, but her eyes are too serious. You wonder for a split second if you've offended her.
Her sudden closeness isn't a surprise. Her ongoing assistance with your bodily needs has often been very hands-on. Occasionally intimate. You've grown comfortable with the way she sometimes lingers in your personal space, as though quietly admiring the scenery. This sudden directness, however -- the look in her eyes... still qualifies as unnerving.
"If you can spare a moment..." A glimmer of Donna's typical humor leaks through, but disappears just as quickly. "...I need to clear the air. Whatever you might think of your current... living situation, I feel it necessary to confirm something. First, allow me spell out the obvious in no uncertain terms:
"To call you ‘bedbound’ is an understatement, and you've already had enough health scares to cause significant concern. You're utterly dependent on others for the necessities of life, as well as the excesses that continue to threaten it. I've been a willing enabler. I was never particularly interested in making you bigger -– let alone //this// huge -- but I'll admit to selfishly playing along. I turned a blind eye to your compulsion, because I found comfort and satisfaction in being with you, and enjoyed sharing in your journey. I thought that would always be enough.
“I’m no psychologist, and I know we //both// have enough emotional baggage to crash a jumbo jet. I can’t say if you’re a victim of Randy’s curse, or slave to your own impulses, or whatever. What I do know is regardless of the root cause, it's gone a //lot// farther thanks to my continued ‘help’. I'm not stupid. I'm not sadistic, or a fan of bondage for the sake of bondage. It’s rare to see you even //attempt// meaningful movement these days, and I know you must miss it. None of this can be particularly pleasant for you; trusting a machine to keep you alive, settling for dangerously labored and unproductive sleep, perking up just long enough to get your fill of another disastrously unhealthy meal, and then spending your few truly wakeful hours marinating in your own sweat. The truth is, all of this is hurting you. //I'm// hurting you.
“Maybe you’re absolutely committed to this course and will never stop. Paul certainly seems to think so. Admittedly, a lot of damage has already been done. (if: $guinness is 1)[Regardless of what Guinness may ultimately decide, ]I doubt anyone has ever weighed as much as you do now -- let alone attempted weight loss of the magnitude required to make a impact in your situation. Any normal doctor would refuse to touch this case with a 10 foot pole, and Paul informs me his lab doesn’t really employ any surgeons – so you're denied the “quick-and-dirty” solutions like liposuction or stomach reduction. In spite of all that… I think you could still take some of your life back. It might be the hardest thing you ever do. Hope dwindles with each passing day... but it’s a possibility nonetheless. If there is //any// chance you would choose that path, I'll do what I can to make it happen. I’d fully support you.
"Look -- I know it seems really late in the game for this discussion. I just… I need to //KNOW// you understand. You were never obligated. The choice has always been yours to make. If you want me on the team that delivers your assisted suicide by slow suffocation, then at least convince me that you've given this due consideration.
//**"Do you have regrets? Is this really what you want?"**//
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Assure her she's already helping in the best possible way.")[(goto: "EventDonnaAltimatum2")]
(link: "Admit you have serious reservations.")[(goto: "EventDonnaAltimatum3")]
(link: "It doesn't matter.")[(goto: "EventDonnaAltimatum4")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $pissedOffDonna to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Carry on, you're doing great.</font>''</div>
“**No**. Not good enough. See, that sounds exactly like what you //think// I want to hear. That makes it worse. It’s a slight against my intelligence, and a damn insulting one.”
She’s actually spitting. How the hell did you piss her off so quickly?
“Don’t pretend you’re fine with all this. I know you can’t possibly be riding a non-stop wave of kinky satisfaction through the whole day. Do you think piling on more weight would be the easy route? You want to just stop resisting and welcome the inevitable? I don’t believe you’ve given up on life – and I haven’t given up on you, either -- so don’t you //dare// tell me that best thing I can do is shut up and keep letting this tragedy happen.”
She punctuates the point of her tirade with an emphatic huff of frustration.
“I guess I should be flattered you still want my company at all. I’d like to think there's more to it than the convenience of //using// me to seal your blubbery fate. I’m going to have a chat with Paul about cutting you back. Even if it makes no difference in the end... at least one of us might be able to live with ourself.”
<div class=”message5”>Your general food intake is reduced by 25%</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Not so smooth, dude.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")You're not a crazy blob.</font>''</div>
You force a smile, and wriggle half-heartedly, grunting with effort. It serves as an illustrative way to concede her point. Damn right you have regrets. You’re not insane – at least not yet. The slow, inexorable suffocation of your body and spirit leaves you in constant fear, every moment of every day.
You haven’t blindly accepted what has been happening to you, either, and you //certainly// aren’t seeking to take things any further -- but for reasons you’ve discussed with Donna before, you honestly doubt it’s within your power to stop. To most people, this would sound like a lame excuse – but she, at least, has witnessed your withdrawal-like symptoms first hand.
She seems satisfied at this, and slides down to stand nearby and look at your massive form, still considering.
“Well, I’m glad you haven’t completely lost your senses. Seeing you live like this, day after day… I’m just… I’m worried that, at any moment, you might come unhinged. You’ve already proven you’re stronger than I could have imagined. If your mind //does// go first… I just pray that I’ll have the strength to stand by you.”
You tell her you understand. You don’t like vegetables either.
Lightning quick, she delivers a full strength kick to the billowy mound at the base of your buttock, which briefly seems to swallow her shin before it bounces back. Your size differences causes a moment of warped spatial awareness, and you struggle to convince your brain you didn’t just receive a nasty flicking from her fingernail.
“Smart Ass. I know a four-letter word, and you just earned it. You up for trying another //diet//?”
You groan, but agree to make another attempt at scaling back your intake.
Luckily, she doesn’t enforce her threat very seriously. She just isn’t prepared to let you suffer when she has the power to stop it. There will be a couple of abortive attempts in the following days, with your ‘diet’ is (once again) declared a non-starter. Your food intake continues its same steady and predictable increase.
For better or for worse, nothing changes -- and Donna seems to accept it.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "She really does care.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: EndIntervention of $timedEvents to ($day+(random:5,10)))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Indifferent.</font>''</div>
She sniffs, suddenly fighting tears. “It doesn’t matter?” she says back, disbelief apparent in her tone.
You nod your head(if: EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[ vigorously enough that the twitches should still show on the surface](elseif: EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[ as best you can, considering the restraint around your neck].
“I… I’m not even sure what to even say to that. Maybe I’ve had the wrong idea all along.. but… I thought you… “
She halts for a moment, trying to still her breathing. Mastering her emotions.
“I guess it’s good to know where things stand. I’ve got some things to think about.”
Donna quickly turns and leaves, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. The coolness of her reaction leaves a palpable chill the room.
You worry that you’ve absolutely spoiled things. What can you possibly say to fix this?
But oddly, when she appears later, she's seemingly back to her usual quirky self. She helps you to enjoy, if anything, a //larger// than usual feeding, and later tends to some of your personal cleaning. She even jokes around; tweaking your manly nipples a couple of times before leaving you to have another nap. Hmm. Maybe leave well enough alone?
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Sounds like a plan.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $days += 365)(set: $weight to $weight - 431)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Intervention</font>''</div>
You barely rouse for the click of the lock, and wheeze of the front door hinges. You idly note extra sets of feet. Odd. Paul should be working today. Donna doesn’t often bring guests.
"I appreciate you coming so quickly," Donna says, with an uncharacteristic hint of anxiety. “I didn't know how else to handle this. I really think he needs help."
Well, now. You don’t like the sound of //that// one bit. You groan with effort, trying to force yourself fully awake.
"Oh, darling… I can tell you’re upset about this, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.” You startle at the sound of your mother’s voice. “Paul told us our son had moved here. Said it was no bother -- if anything, he sounded pleased. Those two were always pretty close, so we never thought much of it. I don’t really understand the problem. Is all this fuss really because he’s put on some weight?”
Oh... oh God…
“Of course he’s going to pack on a few pounds”, your father says gruffly, sounding every bit like a man whose time is being wasted. “Just means he’s enjoying his time off. Oh… Urgh. Tell Paul to take out his garbage. Something in here's gone and spoiled.”
“Like I said before, it’s more than just a few…” Donna stops and forces herself to take a measured breath. When she continues, it’s solemn and pleading. “Please…trust me, just… just brace yourselves.”
As the footsteps approach, your heart palpitates. You feel a completely irrational urge to cover your nakedness. Soon, the group halts a moment so your poor mother can still a fit of gagging. You’re cursed with that extra moment to consider your fate. Maybe it’s not too late. Maybe there’s still a chance the building will just catch fire and save you from this moment. “God damn it,” your Dad grumbles, wrinkling his nose, “is that stench coming from our son’s room? He’s a guest, for heaven’s sake! What makes him think he can just lie around and let things get so disgusting?”
They enter the room without ceremony, mindful of their footing in the poor light. Less than two full steps into the cramped space, they arrive at the foot of an enormous novelty bean bag chair. It’s a terrible choice for the room, monopolizing the limited space. The buff-colored surface appears oddly distorted and cratered. Your Dad puzzles over a particularly deep and livid perforation, probing it lightly with his toe. You twitch involuntarily, sensitive where the distended furrows still vaguely hint at your well-entombed foot. Your mom’s eyes go wide in realization.
"But... why is... Randy...?", your Mom choked voice trails off, baffled.
Donna gently corrects her. "No, ma’am… look up there, at his face... don’t you recognize his eyes? This //is// your son." You take the obvious opportunity to roll your wrist in a royal wave.
Your father steps back and spits a curse, seemingly caught between horror and disgust. Your mother doesn’t even react -- she just stares blankly for a couple seconds and promptly faints. Your father scrambles to catch her, and quickly enlists Donna’s help to drag her from the room to recover her wits. You knew there was no way for this to go well. You wait patiently, and hear the name ‘Randy’ spoken several times in alternately angry and hushed whispers. Your stomach rumbles uneasily, cramping from the stress. You pray you don’t accidentally make things smell any worse. When they finally return, your mother is weeping. Your Dad makes no attempt to hide his revulsion.
You have no suitable answers to their inevitable questions. Your condition had already gone beyond the scope of simple definitions, or rational motivation – and to be honest, you don’t even try very hard to help them understand. Paul arrives home during the interrogation. You think you catch a flash of anger from him when he discovers the unexpected reunion unfolding in his basement – and also a new coldness toward Donna you never noticed before. Paul earns a few tough questions himself, having to explain how he could possibly justify keeping your condition a secret. He spins a tale of woe and regret, spelling out how you were a surrogate who helped fill the terrible void left by the loss of his own son. He'd done a terrible thing, but he just couldn’t help himself. Utter bullshit, you thought, but you weren’t in a position to judge given the circumstances.
Not surprisingly, they all conclude you’ve contracted something like Randy’s illness – or at least felt compelled to imitate the results for perverse reasons. It’s Paul who proposes that last possibility. Your parents dismiss it as preposterous, but you can’t be so sure. Either way, they agree the only course of action a firm intervention.
Paul had the outer wall of your room excavated, and you were carefully extracted, hospitalized and closely monitored. You fought it all the way. There was a steady parade of doctors, dieticians, therapists, trainers, and life coaches. They were all fond of preaching and imposing new restrictions. Paul sponsored many of these resources, supposedly as guilty compensation for hiding your condition from your parents (and encouraging it's progression). After a few weeks of negligible results, you finally began to lose weight… at a slow, realistic, and absolutely tedious pace. Donna kept in touch, but never stuck around long. She knew she had lost your trust, and wasn’t really welcome. There was also a strange bitterness between her and Paul now, and even your parents barely remained civil around her. They were admittedly glad she had contacted them about saving their son, but couldn’t reconcile the time she stood idly by and let things get worse. Paul had his convenient insanity plea, but she had demonstrated willful depraved judgment.
Over the following year, you manage to lose a sizable chunk of your weight – but not nearly enough to start thinking about walking again. The withdrawal symptoms never quite stop. You struggle constantly with poor health. It's a wonder you survive at all, coming from such an extreme. The damage to your body is extensive.
So it came as no surprise when you die suddenly in your sleep. Your abused organs finally give up, unable to take the strain of your forced weight loss //and// continue supporting a man still far fatter than anyone has a right be. You're left in limbo, forever caught between two worlds, but enjoying the perks of of neither.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Score Card")[(set: $endReason to "Intervention")(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Deja Vu</font>''</div>
**“That must get tiring…”**
You snort awake, not sure you caught the entire statement.
“Trusting a machine to keep you alive... Settling for dangerously labored and unproductive sleep. Perking up just long enough to get your fill of another disastrously unhealthy meal, and then spending a couple of wakeful hours marinating in your own sweat…”
Fairly well summarized, you must admit. You attempt to wriggle half-heartedly, grunting with the effort. Part of you quivers with an inappropriate feeling that has nothing to do with the movement of fat.
“It’s obvious neither of us going to stop this trainwreck. I doubt anyone here will ‘gasp’ with surprise when I make that declaration.”
You’re tempted to mock ‘gasp’ for effect, but literally can’t find the breath after mock struggling just a moment ago. Instead, you begin to wonder when Paul will get to the point.
“You might wondering, ‘what’s my point?’. Well, I’ll tell you. We’ve explored options to buy you more time. While you’ve generally refused diets and treatments, the few times you tried there was always an unacceptable backlash effect. You’ve actually moved well beyond any //reasonable// expectation for weight gain survivability -- yet here you are. It’s remarkable, really, and I’m tempted to write a paper about it. Medically, you’ve pushed every conceivable limit.”
You were lead to believe there was going to be a point.
“I’m not sure what else you could possibly be waiting for, but I… I think it’s safe to say we’re both getting tired of this. How about I… help move things along? Dial things up a couple notches?”
You wait a moment, thinking he's about to elaborate on his vague suggestion. Dial it up a couple notches? What? The eating? You're already sucking down as much as you can reasonably...
//Holy shit.// Does he want to force feed you?
“I can make sure you get extra food. I know, I know. It’s a bit… immoral… but I can see you're suffering. I see how you struggle, with no end in sight. It would just be a means to an end, waiting to find the bottom of this hole you’re already tumbling down.”
Oh goodness. Pushing extra food. What a strange suggestion. Unthinkable.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You agree")[(set: $paulForceFeed to 1)(goto: "EventPaulChecksIn2")]
(link: "You ask to maintain your 'normal' food intake.")[(goto: "EventPaulChecksIn3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $gluttony += 10)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set: $foodIntakeCalc to it * 2)(set: $weight to it + (($weight * ($foodIntakeCalc / $gluttonyModifier))))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Do unto others...</font>''</div>
Luckily, you've learned not to live in glass houses. Paul nods, looking on approvingly.
“I thought you might see the practicality of it. We can start immediately. I’ll just tweak some of the settings on the equipment here, and get you ready for some real //stomach-stretching// volume. Might as well test your limits while you still can, am I right?”
You express lingering misgivings.
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s not like that at all... You can just let me know if it’s too much.”
He doesn't give you a chance to have more second-thoughts.
<br />By the end of your first ‘super stuffing’, you have to admit it’s not so bad. A bit painful, but also exhilarating. A means to an end. All the while, you start remembering snippets of forgotten dreams; your heart racing as you waddle along with a dragon hot on your tail.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Continue toward the end")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Natural course...</font>''</div>
“Oh… well that’s fine then. I feel a bit awkward for suggesting it. I hope you won’t think any less of me.”
You assure him that you understand, and that you really appreciate his help, in the face of the continued burden you’re causing.
“Of course. Of course. That’s what family is for.”
With an unreadable look on his face, he makes his way upstairs, not even stopping to check your equipment. He doesn’t return again that night.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Continue.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $treatAffliction to "")(set: $cureValue to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Modern Medicine//</div>''
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "HeartAttack")[(set: $treatAffliction to "HeartAttack")
The shrill tone from your monitor pierces the silence, bringing Paul (if: $donna is 1)[ and Donna] running. Your heart jumps in an oddly irregular gallop, bringing with it the familiar vise-like pain you dread.
Heart attacks are serious business. How will you handle it this time?
{<div class="roundborder5">
(link: "Summon a Trained Medic")[(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")] (2 credits)
(link: "Let Paul Handle It")[(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] (1 credit)(if: $defibrillator is 1)[<br/>(With a proper Defibrillator)]
<!-- Critically Low Health -->
](elseif: $health < 10)[(set: $treatAffliction to "LowHealth")
You're just in terrible shape all around. It's not going to matter a whole lot //which// specific conditions you treat if your body is shutting down anyway. Focus on stabilizing your general health to buy a little more time.
{<div class="roundborder5">
(link: "Summon a Trained Medic")[(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")] (2 credits)
(link: "Rely on Home Treatment")[(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] (1 credit)</div>}
<!-- Give a choice on what to cure -->
](else:)[Paul calmly approaches(if:$donna is 1)[, with Donna not far behind]. "Ready for some //medical attention//, dearest blubbery (if: $gender is 1)[nephew](else:)[niece]?
**What should we focus on?"**
<div class="roundborder5">{
(if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "O2Malfunction")[
Oxygen System Malfunction: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "O2Malfunction")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "O2Malfunction")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "PanicAttack")[
Panic Attack: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "PanicAttack")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "PanicAttack")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "CreatureHost")[
Evict (if:$pest is 1)[mice](elseif: $pest is 2)[ants](else:)[maggots]: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "CreatureHost")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "CreatureHost")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Ulcer")[
Stomach Ulcer: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Ulcer")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Ulcer")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "FoodPoisoning")[
Food Poisoning: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "FoodPoisoning")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "FoodPoisoning")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "SkinTear")[
Torn Skin: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "SkinTear")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "SkinTear")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Infection")[
Chronic Infection: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Infection")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Infection")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "BreathingDifficulty")[
Breathing Trouble: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "BreathingDifficulty")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "BreathingDifficulty")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "ChronicLymphedema")[
Chronic Lymphedema: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "ChronicLymphedema")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "ChronicLymphedema")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Constipated")[
Constipation: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Constipated")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Constipated")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Overheated")[
Heat Stroke: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Overheated")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Overheated")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "ChronicItch")[
Chronic Itch: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "ChronicItch")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "ChronicItch")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "DigestiveCramps")[
Digestive Distress: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "DigestiveCramps")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "DigestiveCramps")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Bedsore")[
Bed Sores: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Bedsore")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Bedsore")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "Exhaustion")[
Exhaustion: (link: "First Aid")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Exhaustion")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")] / (link: "EMT")[(set: $treatAffliction to "Exhaustion")(set: $cureValue to 2)(goto: "AttemptCure")]<br />
](if: $activeGeneralAfflictions contains "DisgustingHygiene")[
Hygiene: (link: "Sponge Bath")[(goto: "SpongeBath")]<br />
](if: ($generalAfflictionCount >= 3) and ($credit >= 5))[
Summon entire (link:"MEDICAL TEAM")[(set: $credit -= 5)(goto:"CureMultiple")]<br />
(if: $health < ($maxHealth - 10))[----
(link: "One-time general health boost?")[(if: $location is 2)[(set: $treatAffliction to "LowHealth")(set: $cureValue to 1)(goto: "AttemptCure")](else:)[(goto: "AttemptCureEarly"])]<br />
<br />(link: "Nothing right now.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
**Explanation of standard treatment options:**
**First Aid** -- Put faith in Paul's personal doctoring skills. (1 credit)
**EMT** -- A trained medic makes a house call. Better success rate //and// a health bonus. (2 credits)
**MEDICAL TEAM** -- Bring in a whole team to "shotgun" several issues at once. (5 credits)
**Sponge Bath** -- (if: $donna is 1)[Donna](else:)[Paul] spends some time attending to your hygiene. (1 credit)
<div class="message5">(Hint - Treatments are more likely to succeed if your health hasn't slipped too far! Procrastinate, and things may spiral out of control.)</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>//Sponge Bath//</div>''
(if: $donna is 0)[(set: DisgustingHygiene of $generalAfflictions to 99999)(if: $credit < 1)[*Sigh* "I suppose even though you're short on favors, keeping you //somewhat// clean is a bargain in the long run. For all of us... and it keeps the property value from plumeting."<br/><br/>](else:)[(set: $credit -= 1)]Paul begins gathering the supplies. Buckets. Disinfectants. Sponges. Soaps and cleaners. Long handled brushes. He often does daily ‘touch-ups’, but they’re not cutting it anymore. You’re overdue for a //proper// bath.
In a systematic fashion, he begins with an overall vacuuming. You’re always surprised by the crackling sounds of debris, idly wondering whether it’s food crumbs, dry skin or some other manner of filth. You get a drenching wipe down with water and cleanser, during which Paul drags large rags and brushes through whatever areas he can reach. He also makes cursory inspections of some troublesome areas, sometimes reaching for extra salves or sprays – but you wonder if he might be taking shortcuts. When you dare yelp or groan, he immediately takes it as an excuse to move on. You catch a look at his face from time to time, a find it cold and business-like. He’s just trying to get it done. You get the impression he could be detailing a car that belongs to someone he doesn’t particularly like.
That impression lingers as he towels you down roughly, and finishes with a few spritzes of a harsh deodorizer. At least he hasn't tried to hang a pine-tree freshener from your non-existent neck. (if: EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Joke’s on him. Nobody's going to drape a cord over your head these days.]
“There you go. Hopefully that will do for a while.”
You thank him, which earns you a brusque head nod. He gathers the supplies and takes the first opportunity to go back upstairs.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Getting cleaned is tiring.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>
](else:)[(set: DisgustingHygiene of $generalAfflictions to 99999)(set: $health += (random: 10,20))(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)](if: $credit < 1)["Yeah, this would normally cost one of those favors -- but honestly -- it's not a big deal."<br/><br/>](else:)[(set: $credit -= 1)]Donna begins gathering the supplies. Buckets. Disinfectants. Sponges. Soaps and cleaners. Long handled brushes with soft bristles (hopefully not new ones… you like when they’re worn in a bit). She always does some daily ‘touch-ups’, but this is a different challenge. You’re overdue for a //proper// bath. It’s not a 5 minute job.
Paul always seems to find somewhere else to be during these proceedings. You get the impression he would //begrudgingly// handle more of the cleaning if Donna wasn’t around – but it’s probably just as well he doesn’t. Donna has a knack for this. You can’t imagine it would be the same.
She begins with an overall vacuuming. You’re always surprised by the crackling sounds of debris, which Donna assures you is mostly dry skin and food crumbs. Next is the relaxing ‘wipe down’ phase; she pulls warm rags soaked with water and cleanser across your largest surfaces first, then begins gently pushing, lifting and probing to reach every possible inch of skin, occasionally reaching for different brushes or wands. She notes and inspects the most troublesome or sensitive areas, administering extra salves or sprays as necessary. When you peep with discomfort, she communicates what she needs to do, and you get through it together.
After a final rub down with fresh fluffy towels, she strategically ‘loses’ another couple of dryer sheets in your deep folds. She tested this trick early on as a way to help with lingering odors, and was delighted when it didn’t seem to cause any irritation.
She also applies some more traditional deodorant (even though you honestly find it to be a waste of time), and stands back, job complete. You give Donna your honest thanks, realizing that you really do //feel better// for her efforts. She answers by coming over and snuggling onto her usual fleshy perch.
“Might as well spend a few hours with you, and enjoy the result.”
She’s nearly settled and comfortable when her lips quirk into a smile. “…since we both know the first time you get excited, the "new car smell" leaves in a hurry.”
You hiss playfully at her mocking jab, even though she's right. It would be so easy to let yourself get slobbish considering all the work involved for such a temporary improvement. You decide to focus on relaxing tonight, and preserve her effort for at least a little longer.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "You feel better all around.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
{(set: $proceed to 0)<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Modern Medicine//</div>''
(if: $credit >= 2)[(set: $proceed to 1)](else:)[
(if: $credit is 0)[You seem awfully certain of my aid, considering you've used up all your favors. ](if: ($cureValue - $credit) >= 1)[You're a little bit short, no? (if: (random: 1,100) < 50)[(set: $proceed to 1)]](if: ($cureValue - $credit) is 2)[Pretty gutsy, expecting the //premium// treatment at no charge. (if: (random: 1,100) < 20)[(set: $proceed to 2)]](if: (($treatAffliction is "HeartAttack") or ($treatAffliction is "LowHealth")) and (($proceed is 0) or ($proceed is 1)))[Since you're in such a perilous state, I suppose we can work something out.(if: $proceed is 0)[(set: $proceed to 1)Nothing fancy. Basic home care for a freeloader.]]<br /><br />
(if: $proceed is 0)[(if: $donna is 1)[Donna seems horrified at Paul's flippant attitude. "C'mon Paul... you're not seriously going to hassle him over favors //now//, are you? He needs medical attention. He's family."<br /><br />
Paul gives her a cold look.<br /><br />](else:)[There's a hard edge to his eyes. "Think I won't say 'no'? That my soft spot for you means I can't just refuse?"<br /><br />]
(if: (random: 1,100) < 75)[After a moment, his edge seems to soften. "I suppose it's true. *sigh* I guess I'll let it slide this time."(set: $proceed to 1)](else:)[(if: ($cureValue - $credit) is 2)["(if: $donna is 1)[He's only getting the home care he's due.](else:)[You're only getting the basic home care you're due.](set: $cureValue to 1)(set: $proceed to 1)](else:)[(if: $donna is 1)["I'm afraid I am. This moocher can reap what he sows."](else:)["Well think again. A moocher can reap what he sows. I'll see you tomorrow, if you make it."]]]]<br /><br />]
(if: $proceed is 0)[(if: $donna is 1)[Left sputtering with disbelief, Donna stays with you for comfort after Paul leaves the room. She's already been tending to you -- trying the basic first aid she knows -- and can't find any way to improve your condition on her own. ]The entire day passes, yet Paul doesn't change his mind.
<div class="roundborder2">All you can do is (link: "try to survive another day.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")]</div>
](else:)[<br />
(display: "AttemptCure2")
(if: ($treatSuccess is 1) and ($treatPartial > 0) and ($treatAffliction is not "HeartAttack") and ($treatAffliction is not "Bedsore") and ($treatAffliction is not "ChronicItch") and ($treatAffliction is not "ChronicLyphedema") and ($treatAffliction is not "Creaturehost"))[(Partial sucess: Condition duration <font color='#d18000'>**reduced**</font>)](elseif: $treatSuccess is 1)[(Treatment completed <font color='#22ba00'>**sucessfully!**</font>)](else:)[(Treatment <font color='#ba0000'>**failed!**</font>)]<br /><br />
<div class="roundborder5">(if: ($treatAffliction is "HeartAttack") and ($treatSuccess is 0))[(link: "Pray")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")]](else:)[(link: "Continue")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")]]]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Debug Options</div>''
(link: "Weight increase 100lbs")[(set: $weight += 100)(goto: "Debug")]
(link: "Add 20 health")[(set: $health += 20)(goto: "Debug")]
(link: "Add 10 credits")[(set: $credit += 10)(goto: "Debug")]
(link: "Subtract 5 credits")[(set: $credit -= 5)(if: $credit < 0)[(set: $credit to 0)](goto: "Debug")]
(link: "Roll for a new general affliction")[
(set: $dayAdvanceDebugTemp to $dayAdvance)
(set: $dayAdvance to 0)
(set: $afflictionDebug to 1)
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is "")[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions")]
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is "")[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions")]
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is "")[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions")]
<!--(display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")-->
(set: $afflictionDebug to 0)
(set: $dayAdvance to $dayAdvanceDebugTemp)(goto: "Debug")]
(if: $newGeneralAffliction is not "")[Triggered $newGeneralAffliction](else:)[No new affliction triggered]
Current afflictions: (print: $activeGeneralAfflictions's length)
Give player a 5-day ulcer: (link: "Go")[(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "Ulcer")(set: Ulcer of $generalAfflictions to 5)(goto: "Control")]
Give player Breathing difficulty: (link: "Go")[(set: $newGeneralAffliction to "BreathingDifficulty")(set: BreathingDifficulty of $generalAfflictions to 99998)(goto: "Control")]
(if: $pauseNext is 1)[(link: "Disable 'next' passage pausing")[(set: $pauseNext to 0)(goto: "Debug")]](else:)[(link: "Enable 'next' passage pausing")[(set: $pauseNext to 1)(goto: "Debug")]]
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "Control")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Bittersweet escape</font>''</div>
An Amazonian battlecry rings out as Paul is tackled from behind and roughly wrestled to the ground. As solidly built as Paul is, he can’t shrug off Donna’s wiry muscle and andrenaline.
*OOF* “You… you crazy bitch! Stay out of this!”
She continues to grapple savagely, and the tussle shifts her field of view. “What the HELL are you doing to… oh… oh dear God…” Donna’s eyes go wide, taking in the hallmarks of your imminent destruction.
Your esophageal sphincter finally yields to the immense pressure, allowing some fluid to escape. It’s not nearly enough to offer meaningful relief. The seepage backs up and begins to flood your head cavity, adding literal drowning to your list of immediate concerns.
“You see? You can’t save him! He’s already… *CRUNCH – SMACK* ….Jesus Kwyst… *URK*
Donna plants a brutal chop with the butt of her palm straight into his face, neatly breaking his nose and causing his head to take a satisfying bounce off the floor. While he’s still stunned, she digs a knee into his back, and slings a conveniently draped length of medical tubing around his neck, drawing each end tight. In a heartbeat, she has him bound with an improvised garrote.
*URK…ghgh* “Don’t…”
Donna simply glares, conspicuously wrapping more tubing around each hand for a better grip.
“Alright. Repeat after me: ‘Thanks for stopping me, Donna. Sorry for being a fucking psycho. Please, with your help, we should be able save his life.’”
“Fuck yo..” *URK*
She savagely wrenches up on the tubing, cutting off his shrill squeak. His neck visibly puckers at an angry red seam. The tubing stretches and thins, digging deeper as he tries to thrash, and drawing a few traces of fresh blood. He’s turning purple, and his tormented eyes begin to roll into his head. One end of the hose finally rips apart from the strain -- but it's already done. Paul slumps over lifelessly, doused in a spray of fresh water.
Some of that same cool water splashes the edge of your belly, teasing the sensation of deadly pressure within. A frosty shiver ripples through your core, as if you’ve been doused in gasoline. You still can’t breathe. You can’t struggle. You can’t even find the merciful escape of unconsciousness. Perhaps Paul used drugs to ensure that too. The seconds keep passing. They insist on bringing yet another moment, and another -- until you finally realize something.
The pressure seems to have peaked. It might even be dropping… it’s too difficult to judge. Maybe… maybe you can just hold on a little longer…
You recognize the fierce thud as Donna gives Paul’s head one last sharp kick. She wastes no time rushing over to check on you, knowing you’re in serious danger. She pleads in desperation. The waterlogged ear pieces are muted, crackling with static, but still functioning.
“If you can hear me… I’m so sorry. I never would have believed that asshole would stoop to this. There’s a steady flow draining from your feeding tube. The pressure should drop in a few minutes – but… the machines are still all reading critical… and you…. you’re not going to be able to last that long, are you?”
You feel little jolts of lightning as she tries to climb your distended belly, clearly struggling with the taut and slippery surface. Her usual footholds send her skittering back down on her first few attempts. Finally she makes some headway, talking maniacally to herself…
“Maybe if… no… no, if I try to pull the tube out, you’ll just drown in the backwash… and I can hardly risk lancing your belly like a…”
A ragged ‘snap’ turns the gasoline to flame. There’s a foreboding sense of mass shifting. A deceptively soft rush of liquid. Donna senses the unusual body quake, dropping to her hands and knees with a short cry of panicked realization. A blaze of dragonfire washes over every nerve, consuming your senses. You make an impossible moaning wail, gurgling through the water.
Donna quickly finishes her climb to find your neck hole nearly flooded.
“No… nooooo…. “, she cries, reaching into the murk, searching for your head. “Don’t… don’t give up. You haven’t burst yet. You’re just… leaking a little bit. It’s going to be ok.”
She can barely speak between choked sobs. She lamely caresses a lock of hair that settles into her grip.
You have to admit that whatever Paul dosed you with is incredible. You have no business remaining conscious. Your heart flops and spasms randomly, forcing just enough blood to your brain for another moment of unwelcome lucidity. You’re pretty sure your stomach isn’t the only thing that’s ruptured. You thought your air was used up ages ago, but you find just enough to chirp one last visceral, keening cry -- unfairly muffled to an indistinct drowning burble.
You can only pray to the reaper, begging him to take you. Donna’s broken sobs continue to cut through the fog of pain.
“No… I’m not strong enough. Don’t leave me alone,” she begs, “not like this.”
The allure is irresistible. Any way to stop struggling... to stop hurting.
The edges of your thoughts begin to waver. You silently weep for Donna, even as your soul pours through the cracks, embracing bittersweet escape.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Epilogue")[(goto: "EndDonnaEpilogue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $health to 2)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Bittersweet escape</font>''</div>
There’s a faraway creak as the front door opens. More sounds carry faintly from multiple sets of footsteps, and a casual conversatio nalready in progress. It’s Donna, and she’s speaking to somebody unfamiliar.
“…since moving (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him] is certainly out of the question, even with all the manly strength in those ridiculous biceps of yours. Do you think we’ll have trouble officially confirming the number?”
A deep male voice: “My first plan of attack would be load cells under (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] bed frame. If that solution won’t work, well… may have to improvise something else."
They linger only a moment in the entryway before approaching the stairs. Paul shifts his weight and takes a couple of quick steps, but stops, turns, and growls in his throat as if he's hesistant to bolt and hide. In the end, he recklessly holds his ground, determined to savor the climax of his revenge.
Your esophageal sphincter finally yields to the immense pressure, allowing some fluid to escape. It’s not nearly enough to offer meaningful relief. The seepage backs up and begins to flood your head cavity, adding literal drowning to your list of immediate concerns.
Donna and her guest are already nearing the bottom of the steps. “Well Jeff,” Donna muses, ”thanks again for dinner, but it’s about time for you to witness a //real// fat (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man. No tricks. Not like that wild goose chase deep into China, I can assure you.”
“We’ll see.” He says with a smirk. ”This place definitely smells the part, but then so did the that awful hut hidden in the mountains. I have to say though, there’s nothing quite like weeks of aimless hiking to keep you in shape.” He looks up just then, and notices a rounded obstruction spilling into the hallway. The outlines of various life-support devices and an oversized storage tank come into view, finally resolving into the lining of Paul’s shadow boldly standing nearby. “Say, is that the uncle you mentioned?”
Donna follows his glace to the end of the hall. “Oh, uh… yes it is. Hey there, Paul. This is Jeff –- a member of the Guinness records verification team. Weren’t you going to be working today?”
Paul blinks a couple of times, his glare no less unsettling after adding an inappropriately delayed smile. “Ah, a guest! Welcome Jeff! It’s time. What a damned convenient time.” Donna and Jeff share a concerned look. ”Come, come both of you. COME. Didn’t you hear me? You’re //just in time//.” His voice twists into a sinister snarl. ”Behold, as I finish the Lord’s work.”
Jeff cautiously stays back, but Donna risks stepping closer. She catches a glimpse into your room, her eyes going wide as she takes in the hallmarks of your imminent destruction. “What the HELL are you doing to… oh… oh dear God… NO!”
Paul pointedly ignores her, fixing his attention on Jeff for a moment. “Guinness Records, was it? You’re in the right place. Enjoy! Can you believe I ever wanted to keep this a secret?” His eyes flick back, hungrily anticipating the big event. He mumbles to nobody in particular. ”Any moment, this (if: $gender is 2)[whore](else:)[asshole] will explode, just like (if: $gender is 2)[s]he deserves. All these years, and justice finally served. Everybody should know about this.”
Donna catches Paul completely off guard, planting a brutal chop straight into his face with the butt of her palm. He’s staggered by the blow, his nose neatly broken in the process. Before he can recover his addled wits, Donna has his arm locked behind his back. She motions to a bemused Jeff to come lend a hand.
*URK…ghgh* “You dupid bi…”, Paul sputters, choked into near silence as Jeff takes his cue and casually secures a headlock, all but untroubled by Paul’s crazed flailing and attempts at rabid biting. Donna begins examining the medical equipment.
Jeff makes a mock show of irritation at the stream of blood running down his sleeve. “They don’t really pay me well enough to get involved in domestic disputes,“ he comments drolly, “but this guy Paul seems a tad unstable. Need me to call the police?”
“No time for that.” Donna grates out while trying some valves and switches. “Get over here and look at this.”
Jeff edges closer, easily dragging Paul with him, and finally sees the scene unfolding in the small room (and recognizes what he saw spilling into the hall earlier). There’s a pause as he struggles to process the scale involved. “Oh,” he says lamely, “well shit”.
“Yeah. I have a feeling that huge tank shouldn’t be empty. Mr(if: $gender is 2)[s]. Fat Ass here is damn close to popping. I’ve got the flow stopped already, but that’s simply not enough. We’ve got to bleed off some pressure. NOW.”
A frosty shiver ripples through your core, as if you’ve been doused in gasoline. A spasm grips your chest. You still can’t breathe. You can’t struggle. You still can’t find the merciful escape of unconsciousness. Perhaps Paul used drugs to ensure that too.
“You can’t save (if:$gender is 2)[her! She's](else:)[him! He’s] already… *URRHF* “ Jeff helpfully snugs up on Paul’s windpipe to smother the outburst.
Donna signals Jeff to let up a little, and levels a glare at their captive. “Behave Paul, or have a nap. If you’re done being a fucking psycho, you might even lend us a hand here.’”
“Fuck yo..” *HHNNG… ARGHH…*
Bearing down with his full strength, Jeff grunts and holds his lock tighter, waiting for Paul to go limp before letting him collapse bonelessly to the floor. Free of his burden, he joins Donna at the feeding pump assembly. She desperately fights with the threaded connector for the main feeding pump tube, hoping to tear the line free and let the contents of your stomach drain back out.
Jeff purses his lips. “Wait a sec, I might have a better idea.”
In an impressive show of strength, he reaches directly for the main pump body, and unscrews the stubborn outlet fitting by hand. Oily water immediately begins seeping from the line. Donna is already thanking him when she realizes he isn’t finished – he unthreads a second fitting from the pump, and swaps the slowly seeping line onto that one. He tries a few of the buttons in irritation.
“Think you can restart this thing?” he asks. “I’m a little out of my element here.”
“Wha? Oh… OH!” She tries the obvious switch, but the controller complains about the empty reservoir. Apparently running the pump dry would be an unacceptable safety hazard. After a moment of cursing, she figures out how to defeat the sensor. The pump groans to life and spews a steady stream of increasingly thick fluid. “Oh, Jeff… oh thank you… “
She wastes no time rushing over to check on you, knowing you’re still in serious danger. You feel little jolts of lightning as she tries to climb your distended belly, clearly struggling with the taut and slippery surface. Her usual footholds only send her skittering back down. After her first few attempts, you hear her yelp in surprise as Jeff takes hold and unceremoniously tosses her over the initial rise. She quickly finds her balance and makes it the rest of the way to your peak. She reaches into your head mound, hoping to provide small comfort through speech and touch. Your waterlogged ear pieces are muted, crackling with static, but still somehow functioning.
“If you can hear me… I’m so sorry. I never would have believed that asshole would ever stoop to this. Please… just hold on a little longer. Don’t… don’t give up.” She can barely speak between choked sobs, obviously knowing you’re far from out of the woods. She lamely caresses a lock of hair that lands in her grip.
You have to admit that whatever Paul dosed you with is incredible. You have no business remaining conscious. Somehow you doubt that any amount of morphine could do a better job masking your symptoms. Your heart flops and spasms randomly, forcing just enough blood to your brain to maintain lucidity.
“Making quite the mess down here!” Jeff calls. “The stuff isn’t really going back into the tank… and I’d bet your floor drain is somewhere deep beneath your friend!”
You can tell the pressure is slowly dropping now. Your stomach is draining. The breathing equipment manages to introduce a barely adequate wheeze of oxygen to your system… but it’s a mixed blessing. Other forms of agony creep to the fore, replacing the white-hot pain of overinflation. You feel intense throbbing and aching; the calling cards of chronic and regrettable damage. You’re not in good shape – but Donna’s presence serves as your tether. You can only wait and do your best to endure.
As the minutes creep by, and your odds of surviving gradually improve, the intense pain is slowly overridden by a wash of overwhelming fatigue. Donna stays with you. Jeff gets bored, and goes to find a mop.
You float in an addled, dreamlike state, still under the influence of Paul’s drugs. You can’t quite struggle back to wakefulness, even when Jeff makes the disturbing announcement that Paul has disappeared.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Epilogue")[(goto: "EndDonnaGuinnessEpilogue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Epilogue</font>''</div>
Several bewildered police officers attended Paul’s house later that day. The whole situation smelled bad – literally – and Donna had been caught in middle. Luckily, police seemed willing to accept her explanation. Paul was found dangling from a doorframe with a chair kicked aside.
They had a much harder time making sense of your massive corpse. The very sight was baffling. Few could recognize the human remains for what they really were.
Donna vouched for your identity, calmly explained her role in your care, and outlined your tragic battle with a chronic untreatable eating disorder. She speculated that Paul discovered the aftermath of your recent (but very predicable) death, reacted badly, and regrettably chose to end his own life. After all, he had always cared for you very deeply.
Once investigators were convinced the mound of flesh truly belonged to a single person, the ‘experts’ decided that such carnage was only to be expected. Once swollen to such extreme proportions, how could your organs //not// spontaneously rupture, and your skin //not// split open like an overripe fruit? The only point of debate was why it had not occurred sooner. They concluded your death, while extraordinary, did not suggest foul play. Donna neglected to suggest otherwise. Seeking further justice from the dead seemed an empty endeavor.
Sarah’s mother was an unexpectedly valuable resource. She had already known some details of the escalating situation at Paul’s house from her gossiping daughter. She was also a lawyer of some considerable skill. Donna couldn’t take all the credit for setting up the suicide scene. Luckily there was still a working payphone next to a convenience store down the street, and nobody noticed when Donna used it a couple hours before the police arrived. Thanks to some well-timed advice, further legal representation never even became necessary.
After a few days, the police were mostly replaced by a team of specially equipped hazmat workers. Only a couple of Paul’s neighbors complained about the intense odors that drifted on the wind. The problem was hardly new -- a foul organic stench often leeched from the home, and most folks had become surprisingly accustomed to it. There was already a popular rumor that Paul was a chronic hoarder, and that a team had finally come to deal with the mess. When word got out he had committed suicide – well, nobody quite knew what to think. Paul had been a visible part of the community for a long time, but also quite private in his affairs. His contacts at a major medical testing lab were stubbornly tight-lipped, offering only an official statement of their condolences. There were no drinking buddies. No girlfriends. No close friends to ask. Nobody recalled him acting strange or depressed, but he was enough of an eccentric that it would have been hard to know for certain.
Your parents arrive during an early phase of the cleanup effort. Donna introduces herself, and tearfully tries to prepare them for the scene they’re about to witness. She eventually agrees to escort them downstairs, even though it doesn’t really seem like they’re taking her seriously. Paul’s body had already been removed, but your body, presenting a far greater challenge, still remains. A couple of officers look on hesitantly, unsure about the wisdom of letting any innocents witness what lay within.
Faced with your mangled and already festering remains, your parents both begin to weep softly -- but their reaction is far more subdued than Donna expects.
“You’re mistaken, Miss”, your mother says sadly.
Donna meets her eyes, confused, and gently asks “What do you mean, mistaken?”
“We thought all along the reports seemed ridiculous. You say you’ve spent time here, caring for our (if: $gender is 2)[daughter](else:)[son]? I’m sure you must believe that… but… this must be Randy.”
Donna stares in askance, trying to wrap her head around the claim.(if: $gender is 2)[ Granted, the blob-like shape of your body no longer offered obvious indications of gender. It wasn't even possible to judge by the cleavage. The proportions were far too distorted.] “But… Randy has been gone a long time. More than ten years, as I understand…”
Your Dad pipes up in a way that brooks no argument. “The alternative -- what you’re suggesting -- is just ridiculous. We saw our (if: $gender is 2)[daughter on her](else:)[son on his] 22nd birthday. (if: $gender is 2)[Sh](else:)[H]e was a bit chunky, but this person is... someone who dedicated their lifetime getting bigger. You insist they are one and the same? Do you think we’re simple?”
“Look, Donna, you seem genuine, and very sweet,” your mother continues, quickly jumping in to defuse her husband’s tirade, “and I hate that you’ve been dragged into this. It seems Paul tricked us all. You see, Randy never had a funeral. None of us ever saw a body. Paul kept the whole affair very low key, and we all kept our distance while he grieved. I’m certain now the entire ordeal was a sham – Randy’s death, the supposed ‘eating disorder’. Whatever Paul’s unsavory purpose, he’s obviously been keeping him down here all along, with no intention of letting him see the light of day. It must have been horrible for Randy, enduring for all these years. Just thinking about it makes me grieve for his soul.”
A fresh tear comes to Donna’s eye, but not for the reason they think. She lamely concedes, nodding, stunned into speechlessness. Had their reunion come just a little sooner, they might have recognized their error. If only they could have seen their (if: $gender is 2)[daughter's face. Her eyes. Even hear her](else:)[son's face. His eyes. Even hear his] voice, just once.
Your mother holds back a fit of coughing, clearing her throat before continuing wistfully, “Perhaps Paul was finally consumed with grief. Perhaps he knew shame for what he’d done, and recognized he was beyond redemption.”
“Aye, let him burn.” Your Dad nods in firm agreement. “Come now, let’s get some fresh air,” he says, taking your mother’s hand and turning to leave.
Donna is shaken by their convictions, but cannot summon the strength to challenge them further. “So then, what of your missing (if:$gender is 2)[daughter](else:)[son]?” she asks gently.
Your parents stop to look at each other, sharing a tired but faithful smile. “He’ll turn up”, your mother says, glancing back to the weeping vault of flesh. “(if:$gender is 2)[She's a big girl. She knows her](else:)[He’s a big boy. He knows his] way home.”
<div class=”message5”>Congratulations! You got the moderately depressing ending.
(You sure did get huge though! I wonder if that was an official record…)</div>
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Score and Summary")[(set: $endReasonMessage to "Ruptured, but still in Donna's memory.")(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $weight -= 300)(set: $health to (random: 30, 55))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Bittersweet escape</font>''</div>
//Officials from Guinness confirmed yesterday an astounding new entry for the title of 'fattest living (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man' – with an Earth-shattering figure of (floor:$weight) lbs. Early reports were widely dismissed as a hoax or error, seen by many as an absurdly large increase over previous records. Guinness maintains the legitimacy of their findings, adding that they have already sought verification by two independent agencies. Witnesses claim that removing the (if: $gender is 2)[woman from her](else:)[man from his] home was a literal impossibility, and that obtaining accurate measurements involved using an elaborate system of pressure plates, cables, and a full-sized construction crane.//
Donna has the sound on her tablet turned up all the way, probably for your benefit. You have to admit you’re a little surprised at getting to be featured in an actual news story. With the popularity of reality TV, you know morbid obesity doesn’t spark interest like it used to – but then, perhaps your case is still a tad unusual.
//…scientific community have been lining up for the chance to study the (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man, hoping to learn (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] secrets to pushing so far beyond the limits of morbid obesity. A better understanding of (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] condition could have far-reaching implications for all levels of heath care...//
The academic visitors are more tolerable than the jerks from the media, but not by much. You subconsciously try to squirm, thinking of an unpleasant pair of guests earlier that day. You could certainly do without the rough probing and idiotic questions. //”How much do you eat? How do you feel? Can you try to move for me? Have you ever tried to diet? Does it hurt when I jab a pointy stick right here?”// Luckily Donna doesn’t let them overstep their welcome. Several have left disappointed, apparently expecting to uncover obvious trickery, or to discover some ridiculous mutation like oversized lungs or redundant hearts.
You should be so lucky. Trickery would be a welcome blessing. A mutation might make things easier. All you have left to work with is harsh reality. Breathing has become //so// goddamn hard.
Somehow Donna picks up on your distress. You have no idea how she does it, with so few indicators from the outside. “I know. I know. They hardly ever leave you alone. Just be glad you aren’t expected to make friendly conversation with them. At least //you// can just pretend you’re sleeping, or that your earpieces have gone dead again. Jerk.”
//*… exclusive new development, we’ve also learned that the record-holder’s uncle – the registered homeowner – went missing several months ago, leaving the property at risk of repossession. A dedicated volunteer caregiver has been heading a legal battle to keep the helpless (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man safely in (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] home. Bank representatives were unwilling to comment on how they planned relocate this seemingly immovable tenant should the need arise. Meanwhile, a crowd-funding effort is underway to help cover ongoing medical and legal expenses. Donations have been coming in steadily, owing largely to a surprising response from Girl Scout organizations across the country. You can place your own contributions at their websi…//
“I don’t know what we would have done if Sarah’s Mom hadn’t gone to bat for us.” Donna muses. “She pulled some serious lawyer-fu to establish my rights as your guardian. She seems pretty confident your Uncle will shortly be presumed legally dead, and an undiscovered ‘will and testament’ will appear. In the meantime, the flow of donations should be enough.”
“All well and good, so long as that lunatic doesn’t show his face again,” Jeff chimes in from a sofa outside. He’s been pretty much living on it since Donna agreed to start dating him. “Say, did you ever get in touch with lard (if: $gender is 2)[chick](else:)[butt]’s parents?”
“Yes, but only once, shortly after Paul’s disappearance. They were skeptical, but seemed more than willing to pay a visit and help sort all this out. Since then, they stopped returning my calls. I sure wish we had their support. It would make some of this legal paperwork a lot easier.“
Jeff sounds worried. “You don’t suppose it’s possible… Paul could have… gone to them and…”
“…what? Turned them against their (if: $gender is 2)[daughter](else:)[son]? Taken them captive?” she returns sarcastically.
“Or something worse, “ Jeff suggests ominously. “We deprived him of his vengeance, after all.”
They both know. You've told them the truth. Jeff and Donna know what motivated Paul’s attack on you. They know your secret, and how you almost certainly shoulder some blame for killing Randy. You found the strength to tell them the whole story -- as you know it, at least –- and that meant your role in events wasn’t always flattering. For Donna’s part, she just chuckled and asked “Do you want to go to prison? Do you think that would help?”
She had a point.
It pains you to admit it to yourself, but you already know you won’t see your parents again – and not just in the literal “can’t see anything while buried in darkness” sense. You’re nearly out of time. If Paul is alive, he would never let you have the satisfaction.
“We’ll keep trying to reach them. I promise. For now though, we need to make sure you can keep living in this house. Hear that emphasis on the //‘living’// part? You have one job. Don’t fuck it up.”
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "The real epilogue")[(goto: "EndDonnaGuinnessEpilogue2")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Determine odds of successful treatment-->
<!-- CureValue will be 2 (field medic) or 1 (home treat) -->
<!-- (No-treat situations weeded out in previous passage) -->
<!-- (Determine odds of successful treatment - same for any condition -->
<!-- good existing health adds bias to success rate -->
(set: $treatSuccess to 0)
<!-- in case of partial cure, number of days reduced -->
(set: $treatPartial to 0)
(if: ($cureValue is 2) or (($treatAffliction is "HeartAttack") and ($defibrillator is 1)))[
(if: ($health + 10) > (random: 0,20))[
(set: $treatSuccess to 1)
(if: ($health + 10) > (random: 0,40))[
(set: $treatSuccess to 1)
<!-- In cases where affliction has a duration of longer than 3 days, but less than 100, give a 60% chance (first aid) or 30% (medic) of a 'partial' cure to reduce the duration. -->
(if: ($treatSuccess is 1) and ($treatAffliction is not "LowHealth") and ($treatAffliction is not "HeartAttack") and ($treatAffliction is not "Bedsore") and ($treatAffliction is not "ChronicItch") and ($treatAffliction is not "ChronicLyphedema") and ($treatAffliction is not "Creaturehost"))[
(if: $cureValue is 1)[
(if: ($treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions > 3) and ($treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions < 100) and ((random: 1,100) < 60))[
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2, $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions - 1))
(if: ($treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions > 3) and ($treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions < 100) and ((random: 1,100) < 30))[
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to (random: 2, $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions - 1))
<!-- Take the relevant credits if available. If overdrawn, Paul gave the OK in the previous passage.-->
(if: $cureValue is 2)[(set: $credit -= 2)(if: $credit < 0)[(set: $credit to 0)]]
(if: $cureValue is 1)[(set: $credit -= 1)(if: $credit < 0)[(set: $credit to 0)]]
(if: $treatAffliction is "HeartAttack")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment. (either:"He immediately starts an intravenous drip -- probably a cocktail of strong thinners and pain killers. After attaching extra sensor probes, he uses a specialized defibrillation device to try and jolt your heart back to a normal rhythm.","He injects you with some special dye, and rolls in an expensive-looking portable live x-ray machine. The images reveal the source of your distress: a severly blocked major artery. He gives you a quick explanation of what he intends to do, before spending nearly two hours feeding a catheter up your fat-clotted arm into your chest, performing an angioplasty on the worst blockage, and trying to install a stent to keep the passage open.")<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
After the (either: "second", "third", "fifth") attempt, he finally stands back, looking satisfied. You feel like a train hit you, but your heart is pounding steadily.<br /><br/>
The technician stands back, looking satisfied. "Am I good, or what?"<br/><br/>
Despite your exhaustion, you're forced to agree he's good. Seems like, against all odds, you'll live to see another day.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
After several attempts, he stands back looking grim. Your heart spasms ineffectually, barely keeping you alive.<br /><br />
"I'll keep working into the night, but this doesn't look good."<br/><br/>
Good to his word, he keeps working on you. When, many hours later, the glimmer of false dawn flickers through the curtain, he's forced to retire for rest. He's failed. Your heart hasn't stabilized. You're stilll in grave danger. Apologetically, the technician leaves Paul with instructions and some extra drugs. He may be able to return the following evening if you survive that long.
](else:)[<!-- cure value 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna rush](else:)[rushes] to your side, trying to keep you calm and quickly settling on the best course of treatment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- home - successful -->
(if: $defibrillator is 1)[
Paul makes you swallow some pills, enriches you oxygen, and uses the defibrillation device to try and jolt your heart back to a normal rhythm.<br/<br/>
After the (either: "second", "third", "fifth") attempt, he finally stands back, looking satisfied. You feel like a train hit you, but your heart is pounding steadily.<br /><br/>
He stands back, looking satisfied. "It worked. What do you know?"<br/><br/>
Despite your exhaustion, you're a little put off by how he manages to sound vaguely surprised. Seems like, against all odds, you'll live to see another day.
Paul makes you swallow some pills and tries tries to further enrich your oxygen. All the while, he tries to forcefully massage your heart back to a proper rhythm. Gradually, the attack does recede.<br/><br/>
You feel like a train hit you, but your heart is pounding steadily again.<br /><br/>
He stands back, looking satisfied. "It worked. What do you know?"<br/><br/>
Despite your exhaustion, you're a little put off by how he manages to sound vaguely surprised. Seems like, against all odds, you'll live to see another day.
]<br />
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- home - unsucessful -->
After several attempts, and even an extra dose of drugs, he stands back looking grim. Your heart spasms ineffectually, barely keeping you alive.<br /><br />
"I'll keep working into the night, but this doesn't look good."<br/><br/>
Good to his word, he keeps working on you. When, many hours later, the glimmer of false dawn flickers through the curtain, he's forced to retire for rest. Your heart hasn't stabilized. You remain in very grave danger.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "O2Malfunction")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van full of various valves, testers, and fancy-looking equipment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(either: "After a couple of hours troubleshooting, he discovers a blocked regulator and promptly replaces the problematic part. He stays a bit to make sure you’re recovering. Problem solved.","After a few minutes, he points out worn section of tubing that had become badly kinked near a fold in your neck. Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna ]are a bit embarrassed they didn’t notice themselves. (if: $donna is 1)[They stay](else:)[He stays] a bit longer to make sure you’re recovering. Remarkably, the problem is really solved. For now.")<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite his best efforts, he can’t find anything out of the ordinary – besides the patient. “Sorry Paul”, he says. “This might just be too far beyond the spec for this equipment. Maybe somebody else at the lab would have better luck”.<br /><br/>
Unable to find anything further (if: $donna is 1)[they can do, Paul and Donna try](else:)[he can do, Paul tries] to offer some comfort. Your situation remains grim.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna ]spend some time troubleshooting the oxygen regulating equipment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(either: "Paul zeroes in on a faulty regulator, and makes a call to source a replacement. Within minutes of the switch, you’re feeling much better.","After replacing some worn tubing, it seems as if a kinked section was choking your air supply. Within minutes, it’s obvious the issue has been resolved.")<br /><br />
(if: $donna is 1)[They stay](else:)[He stays] a bit longer to make sure you’re recovering. You seem to be on the mend. For now.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
There doesn’t seem to be any obvious explanation for the malfunction, and you’re left wheezing with no hope of rest during the night ahead.<br /><br/>
Unable to see anything futher (if: $donna is 1)[they can do, Paul and Donna try](else:)[he can do, Paul tries] to offer some comfort. Your situation remains grim.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "PanicAttack")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
He manages to hold his tongue, obviously tempted to comment about the reason for your panic attack, and goes straight for a intravenous dose of anti-anxiety relaxants. (if: $treatPartial > 0)[The effects are immediately noticeable, and while you're soon feeling better, you suspect the problem hasn't gone away entirely. The attack should be shorter, at least.<br />(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)](else:)[The effects are soon obvious, and you're soon feeling much better, and ready for a nap.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)]
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He manages to hold his tongue, obviously noting the obvious reason for your panic attack, and goes straight for a intravenous dose of anti-anxiety relaxants. They barely take the edge off your anxiety. Even the strong drugs can't bring your attack under control. “Sorry Paul”, he says. “Maybe somebody else at the lab would have more ideas”.<br /><br />
Unable to think of anything futher (if: $donna is 1)[they can do, Paul and Donna try](else:)[he can do, Paul tries] to offer some comfort. Your situation remains grim.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, talking to you, and trying their best to calm you down.<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
Through a combination of sleeping pills and (if: $donna is 1)[Donna's calming voice](else:)[gentle conversation], you're soon taking slower breaths and getting yourself under control.<br />
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
It doesn't result in completely remission -- and your symptoms are still severe -- but you think you'll see the attack end sooner because of the help.<br/>
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
You feel complete relief, and think to yourself that you might actually sleep for once. It's miraculous.<br />
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Unfortunately, none of this takes the edge off your primal anxiety. You're no better off than before. Measuring your ragged breaths into the sleepless night, you remain in serious danger.<br />
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "CreatureHost")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A different sort of van arrives than usual. It might still be driven by one of Paul's staff (or contractors), but this time it's quite clearly marked for a pest/exterminator company. The operator wears a full-body suit and mask that strongly suggests he's about to fumigate something.<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
He does in fact bring out a back-mounted pressure pump and wand, much to your concern. As it turns out, he's quite gentle and precise. He sprays a bitter-smelling cocktail (hopefully non poisonous) into some of your deeper crevices. It stinks, and stings, but more importantly -- tickles as your little friends scurry away as fast as they can.<br /><br />
The relief takes the form of a strange release of tension you didn't even realize you were holding -- just glad to be once again //alone// with your body.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He does in fact bring out a back-mounted pressure pump and wand, much to your concern. As it turns out, he's quite gentle and precise. He sprays a bitter-smelling cocktail (hopefully non poisonous) into some of your deeper crevices. It stinks, and stings, but doesn't seem to bother your pests in the least. Shoot. Maybe it needs to be poison.<br /><br />
Now they're just agitated. The peculiar sensation of tickling movement seems, if anything, //worse// for the failed attempt.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time prodding and trying to access the den that hides your unwelcome pests. All you know is an odd scratchy feeling as they become more agitated.<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
After lifting a stubborn fold out of the way, Paul manages to douse the side in some home-made remedy of (either: "vinegar and some kind of bitterant", "diluted bleach and cinnamon", "ammonia and baking soda"). It stinks. It stings. It seems to repel the creatures immediately. You're repulsed too. The important part is that they can't seem to leave fast enough.<br /><br />
You finally find peace from the peculiar sensation of wildlife violation, and think you might actually sleep well.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
After lifting a stubborn fold out of the way, Paul manages to douse the side in some home-made remedy of (either: "vinegar and some kind of bitterant", "diluted bleach and cinnamon", "ammonia and baking soda"). It stinks. It stings. You're certainly repulsed, but nothing seems any more eager to flee from your cave of flesh.<br /><br />
Without relief from the pervasive discomfort of your pests, you prepare for another long and sleepless night.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "Ulcer")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
He takes some scans to ensure the ulceration is not too severe for oral treatments, and unlikely to cause further complications. "Yep, she's a big'un. But not too far advanced though." Satisfied that surgery won't be necessary, he administers a hefty dose of prescription antibiotics and antacids.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
While you'll have to wait a bit longer to know exactly how well the ulcer will heal, you already know he's underestimated the damage. The ulcer won't be completely resolved by this treatment. Improved, but not eliminated. <br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
Even though it will take some time for the ulcer to completely heal, you feel like this treatment has kick-started your own recovery. <br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better. By morning, the pain is already non-existent. It's as good as gone. One less thing to worry about, thankfully.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
You know it will take time before the ulcer can heal, you already know he's gravely underestimated the damage. You're not sure if the medications were wrong -- but when you wake the following morning, you can't even tell the supposed treatment took place.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment. Paul settles on administering a hefty dose of antibiotics and antacids.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
While you'll have to wait a bit longer to know exactly how well the ulcer will heal, you already sense this is only a stopgap. The ulcer won't be completely resolved by this treatment. Improved perhaps, but not eliminated.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
Even though it will take some time for the ulcer to completely heal, you feel like this treatment has kick-started your own recovery. By morning, the pain is already non-existent. It's as good as gone. One less thing to worry about, thankfully.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
You know it will take time before the ulcer can heal, you already know this hasn't helped. You still burping in burning discomfort. You're not sure if the medications were wrong -- but when you wake the following morning, you can't even tell the supposed treatment took place.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "FoodPoisoning")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
After a bit of probing, he confirms you're having a serious reaction to something you've eaten. "Jesus. I don't even know what's still in your stomach, but I'd better get the pump."<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He manages to get most -- but not ALL -- of your stomach contents drained before calling it off to avoid triggering a panic attack. He administers some drugs to help settle your belly as well. Despite the rushed job, you do feel better - but it's clear that your episode of food poisoning is reduced, and not eliminated.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
He manages to get your stomach completely drained, and administers some strong drugs to settle your stomach further. Thanks to his efforts, you feel the symptoms completely resolve by morning.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He bungles the pumping procedure, leaving a lot of toxins in your belly. It might also be that much of the material was already further into your bowels by the time he arrived. In any case, you have a restless night -- and feel no better for your unpleasant trial.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment. Ultimately, (if: $donna is 1)[they decide](else:)[he decides] on a purgative to try and clean the toxins out of your system.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
It's somewhat successful. Some of the sour contents of your stomach erupt in a stunning fashion -- and you don't hurt yourself in the process. Afterward, Paul helpfully shoves some Pepto Bismol in your mouth. You do feel better - but it's soon clear that your episode of food poisoning has not been entirely eliminated.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
It's surprisingly successful. The sour contents of your stomach erupt in stunning fashion -- and you don't even hurt yourself in the process. Paul helpfully shoves some Pepto Bismol in your mouth. You feel much better. Thanks to the admittedly unpleasant treatment, the symptoms are completely resolve by morning.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
In the end, you just end up dry heaving, and making a bit of a mess. Most of the toxins were already in your lower digestive system, and you eject unproductive bile and generally just feel horrible. The treatment is a complete waste of time.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "SkinTear")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
He takes a look at the weeping rent in your flesh. "Nice job with that one," he says with a slight quiver of disgust, trying to maintain professionality. "I'll... uh... see if we can get things closed up again. For a while."<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
He begins cleaning and sterilizing the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sting of the antiseptics. Satisfied that the wound won't fester any further, he injects some local anesthetic and waits a few minutes. Once the site is numbed, he begins carefully stitching the flaps together.<br /><br />
"Shit," he says ominously. "There's just not enough skin. It's supposed to be more elastic... but it was already pulled so tight..."<br /><br />
After fighting it a while longer, he declares the outcome. "I have to wrap this up. It's better than it was, and the cleaning will help it heal faster."<br /><br /><br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.<br /><br />
Well, thats something. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He begins by cleaning and sterilizing the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sting of the antiseptics. Satisfied that the wound won't fester any further, he injects some local anesthetic and waits a few minutes. Once the site is numbed, he begins carefully stitching the flaps together.<br /><br />
Before long, he announces he's done. "Try not to put unnecessary pressure on that until it heals. Not that it will stop you... but I'd definitely include any additional weight gain in the risk factors. It's already pulled so tight, I think one good sneeze could pop those stitches."<br /><br />
Yeah. Duly noted. <br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sting of the antiseptics. Immediately though, he changes tactics. "This... has already gone further than I'm comfortable with. The tissue is too badly infected to work with." He injects some anesthetic, and slowly begins trimming and scraping the infected area. It has become a matter of minimizing the damage. While the wound benefits from the cleaning, there's too much trauma and decay around the remaining skin left to effectively close it. "I'll get this wrapped up for now. I don't think it will require any grafting once the swelling has a chance to go down -- but it should be properly finished another day."<br /><br />
All in all, the wound is still about $treataffliction of $generalAfflictions days from knitting on its own.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide how best to deal with the unfortunate gaping rent in your skin.<br /><br />
After cleaning the site as best he can, Paul grabs a tube of 'liquid stitches' -- basically glorified medical-grade superglue.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
"Shit," he says ominously. "There's just not enough skin. It's thick with scar tissue, and already pulled so tight..."<br /><br />
After fighting it a while longer, he declares the outcome. "I'll have to wrap this up. It's better than it was, and maybe the cleaning will help it heal faster..."<br /><br />
Well, thats something. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
Before long, he announces he's done. "Try not to pull on it for a day or two, blubber butt. It's already pulled so tight, one good sneeze will probably pop that glued seam."<br /><br />
Yeah. Duly noted. Thanks.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Try as he might, the glue just won't hold. There's too much swelling, and not enough skin left to close the puckering wound. "I'll get this wrapped up for now. Hopefully it will benefit from the cleaning, the swelling will go down, and we'll have a better chance once it's drained and healed a little bit."<br /><br />
All in all, the wound is still about $treataffliction of $generalAfflictions days from knitting on its own.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "Infection")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
He digs and probes, much to your discomfort, finally finding the central site of infected flesh. "Lovely," he says with a slight quiver of disgust, trying to maintain professionality. "I'll... uh... see if we can get this mess under control. For a while."<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. He injects some anesthetic, and slowly begins trimming and scraping the infected area. "This... has already gone pretty far, but I'll do what I can.". The wound benefits somewhat from the cleaning. The problem isn't totally resolved, but it should heal faster with the worst of the decay cleared out.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. He injects some anesthetic, and slowly begins trimming and scraping the infected area. "This... has already gone pretty far, but I think I can stabilize it". The wound benefits greatly from the cleaning, and you swear that almost immediately after the decay is cleared out, you feel the maddening tickle of the surrounding skin trying to heal. By morning, you should be free to worry about other things.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. He injects some anesthetic, and slowly begins trimming and scraping the infected area. "Shit. There's no way I'm going to be able to deal with this all at once. There's just too much rot here." He changes tactics, simply trying to stabilize an ugly situation.. After a while, he starts wrapping up the molested but admittedly far cleaner wound.<br /><br />
"It shouldn't get any worse for now. Might even heal on its own this way... but you should consider a follow-up."
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. "This... has already gone pretty far, but I think I can do a bit of good.". He stops short of anything surgical, but does manage to get the wound a lot cleaner. Even with a bit of decay remains, you think your natural healing should have a bit of a head start on it. <br /><br />
"She's still not pretty, but it's better than nothing," he concludes.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. "This is actually better than I expected," he says. "I think it was more crust and dirt than actual infection." He manages to get the wound a lot cleaner, and finds almost no truly threatening decay underneath the grime. <br /><br />
"No problem. Time to worry about something else," he concludes.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999) ]
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. "This... is worse than I imagined," he says. "Maybe some of the decay could be excised... but if I go at it much more agressively, I may do more harm than good.". He ends up stopping short of doing anything surgical himself, but does manage to get the wound a lot cleaner. Even with the amount of decay that remains, you're probably no worse off than before. <br /><br />
"It should still heal on its own, but we should probably look at this again another time," he concludes.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "BreathingDifficulty")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
After some sleuthing, he finds that //besides// your morbid obesity, there's another contributing factor: A (either:"serious allergy to a new cleaning product", "bad reaction to the plug-in room air freshener (which wasn't helping much anyways)", "heavy dose of mold spores from your pillow. He tries not to kick up too much contamination while replacing it", "case of not-so-common congestion from a seemingly mild common cold. A bit of decongestent should help.").<br /><br />
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
After solving that mystery, and dealing with (one of) the suspected problems... you notice immediate signs of recovery. Not entirely -- not yet -- but you sense you'll get over this episode more easily. Maybe there's still something else going on. Maybe you're still just dangerously overweight. Heh.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
After solving that mystery, and dealing with (one of) the suspected problems... you immediately find relief. That was obviously the right choice.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite his confidence that he'd solved the mystery, and waiting an appropriate amount of time for results, you find yourself having just as much difficulty breathing as before. Maybe there's still something else going on -- like the patient being dangerously overweight. Damn.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to come up with treatment options.<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
After some sleuthing, (if: $donna is 1)[they find](else:)[he finds] that //besides// your morbid obesity, there's another contributing factor: A (either:"serious allergy to a new cleaning product", "bad reaction to the plug-in room air freshener (which wasn't helping much anyways)", "heavy dose of mold spores from your pillow. He tries not to kick up too much contamination while replacing it", "case of not-so-common congestion from a seemingly mild common cold. A bit of decongestent should help.").<br /><br />
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
After solving that mystery, and dealing with (one of) the suspected problems... you notice immediate signs of recovery. Not entirely -- not yet -- but you sense you'll get over this episode more easily. Maybe there's still something else going on. Maybe you're still just dangerously overweight. Heh.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
After solving that mystery, and dealing with (one of) the suspected problems... you immediately find relief. That was obviously the right choice. Yay.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Thinking (if: $donna is 1)[they had](else:)[he had] solved the mystery, and waiting an appropriate amount of time for any results, you find yourself having just as much difficulty breathing as before. Maybe there's still something else going on -- like the patient being dangerously overweight. Damn.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "ChronicLymphedema")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
He inspects the abnormally swollen deposit near your (either: "ass crack", "hip", "belly button", "shin"), and prepares a few items for the treatment. "That's textbook poor drainage, all right. Not a lot of sense trying to do anything surgical -- not when things are probably going to get worse before they get better," he eyes you pointedly.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
He lances one area in particular that has stretched thin, angry red and already scarred by repeating healing cycles -- already showing risk of infection. A significant cache of fluid is released. While cleaning and covering the wound, he gives Paul a bottle of pills that should mitigate some of the deficiencies in your lymphatic flow. You take a dose right away.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He tries to lance one area in particular that has stretched thin, angry red and already scarred by repeating healing cycles -- showing risk of infection. Unfortunately, very little fluid is released. While cleaning and covering the wound as best he can, he suggests a medication you could take -- but Paul notes that you've already been screened for it, and have conflicting allergies.<br /><br />
Taking a few notes for next time, the technician leaves after what amounted to a monumental waste of time.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
Paul decided to try lancing one area in particular that has stretched thin, angry red and already scarred by repeating healing cycles -- already showing risk of infection. A significant cache of fluid is released. While cleaning and covering the wound, he produces a bottle of pills that should mitigate some of the deficiencies in your lymphatic flow. You take a dose right away.<br /><br >
Seems as though you might be able to manage the condition for a while.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Paul tries to lance one area in particular that has stretched thin, angry red and already scarred by repeating healing cycles -- showing risk of infection. Unfortunately, very little fluid is released. While cleaning and covering the wound as best he can, he also discovers the bottle of medication he had planned to start you on was mislabeled. He'll have to get more ordered.<br /><br />
The whole exercise amounted to a monumental waste of time.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "Constipated")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
"A little bunged up?" he asks with a forced smile. "Let's hope we can get you regular again before something ruptures."<br /><br />
Well there's a cheery thought.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
He carefully probes (as best he can) through your impressive fatty layer, trying to sense any complications or unexpected welling. Apparently satisfied your case is workable, he has you drink down a full cup of something syrupy and bitter. After a minute, you're already noting some odd noises from your system. "Ready to uncork this shitshow?", he asks ominously. While you're still considering how to respond, the first big cramp hit you. A minute later, you're groaning and drenched in sweat. It's probably a good thing this is happening under medical supervision.<br /><br />
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
The first big movement is rather explosive, but more restrained than you expected. Despite the urgency and the loosening of your bowels, the flow still seems restrictive and solid than you would like.<br /><br />
It's about two hours, all told, before the cramping lets up. The back-up is definitely eased, but you still have a problem. This hasn't been entirely resolved. Convinced your main issue was a diet //really// short of fibre, he provides Paul with a bottle of supplements you should take for a few weeks. The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
The first big movement is quite explosive, and unleashes the floodgates of the urgency and the loosening of your bowels. It's about two hours, all told, before the cramping lets up. You're definitely cleaned out now.<br /><br />
Convinced your main issue was a diet //really// short of fibre, he provides Paul with a bottle of supplements you should take for a few weeks. The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite the dramatic noises and increasing discomfort, you're left sweating several hours later without any bowel movement at all. "Shit," the technician manages to say without irony, "I'm sure that there's nothing seriously wrong, but that laxative might just need more time to work away at the blockage. At your size, it's possible your own... anatomy is part of the problem. Whatever the case may be, I've done all I can for tonight."<br /><br />
What crap luck.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment.<br /><br />
Without preamble, Paul gives you a generous swig of liquid laxative. It'll either work, or it won't. It's not long before you're sweating with the force of your cramping guts.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
The first big movement is rather explosive, but more restrained than you expected. Despite the urgency and the loosening of your bowels, the flow still seems restrictive and solid than you would like.<br /><br />
It's about two hours, all told, before the cramping lets up. The back-up is definitely eased, but you still have a problem. This hasn't been entirely resolved. Paul produces a couple of bottles with new supplements he thinks you should take for a few weeks to try and keep the problem under control.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
The first big movement is quite explosive, and unleashes the floodgates of the urgency and the loosening of your bowels. It's about two hours, all told, before the cramping lets up. You're definitely cleaned out now.<br /><br />
Paul produces a couple of bottles with new supplements he thinks you should take for a few weeks to try and keep the problem under control.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite the dramatic noises and increasing discomfort, you're left sweating several hours later without any bowel movement at all. "Shit," Paul manages to say without irony, "maybe the laxative needs more time to work away at the blockage. At your size, it's possible your own... anatomy is part of the problem. Whatever the case may be, I think that's all I can for tonight."<br /><br />
What crap luck.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "Overheated")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment. He sets up an IV with a hydrating solution containing beneficial electrolytes, and does some testing to ensure your internal temperature is stabilizing. Finding some lingering signs of heat stress, he has Paul fetch ice packs and ask him to bring the temperature down in the room.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
You respond to treatment, but not before a nasty episode of nasea and vomiting. Your body temperature regulation is slow to return to normal levels. "I think you'll be ok," the technician says, "but this is going to take more than one night to clear up. Take it easy, stay cool, and try get some rest."<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
You respond to treatment almost immediately. Your body temperature quickly returns to ideal levels. "I think you'll be fine," the technician says, "but try to take it easy, stay cool, and get some rest."<br /><br />
he technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite the treatment, you're left naseous, alternately sweating and shivering. Your body temperature regulation is still out of whack. "You were critically overheated, and I'm hoping there's was no organ damage," the technician reports. "It's going to take more than one night to recover from the effects. Take it easy, stay cool, and rest. Hopefully we can get you better soon."
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment. (if: $donna is 1)[They fetch some ice packs, crank the air conditioning, and have you sip at a cool drink.](else:)[Paul fetches some ice packs, cranks the air conditioning, and has you sip at a cool drink.]<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
You improve, but not before a nasty episode of nasea and vomiting. Your body temperature regulation is slow to return to normal levels. "I think you're getting better," the Paul says, "but this may take more than one night to clear up. Take it easy, stay cool, and try get some rest."
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
You respond to the pampering almost immediately. Your body temperature quickly returns to ideal levels, and you're feeling much better. "Take it easy, and get some rest," Paul suggests.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite the pampering, you're left naseous, and switch between shivering and sweating. Your body temperature regulation is out of whack. "You must have been seriously overheated," Paul says, "and I'm hoping this is just going to take more time. Take it easy, and get some rest."
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "ChronicItch")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment. He gets right down to business, inspecting the problem area. "Seems like some ongoing problems with dampness here. That probably set off some undesirable fungus...", he trails off, probing and muttering other things occasionally. You make a few startled peeps while he prods particularly sensitive areas, but mostly wish he could lean into it for a more satisfying scratch.<br /><br />
You feel a cooling sensation as he sprays antifungal and antiseptic agents, and note the bitter tang hanging in the air. There's a slight burning as the agents work on the problem area.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
After a few minutes, you realize you're no longer feeling the impulse to tear off your own skin. "Better, eh? That's good. This is strong stuff, and I'd be afraid to re-apply it any time soon for fear of causing cancer." On that encouraging note, you're glad it seems you won't need another treatment right away.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
After the tooth-grinding burning sensation of the freshly-applied chemicals, you are frustrated to find the itch continues to drive you crazy. "Hmm, that's not good", the technical confides. "This is strong stuff, and I'd be afraid to re-apply it right away for fear of causing cancer. Maybe we can try again, or explore other options another time."<br /><br />
You're tempted to ask him to scratch it before he goes, but barely restrain yourself.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment. Paul hits the site with a general disinfectant, and layers on an over-the-counter anti-itch cream.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
Remarkably, that's all it seems to need. The relief is immediate and blissful.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
It seems you'll need something stronger. After a moment of tooth-grinding burning sensation from the freshly-applied cream on raw skin, you are frustrated to find the itch continues to drive you crazy. "Maybe it needs to heal up a little first," Paul suggests. "If you can leave it along for another day, I'm sure the cream will help."<br /><br />
That's little comfort as you writhe in discomfort that night, doing your best.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "DigestiveCramps")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment. He hits you with an IV to ensure you're hydrated. Despite your lack of danger from immediate starvation, he also does some tests to make sure you're absorbing enough key nutrients. He finds a couple of deficiencies, and puts you on supplements. He also comes up with some theories on which (either:"stomach virus", "food toxin") might be the culprit, and doses you with appropriate medications. <br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
You manage to keep some food in your a bit longer before it passes through, and feel a bit better for it. You'll probably need some time to completely shake the digestive difficulties. "Looks like you'll recover sooner, at least. Keep taking these pills, and let me know if this relapse."<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
The next meal you eat actually stays with you, and you feel a burble from your groaning gut that tells you it's working this time, and not just rejecting it. "Keep taking these pills, and let me know if this relapse."<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
You're barly done downing all the pills before another series of sloppy and painful cramps endeavor clear out your entire GI tract again. You try extra drugs, even nibbling on bland crackers and sipping ginger ale. Nothing seems to reduce the clockwork evacuation. "I'm not sure what else I can do tonight, but you're going to want to get that checked further." The technician leaves, somewhat apologetic.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment. Paul gives you some strong stomach-settling drugs and chalky anti-diarrhea pills, and suggests you stick to bland foods for a bit.
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
You manage to keep some food in your a bit longer before it passes through, and feel a bit better for it. You'll probably need some time to completely shake the digestive difficulties. "Looks like you'll recover sooner, at least. Keep taking these pills, and we'll see if this relapses."
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
The next meal you eat actually stays with you, and you feel a burble from your groaning gut that tells you it's working this time, and not just rejecting it. "That's encouraging. Keep taking these pills, and we'll watch for a relapse."
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
You're barly done downing all the pills before another series of sloppy and painful cramps endeavor clear out your entire GI tract again. Nothing seems to reduce the clockwork evacuation. "I'm not sure what else we can do tonight. Try to stay hydrated, and we'll have to take another stab at this later."
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "Bedsore")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br /><br />
He digs and probes, much to your discomfort, trying to inspect the raw sore bleeding into your mattress. "Lovely," he says with a slight quiver of disgust, trying to maintain professionality. "I'll... uh... see if we can get this mess under control. For a while."<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. He injects some anesthetic before working on the worst of it. "This... has already gone pretty far, but I'll do what I can.". The wound benefits somewhat from the cleaning, and he dresses it in thick gauze. The problem isn't totally resolved, but it should heal faster now.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. He injects some anesthetic before working on the worst of it. "This... has already gone pretty far, but I think I can stabilize it". The wound benefits greatly from the cleaning, and as soon as he's done dressing it with thick gauze bandages, you feel the maddening tickle of the surrounding skin trying to heal. By morning, you should be free to worry about other things.<br /><br />
The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. He injects some anesthetic, and even that doesn't allow hime to work freely on a badly infected area. "Shit. There's no way I'm going to be able to deal with this all at once." He changes tactics, simply trying to stabilize an ugly situation... After a while, he starts wrapping up the molested but admittedly far cleaner wound. The thick dressing of gauze bandages helps pad the painful sore from the pressure of the mattress fabric.<br /><br />
"It shouldn't get any worse for now. Might even heal on its own this way... but you should consider a follow-up."
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. "This... is already weeping, bleeding, and... pretty far gone, but I think I can do a bit of good." He manages to get the wound a lot cleaner, and dresses it with thick gauze bandages to defend against the friction of the mattress. Even with a the bit of infection that probably remains, you think your natural healing should have a bit of a head start on it. <br /><br />
"She's still not pretty, but it's better than nothing," he concludes.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. "This is actually better than I expected," he says. "A bit of crust and puss, but not much bleeding." He manages to get the wound a lot cleaner, and dresses it with thick gauze bandages to defend against the friction of the mattress. You'll barely notice it by morning.<br /><br />
"No problem. Time to worry about something else," he concludes.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999) ]
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He tries to clean and sterilize the wound, which has you gritting your teeth at the sharp sting of the antiseptic. "This... is worse than I imagined," he says. "It's bleeding from a spot of infectrion. If I go at it much more agressively, I may do more harm than good". He does manage to get the wound a lot cleaner, and the bleeding stopped. Even with the amount of decay that remains, you're probably no worse off than before. <br /><br />
"It should still heal on its own, but we should probably look at this again another time," he concludes.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "Exhaustion")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment. He starts an IV, assuming that you're probably dehydrated and deficient of some micronutrients. He runs a few tests, checking for sleep apnea, ensuring your oxygen levels are normal, heart functionality is acceptable, and other organs are working well enough.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
Ruling out several possibilities, he determines that you're a bit anemic, and provides you with iron supplements. The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. By morning, you're feeling somewhat better, but suspect there's something else he missed.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
He determines you need an increase in blood pressure medication. The technician gives you another once over before leaving, and finds a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies. You're left feeling quite a bit better. By morning, you feel a remarkable improvement -- to the point that you wondered how you didn't notice sooner.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Despite the battery of tests, the technicial is stumped. "Are you sure you're getting enough sleep?" is all he comes up with, before leaving somewhat apologetically.
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment. Paul hits you with a cocktail of micronutrients, trying to rule out iron deficiencies and a few other remote possibilities. He changes your pillow to a new and firmer style, thinking to help with any sleep apnea. Despite your already rest-heavy schedule, he suggests you turn in early.<br /><br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
(if: $treatPartial > 0)[
Something from his shotgun remedy approach must of made some difference. You still feel pretty terrible the next morning, but there's enough improvement to kindle hope that you'll recover more quickly.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions -= $treatPartial)
Something from his shotgun remedy approach must of made a bit difference. By the next morning, you're actually feeling 'normal' again.
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $treatAffliction of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
Unfortunately, the next morning brings no obvious improvement in your deep tired malaise. You sense you'll be able to get over it, but Paul's remedies didn't do anything.
(elseif: $treatAffliction is "LowHealth")[
(if: $cureValue is 2)[ <!-- Field Medic -->
A technician from Paul’s lab arrives in a nondescript van, hustling inside with a field-medic's bag and some diagnostic equipment.<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
He gives you an intravenous drip of enzymes and nutrients, as well as some strong antibiotics to neutralize some unseen nasties. You almost immediately feel better.<br /><br />
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[Your recovery slows, and grinds to a stop. It's as if you've reached a literal ceiling on your health. Perhaps your condition simply cannot improve further while you carry such a physical burden.(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
He gives you an intravenous drip of enzymes and nutrients, as well as some strong antibiotics to neutralize some unseen nasties. This time, though... nothing seems to make any difference.<br />
](else:)[<!-- curevalue 1 - Home treatment -->
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna spend](else:)[spends] some time reviewing your condition, trying to decide on the best course of treatment.<br />
(if: $treatSuccess is 1)[<!-- sucessful -->
Paul forces you to down some multivitamins, and some strong antibiotics to help neutralize unseen nasties. You almost immediately feel better.<br /><br />(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[Your recovery slows, and grinds to a stop. It's as if you've reached a literal ceiling on your health. Perhaps your condition simply cannot improve further while you carry such a physical burden.(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
](else:)[<!-- unsucessful -->
None of the usual pills, massages, or remedies seem to help.<br />
]<br /><br />
}{(set: $health += (random: 15, 40))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Modern Medicine//</div>''
You're just in terrible shape all around. You feel like you've been dealt a poor hand -- as if all these stupid mobility issues have been kicking your ass. Rather than shaking your resolve, however, you try channel that frustration. You take a moment and pour your entire being into a mantra of mind-over-matter -- focusing your effort on stabilizing your general health.
Since that didn't work, you break down and call Paul. You still stubbornly refuse to let normal doctors have a field day with your 'self inflicted' condtion -- but Paul should be pretty discrete.
A short time later, he arrives, looking an odd combination of amused and smug that you can't quite decipher.
"Need some help, dearest (if: $weight > 500)[blubbery ](if: $gender is 1)[nephew](else:)[niece]? Indeed, I can see you're not looking so hot.(if: $credit is 0)["<br /><br />"You seem awfully certain of my aid, considering you've used up all your favors. Since you're in such a perilous state, I suppose we can overlook that for today."<br /><br/>"](else:)[(set: $credit -= 1) Looks like I can pay back one of those favors. ]Let's see about getting a bit of healthy color back in those cheeks."
He (either: "gives you a superdose of multivitamins. Within about half an hour, you begin to perk up.", "helps you get cleaned up a bit, both personally and around your apartment. Just the smell deodorant and fresh laundry makes a surprising difference.", "makes you a fresh meal from some market produce he'd just bought for himself. It's delicious, and you realize all the fast food was probably lacking something your body craved.")
When you finish thanking him -- he says "if that's all it takes to get you through, then it's a good day for everybody."
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"Control")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(display: "TurnCalculations")(if: $location is 1)[(display: "RollMobilityAfflictions")](else:)[(display: "RollGeneralAfflictions") (display: "ProcessGeneralAfflictions")(display: "ForwardGeneralAfflictions")](set: $weight to it + (3*(($weight * ($foodIntakeCalc / $gluttonyModifier)))))(set: $gluttony += 15)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")House Sitter, Addicted to Food</font>''</div>
<div class="message5">**You simply cannot resist, and gradually begin stuffing your face.**</div>
Paul returns to find you passed out on the couch. You're covered in the sloppy remains of your unrestrained meal, and groaning in a fitful half-sleep. Your unconscious movements serve to grind whatever missed your mouth a bit deeper into the cushions.
He has trouble waking you, but eventually rouses you enough to confront you about your embarrasing display of slobbish gluttony. He's not exactly thrilled.
"Look -- I'm not even worried about the couch, and I'm glad you stayed here for a few days -- but (either: "I was saving that food for an office party next week.", "that stuff wasn't even mine. I was keeping it for the next door neighbor -- her deep freeze stopped working last week.", "I can't believe you ate so much rich food at once. How are you not shitting your guts out right now?") I can't even imagine how... *sigh* Well, at any rate... it's probably best if you (if: $location is 1)[head home.](else:)[retire to your room.]
It's probably still another hour before you can (if: $location is 1)[wobble home](else:)[waddle downstairs] without excessive discomfort.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Mission Accomplished?")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Changes</div>''
There's no sense denying it. You've been experiencing a rather significant spike in your body weight. The effects are already clearly visible to anyone who cares to look.
You've had swings in weight before, but this one can't be dismissed as "temporary" or "normal". It's gone well beyond just a few extra pounds, and seems likely to proceed in one obvious direction. You've toyed with the idea of seeking medical help, but if your suspicion about the underlying reason is true... well, suffice to say it won't show up on a medical exam.
What will they find? That's right. //Just another established fatty with an obvious lack of resolve. //
You wouldn't say that you're alarmed... not quite yet -- but as the changes quietly go from "peculiar" to "quite inconvenient", you hesitate to let them gather more momentum.
You're well aware your behavior has changed. Food just seems to taste //better// lately. Objectively, you //know// you're making a pig of yourself, but that whiny, rational part of your mind is easy to silence with promises of 'later'. 'Just one more order of take-out'. 'I'll start a diet if it gets any worse'. You're an adult, after all. You spend your money eating whatever you damn well please.
You're ashamed to admit a certain fascination with the process, even as you continue clinging to the slim hope that you'll simply wake up free from these new compulsions... preferably before suffering any truly lasting and life altering effects.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Sure. That'll happen.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Defibrillator</div>''
As entertaining as it might be to watch Paul do his pro-wrestler act to restart your heart again, the bruising and broken ribs are an inconvenience.
Portable defibrillators have become a reasonably accessible item, appearing in quite a few public places these days. Paul (if: $donna is 1)[or Donna ]could use it. The devices are designed for non-professionals -- automatic, issuing voice commands at every step, and nearly idiot-proof. Quick access to one of these devices would greatly improve your chances of survival, with results on par with a visiting EMT with specialist equipment.
(if: $credit > 0)[Paul offers to order one on the premise that it would be for use by his laboratory staff -- as an office safety measure, and a tax writeoff. It would just stay here, of course.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Yes Please.")[(set: $equipmentDelivered to 1)(set: $credit -= 1)(set: $defibrillator to 1)(goto: "SpendCredit"). (1 credits)]
(link: "Not today.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
](else:)[If you had even one favor left to spend, this could be very helpful. But you don't.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "This sucks.")[(goto: "SpendCredit")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>That time of the year again.</div>''
Ok, so you kind of have a problem. Your birthday is coming up in a couple weeks.
Yeah, that's right. Congratulations. It will soon be (if: $day <= 365)[one year](elseif: $day <= 730)[two years](elseif: $day <= 1095)[three years](else:)[yet another year] since you began this bizarre journey.
Why is this a problem? Because your family has certain traditions. They'll be expecting the usual corny party, hosted by a certain Uncle. Since you've never told your parents about your... um... change in circumstances -- things could be a little awkward. (if: $weight < 400)[You suppose you're not so far gone yet that it's likely to cause you //a lot// of grief, but still... does everybody need to know?]
(if: $location is 1)[You call up Paul, and explain your concerns.
"Well," he says. "(if: $weight < 400)[I think you might be over-reacting a bit. Even if you're serious about avoiding their visit, ]I doubt they would simply accept an unexplained cancelation. Some of your family have already booked their flights." He sounds thoughtful for a moment.
"I suppose I could set up something away from the house. Maybe get some space at a nearby convention center or even a resort. Then I tell them I sent you (either: "to a special training program in Europe for a few weeks, and that you won't be around this year.", "to participate in some special clinical trials overseas, and you won't be back for a couple months.", "to Mexico to represent my lab in some TV commercials they're filming. Obviously you won't be back in time.")"
Hmm. They'll probably question why they should come to a party for someone who isn't even here -- but if it's set up like a 'vacation', and there's an open bar... well, it might just work.
"Of course, there's the hassle of making the calls, and cost of a new venue. Probably some awkwark questions too. You want me to lie for you, and look after everything? I'd say that worth a couple of my favors."
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $weight < 500)[(link: "Don't bother. We'll do the usual Birthday party.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary3")]](if: $credit >= 2)[(link: "Make it happen. Keep my secret.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary2")]
](else:)[Shoot. Not enough favors left for that.
](link: "It's time for the lies to end.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary3")]</div>
](elseif: $location is 2)[(if: $donna is 1)[Donna can tell you're preoccupied, and you tell her what's on your mind. She offers to fetch Paul so you can all discuss it. A short time later, they return, and you get a chance to explain what's on your mind.](else:)[You get a chance to speak with Paul, and bring up your concerns.]
"Well," (if: $donna is 1)[Paul](else:)[he] says. "I doubt they would accept an unexplained cancelation -- not when some of your family have already booked their flights." He sounds thoughtful for a moment, then continues:
"I suppose I could set up something away from the house. Maybe get some space at a nearby convention center or even a resort. Then I tell them I sent you (either: "to a special training program in Europe for a few weeks, and that you won't be around this year.", "to participate in some special clinical trials overseas, and you won't be back for a couple months.", "to Mexico to represent my lab in some TV commercials they're filming. Obviously you won't be back in time.")"
Hmm. They might wonder why they should come to a party for someone who isn't even here -- but if it's enough like a 'vacation', and there's an open bar... well, it might just work.(if: $donna is 1)[<br/><br/>Donna pipes up: "Sounds like a plan."]
"Of course," he continues, "there's the hassle of making the calls, and cost of a new venue. Probably some awkward questions, too. You want me to lie for you, and look after everything? I'd say that's worth a couple of my favors."(if: $donna is 1)[<br/><br/>He gets a sour look from Donna, but patently ignores her.]
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $credit >= 2)[(link: "Make it happen. Please keep my secret.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary2")]
](else:)[Crap. Not enough favors left for that.
](link: "It's time for the lies to end.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary3")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $credit -= 2)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Let's keep a secret</div>''
"Oh? And here I thought for a moment you'd be eager to show off your incredible transformation", Paul suggests drily.
You make a few strangled, choking sounds.
"Fine, I'll see to it that you're miraculously somewhere else for your birthday. If only it was really so easy to send you somewhere else... An international flight would be cheaper than setting up this little charade."
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Wonderful.")[(if: $day < 365)[(set: Anniversary4 of $timedEvents to 365)](elseif: $day < 730)[(set: Anniversary4 of $timedEvents to 730)](elseif: $day < 1095)[(set: Anniversary4 of $timedEvents to 1095)](if: $day < 365)[(set: Anniversary of $timedEvents to 715)](elseif: $day < 730)[(set: Anniversary of $timedEvents to 1080)](set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Let's have a great big birthday</div>''
"Oh? (if: $weight < 400)[Well you should certainly have a good time](else:)[Um... seriously? Well, it should make for an interesting reunion]", Paul suggests drily.(if: $donna is 1)[<br/><br/>"Are you serious?" Donna asks.]
(if: $donna is 1)[Paul continues ]"If you're sure, I'll see to it that everything is ready for our guests in a couple weeks. Just say the word."
(if: $weight < 500)[<div class="roundborder5">(link: "It... should be alright.")[(if: $day < 365)[(set: Anniversary5 of $timedEvents to 365)](elseif: $day < 730)[(set: Anniversary5 of $timedEvents to 730)](elseif: $day < 1095)[(set: Anniversary5 of $timedEvents to 1095)](set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
(if: $credit >=2)[---
(link: "WAIT... No...nonono...")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary2")]]</div>](else:)[<div class="roundborder5">(link: "It... might be a mistake, but they deserve to know. Right?")[(if: $day < 365)[(set: EndAnniversary of $timedEvents to 365)](elseif: $day < 730)[(set: EndAnniversary of $timedEvents to 730)](elseif: $day < 1095)[(set: EndAnniversary of $timedEvents to 1095)](set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]
(if: $credit >=2)[---
(link: "WAIT... No...nonono...")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Anniversary2")]]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: Bedsore of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Too much ass-on-mattress action.</div>''
Not surprisingly, with enough forced immobility, the first signs of rebellion begin to appear from your smothered, abraded, and abused skin. Red sores, pooling with surplus fluid, make a bold appearance on your elephantine backside.
Ultimately, there's only so much you can do. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna tries her best to](else:)[Paul makes a cursory effort to] air and irrigate the affected areas, but one patch in particular is well established.
Maybe Paul can come up with some stronger anti-inflammatories or something.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Happy Birthday?</div>''
Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna are](else:)[is] nowhere to be found today, apparently tied up entertaining your family. They found a nice venue on the other side of town. The exact location isn't too important -- just (if: $location is 1)[as long as their attention is focused somewhere else. Paul might have hosted the event at his house as usual, but you'd still worry about somebody driving past and getting curious about the lights in your apartment.](else:)[that it's not //here//, where someone might stumble downstairs to investigate the odor in the basement.]
It's a bitterweet reminder of some of the things you've given up. You always resented those silly parties -- not that the party itself was ever the point. As you spend the another long day (if: $location is 1)[eating and lazing your life away](else:)[dozing in the dim, dank and quiet], you realize you have an unlikely yearning for the simple noises of party favors and cutlery. You try to imagine the din of conversation as your family shares a meal.
At least Paul thought ahead, and made sure you had a supply of food for the day.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $days += 365)(set: $weight to $weight - 431)(if: $weight <= $startWeight)[(set: $weight to $startWeight)]}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Family Reunion</font>''</div>
You barely rouse for the click of the lock, and the gentle wheeze of the front door hinges.(if: $location is 1)[ There's a belated knock. Absently, you wonder if you should have given Paul that spare key. "Anyone home? If so, get decent. You've got company."] You idly note extra sets of feet. Oh, boy. It must be time. //Happy birthday to you.//
(if: $donna is 1)["Oh, darling… you shouldn't be so upset about this. I’m sure it's fine.” You wince at the sound of your mother’s voice. “Paul let us know our (if: $gender is 2)[daughter](else:)[son] had moved in with him. He insisted it was no bother -- if anything, he sounded pleased. Those two were always pretty close, so we never thought much of it. I don’t really understand why you think there is a problem. All this fuss just because (if: $gender is 2)[s]he’s put on some weight?”](elseif: $location is 2)["Thank you for coming out again. I think you'll find your (if: $gender is 2)[daughter](else:)[son] downstairs. (if: $gender is 2)[She's](else:)[He's] probably not even going to come up and say 'hi', so we might as well go and find (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]. I warn you though," Paul chuckles, "(if: $gender is 2)[s]he's packed on some weight since you've seen him."](else:)["I think I hear (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]. (if: $gender is 2)[She](else:)[He]'s probably just distracted by one of (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] video games. We might as well go and find (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]. Let me warn you though," Paul chuckles, "(if: $gender is 2)[s]he's packed on some weight since you've seen (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]."]
Oh... oh God…
(if: $location is 1)[“Of course (if: $gender is 2)[she's](else:)[he's] going to pack on a few pounds”, your father says gruffly, sounding unconcerned. “Just means (if: $gender is 2)[she's](else:)[he's] enjoying (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] time off."
"Oh, but you're right of course. (if: $gender is 2)[She's](else:)[He's] certainly been taking advantage of the down time.", Paul says smoothly
](else:)[“Of course (if: $gender is 2)[s]he’s going to pack on a few pounds”, your father says gruffly, sounding unconcerned. “Just means (if: $gender is 2)[s]he’s enjoying (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] time off. Oh… Urgh. (if: $donna is 1)[Tell Paul he needs to take out his](else:)[You need to take out your] garbage. Something in here has gone ripe and spoiled.”
(if: $donna is 1)[“Like I said before, it’s more than just a few…” Donna stops and forces herself to take a measured breath. When she continues, it’s solemn and pleading. “Please…trust me, just… just brace yourselves.”](else:)["Oh, but you're right of course. (if: $gender is 2)[She's](else:)[He's] certainly been taking advantage of the down time.", Paul says smoothly.]]
(if: $location is 2)[As the footsteps approach, your heart palpitates. You feel a completely irrational urge to cover your nakedness, despite the futility. When the group halts a long moment so your poor mother can still a fit of gagging, you're cursed with a bit more time to consider your fate. Maybe it’s not too late. Maybe there’s still a chance the building will spontaneously catch fire and save you from this moment. “God damn it,” your Dad grumbles, wrinkling his nose, “is that stench coming from our (if: $gender is 2)[daughter's](else:)[son’s] room? (if: $gender is 2)[Sh](else:)[H]e’s a guest, for heaven’s sake! What makes (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him] think (if: $gender is 2)[s]he can just lie around and let things get so disgusting?”](else:)[As the footsteps approach, your heart palpitates. The group halts outside your door for a moment so your poor mother can still a nagging cough. You’re cursed with that extra moment to consider your fate. Maybe it’s not too late. Maybe there’s still a chance the building will spontaneously catch fire and save you from this moment.]
(if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[They enter the room without ceremony, mindful of their footing in the poor light. Less than two full steps into the cramped space, they arrive at the border of an enormous novelty bean bag chair. The buff-colored surface appears oddly distorted and cratered. It seems a terrible aesthetic choice for the room, and monopolizes the limited space. Your Dad puzzles over a particularly deep and livid perforation, probing it lightly with his toe. You twitch involuntarily, still sensitive where the distended furrows vaguely hint at your well-entombed foot. Your Mom’s eyes suddenly go wide in realization.](elseif: $location is 2)[They enter the room without ceremony, mindful of their footing in the poor light. Several steps into the cramped space, they arrive at the foot of an enormous novelty bean bag chair. The buff-colored surface appears oddly distorted and cratered. It’s a terrible choice for the room, monopolizing the already limited space. Your Dad puzzles over the distastful thing, probing it lightly with his toe. You twitch involuntarily, sensitive along the leading edge of your belly. Your mom’s eyes suddenly go wide in realization.](else:)[They enter the room without ceremony, and find you, as expected, rather impressively filling the space in front of your computer desk. Your parents pause dramatically with their mouths open and eyes wide.
"But... why is... Randy...?", your Mom choked voice trails off, baffled.
(if: $donna is 1)[Donna gently corrects her. "No, ma’am… look up, at (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] face... don’t you recognize (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] eyes? This //is// your (if: $gender is 2)[daughter](else:)[son]."](else:)["Actually," Paul puts in, "say hello to the birthday (if: $gender is 2)[girl](else:)[boy]".](if: $location is 2)[ You take the obvious opportunity to roll your wrist in a royal wave.]
(if: $location is 2)[Your father steps back and spits a curse, seemingly caught between horror and disgust. Your mother doesn’t even react -- she just stares blankly for a couple seconds and promptly faints. Your father scrambles to catch her, and quickly enlists (if: $donna is 1)[Donna's](else:)[Pauls’s] help to drag her from the room to recover her wits. You knew there was no way for this to go well. You wait patiently, and hear the name ‘Randy’ spoken several times in alternately angry and hushed whispers. Your stomach rumbles uneasily, cramping from the stress. You pray you don’t accidentally do anything to make things smell worse. When they finally return, your mother is weeping. Your Dad makes no attempt to hide his revulsion.](else:)[Your father spits a curse, failing to hide a look of disgust. Your mother still seems puzzled, but eventually a light of recognition finally registers in her eyes. What follows is a rather awkward meeting.]
You have no suitable answers to their inevitable questions. Your condition has already gone beyond the scope of simple definition, or rational motivation -– and to be honest, you don’t even try all that hard to help them understand. Paul earns a few tough questions himself, having to explain how he could possibly see fit to keep your condition a secret so long. He spins a tale of woe and regret, claiming you became a surrogate who helped him fill the terrible void left by the loss of his own son. He'd done a terrible thing, but he just couldn’t help himself. Utter bullshit, you thought privately, but you weren’t in a position to judge given the circumstances.
Not surprisingly, they all conclude you’ve "contracted" something like Randy’s condition – or at least felt compelled to imitate the symptoms for perverse reasons. It’s Paul who proposes that last possibility. Your parents think it preposterous, but you're not sure you can entirely dismiss the idea. Either way, they agree the only course of action is a firm intervention.
(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Paul makes arrangments have have the outer wall of your room excavated. You're carefully extracted -- to the delight of local journalists. You're hospitalized and closely monitored. ]You fight it all the way. There's a steady parade of doctors, dieticians, therapists, trainers, and life coaches. They're all fond of preaching temperance and imposing new restrictions. Paul sponsors many of these resources, allegedly as guilty compensation for hiding your condition from your parents (and encouraging it's progression). After a few weeks of negligible results, you begin to lose weight… at a slow, realistic, and absolutely tedious pace. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna dutifully visits, and keeps in touch, but things never quite seem the same.]
(if: $weight > 950)[Over the following year, you manage to lose a sizable chunk of your weight – but not (if: $weight > 1200)[nearly enough to start thinking about](else:)[enough to start] walking again. The withdrawal symptoms never quite stop. You struggle constantly with poor health. It's a wonder you survive at all, coming from such an extreme. The physical and psychological damage to your body is extensive.
It comes as no surprise when you die suddenly in your sleep. Your abused organs finally give up, unable to take the strain of your forced weight loss -- not while supporting a man still far fatter than anyone has a right to be. You're left in limbo, forever caught between two worlds, but enjoying the satisfaction of of neither.]
(elseif: ($weight - $startWeight) < 100)[Over the following year, you end up basically back where you began. The cravings never stop leaning on your consciousness. You feel broken. While everybody forces you back to a more ideal shape, you feel a growing sense of dismorphia. The mirror reflects what remains, rather than what should be.
Eventually, you start tackling some graphic design work again. The jobs are less intensive; far smaller than the projects you used to get involved in. You're lacking concentration these days, and your employers quickly notice.
Under the scrutiny of disapproving parents, and eagle eyed follow-up visits from doctors, you're soon resigned to a mediocre career that will never give you what you really want.
](else:)[Over the following year, you manage to lose a sizable chunk of your weight. The withdrawal symptoms never stop. You're constantly struggling with echoes of the health problems you set in motion.
Eventually, you start tackling some graphic design work again. The jobs are less intensive; far smaller than the projects you used to get involved in. You're lacking concentration these days, and your employers quickly notice.
You're still pretty plump, as far as that goes. (if: $weight > 400)[Some mobility issues will always shadow you, given the wear and tear you've already inflicted on your joints.](else:)[Getting around will never be easy.] Under the scrutiny of disapproving parents, and eagle eyed follow-up visits from doctors, you still find ways to cheat on your dietary restrictions, but it's not really enough. You dream of another day -- another chance -- to get you what you really want.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Score Card")[(set: $endReason to "Anniversary")(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Nutritional Balance</div>''
You're indiscriminately sucking down your latest semi-puréed feast when Paul makes a quiet entrance. Rather than inspect, tinker, or clean something as he often does, he simply stands, smiles, and patiently waits for you to spare him some attention. You begrudgingly pause to observe him.
"Ah... thanks for your time, dearest blubbery (if: $gender is 1)[nephew](else:)[niece]. I promise I won't keep you long." You marvel at his ability to deadpan that worn-out line. "You likely haven't noticed yet, but there have been some changes in your diet."
You wobble in alarm at the mere mention of the word 'diet'.
"No, relax... not for weight-loss. Perish the thought! However, these changes //should// significantly improve your health situation. That feeding tube makes it easy to introduce a regular supply of nutrients, supplements, and medications."
Your eyes betray a certain unease. Paul correctly identifies your concern.
"What medications? Well, you have developed certain //ongoing// low-grade issues that can be mitigated in this manner. A regular dose of anti-infammatories can help with swelling and joint degredation. Blood thinners and pressure moderators to help your struggling heart, and reduce the likelyhood of dangerous clots. Speaking of your blood... recent tests confirmed you're definitely diabetic now -- but to such a minor degree that it can still be easily treated with drugs. Something of a miracle, that. Quite extraordinary."
Seems reasonable. You almost wonder what the catch might be.
"Honestly, this just makes sense for everybody involved. The equipment is already here, the dosage testing is straighforward, and really -- you just deserve a break, after all you've been through."
Ok. //Now// you're worried. Paul either fails to notice your disbelief, or chooses to ignore it as he struts back out into the hall, whistling a little tune.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Maybe he has a new girlfriend.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
(set: $cureCounter to 0)
(for: each _condition, ...(datanames: $generalAfflictions))[
<!-- Act upon currently active conditions -->
(if: _condition of $generalAfflictions < 99999)[
(set: _condition of $generalAfflictions to 99999)
(set: $cureCounter += 1)
(set: $health += (random: 15,25))
(if: $health > $maxHealth)[(set: $health to $maxHealth)]
}(set: $proceed to 0)<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Modern Medicine//</div>''
Ok, so maybe it's time to call in the big guns.
Paul's eyes widen as you insist on bringing an entire medical team. It's a lot to ask, and you know you'll pay for the priviledge.
An entire team of technicians and specialists arrive in a cluster of vans, unloading the variety of equipment they expected they would need -- including some devices and monitors you don't even recognize.
After a traumatic and thoroughly unpleasant day of probing hands and devices, drugs and caustic sprays and treatments, you're wondering if death would be so bad.
In the end, (if: $cureCounter is $generalAfflictionCount)[they clear up <font color='#22ba00'>**all**</font> your](elseif: $cureCounter is 0)[they turn out to be rediculously useless. What the hell? They dealt with <font color='#ba0000'>**none**</font> of your](else:)[they sucessfully deal with <font color='#d18000'>$cureCounter of your $generalAfflictionCount</font>] notable conditions and problems.
The technicians give you one last overall check before leaving, and notice a few other nagging hurts and deficiencies that they can smooth over. You're left feeling quite a bit better.
The professionals pack up and drive back to their normal jobs, a few of them stopping to cast alternately judgemental or concerned glances as they leave you to your fate.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")A Misunderstanding</font>''</div>
Ok, Game Author here. I'm blatently breaking immersion for a moment.
I'm going to level with you. I didn't even think I'd need to program this ending. So congratulations on finding it. I guess.
In all seriousness though, I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding. Either you've just wasted your time intentionally trying to break this game, or you were **seriously** expecting a different kind of experience than this game was ever going to offer. Looking for a serious ending? Fine. Here you go:
//Your diet is going so smoothly! You marvel at how you're already lighter and more healthy than when your family saw you on your birthday.
You step outside to collect your morning paper, soaking in the warm and dazzling sunshine. With some irritation, you find the paper boy missed your box, and the paper has bounced down your steps and rolled beyond the curb onto the street. You go down to get it, shielding your eyes from the morning sun with your hand.
Sparing a moment to wave to your sweet neighbor, you don't even see the speeding taxi before it mows you down at the knees and kills you instantly.//
Try gaining weight next time. Start again and do it right.
You don't even get a score.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Happy Birthday?</div>''
Paul calls to make sure everything is ok. Everybody else has arrived, and the only person missing is you.
You've been dragging your feet of course. You don't //think// your parents are going to completely wig out over your gains so far -- but your weight is (if: $weight > 400)[pushing the ragged edge of what you can possibly justify](elseif: $weight > 350)[rather excessive by any measure](else:)[quite noticeable].
Worst of all, to your thinking... you won't even be able to enjoy the cake. Oh well. Best go and face the music.
Noisemakers and poppers. Tacky banners. Paper plates and flimsy cutlery. Unwanted attention. Awkward questions. More than a little judging.
Presents, and of course the time-honored traditional birthday wish.
Just to be safe, you wish for 'happiness'. That can't possibly go wrong, can it?
Things don't actually go as badly as you feared. A couple of your cousins don't even seem particularly bothered by your girth -- and you think think one of them, a bit chunky himself, might even approve. Maybe you just always //seemed// like a candidiate for carrying some extra weight, and that softened the collective impact.
(if: $weight > 400)[You Dad pulls you aside for a private talk, presumably out of concern -- but he didn't press you for any explanations or promises. Just a straightforward, adult sort of talk: "You sure you have this under control? Do you have any work lined up yet? Let us know if you need help." You think your Mom put him up to it.]
Before you know it, the day is wrapping up. Even the night owls are finishing their last drink, and heading back to their hotels. Paul is the last one to leave, and makes sure you take home some cake. You manage not to feel too guilty.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set: $gluttony += 20)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)](set:$advanceDay to 1)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $days += 365)(set: $weight to $startWeight)}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")An end to a long vacation...</font>''</div>
You barely rouse for the click of the lock, and wheeze of the front door hinges.(if: $location is 1)[A belated knock. Absently, you wonder if you should have given Paul that spare key. "Anyone home? Get decent. You've got company."] You idly note the noise from extra sets of feet. Oh, boy.
"I think I hear (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]. (if: $gender is 2)[Sh](else:)[H]e's probably just distracted by one of (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him] video games. We might as well go and find (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]. Let me warn you though," Paul chuckles, "(if:$gender is 2)[s]he's packed on some weight since you've seen (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[him]."
“Of course (if:$gender is 2)[s]he’s packed on a few pounds”, your father says gruffly. “(if: $gender is 2)[Sh](else:)[H]e’s been slacking off all this time. (if: $gender is 2)[Sh](else:)[H]e needs to get off (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] ass and make a living again."
Oh... God damn it. Paul must have told your parents about your financial situation.
As the footsteps approach, your heart palpitates. The group halts outside your door for a moment so your poor mother can still a nagging cough. You’re cursed with that extra moment to consider your fate. Maybe it’s not too late. Maybe there’s still a chance the building will spontaneously catch fire and save you from this moment.
They enter the room without ceremony, and find you, as expected, rather impressively filling the space in front of your computer desk. Your parents pause dramatically with their mouths open and eyes wide.
"Looks... so much like Randy...", your Mom's voice trails off sadly.
Your father spits a curse of agreement, failing to hide his look of disapproval.
What follows is a rather awkward meeting. You have no suitable excuses for your apparent laziness. Your size is no reason for your lack of initiative. It's not so much that you shouldn't be allowed to live your life how you choose -- but without money to support yourself, you've forced their hand.
Not surprisingly, they wonder if you’ve somehow contracted Randy’s condition – or at least felt compelled to imitate the symptoms for perverse reasons. It’s Paul who proposes that last possibility. Your parents dismiss it as preposterous, but you can’t be so sure. Either way, they agree that the only course of action is a firm intervention.
You fight it all the way. There's a steady parade of doctors, dieticians, therapists, trainers, and life coaches. They're all fond of preaching and imposing new restrictions. Paul sponsors many of these resources, supposedly as guilty compensation for hiding your situation from your parents (and even encouraging it's progression). After a few weeks of negligible results, you finally begin to lose weight… at a slow, realistic, and absolutely tedious pace.
(if: ($weight - $startWeight) < 100)[Over the following year, you end up basically back where you began, and earn enough to live normally. The cravings never stopped leaning on your consciousness. You feel broken. While everybody forced you back to a more ideal shape, you felt a growing sense of dismorphia. The mirror reflects what remains, rather than what could be.
Eventually, you start tackling some more graphic design work again. The jobs are less intensive; far smaller than the projects you used to get involved in. You're lacking concentration these days, and your employers quickly notice.
Under the scrutiny of disapproving parents, and eagle eyed follow-up visits from doctors, you're resigned to a mediocre career that will never give you what you really want.
](else:)[Over the following year, you manage to lose a sizable chunk of your weight. The withdrawal symptoms never stop. You're constantly struggling with echoes of the health problems you set in motion.
Eventually, you start tackling some more graphic design work again, and earn enough to live normally. The jobs are less intensive; far smaller than the projects you used to get involved in. You're lacking concentration these days, and your employers quickly notice.
You're still pretty big, as far as that goes. (if: $weight > 400)[Some mobility issues will always shadow you, given the wear and tear you've managed on your joints.](else:)[Getting around will never be easy.] Under the scrutiny of disapproving parents, and eagle eyed follow-up visits from doctors, you still find ways to cheat on your dietary restrictions, but it's not really enough. You dream of another day -- another chance -- to get you what you really want.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Score Card")[(set: $endReason to "NoSavings")(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "ScoreCard")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $gluttonyMaxed to 2)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Maximum momentum</div>''
(if: $day < 90)[Well, that didn't take long. ]You're not sure you could indulge yourself any more if you tried. You're thinking and //acting// on your cravings every waking moment. Sometimes the mundane chore of sending enough food down your throat enough seems like a considerable inconvenience.
Like a train bound for its destination, you've reached full speed, and likely won't be slowing down any time soon.
Perhaps it unwise to allow your gluttonous impulses have this much control. Perhaps you'll regret it. Time will tell.
In the meantime, all you can do is try to fill this ravenous pit inside you.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $reached10Credits to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder2'>Credit where it's due</div>''
Normal people tend to say "I owe you one" pretty carelessly. It's just... expected. Something said to acknowledge a good deed, or a helpful bit of assistance.
You're pretty sure Paul keeps a freaking ledger. You're **up to 10 favors now**. If you ever asked him about it, he would happily confirm the number -- and probably explain where each one came from, and how any have been spent.
You take some comfort in knowing it isn't just you that he does this for. He has a favorite mechanic, a go-to clerk at the department store, and probably many others who have literally found their way into his good books. Perhaps a few have forced him to use red ink.
So along with his other quirks, he definitely has a rather... direct approach to karma. Might as well keep making deposits. You have a long way to go.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $reached20Credits to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder2'>Credit increase</div>''
You continue to expand your pool of favors from Paul. He's never yet suggested you might be overdoing things, or should fear reaching any sort of 'limit'.
You have to wonder if anyone has ever been so incredibly literal and meticulous. He's tracking and //officially// recording **20 credits** worth of symbolic favors. The notion is a bit ridiculous, yet...
Why do you still feel like you're going to need more?
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $reached30Credits to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder2'>Credit increase</div>''
Is he really still keeping track at this point? You're certainly beginning to wonder why you bother. With **30 credits** now supposedly ensuring Paul remains at your beck and call, you're growing weary of the all the busy work this achievement required.
But you still sometimes consider the future... and how the day may soon come when you're not capable of topping up that account. Little things, and perhaps //bigger// things, will draw upon the balance.
This might turn out to be a sort of retirement fund for you... and with the way things seem to be going, you could still end up short.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $reached40Credits to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder2'>Credit Maturity</div>''
Maybe you're just tired of making the effort, but with **40 credits** saved up, you finally feel like you have a safety net.
You hadn't even realized how much you were still worrying about your total. You have to wonder if you're as crazy as your uncle for going along with this whole notion of //literally// accounting for so many favors. It still strikes you as ridiculous, and yet... you believe in him. You sense he's key to your survival, for better or for worse.
None of this means you should necessarily go on a spending spree, or stop picking up extra favors if you're capable... but at least there's enough to make it through a few more than a few unforseen difficulties.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")Cinema Magic</font>''</div>
"I'm sure. This is no joke... I'm really sure," Donna says again. "It's a letter is from the PR spokesman at 20th Century Fox, addressed to and fowarded from your old apartment! Paul was going to throw it out, assuming it was some kind of promotional rubbish."
Thankfully Donna was around to pull the letter out of the recycling bin. And open for you. And read it, too, since you're pretty much functionally useless at this point. It's difficult to even express your eagerness to hear what it says. You settle for a little encouraging peep and as much reckless jiggling of your upper body as you dare attempt without good reason.
"//Dear CinemaBuff486...// Really? That was your screen name?"
You make a slightly embarassed, noncommittal grunt.
"Wait... If that's all they had for your screen name, how did they get a mailing address? That's a bit odd... unless they traced you from your Internet connectivity. I suppose if they can serve up copyright notices for downloaded films, they might have found you the same way?"
Since you have nothing to add to her theory, she shakes here head and goes back to reading.
"//I'd like to thank you for the well-written movie reviews you published for several of our recent films. Not only did our production teams appreciate your detailed and objective feedback, but we have seen other benefits: Our marketing anaysis showed that visitors to your blog were, on average, 7 times more likely to buy movie tickets for the film being featured. This produced an observable increase in ticket sales.//"
"Wow," Donna exclaims. "You didn't tell me you were some big-time movie review blogger!"
You hadn't really realized it either. Maybe your writing picked up a cult following since you left the scene.
"//It is regrettable that your blog now appears to be abandoned, Regardless, I'd like to extend an offer in recognition of your contributions and achievements, and sincerely hope you'll consider updating your site again.//"
She stops for a moment, apparently re-reading the next part. Paul picks that moment to wander into the room, and you wonder how much he overheard.
"It... it says if you respond to confirm your delivery address, you can choose either... $5000 cash, or a lifetime supply of concession-style buttery microwave popcorn and assorted confections."
Mmm. You can already taste it!
Paul pipes up, and you can almost hear the eye-roll in his voice. "I know what you're thinking, (if: $gender is 1)[fatboy](else:)[fatty], but don't dismiss that cash just yet. That's a nice sum to cover a few household expenses. Tell you what... let me have that cash, and I'd extend you an extra **10 favors**"
"That's actually pretty practical," Donna puts in. "Besides, it's not like the snacks are going to improve your situation..."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Take the cash")[(set: $popcornChoice to 1)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "EventPopcorn2")]
(link: "Take the snacks")[(set: $popcornChoice to 2)(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "EventPopcorn2")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
{(set: $timedEvents to it + (dm: "EventPopcorn3", $day+(random:4,7)))}<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")(if: $popcornChoice is 1)[Show me the money!](else:)[Show me the snacks!]</font>''</div>
(if: $popcornChoice is 1)["Holy crap. You didn't think with your stomach, even when it's //obviously// so much bigger than your brain!" Donna manages to both deliver this line with a straight face, and make it sound like a newsworthy event.
Paul manages to look smug, as if he expected this outcome all along. "Good choice. I'll settle accounts when the cash actually shows up."
"Yeah, I'll get a response mailed immediately. Hopefully we'll hear back in a few days."
](else:)["Big surprise. Nothing like another chance to make youself even bigger," Donna comments with a little tired sarcasm. She sighs, and puts in a weak chuckle, sounding resigned.
Paul shakes his head. "At least it might put a dent in the food bill for a while". He's quietly leaving the room when he adds "...but not likely".
Donna shakes her head, but seems to perk up after a minute. "I'll get a response mailed immediately. Hopefully we'll hear back in a few days."
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "You'll try to survive the wait.")[(set: $dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display:"Header")(if: $popcornChoice is 1)[Cash Prize](else:)[Not-so-unforseeable consequences]</font>''</div>
(if: $popcornChoice is 1)[Obviously you can't actually meet the courier at the door, but you overheard the commotion as Paul seems to get angry, and Donna tries to sweet-talks the poor delivery boy. It takes a while before he finally accepts Paul's signature on your behalf. Hardly suprising, given the declared value involved.
It was probably still easier than introducing him to the nearly featureless blob in the basement, and explaining that the intended recipient lacks any usable limbs with which to make his mark.
Delivery completed and courier departed, Paul tears into the envelope. It contains another formal letter from their PR department (again encouraging a revival of your blog), and a small stack of crisp bills.
"Looks like they delivered as promised, blobbo. You can have your 10 credits," Paul confirms.(set: $credit += 10)
<div class="roundborder2">You hope he uses the cash on (link: "extra food")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
](else:)[Obviously you can't actually meet the courier at the door, but you overheard the commotion as Paul seems to get angry, and Donna tries to sweet-talks the poor delivery boy. It takes a while before he finally accepts Paul's signature on your behalf. Hardly suprising, given the declared value involved.
...but it was probably still easier than introducing him to the nearly featureless blob in the basement, and explaining that the intended recipient lacked any usable limbs with which to make his mark.
A truck unloads two pallet skids packed with boxes of popcorn and treats. It seems Donna opted to take the "one time equivalent" lifetime option, rather than having the products dispensed over time as intended. There was probably a penalty to that choice, but you're glad she made it. Who knows how much longer you'll be around?
In any case, you have a feeling this convenient horde might have an impact on your daily intake.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "*eating intensifies*")[(set: $dayAdvance to 1)(goto: "NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
{<!-- General filler -->
(set: $flavorText to (either:
"Today's gratuitous body fat estimate: (font:'Courier')[(round:(($weight-200)/$weight)*100)]%",
"Your practical and useful body tissues get to share their home with more than (floor:($weight-175))lbs of fat",
"In the stillness, your stomach gurgles softly.",
"Precisely nothing exciting happened.",
"The newly-hired TV news anchor is kind of cute. (if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You wonder if she would cover a news story about you.](else:)[Too bad she knows you.]",
"(if: EventHandsStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Damn. You knew you forgot something. They're still billing you for that stupid 'clothes of the month' club. It would have been a lot easier to cancel when you could still use your hands.](elseif: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Guess you should let your membership in that 'clothes of the month' club lapse, now that you seldom wear more than a blanket.](else:)[You're glad you kept paying your membership for that suspiciously convenient 'Clothes of the Month' club. They have such an unlikely selection of plus-sizes.]",
"(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[You know that feeling when big, flabby parts of you seem to keep moving, even after you try to stop? Yeah, that's been happening more often.](else:)[You would think that literally becoming your own cushion would guarantee comfort. Not so much.]",
"(if: $weight > 700)[Fun fact: Your blubber could fill (floor:(($weight - 175) / 248)) old-fashioned metal trash bins. Oscar would be proud.](else:)[(if: $location is 1)[With how much time you spend at home, you get the urge to redecorate. Maybe paint the walls or something, if you ever get that ambitious.](else:)[It would sure be nice if the walls were a warmer color. (if: $weight > 2000)[Sweat stains don't count.]]]"
(set: $flavorText to (either:
"Sometimes it seems like foreign impulses brush the edge of your mind. You stop yourself, briefly pausing to wonder why you made another sandwich. Wouldn’t you normally be drinking water, or juice, instead of this can of soda? You aren’t even really hungry… are you? Why are you still chewing?",
"You have moments of odd recollection, as if you’re seeing through different eyes. The effect is disconcerting, but you seem to be quickly getting used to it.",
"Despite taking a shopping list that was no different that unusual, your grocery bill nearly doubled. Hmm.",
"You consider yourself a very grounded and down-to-Earth individual. Your beliefs don’t extend to ghosts, curses, or otherworldly retribution. These things have nothing to do with your decision to cook extra bacon. Again.",
"On a whim, you decided to buy pants a couple sizes larger than usual.",
"You decide to clean your fridge. It’s never been easier – usually there are more leftovers in the way.",
"You just feel //better// with a full stomach.",
"It seems an odd thing to notice, but you’ve been sitting down and using the washroom more often. It's not indigestion -- in fact, you've never experienced such regular and carefree visits.",
"It’s hard to take things //too// seriously while you can still wear the clothes you had on for your birthday. Even if you do gain some weight (and that’s not saying you //will//), it’s not like it’s going to happen all of the sudden.",
"If you’re enjoying your food a bit too much, it’s probably a coincidence. You're just finding some really good food, and you’re totally psyching yourself out."
(set: $flavorText to (either:
"This is heavier than you’ve ever been, even during your chubbiest teenager years",
"Even though your weight is still relatively common and normal, the burden of obesity is already making inroads. Your stamina has suffered. You feel lazier, and awkward as if you’ve recently experienced a growth spurt. In a way, you have.",
"You keep having to stop and (if: $gender is 2)[adjust the way your clothes are sitting on you, owing to the way your belly and hips push, drag, and bunch up the fabric.](else:)[hike up your pants, owing to the way your belly tugs and pushes down your waistband.]",
"You still cling to hope that this extra weight is just a phase. Maybe with a bit more excercise, and a bit more self control...",
"Sometimes you stop and realize you're already far more winded than you should be. You have some decent core strength, but not much in the way of endurance.",
"Some people might already consider you rather obese. Some people are also judgemental, and should mind their own business and go eat some damn cake.",
"The ledge on top of your belly is a magical piece of furniture in its own right, though it would be nice if it could hold a bit more.",
"Your fabric of your shirts always seems to be digging into your armpits. It's almost as if the designers never considered fitment for someone quite as 'front heavy' as yourself.",
"You know dieting isn't easy, but even //thinking// about it makes you feel almost physically ill.",
"You have a craving for nice, fresh, hearty salad. Maybe they can add one as a side for one of your extra value burger combos.",
"From a strictly academic standpoint, it’s remarkable how seamlessly most folks can accommodate a good chunk of extra body fat. The mechanism is built into everybody. It’s the most natural brand of luggage.",
"The little touches of plump softness aren’t entirely unwelcome.",
"You were probably going to put on a few pounds sooner or later. It doesn’t mean anything.",
"That’s right. Nothing out of the ordinary.",
"Well, you aren’t exactly a teenager any more. Your metabolism is probably just slowing down a bit.",
"If you can’t enjoy a good meal once in a while, what //can// you enjoy?"
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"It’s remarkable how the persistent itches always hide in the least accessible places. This is certainly something to look forward if you continue to get bigger.",
"You’ve nearly passed a transition you didn't realize you were waiting for: using normal chairs or benches was agony on your tailbone, but now your fleshy ass is doing a better job of spreading the load.",
"Few would call your wardrobe particulary stylish. Then again, the market isn't exactly flooded with fashionable and affordable clothing for such an... ample figure.",
"You pause for a moment, noting with a certain fascination how much your thighs chafe together.",
"You break the peaceful stillness by taking your considerable mound of chub in both hands, lifting it, and letting it slap against your thighs.",
"You were never much for exhibitionist burping, but there are just so many opportunities…",
"Sedentary lifestyle has been pretty easy to accept, all things considered.",
"It's pretty obvious you're winded more easily than you used to be. Good thing you haven't been persuing a career in the field of... well... anything remotely associated with physical labor.",
"The staff at supermarkets and restaurants, as a rule, aren't very good at hiding the judgemental look that says 'Really? At your size, you think you need any of this?'.",
"Bending over is an invitation for a sudden and intense urge to pee.",
"Your collection of stretch marks is multiplying. You have reservations every time you drag your fingertips across a few more of of the tender widening furrows.",
"There's probably more fat in your body - pound for pound - than anything else worth mentioning.",
"You're not quite sure when it happened, but you realize you'd never consider climbing more than a single flight of stairs at a time.",
"At some point, you had to re-learn what it means when your stomach hurts. Indigestion is always a possibility, but hunger pangs have become the far more common explanation. You’re never far from the temptation to feed that dull ache.",
"If you’re being honest, you don’t feel nearly as young as you did a short time ago. It’s like you’ve gained not only weight, but a couple decades worth of chronic aches, pains and arthritis.",
"There aren’t a lot of chairs you still trust.",
"You’ve been in the apartment long enough that common routines -- like nudging a door closed, navigating a hallway, or opening the fridge -- should be like second nature. Now, it’s like you’re re-learning your body. You’ve been slamming, bumping, and even breaking things far more than usual.",
"You’re really starting to feel… //heavy// with the effects of all this new weight. You need to be more careful at this point, or risk having to take a breather from accidental overexertion.",
"The floor of your apartment has developed an unusual number of squeaks and creaks. This is definitely an issue with the apartment.",
"You make a bit of a loud belch after overstuffing yourself, and think nothing of it until the neighbor’s dog starts barking.",
"You’ve been giving yourself a pep-talk in the mornings. It helps you find the motivation to finally drag your legs off the side of the bed."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"You have a disturbing episode of chest pains and shortness of breath. It lasts a couple of minutes, slowly passes, but leaves you feeling extra tired.",
"A deep and aching fatigue settled in. There’s little chance of getting anything else done today.",
"You keep having to shift in your chair, trying in vain to redistribute the substantial pile of belly flab so it rests comfortably on your lap.",
"You take a few deep breaths, considering the state of your worsening fatigue. It's getting more difficult to concentrate -- these days you find yourself quickly and easily winded after even simple tasks.",
"There's a predictable rhythm to your ponderous waddling stride. You've had to learn how to flow with it, or else tire yourself out plowing your belly with your thighs.",
"You bobble the TV remote control, and make an uncharacteristically athletic lunge for it without thinking. You miss the grab, and overshoot into an awkward stumble that nearly sends you sprawling.",
"Yet another jolt of electric pain shoots up your overburdened back. You do your best to pull your shoulders back and improve your posture, but it's a futile exercise.",
"You can't deny it any longer. You've developed a new overtone to your usual body odor, and it seems to linger regardless of your cleaning regiment.",
"Seems like you're destined to be thick around the middle, somewhere between apple and pear-shaped. Isn't storing fat centrally supposed to be a higher-risk? Well, whatever. It's happening.",
"Coming back from a restroom break, you hesitate a moment before sitting down again, marvelling at how close your large jiggling paunch has come to permanently smothering your crotch.",
"If you accidentally sit where the remote control //is//, you probably won't be able to find it. If you accidentally sit where the remote control //isn't//, you'll probably decide you can do without it for a while. Either way, there is always time for a short rest before tackling the problem.",
"Considering the worst torture devices devised by mankind, your vote is for stairs to go at the top the list.",
"You’ve known all along that carrying extra weight is problematic, but it’s only recently that your hindbrain has stepped in with the first flickering of real anxiety.",
"Nothing you imagined quite prepared you for the eager wobbling mass that clings to you now; steadily becoming part of you. The bulk should easily represent a whole extra person, yet offers no such advantages. No extra control or finesse. No added strength. Only dead weight.",
"Even your favorite sofa is offering an opinion now, supporting you only after voicing an obvious groan of complaint.",
"A over-large bite of burger slowly works its way down your esophagus, creating an urgent pinching sensation under your ribs. You take a cool drink to wash it down, nearly choking at the wave of sharp pain and sudden relief. Remember to chew. Right.",
"'Sucking in your gut' is pretty much a useless exercise. You feel your abdominal muscles clenching, but the mirror reveals little difference, save for a strained look on your face.",
"There’s a new face in your mirror -- the one with pudgy cheeks, wider lines, and a distinctive lack of neck. Supposedly a fat face is one of the hardest things to get rid of with weight loss, but you’re sure when you’re going to get a chance to find out.",
"Take small blessings where you can find them: You feel better than you probably have any right to at this size. Generally speaking, it’s supposed to be far harder and unpleasant -- at least based on the few people you’ve heard about at 500+ lbs.",
"You’ve finally drag yourself out of bed. Eventually. Once you’re damn good and ready."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"For ten of fifteen minutes, you struggle with throbbing chest pain and breathlessness.",
"It's kind of funny how easily a significant reluctance to move has become part of your daily routine.",
"The rhythmic slapping against the fronts of your thighs reminds you of the days when you steadied Randy as he trudged between classes.",
"Sore feet are a constant nuisance these days. It's almost like they haven't automatically adjusted to carrying more than 3 times your 'ideal' weight.",
"You think back a short time, to before this growth spurt. If you had been asked 'can you deadlift 300lbs?', you'd assume there's no possible way. Good thing you'd have been wrong.",
"Took you a couple of tries to get up this morning. Your hips and knees were burning like lava.",
"You know a constant and increasingly-justified fear of simply falling down.",
"It's legitimately easier to rest your belly in the sink when you need to reach the faucet.",
"Well, your knee joints already feel (and //sound//) like they have gravel floating in them. Guess that might be a factor, depending on how much longer you'd like to be capable of walking.",
"Whenever you're standing, you're acutely aware of the unususal tension across various muscles, joints, and even your skin. They're all gamely supporting multiple times the weight they should be, focused on just a few key pressure points. But for how long? It's little wonder it's such a relief to sit and let it all 'spread out'.",
"You never thought about it before, but its kinda sad that the three steps leading up to your apartment leave you winded now.",
"It’s the warm days that really help you appreciate the new skin-on-skin action your body has going on.",
"Dieticians, celebrities, and the media at large all seem to enjoy reporting on which foods are critical for good health, and which ones are likely to kill you. Suffice to say, none of them would approve of what you’re eating -- never mind the amounts. Maybe they’re all mistaken. Or maybe it’s all just happening so fast, your consequences are going to come all at once.",
"(if: $gender is 2)[The sport may be traditionally a male-only thing, but it still amuses you to consider how if](else:)[If] you were more ambitious, athletic, and willing to flaunt yourself in a loincloth, there might be good money in competitive sumo wrestling.",
"(if: $gender is 2)[Wearing a bra is starting to seem like a lost cause. If you could just get used to letting your tits hang out, there](else:)[There] really isn’t much left to cover up in terms of modesty. You’re technically naked, yet reasonably certain you could walk around without exposing anything lewd -- as long as you keep the jumping-jacks to a minimum.",
"Alright, so without even talking about how heavy you are, and what that means for moving around -- the fact remains that parts of your body are getting //in the way//.",
"Admittedly, it might be nice to go back to to a time when you could simply urinate, hassle-free, without taking measures to avoid a messy cleanup.",
"You have an irrational urge to track down and murder whoever came up with the phrase ‘rise and shine’.",
"Every morning includes a period of exaggerated aches, heavy breathing, and half-wakefulness. It’s like each night is a sort of suspended animation, and it’s difficult to revive yourself."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"Given your recent hobby of battling with doorways, there's yet another reason your autobiography could be called 'How I learned cram more through the same sized hole'. But not that reason. Perv.",
"For nearly an hour, you’re left gasping from severe shortness of breath and stabbing pain.",
"Your waddling motion is more pronounced than ever, exacerbated by the ponderous swinging bag of fat thumping against your knees.",
"There's no longer any question of your primary shape becoming 'round', but just enough blubber also seems to be seeping into your thighs and calves that you can imagine they'll be an issue soon enough.",
"//You're a burden on the tribe and its resources. You're a slow and sickly liability. Those predators are definitely going to start with you.// A faint but persistent echo of instinct quietly nags at you, trying desperately to reassert your sense of self-preservation.",
"Occasionally you try to rub the circulation back into your legs, almost constantly plagued by an irritating pins-and-needles sensation.",
"It's hard to believe that at some point, Randy must have accepted that it's //normal// to feel like there's someone sitting on your chest. You haven't quite gotten there yet.",
"Some swelling has settled into your lower extremities, and you're still getting used to the chronic red, sore, puffy legs and feet.",
"You used to be fairly confident about 'wearing' your fat. Lately you've had the notion that you're actually a passenger riding inside it.",
"You decide to try standing without locked knees, and barely hold out for two seconds.",
"Putting on your own socks and shoes is officially on the list of things to 'avoid whenever possible'.",
"Funny how you can get used to things -- like a lengthy list of everyday movements that cause a sudden urge to pee.",
"Mother Nature had reasons for putting huge animals on four legs with flat feet or hooves. You are decidedly ill-eqipped.",
"There could be a connection between the angry-looking bruised welt on one side of your ample gut, and the well-worn corner of your kitchen counter.",
"It's apparently possible to stop caring if you drag an area rug halfway across the room because the stupid thing always gets caught in your cankle.",
"At least //some// of your difficulty getting off the toilet can be blamed on the considerable suction generated when your ass sinks several inches into the porcelain bowl.",
"You're half-listening to a TV documentary: '...while an average person can deadlift in the neighborhood of 300lbs, there are documented cases of hysterical strength, where adrenaline may temporarily grant extraordinary abilities such as lifting a car to save a loved one.'",
"You stifle an involuntary wheeze while twisting awkwardly to fetch another snack from the night stand. Until recently, the convenient nearby ledge has been almost ideal. Your developing physique agrees to disagree.",
"A bit of spry, youthful vigor should stay with you well into your 30s. Gasping a bit as you finally manage to roll onto your other side, you’re forced to admit you’re doing a pretty good job of ensuring that won’t happen.",
"Your walking gait -- the tight little waddling shuffle that still gets you from room to room -- might seem comical, if it wasn’t also becoming more perilous with each passing day. Moving around is a gamble. The consequences could be immediate and savage. The thready pounding in your ears isn’t just because of the exertion.",
"You would like to keep wearing a (if: $gender is 1)[wristwatch](else:)[bracelet], but it keeps getting wedged in the fleshy crease.",
"It's a toss-up between pissing in the bathtub because it’s easier, or avoiding the hassle stepping into it.",
"A significant portion of your day is spent lying down, or eating. Sometimes both.",
"It’s difficult to remember why it’s so important to maintain the usual daily rhythms of day and night."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"Being this fat makes you feel rebellious, in a twisted sort of way.",
"(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[It really has gotten to the point where dragging your fat ass any distance is a gargantuan effort.](else:)[There's a definitely sense of grim finality after 'giving in' to immobility. You wonder if Randy felt this way -- you're frankly surprised he didn't talk much about it. No sense dwelling on it, you suppose.]",
"You're assaulted by waves of unavoidable pins-and-needles numbness in your legs and feet.",
"It's sort of surreal to be closing in on the big '1000'. It seems like there should be some kind of prize -- at least, something beyond the dubious priviledge of being so obscenely fat.",
"Oddly, you don't remember your health class covering the practical everyday issues, like obesity-related incontinence. Now you're learned about it first-hand, from both sides of the equation.",
"(if: EventCantJerkOff of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[You realize with growing concern that it's getting ridiculously difficult to lay a hand (if: $gender is 1)[on your man bits](else:)[near your own sex]. Very shortly, that's going to become more than a mere hygiene concern.](else:)[You find yourself absently digging a hand toward your groin, already forgetting the futility of it. Damn it. That's going to drive you up the wall.]",
"You might be getting fat when one of your (if:$gender is 1)[man-]boobs could represent an impressive-sized belly on someone else.",
"Honestly, you can understand why even the most dedicated fatty would quit before this point. The consequences bear some serious weight. //*rimshot*//",
"It takes a significant force of will to remain calm as the discomforts and restrictions continue to stack up. Much of your time is spent practicing a sort of self-taught meditation.",
"More kids have been nosing around lately. Nothing helps popularity quite like becoming a freakish entry in the school rumor mill.",
"Yes, you //are// sometimes taking a break from eating so that you can catch your breath.",
"While fat is generally soft and pliable, it can cause incapacitating discomfort should your (if: $gender is 1)[junk](else:)[genitals] get pinched in just the //wrong// way.",
"To say you eat a lot is an understatement, but a body this size takes several times the usual amount in maintainance calories alone. Returning to a 'normal' diet would be incredibly harsh, even if you were still interested in such a bizarre idea.",
"You've heard people recommend squatting for easier bowel movements. They probabably didn't have to deal with an epic sack of lard completely filling the space between their knees and face.",
"Given your rapid spiral (if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[toward](else:)[into] immobility, you’re amazed at the amount of unconscious squirming and shifting you still manage. It’s almost like people are meant to stay active. Go figure.",
"Your thighs feel like they’re glued against the mound of belly fat they’re forced to straddle, and you can barely find a moments relief before the sensation distracts you once again.",
"All your flat bits are now round bits, and intent on swallowing your pointy bits.",
"Instinctually, your mind fears the way you’re more burdened, more restricted, and moving steadily closer to becoming trapped entirely. Your thoughts nearly spasm with the irony: you’re afraid of //yourself//, desperately trying to clamp down on the fight-or-flight response triggered by your own swelling body.",
"(if: EventImmobility of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[With each passing day, the simple act of walking more closely resembles an exercise in desperation. After the strain of taking just one labored step, you immediately start sweating.](else:)[When nobody is around, sometimes you shake your body just to feel the way it dances around like Jello.]"
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"It’s been a while since you’ve noted the odd feeling of influence in your head. Even until recently, you would have claimed you were being pushed along -- but now it seems genuine. This is ‘you’. Whether that’s a good thing or not is open to debate.",
"It's sobering to think of how few reported '1000lb' guests appear on the TV shows. It's probably not just because of the moving logistics.",
"Getting to this size has certainly closed a lot of doors for you -- but then, you would probably just get stuck in them anyway.",
"You're playing a delicate balancing act. The pressure on your lungs in frightening, and focusing on the problem only seems to make it worse.",
"Your immense size is leading to an odd sense of physical detachment. You're aware of countless little aches, pinches, and itches - but most of them seem vague and sourceless.",
"Despite already greedily expanding to completely fill the trough between your legs, your belly continues to spread in every direction -- now easily spilling beyond your knees while you're in your typical seated position.",
"In a development that doesn't bode well for your independence, it's a challenge to keep your arms raised for any length of time.",
"(if: EventCantJerkOff of $oneTimeEvents is not 99999)[It's actually surprising that you can still lay a (if: $gender is 2)[finger on your own woman bits](else:)[hand on your own man bits]. Ah... well, you think so, anyways. Right? Uh...*urgh*...*URGH*... ...wait... *URGH*... *wheeze*... Yeah, just barely.](else:)[You find yourself absently digging a hand toward your groin, still sometimes forgetting the futility of it.]",
"Your mounds of flesh sometimes shift without warning, chafing and resettling like continental plates in some kind of bizarre blubbery geology.",
"A few of your deepest, least accessible folds of skin have already begun to fester to an unfortunate degree... and smell bad enough that even you notice. The flesh is too impacted to shift or breathe properly",
"You ever get that feeling that you're... possibly... flirting with some kind of deeply-ingrained biological limit?",
"(if: $gender is 2)[You've entered the the same weight class as some of the fattest women on Earth. There are probably less extreme ways to ensure you have the biggest tits.](else:)[If fetish artwork has taught you anything, it's that the next time you get horny, you'll grow a monstrous hyper-phallus. Any time now...]",
"Shit. For about the millionth time, you stupidly go to do something before reminding yourself that you really //are// immobile. By quite a 'healthy' margin, at this point.",
"You lost the remote control and waited a couple days for new remote control to arrive from Amazon, only to discover you've been direct physical contact with said remote control all along.",
"You reach behind your head and grab the headboard with both hands. It emits a tortured groan as you begin pulling, using it as an unwilling anchor in an attempt to scoot yourself a bit further up the bed. The friction of fabric feels alarmingly coarse on your raw backside, searing with each sloshing jerk of flesh. With a sigh of relief, you find you can finally reach the can of soda on your nightstand.",
"Congratulations on demonstrating a reason for an uninjured, uncrippled (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man to lie down and never walk again.",
"It's a constant battle to suppress the entirely sensible instinct to fight against your self-imposed captivity.",
"You remember thinking things would be more 'gassy' for an enormous bedbound fatass. Not so much. Sure, you have your gassy moments -- as did Randy, for that matter -- but it's pretty much linked to what you're fed.",
"Your stomach has become an inappropriately huge void just begging to be filled. It stands as much chance of shrinking back to normal size as the permanently distended skin around your enormous belly.",
"Seen a few times in ultra-obesity discussions: 'If someone manages to get that fat, it's because they didn't //want// to get up and walk again.' Actually, you still do. Often.",
"From a rational perspective, this almost makes as much sense as getting run over by a steam roller. It's a good thing you still have such solid excuses to fall back on, like that misguided birthday wish, divine intervention, and karmic retribution.",
"It’s hot and miserable. Especially when it’s *actually* hot and miserable. Thank your thick layer of insulation, and the large and perpetually clammy contact patch between you and the mattress.",
"You can’t do much. The options have nearly dwindled to nothing, in terms of moving around, fetching, cleaning, or deciding things for yourself. Even at the best of times, it’s very dehumanizing.",
"Sometimes you work up the gumption to arrange a little “walk” (with carefully arranged assistance, of course), just to try and convince yourself you aren’t beyond help. The effort to remain standing, and the urgency from your joints as you risk a few ponderous, galumphing steps -- it does little to bolster your confidence.",
"You wonder if you could have prepared better; worked out and gotten physically stronger. Maybe with more muscle, the immobility wouldn’t be quite so debilitating. A well-toned frame might still be able to do something under the burden of this much weight."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"With belly fat already reaching as far as your ankles, the pins-and-needles sensation from your smothered legs seems unlikely to improve.",
"You remember that during the last few times you leaned over the side of the bed and your belly hung to the floor, the sensation of fat sagging against your feet was rather odd and disconcerting. That feeling is rather more alarming now that you're lying down.",
"It's not like you can see them anymore, but... it's probably shouldn't be this difficult to wiggle your feet.",
"Your tried unassisted breathing again for a few moments today. The results are in: //not an option//.",
"It's hard to review your memories of Randy and objectively compare his size and weight to your own. The perspective is something entirely different -- on the inside looking out. Feeling it all this way is rough, of course, but you're still convinced that so far you've been better off physically.",
"You've got to admit, record-setting obesity is tough on the system. You don't feel so hot most days.",
"Momentarily confused, you realize you blacked out for a moment... after a truly decisive battle trying to force out a stubborn fart. You think it won.",
"It's hard not to feel a bit like you're floating. When you get the notion to challenge your unmovable bulk, there's nothing solid to act upon. Only a rubbery mass that just yields to your strength without giving anything back.",
"You struggle for a moment simply to scratch an itch on your nose. The flab on the inside of your arm bunches up and flows out the sides.",
"The effort it takes to simply bring your hands together is getting a little ridiculous. The act resembles an odd sort of breast-mashing solo bear-hug. It's a shame, really. You had plans to attend all sorts of theatre, live bands, and political rallies that would demand standing ovations. Now neither one of those concepts remains a viable option.",
"Your lower body is nearly consumed in lard, and the still-expanding bulk forces your legs apart in a brutal mockery of gymnastic splits. Your hips are in constant agony, aching with tension you're absolutely incapable of relieving.",
"There's an unexpected tickle from the base of your smothered (either:'left','right') leg just before a rumbling pocket of gas escapes.",
"You don't think it's possible to die of sexual tension, but some days you begin to wonder.",
"Even considering some sort of elaborate laboratory assistance, you've pretty much ejected yourself from the gene pool.",
"Rags on sticks are impractical. 2/5 stars. Would not recommend.",
"You feel a weird vague pop and odd burning sensation while trying to shift your bloated form. You've reached the point when it's actually a relief to find out it's //only// because you've shit yourself.",
"This slow and crippling transformation has made you a prisoner in your own body. Worse yet, while you remain yourself, others seldom see anything but a monster.",
"You didn't think Paul ever grew a sense of humor, but someone seems thinks it's funny to keep leaving cocktail umbrellas stuck between you toes while you sleep. (if: EventFeetSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Good fun. Hilarious. But it's becoming a real struggle to knock the damn things loose.]",
"You're probably not going to see much return on the old age security payments that came off your paychecks. Cheerful thought.",
"Every once in a while, it strikes you how much you would appreciate the chance to walk again.",
"A person with ‘passion for their hobby’ might spend years building a custom 2000-horsepower hotrod that’s pretty much undrivable, worth a fraction of the cost in resale, and likely as not to catch fire. Oddly enough, //their// fixation is socially acceptable.",
"There’s one particular feeling that still catches you off guard -- a persistent all-encompassing itch and ache. It makes more sense when you consider how much of your skin is in a constant cycle of stretching and re-healing.",
"You’ve become a semi-knowledgeable authority on the subjects of moisture and friction. Little wonder, when nearly your entire range of motion requires some measure of skin-to-skin rubbing.",
"You tense up in panic, trying to hold your bladder a little longer and resist involuntary urination. It’s a well-ingrained and perfectly rational habit, and you still forget sometimes -- even now. Bedpan. Right. When realization hits, and you finally remember it doesn’t matter… its like waking up and remembering it’s the weekend.",
"It’s been a long time since you saw the inside of a grocery store, considering your dependency on their stock. You try to imagine what it would take, to run such an errand yourself again. It’s easy to forget how much hassle you’re avoiding, and how much freedom you’ve already given up.",
"Maybe with enough time and some continuing gains, you can smother your libido along with everything else.",
"A few strong and obvious odors tend to linger in the room, proportional to your growing mass. That in itself is no real mystery -- but how //the hell// is it possible you’re still picking up the unique of your own smelly feet? They don’t even have to //do// anything!",
"Part of the fun with such advanced immobility is coming to realize that no matter what comes your way, you’ll have a front-row seat. It’s not a matter of time or preparation -- you simply cannot escape. Granted, this has a few dark connotations. For instance: all a working fire alarm does is ensure there’s a loud beeping noise during your final moments.",
"No matter how strong, or muscular, or athletic you might have been -- this is probably about the largest you could have gotten without being pinned to your bed regardless. Good to know you didn’t stand to 'gain' much even with more preparation.",
"You’re beginning to differentiate between different sorts of 'swollen' feelings, and can tell that today you’re retaining more water than usual.",
"It’s getting troublesome to even pull off even a modestly vigorous shake of your body, but when you do, it takes nearly a dozen seconds to settle completely. You’re forced to rest and cool down, basking in tingling heat not entirely explained by the effort of the workout.",
"Even just struggling in place gives some odd muscle groups a workout.",
"You have no illusions that you could have stayed mobile this long, given any practical amount of training or additional muscle mass."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"The regulating pathways of digestion – all the various muscles and sphincters – are probably still doing their job. You just can’t remember the last time you had any say in when or how much.",
"It seems like you're not going to have pudgy fingers. Not many fat cells there, apparently. With the massive sagging rolls of your upper arms already planning new additions on your forearms, you get the feeling your not-pudgy fingers aren’t going to help you in the long run anyway.",
"Parts of your buttocks, legs, and back might as well be welded to the bed. It’s probably not conducive to your long-term health that you can’t really prove otherwise. Not without considerable assistance.",
"You body craves freedom, unconsciously trying in vain to preserve any final vanishing traces of mobility. A mysterious chill runs down your smothered back. You’re not sure how to prepare for the long-term effects. You’re not sure anybody truly //can//.",
"Paul (if: $donna is 1)[and Donna] thought it would be clever to set up a simple shrine in the room. It prominently features the last pair of shoes you wore -- just some pathetic off-brand sneakers -- along with a cheap vase, a sprig of fake flowers, and a couple of battery-operated flickering tea light candles. You know it was meant to be lighthearted, but you actually shed a tear or two.",
"It’s unsettling to think about how a person considered ‘dangerously fat’ is only a third your current size. It’s little wonder those walls are starting to feel awfully close.",
"You become aware of a rather impressive release of gas from your colon, and brace for the worst. In a process that can take several minutes, your own fleshy blanket has a knack for holding and concentrating the fumes, making every fart into a potentially weapons-grade dutch oven.",
"You're getting ridiculously close to the supposedly fictional 'blob-like' stereotype.",
"There's something a little bizarre about having your lower body practically submerged. Some of the things down there were nice to have around.",
"(if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Nope... still no chance of freeing your toes from their tomb of fat. That just feels //weird//.](else:)[It's all you can do to force your toes out for a kiss of cool air before they disappear again.]",
"You're startled by a little squeak of gas from your rank arm cavity. Turns out they aren't as loud and rumbly as the ones from around your legs.",
"The puckering bracelets of fat around your wrists are growing tighter, threatening to take even that small freedom away from you.",
"Regardless of what you might think about being this size, it's brutally obvious that your body is suffering some rather serious consequences.",
"You find your eyes are getting sore from straining the limits of your peripheral vision. Your lard-clotted neck can't swivel your head like it used to.",
"You have to finally admit that you've gone beyond any hope of backpedaling now. This craziness has truly cascaded out of control.",
"Now that your stomach has stretched this much, it's actually a //challenge// to get yourself reasonably full. You even notice pressure on your //other// organs before you even come close.",
"Fat people are normal people who are fat. Blobs are fat people who are absolutely screwed.",
"Apparently a general feeling of severe constipation can radiate from parts of your body that should have nothing to do with your digestive system.",
"It might prove awkward while making discrete enquiries regarding the potential disposal of such a large corpse.",
"It's probably a good thing this floor is poured concrete.",
"There’s something rather alarming about the notion that your legs -- the biggest, strongest, and generally useful muscles you get to work with –(if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[have been](else:)[are soon to be] rendered irrelevant. Given time, they’ll wither and atrophy; out of sight, but definitely not out of mind. ",
"(if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Paul, in a moment of unusual concern, agrees to dig for your feet to try and trim your toenails. You squirm and push, trying to keep them easier to reach, but still hear him mutter under his breath: 'Jesus Christ. The damn things must be over (floor:((($weight-(EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents))/100)+8)) inches deep.'](else:)[Paul, in a moment of unusual concern, agrees to trim your toenails. You get to hear his commentary about the way they barely poke beyond the flesh surrounding your nearly-swallowed feet.]",
"You imagine a crew making a hole in the roof to haul you out with a sky-crane helicopter. But the lines break. And you fall 50ft to smash into the yard like an overripe melon. With gawkers caught beneath. Including your uncle. You stifle a sadistic giggle.",
"You try to bring your hands together, fighting the building resistance until you're left sweating with your finger tips a few inches apart.",
"Even if you could lose HALF this weight, you'd likely still be pinned to your bed.",
"Of all the silly things you'll miss the most, number one is being able to hold a regular goddamn book. Setting up stupid tablets and phones in front of your face is just too much trouble when all you want to do is read something and turn the pages. Your options for hobbies and recreation are dwindling, and it grates on you how perhaps the most //basic// option is nearly beyond you.",
"Nearly half your bed sheets were bunched up and packed into your rolls… again… despite no recollection of how you could possibly achieve that result. At least the fabric wicks away moisture.",
"You wake up to find you’re hot and puffing, drenched in sweat – and somehow oriented a little askew on the bed. You’re still “sitting” of course, propped up and anchored by your enormous ass, but some of your (either: “left”, “right”) leg has ventured slightly off the edge of the mattress. Neat. You had given up on managing so much without assistance.",
"More and more, you wish you could get some of your personal space back. Even though it’s personally filled. With your person.",
"At the extreme threshold of your vision, you puzzle over what appears to be a trail of tiny moving grains on the floor. With your (lack of) flexibility, and the awkward distance, you can’t quite confirm what they are, but you have suspicions. You’re plagued by the damndest ticklish sensation for the rest of the day.",
"You gently gyrate your hips, slowly enticing your entire mass into a regular sloshing with a surprising economy of movement. Eventually you tire and slow down. There’s no urge, or release, or climax. It’s not the least bit useful, but still it satisfies something you can’t quite describe.",
"Mind over matter. With sheer force of will, you can master this. Oh, wait. Sorry. Turns out that’s //all utter bullshit//.",
"Whether it involves a quick rinse with buckets, or weird dry shampoo, nothing seems to keep your hair clean for more than a few hours.",
"Your cell phone hardly ever seems to be charged up and within reach any more. The headsets you’ve tried seem to break constantly. It’s like your “condition” is great for breaking down good communication.",
"It would be one thing if whenever you tried (and failed) to move, you simply found it too difficult and gave up. Instead, it //hurts// in an odd, not-quite-aching way that defies description. It’s kind of like part-hangover, part-burning lungs after a foot race, part-trying to urinate in the bitter cold. Your body seems to have invented a new brand of “stupid-obese” discomfort.",
"It’s probably a minor miracle that even after becoming swaddled in so much lard, by and large, your organs and vitals aren’t all going haywire. Most of your problems seem to be the purely physical ones -- like breathing, or pumping enough blood.",
"The problems associated with being this size go beyond simply tolerating the moment-to-moment burden. You could almost //enjoy// this, if that was all it required.",
"It’s easier to think in the short term, but you know it’s only a matter of time before some of your already inaccessible crevasses will come back to haunt you."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"You still think you’re lying down, but people keep telling you you’re sitting up. Asstastic.",
"The phrase “from head to toe” doesn’t work quite as well as it used to. Sure, those endpoints should work for anyone, but you’ve gone and ruined a perfectly good turn of phrase.",
"You have to imagine that being further swaddled by a literal mountain of extraneous flesh can only complicate future medical procedures.",
"You have to be like this. All day. Good luck.",
"Holy crap. You though 1000lbs was a bit crazy. This doesn't even seem real any more.",
"You experience a moment of severe spatial disorientation. In the middle of a rattling series of coughs, you feel a kiss from the walls in three directions at once.",
"No question. You're a blob, plain and simple.",
"Every day is frankly a bit of a surprise -- for the simple fact that you woke up again.",
"Much of the feedback you still get from your body has been reduced to little false tingles from nerves forced beyond agony into perpetual numbness.",
"Beneath your facade of blubber is a tormented (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man -- forced into a spread-eagle position, enduring the flaring pain as (if: $gender is 2)[her](else:)[his] joints are drawn ever further beyond their limits.",
"You've started to realize you can't really feel your feet at all. Not even a little. There's only a general ache radiating from the surrounding area -- as if your inaccesible toenails are still causing grief.",
"(if: EventHandsStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You miss a lot of things. Today, you spent a lot of time missing access to your hands.](else:)[A persistent pressure builds from around your forearms, forcing swollen bags of fat to creep beyond your wrists. The expanding ring of lard is already snug against both your palms, and threatens soon to swallow down your hands.]",
"(if: EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[The mouth of the tunnel is still narrowing, or perhaps it's more that you're retreating even deeper inside.](else:)[You pant against the considerable mass hugging your face and rising steadily above your swollen cheeks, as it steadily consumes a greater portion of your face. Your view is becoming eerily similar to a cave mouth or tunnel opening.]",
"(if: EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Everything sounds like it's underwater. You try in vain to tilt your head, hoping to bring an ear above the tide of fat and enjoy a few more precious moments of unmuffled sound.](else:)[You wiggle your head every so often, trying to keep your mouth and ears mostly clear of the stubborn moat of fat.]",
"With senses dulled by something like a ton of insulating fat, you risk completely losing touch with the outside world.",
"Weighing as much as a compact automobile, but without any of the structure needed to lift, anchor, or manipulate that weight, is an experience that has little to recommend it.",
"Your 'stay-vacation' isn't really working out. Is there a cruise ship somewhere that needs corrective ballast?",
"You get the impression that your fat has further tightened its strangle-hold -- like it's running out of places to accumulate, and can't spread any more quickly than it already has.",
"You know those movies where the good guy dives into the mouth of an enormous beast, and tries to cut their way out? Well, that monster died, your knife is worn to a nub, and all you’ve got is a rubbery hole to poke your head out.",
"Nobody is even trying to trim your toenails anymore, but the sharp and omnious jabbing sensation strongly suggests they're still growing. Yipee, a new source of infection.",
"Paul thoughtfully climbed up to show you a few smartphone pictures. You feel a little shiver as you imagine you're seeing a depiction of Randy's continued growth. It's staggering to see your gartantuan self from the outside, and can't help but notice some of the disturbing sites of deformity, necrosis and decay.",
"The brain makes some really strange conclusions when the majority of your sensory feedback is either missing, coming from the wrong location, or easier to simply dismiss as impossible.",
"You haven't seen an outside view of yourself for a while, but it must be getting really tough to make the distinction between the stretch marks and anything else.",
"A person can only spend so much time struggling, complaining, or otherwise trying to express the living horror of this situation. It’s too slow. It’s too long-term. When every moment is torment, you learn to scream silently.",
"It’s frightening -- the realization that your fat is overwhelming the most fundamental structural elements of your body. You shudder with flashes of sympathetic agony as more joints, ligaments and even //bones themselves// are strained to their limits. Too often lately, well beyond them. You suspect even if all the weight magically disappeared, you’d be too crippled to walk.",
"You had hoped Paul could get you some sort of electronic display. Then again, (if: EventFaceBuried of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[something like that would have to fit (and survive) inside your dank, cramped, puckered neckhole.](else:)[it's difficult to keep anything postioned properly with your face and neck in a bitter battle for dominance.]",
"Every sponge bath brings with it new and exciting form of peril. Any excess water funnels toward your face, and even though (if: $donna is 1)[Donna](else:)[Paul] has learned to take special care, there have already been close calls. You've been forced to choke and swallow down soapy water that has nowhere else to go. (if: $ventilator is 1)[Luckily, your ventilator seals well enough to serve as an impromptu scuba device, but you still](else:)[You] risk drowning in the moat formed by your own fat.",
"You have some sense of finances, and you know there has to be a net loss somewhere. You’ve allowed Paul access to your accounts. He’s been making use of your assets, but you wonder how long could they could possible last? He dismisses the issue whenever you try to bring it up.",
"When you consider it, you realize that you still don’t really feel trapped or smothered -- even if you probably should. A stubborn part of your brain clings to the fact that you aren’t just a thin man trapped in a blobby body; this thing is you -- //all// of it.",
"There’s a temptation to start calling friends and family; to let the cat out of the bag. You know you should; that something has obviously gone horribly wrong, and you should beg for their help and forgiveness. You’re not sure you could handle the explanations, or the judgement. Neither can you imagine undergoing gruelling rehabilitation, forcibly leeching away whatever joy you have left, for a slim chance at a broken existence.",
"The signals from the extreme boundaries of your expanding body have to phone your brain “long distance”. Your nervous system is stretched thin, managing only barely to tie together coverage for such an exaggerated area.",
"Functionally speaking, you’re not sure how long it’s been since you flexed your knees. They’re constantly on the verge of locked straightness, and it’s difficult to find enough strength or leverage to do anything about it.",
"Is this nice? Is //any part// of this enticing? Does something about this trainwreck of a your body -- or the mockery of //life// remaining to you -- kindle forbidden hope or desire?",
"It’s sort of odd to consider how irrelevant the 'height' entry on your driver’s license is now. You probably have cross-sections of //fat// in a few places that are even thicker...",
"Somewhere beneath all of this, you’re doing the splits better than you might have ever believed possible. Too bad it’s kind of hard for anyone to appreciate.",
"Oh… //oh, God//… this isn’t right.",
"If you knew anybody else who was surviving at over 2000lbs, you would be tempted to send your condolences. It’s not the sort of thing that needs congratulations."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (either:
"You try not to imagine what a bout of severe nausea would mean for you. Vomiting with your face pitched upward, enclosed, and lacking any obvious drainage path except for swallowing – well, it seems like an especially terrible idea. It’s a good thing your gag reflex is all but gone.",
"You have the most bizarre mental image of yourself, crushed from within and without. You continue to grow, but the walls of the room are stubbornly pushing back.",
"You think you catch a muffled snippet of conversation -- something Paul is saying, about 'staining his nice clean walls'.",
"You hear only the gurgles and creaks of your own body, the rhythmic hiss of oxygen, and your rapid, thready pulse rushing in your ears.",
"You're consumed in total darkness, blinded by the musty roll of flesh that now rests on top of your face.",
"It's difficult to shake the rather depressing notion that - at this point - you're pretty much just waiting to die.",
"You try to remember how long the characters in prison movies usually spend in solitary before going crazy.",
"You have to admit, it would be //really// interesting to see another picture of yourself from the outside. Or... you know... anything.",
"Hurray. Another day of highly unlikely survival.",
"Maybe once the fat completely backfills over your head, and you get suffocated properly, the claustrophobic feeling will finally fade.",
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! *gasp* AAAaaahh... hmm?
Oh, right... this is my life.",
"You've been having this incredibly vivid dream. You're the victim of a curse, fattened you beyond immobility by a mischievious dragon, forced to live as a helpless, featureless ball of lard. Try as you might, you can't wake up.",
"Every so often, you think you feel a rhythmic slapping from an unfocused source. You suddenly pick out 'shave and a haircut', but find yourself utterly powerless to yell, slap, wiggle, or even fart the expected 'two bits'.",
"You hear an oddly hollow slapping sound, and realized some indeterminate part of you skin is being slapped like a drum. It might even be a message -- you suddenly recognize the iconic 'S-O-S' in Morse code. It might have been useful, in retrospect, if you had learned anything else in that code.",
"You're wracked with a violent coughing fit, and absently wonder if anybody else would even notice your distress. You don't feel any lingering movement any more. No jiggling. No sloshing. The sum of your muscle strength is simply too insignificant against your mass.",
"Fun fact: ONE of your arms now weighs more than your entire body did (floor: $day/30) months ago.",
"It's possible that concerns about literally exploding may be well-founded.",
"You remember days when your insulating layer of fat helped keep the chill at bay, and kept you from freezing in the middle of the night. That same perk has become a living Hell, and you're forced to endure it -- greatful for a frigid night to help ease your stifling oven of flesh.",
"You’ve had too much time alone with your thoughts, dreaming of ways to escape with your life. In a moment of poorly suppressed panic, you start believing that brute-force surgical removal is a great option. Too much unnecessary flesh? //Be free of it all at once.// Shed your skin. Deglove the (if: $gender is 2)[wo]man hidden within, and emerge new and reborn like some kind of alien parasite.",
"It was easy to forget you’re still technically “trapped” in your room. The fact seems a little redundant, given how your extremities remain submerged and unusable, withdrawing even farther into your absurd body. A new sensation squeezes the limits of your swollen perimeter, serving as a ominous reminder: the original problem didn’t go away. You’re kissing the walls, which is as frightening as it is ridiculous. You crave a chance to spend your final days spreading upon the backyard, crushing the grass and tasting fresh air one more time.",
"Calling your situation 'desperate' seems like a criminal understatement."
))}{(set: $flavorText to (a:
"Hopefully in a turn or two, the endgame will trigger like its supposed to"
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Clear data in save slot (if: $deleteSlot is "A")[1](elseif: $deleteSlot is "B")[2](elseif: $deleteSlot is "C")[3](elseif: $deleteSlot is "D")[4](elseif: $deleteSlot is "E")[5](elseif: $deleteSlot is "F")[6](elseif: $deleteSlot is "G")[7](elseif: $deleteSlot is "H")[8]?</div>''
The game data **((print:(saved-games:)'s $deleteSlot))** will be permanently deleted!
**Are you sure?**
<div class="roundborder2"><div class="button2">(link: "Yes, do it.")[(print: "<script>deleteSaveSlot('" + $deleteSlot + "');</script>")(goto: "SaveGame")]</div> <div class="button2">(link:"NO!")[(goto:"SaveGame")]</div></div>
</span>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[(display: "StatusBox")](else:)[<span id="box">Waiting for game data...
<span id="footerLabel">Powered by (link-repeat: "Twine 2.0")[(open-url: "http://twinery.org")]
(link-repeat: "Author Homepage")[(open-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")]</span>]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Overwrite save slot (if: $deleteSlot is "A")[1](elseif: $deleteSlot is "B")[2](elseif: $deleteSlot is "C")[3](elseif: $deleteSlot is "D")[4](elseif: $deleteSlot is "E")[5](elseif: $deleteSlot is "F")[6](elseif: $deleteSlot is "G")[7](elseif: $deleteSlot is "H")[8]?</div>''
Replacing game data **((print:(saved-games:)'s $deleteSlot))**
with the current game: **(print: "(Day " + (text:($day)) + ", " + (text:(floor:$weight)) + "lbs)")**
**Are you sure?**
<div class="roundborder2"><div class="button2">(link: "Yes, do it.")[(goto: "ReplaceStep2")]</div> <div class="button2">(link:"NO!")[(goto:"SaveGame")]</div></div>
</span>(if: $loadOnly is 0)[(display: "StatusBox")](else:)[<span id="box">Waiting for game data...
<span id="footerLabel">Powered by (link-repeat: "Twine 2.0")[(open-url: "http://twinery.org")]
(link-repeat: "Author Homepage")[(open-url: "http://gaining.servegame.com")]</span>]{(set: Angina of $generalFirstTime to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Chest pains...</div>''
It's not going away this time, as it has so many times before. A firm and ominously painful grip throttles your chest, separate from the steady and inescapable weight of your flab. You're pretty sure it's angina -- a clear signal that your heart muscle is starved for oxygen.
There no need to over-complicated the matter. It hurts. As much as you wish it would pass on its own, you doubt it will. You think you can learn to ignore it, but you know that it's a warning that you ignore at your peril.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Continue")[(set:$advanceDay to 0)(goto:"NormalDay")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<div class='roundborder4'>**Gender Option**</div>
<div class='intro'>**A quick //personal// question:**
In terms of plumbing and conversational pronouns, you identify as a...
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Man")[(set: $gender to 1)(if: ((history:)'s last is "Disclaimer"))[(goto: "Intro")](else:)[(goto: "NormalDay")]]
(link: "Woman")[(set: $gender to 2)(if: ((history:)'s last is "Disclaimer"))[(goto: "Intro")](else:)[(goto: "NormalDay")]]</div>
//Note: This is only a matter of preference. There are no advantages or penalties in terms of gameplay. A couple of scenes are written differently, but otherwise you won't be missing out on anything. Gender selection was introduced after initial release and may have broken some dialogue. Please report any inconsistencies.//
</div>{<!-- feminine alternator for "pinched junk" passage -->}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Hipster...</div>''
You grimace in pain at a sudden violent and uncontrolled spasm. You don't think you triggered it -- you barely even moved. You barely //can// move, so that much should be a given. (if: EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You're been mindful of the vague tension that has been escalating since the final burial of your feet and legs. Aside from that, all you've really known is an ](else:)[Nothing is much different from any previous day, save for the ]incremental tide of expansion, almost perfectly camouflaged by your already considerable girth. Estimating new gains is getting to be a real ‘forest for the trees’ situation.
You try in vain to relax. The episode seems to be feeding upon that pent-up of tension in the depths of your massive lower body. The pressure has been building for many weeks, and while you might find it a perversely familiar comfort, your body disagrees with a vengeance. You //feel// more than hear the frightening sensation –- //‘Crk..crk...crunch-SNAP!’// Did your left leg just shift a couple inches in the wrong direction? For a brief moment, you feel nothing further. There's a ghostly absense of feedback. Maybe part of the bed is collapsed again? You start to relax, preparing to dismiss the whole thing.
It’s about that point that you start **//screaming//**.
Several seconds pass before you manage to form another coherent thought. Are you dying? Did something rupture? Are you bleeding?
Your heart palpitates wildly. The pain seems inescapable. Gut-twisting, radiating, vomit-inducing. Merciless and unending… You’re beyond speaking. Something has to stop it. Something has to make it end.
(if: $donna is 1)[Donna is the first to arrive, distraught by your continuous howling. She asks you questions you don't really hear, and fails to get any meaningful reply. She helplessly checks the medical equipment, but is otherwise at a loss for how to proceed. ]Paul strolls in (if: $donna is 1)[shortly after ]with a deliberate and purposeful stride, seemingly calm despite the way you’re squealing like a stuck pig. Even if you wanted to, you can’t spare the breath to explain yourself. The scale and intensity of the pain are beyond your ken -- but between breaths, in a flicker of lucidity, it occurs to you that the "snap" was oddly... structural. You share a panicked glance with Paul, and miraculously, after a moment, he purses his lips and nods as if in understanding.
“We need to get you rolled over.” Paul calmly declares, as if that should be obvious.
The prospect of rolling over -- under //any// circumstances, let alone with this incredible pain -- seems more than a little daunting. Your thighs, torso, and belly have practically congealed into a single immovable mass. Those parts have been fighting for the same prime body real estate. Usually they work things out, begrudgingly shifting and swelling to accommodate your new mass...
//...or else the unrelenting pressure might pop your hip joint like a champagne cork.//
(if: $bariatricSling is 1)[While you’re bemoaning how exceptionally screwed you are, Paul has already finished positioning the bariatric sling. (if:$donna is 1)[Donna follows a few of his instructions, jumping to secure lines and help shift sections of tarp. You feel a set of strong hands planted against your side, pushing with surprising force.]
“Roll, damn you! Onto your right side!” comes Pauls barked command.
Some part of your mind still works well enough to act on the directive. Your struggling seems to do nothing but exacerbate your unbearable pain. One leg in particular seems even more useless than expected. Your pathetic contribution hardly seems relevant... but perhaps that isn't the point. Maybe it's just about having something else to focus on.
Paul seems to find enough control and precision to slowly shimmy and drag your bulk //in place//, rather than sending you spilling off the bed. The crane and boom both labor against the load. The tarp threatens to tear. (if:$donna is 1)[Donna runs around to shout feedback on the progress, occasionally pushing or pulling both flesh and tarp alike.] You’re only vaguely conscious and aware of your hulking mass gradually shifting and climbing over itself, representing a bigger manipulation than you’ve experienced in months. Rather to your surprise, your "bad" leg and hip end up on the bottom. Your objections are cut off as the bitter sandwich of agony and searing numbness force fresh tears from your eyes. As you finally settle mostly onto your side, the cleft of your gargantuan ass is revealed in all its shit-encrusted glory. If not for the still-unbearable pain, you might find time to be ashamed, concerned for your injured leg, and alarmed at how position has almost completely cut off your breathing. As it is, you barely stay conscious, spasming and defecating without any semblance of control.
Paul jogs out of the room for a moment, and returns with a couple of reinforced medical-grade tubes with unpleasant tapered-looking invasive fittings. “There’s no way you’re sitting back down before (if: $donna is 1)[we’ve](else:)[I’ve] gotten these installed”, he says.
(if: $donna is 1)[Donna goes to work alongside him, unapologetically stirring up the mire. Apparently mindful of your immediate distress, she seems to be sweeping the hidden depths of your engorged groin, searching for ingress.](else:)[He efficiently goes to work, prodding and stirring up the mire. Apparently satisfied that you’re not dying, he actually completes the insertion of rectal catheter before focusing on the hunt for your smothered genitals.] You think you do a pretty good job of tolerating the invasive probing, punctuated by a couple of extremely pointed insertions.
(if: $donna is 1)[“Hey! I think that’s got it.”](else:)[“That seems like it might have done it.”] You're glad someone seems pleased, because you just feel sore and violated. You barely hear what Paul says as he finally gets back around to resolving your original painful issue. The fire in your dislocated hip has barely faded into a tolerable but traumatic endorphin-laced numbness.
(if: $donna is 1)[Paul exchanges a few words with Donna, and her eyes widen in shock. You don't quite catch her argument, but she seems to relent and stand back. ]Paul climbs on top of a chair, considers his position, and actually takes a couple of steps across to a sturdy book-case to gain more height. He trains his attention on the foot of your good leg, pulled dramatically upright by the tightly-drawn edge of the sling tarp. (if: $donna is 1)[Donna comes around to the same side, and hangs her entire weight on that leg. You wince as movement seems to strain... something.] Without warning, Paul launches and fucking //drop kicks// that same leg with all his might. For your part, you barely register another sickening //crunch// before blacking out.](else:)[“But clearly, getting you turned isn’t even a remote possibility. You’re already much too huge for that. Maybe with the help of… well… //anything//… Hmm. Shit. Probably should have seen this coming.“
You writhe in agony, wasting your strength, unable to believe this is happening. A different, but hardly complimentary pain blooms in your chest.
“Just... try to relax. I’ve got some lumber in the garage. Maybe I can slap together some kind of jack and levering rig. I’ll just be a few…”
A thready pounding builds in your head, washing over his last few words until you don’t hear him at all. Your vision begins to fade, suddenly resolving into a sharp flash of crimson. A new spasm wracks your body. You imagine a searing harpoon blasting upward through your groin, and emerging from your chest in a fierce and dramatic flourish of flames.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Blissful darkness follows.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(set: $endReason to "DislocatedHip")(goto: "EndMedical")]</div>]
(if: $bariatricSling is 1)[You begin to wake again as Paul finishes manipulating the controls to unceremoniously flop you onto your back again. He grabs something from a nearby shelf, and you nearly choke on the handful of pain killers he tosses into your mouth.
"You're probably upset and confused -- so I'll explain myself before the fog of drugs takes you back under. Your hip would have just popped out again, even if (if:$donna is 1)[Donna and ]I figured out a way to properly re-set it. At least this way, with matched pair, you won't have to go through any of this again.
Part of you wants to scream. Your goddamn legs! He intentionally crippled you! Didn't he?
You suppose your range of motion won't be changing all that much. How much could you still rely your hips, really? Even during the most desperate bid to shift your lower body... well, they haven't been much help lately.
Maybe you can rationalize what has happened. Maybe you can even forgive Paul -- but you still feel like you've been in a car wreck. The drugs finally begin to take the edge off the raw searing pins-and-needles inflammation around your hips. Once you convince (if: $donna is 1)[Paul and Donna](else:)[Paul] that you're stable, you ask to be alone for a moment. You simply lie there a while, breathing and trying to recover your wits, nearly chilled beneath the glistening sheen of sweat. You usual body odor blends with the musky note of terror that still hangs heavily in the air. Sure, you still hurt, but it’s the pure, genuine ache of trauma and exhaustion. It’s seems you’ll be able to survive… for now.
<div class="message5">Your exhaustion is so deep that it will linger for days.</div>{(if: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions is 99999)[(set: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions to (random: 3,5))](else:)[(set: Exhaustion of $generalAfflictions += 3)]}
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "A thing like this almost makes you lose your appetite.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto: "Control")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Well, this is a little inconvenient...</div>''
Someone is standing on your throat. You know this should bother you, but your throughts just keep drifting along with fuzzy detachment. Your room seems nicer than you remembered -- all soft lines and bright prismatic halos. The nagging pressure doesn't seem particularly threatening. "Don't worry", a cloud whispers, "it's just more softness. Rest for now." The cloud makes a compelling argument. Sleep //is// pretty nice. Why not ignore what barely registers as a background discomfort? It's no worse than a reasonably strong urge to empty your bladder.
That subconscious comparison is probably what finally allows you to rouse yourself.
You snort awake, noting that you //do// need to use the restroom -- but not before making a rather more troubling discovery:
You were drowsing on your sofa, feet elevated, with your upper body nearly draped off the edge. It takes a deliberate grunting twist and sitting up partway before you can roll your substantial bosom away from your neck.
You're breathing with exaggerated concentration, mindful of a dull ache in your diaphragm. Things //still// seem a bit fuzzy. As your mind finally begins to check in, a belated shudder of fear sends goose-pimples standing up across your sweat-chilled chest. Your boobs just tried to kill you.
You'll have to take extra care when choosing your rest position.
''Your breasts are potentially hazardous''.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Well, crap.")[(set:$dayAdvance to 0)(goto:"Control")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
(if: not (save-game:$deleteSlot, "Day " + (text:$day) + ", " + (text:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(alert: "ERROR - could not write!")
(goto: "SaveGame")
(set: $flavorText to (either:
"Even in this town, you can still find quite a few people who rival your plumpness -- but those people have had considerably more time to get use to it.",
"This is already a considerable bit of a extra padding for such a short time. The weight already defines a certain awkwardness in your motion.",
"Prejudice and ridicule are becoming more noticable. You've firmly entered the realm of the established gourmand -- where others automatically assume you carry extra weight by choice or neglect, and respond accordingly.",
"It getting harder to keep telling yourself this extra weight is just a phase.",
"There are times when you're lounging, or sitting at the computer, when you really do feel like a lazy lump.",
"You poke your belly again, marvelling at the first real signs that, given enough time, parts of your body are going to become truly swollen and inconvenient.",
"You're pretty sure the clerk at the grocery store gave you a weird look.",
"Maybe you should get a dog? As an excuse to burn more calories? They're //so// much work though. Maybe a cat.",
"Some people consider you rather obese. By the textbook definition, they might have a point. You're a bit ashamed, and a bit nervous, and more than a little tempted to film their reactions when they see you again when -- sorry.. //IF// -- you're even bigger.",
"You might be allergic to dieting. Maybe that\\'s it.",
"You stare at your empty plate, and stop for a moment to really consider: was that //twice// what you would have eaten a year ago? A little more?",
"It might be a //little// unusual to require a whole different wardrobe in such a short length of time.",
"Even at this early phase, you’re mindful of the tug of new flesh, and the diminishing peak volume of your lungs.",
"Lately when you recline or lay down to rest, a cool tingle reminds you that your groin isn’t always getting a chance to breathe like it used to.",
"Well, there's no denying it. You have a chubby little belly.",
"You underestimate your pudge, and end up having to take a second crack at rolling out of bed.",
"You always imagined that if you ate enough fast food, you would inevitably become sick of it. So… how long is it supposed to take before that happens?",
"You never really considered yourself a morning person, but until recently you still *occasionally* woke up with some eagerness to seize the day."
[(set: $lastMexican to $day)]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Bloated Self-Medication</div>''
You try to shimmy or shift, moving as much of your body as you can... (if: $weight > 2000)[which is as good as //nothing// at this point... so you](elseif: $weight > 1500)[which isn't saying much... but](else:)[but] can only wince at the impression that your bowels are extremely bloated and stone-hard. It's certainly difficult to confirm, with everything buried so comically deep within your well-padded abdominal cavity, but there's no arguing with the slightly-painful internal tightness that seems to pull at your abdominal wall and lean into your rectum.
There's no miracle of fat-assery that keeps you from suffering some unfortunate effects from such a low-fibre diet. You're pretty sure you're getting constipated. It's entirely possible this will simply pass, but on the other hand -- maybe you can do something about this yourself.
It's been a while since your last good glut of Mexican food -- your mouth is already watering, and that stuff is almost always a quick way to clear out the pipes. You're sure you can convince Paul you due for a "special meal" with a favor. It wouldn't even be such an unusual request, besides the quantity. Just make sure he understands you'll need a //whole// bunch more than your usual amount, and... well... go from there.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Sounds like a plan!")[(set: $credit -= 1)(goto: "Mexican2")]
(link: "Sounds like a regrettable mistake in the making.")[(goto: "Mexican3")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Self-Medication</div>''
(if: $credit > 0)[Paul raises an eyebrow at your request. "Oh, sure. You obviously have a legitimate, completely non-gluttony-related reason for requesting -- what would the scientific term be? Oh, yes… a //metric fuck-tonne// of (either: "tacos", "burritos", "enchiladas", "fajitas")..."
It might be your imagination, but Paul doesn’t seem entirely convinced that your dietary request is based on medical needs.
"... not that I’m //against// a bit of dietary variety, per se. It’s just… are you in a hurry to peel the paint off my walls?"
(if: ($feedingTube is 1) and (EventCantReachFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999))[You’d like to point out that the walls are already suffering, and are likely to continue doing so regardless of your… emissions.
It seems, however, that Paul isn’t truly serious about refusing -- even if it means risking of his precious walls. Not while you have favors left to spend, anyway.
"Fine", he says. "I’ll make a couple of calls, and get what you \‘need\’."
The spicy smell has you salivating well ahead of the main event. The heady scent wafting from the greasy bags is already enough to make that happen, but you know that “processing” will make it far more pungent:
Paul upends the sacks into a large chopping machine -- even bothering to remove some of the wrappers this time -- then hits a switch, and sets off several minutes of gradually smoother wood-chipper noises while everything is rendered into an almost uniform puree. You sorely miss the satisfying texture and crunch, but there’s nothing for it. Food has to work with your feeding tube. The noise finally stops, and Paul turns grunts with a barely-audible sound of satisfaction that suggests the consistency meets his approval.
With some effort, he transfers the hopper to the delivery receptacle, hits another switch, and a much softer gentle whirring commences. He barely waits to see the colored line advance up the tube before turning toward the door, and speaking almost as an afterthought.
“It’s not like I need to watch you eat, blobbo. I’m not the least bit concerned about your capacity, and this equipment shuts off automatically when the tank is empty. Try to holler if it clogs or something. I have stuff to do.” Judging by the fading voice, he was practically out of earshot before the last sentence.
Paul apparently leaving you to your own devices, the first of the puree hits your palate. An unfortunate trade-off with the feeding tube is that you also lose much of the primary flavor experience -- the tube bypasses both your tongue and swallow reflex, and you only get a shadow of the normal sense on your palate. Luckily the Mexican food still leaves an impression.
For a while, you simply wish you could speed up the process. It takes some time before you notice a real difference in the sensation coming from your belly, and you have to remind yourself to be patient. You know Paul bought plenty. Arguably too much. Just when you start to think the supply must be nearly empty, the sensations you were expecting finally arrive.
A gentle tug at the walls of your abdomen announces the expansion of your swelling stomach. Despite all the stretching it’s done, it’s still a relatively small part of your overall body. It cramps and gurgles a little bit as it draws closer to its full size, bringing the first impression that you might actually be //satisfied//. That’s rare enough these days, and rarer still to do it with such weapons-grade nutrition.
<!-- Still able to feed self, but feeding tube already present -->
](elseif: $feedingTube is 1)[It seems a little petty to be worrying about the walls already -- whether or not he was being literal. Could that be a joke about the smell? Paul can be a little hard to read sometimes.
You see him watching you carefully for a moment, before rolling his eyes, and cracking what might even count for a smile.
“Fine”, he says. “I’ll make a couple of calls, and get what you ‘need’.”
The spicy smell has you salivating well ahead of the main event. The heady scent wafting from the greasy bags is already enough to make that happen, but you know that “processing” will make it far more pungent:
Paul upends some of the sacks into a large chopping machine -- removing //most// of the wrappers along the way -- then hits a switch, and sets off several minutes of gradually smoother wood-chipper noises while everything is rendered into an almost uniform puree. That will work for the feeding tube, while he also saves some for you to grapple with the old-fashioned way. You can scarcely imagine the day you’ll lose the satisfying texture and crunch entirely, but that day isn’t here quite yet.
The blender-like noise finally stops, and Paul grunts with a barely-audible sound of satisfaction that suggests the consistency meets his approval. With some effort, he transfers the hopper to the delivery receptacle, hits another switch, and a much softer gentle whirring commences. He tosses the last unmolested bag of food in the general center of your chest, and barely waits to see the colored line advance up the tube before turning toward the door -- speaking almost as an afterthought.
“It’s not like I need to watch you eat, tubbo. I’m not the least bit concerned about your capacity, and this equipment shuts off automatically when the tank is empty. Try to holler if it clogs or something. I have stuff to do.” He was practically out of earshot before finishing the last sentence.
With Paul apparently leaving you to your own devices, the first of the puree hits your palate. An unfortunate trade-off with the feeding tube is that you also lose much of the primary flavor experience -- the tube bypasses both your tongue and swallow reflex, and you only get a shadow of the normal sense on your palate. Luckily, if you’re careful about it, you can still juggle a bit of the “real” stuff without choking.
You recklessly haul your (if: $weight > 1800)[massive pool-float](elseif: $weight > 1500)[ungainly](else:)[flabby] arms toward the bag still resting on your chest, and use just enough care to dig in without dumping everything onto the floor. You manage to pull one wrapper off and hunt for you mouth in a single practiced motion, optionally chewing and remembering the breathe. The feeding tube is distracting, but not insurmountable. You try to concentrate, wary of accidentally inhaling any crumbly dry bits while intent on the multitasking. Before you know it, you’re reaching for the bag again.
It takes some time before you notice a real difference in the sensation coming from your belly, and you have to remind yourself to be patient. Eventually you’ve discarded the empty bag, leaving wrappers littering the floor -- but the pump is still running. You know Paul bought plenty. Arguably too much. Just when you start to think the supply must be nearly empty, the sensations you were expecting finally arrive.
A gentle tug at the walls of your abdomen announces the expansion of your swelling stomach. Despite all the stretching it’s done, it’s still a relatively small part of your overall body. It cramps and gurgles a little bit as it draws closer to its full size, bringing the first impression that you might actually be //satisfied//. That’s rare enough these days, and rarer still to do it with such weapons-grade nutrition.
](else:)[It seems a little early to be literally worrying about the walls. Maybe it was a joke? You see him watching you carefully for a moment, before rolling his eyes, and cracking what might even count for a smile.
“Fine”, he says. “I’ll make a couple of calls, and get what you ‘need’.”
The spicy smell has you salivating well ahead of the main event. The heady scent wafting from the greasy bags is enough to make that happen. He drags a tray over to your bedside -- one that features enough of a perimeter to accommodate your entire meal without immediate risk of toppling onto the floor. He loads up the tray, briefly confirms you can reach, and turns abruptly toward the door.
He looks back and speaks, as if as an afterthought. “It’s not like I need to watch you eat, lard-butt. I trust you know how to fill your face. Holler if you choke or something. I have stuff to do.” He was practically out of earshot before finishing the last sentence.
With Paul apparently leaving you to your own devices, you waste no time recklessly hauling your (if: $weight > 1800)[massive pool-float](elseif: $weight > 1500)[ungainly](else:)[flabby] arm toward one of the bags on the tray, forcing yourself to use just enough care to dig in without dumping everything onto the floor. You manage to pull one wrapper off and hunt for you mouth in a single practiced motion, optionally chewing and remembering the breathe. You try to concentrate, wary of accidentally inhaling any of the crumbly dry bits that trail along your chest. Before you know it, you’re reaching for the bag again.
Eventually you’ve littered the floor with wrappers and empty bags. You know Paul bought plenty. Arguably too much -- but it takes some time before you notice a real difference in the sensation coming from your belly. Just when you start to second-guess the necessary quantity, the sensations you were expecting finally arrive.
A gentle tug at the walls of your abdomen announces the expansion of your swelling stomach. Despite all the stretching it’s done, it’s still a relatively small part of your overall body. It cramps and gurgles a little bit as it draws closer to its full size, bringing the first impression that you might actually be //satisfied//. That’s rare enough these days, and rarer still to do it with such weapons-grade nutrition.
The wave of swelling wastes no time transitioning into an unpleasant bloating feeling as the last of your ridiculous meal reaches your gullet. You belch with an uneasy groan, suddenly less sure of your brilliant plan, or the way your meal is behaving. Several ominous noises issue from your generous bulk -- accompanied by tremors you can //feel//. There little question that all those calories are in a rush to find the next phase of digestion. The muffled sound of a cornered bear cub rattles from deep in your abdomen.
You gasp as the tension hits your colon like a brick. A preliminary assault of gas escapes your ample butt cheeks, but a mere harbinger of what is to come.
*PH-rp-p-p. PHeert!*
Fresh sweat rolls down your forehead, not there only seconds prior. You bite down, remembering the breathe. You wonder briefly whether you would rather be giving birth.
(if: (random: 1, 100) < 80)[(set: $health -= ($health * ((random: 1,2)/10)))After few more rounds of grunting and farting, you nearly yell out as another gush of sputtering percussion roars from deep in your gut.
Tears run down your cheeks, mixing with sweat. Your heart is racing. The iconic mix of spices has saturated the room in a humid cloud, leaking in every way, save one.
*URGH... * //Fuck//.
The storm let loose. (if: EventPinchedJunk of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Dimly in the moments of that initial wave, you prayed that the catheter Paul installed to handle your waste would be adequate to the task. Surely no standard-issue medical tubing could have been prepared for such a deluge. Despite everything, it remains in place. It does not clog. As you fight through each new wave of contractions, you barely remain conscious enough to truly appreciate this miraculous blessing.
At some indeterminate point, you fall into an exhausted sleep.
](else:)[Dimly in the moments of that initial wave, you pray the bedban was still somewhere close to its correct position, and up the unreasonable challenge it faced. Surely no standard-issue pan had been designed with such a catastrophic event in mind. As you fight through each new wave of contractions, you barely remain conscious enough to spare any attention to how it fares.
At some indeterminate point, you fall into an exhausted sleep.
Paul attends you the next morning, helping you rouse from an addled stupor.
“How you feeling, (if: $gender is 1)[Mr.](else:)[Mrs.] Self-Medicator?”
You struggle to manage even a half-conscious groan in response. You’re so sore… Did it work? Can Paul see for himself what you did?
“I suppose you’ll be happy to know that you don’t seem much worse for wear after that fiendish stunt. It sure was a devious way to prank (if: $donna is 1)[Donna and ]me, knowing you’d practically explode all over the room. Thankfully, the… uh… result was almost entirely contained, so the clean-up is minimal. Better luck next time.”
So… he still doesn’t believe you had a problem? Weird, but you guess the good news is that you’re all clear. Your gamble paid off, and you probably didn’t even gain any weight -- considering how little time the food stayed with you.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Internal cleansing is a tad rough on the system.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
](else:)[(set: $health -= ($health * ((random: 2,4)/10)))(set: $weight += ($weight * ((random: 1,3)/100)))After a few more rounds of grunting and farting, however, you know something is wrong. Well… better to say //far worse//. Tears run down your cheeks, mixing with sweat. Your heart is racing. The iconic mix of spices has saturated the room in a humid cloud, leaking in every way except the way you intended.
*URGH... * //Fuck//.
The fermenting meal is certainly applying pressure, but you’re still absolutely log-jammed. The bloated feeling builds further, inflicting a deeper, intensely aching pressure on your core. You make no progress. You wish you had eaten less, or more, or //whatever// it would have taken to change your current situation. When you finally get desperate enough you would even ask Paul for help, he seems to have disappeared. Did he leave the house? (if: $donna is 1)[And Donna isn’t here tonight… so… o](else:)[O]h…. oh God….
Hours pass in a helpless cycle of cramping and gassy expulsions before you blessedly pass out for a while. You awake temporarily in the night, drenched in sweat, and no closer to relief. The strain is enough to cause damage, you think, but you’re still powerless to do anything. The smell is, if anything, stronger and more sour, permeating the fabrics -- the walls -- and still running freely from your pores. Perhaps, if anything, your body is a bit more accustomed to the steady painful pressure. That fact is barely enough to let you find a little bit more restless sleep before dawn breaks.
Paul attends you the next morning, helping you rouse from your addled stupor.
“How you feeling, (if: $gender is 1)[Mr.](else:)[Mrs.] Self-Medicator?”
You struggle to manage even a half-conscious groan in response. Does he believe you now? Can he see for himself what you were trying to do?
“You’ll be happy to know you aren’t dying. Not immediately, anyways. That stunt didn’t exactly do you any favors though.” Paul’s expression is unreadable, as is often the case. It could be disgust, or shame, or amusement, or any combination of the above. He helped you do this, but does he recognize it as a mistake? A lesson? A natural event? You’re not sure you can bring yourself to ask.
“As you might be able to tell from the discomfort you’re feeling, there does seem to be a bit of collateral damage. Nothing serious though -- and it seems that your ‘special diet’ did at least soften things up enough that you’ll recover on your own. Make no mistake though -- you’re definitely still constipated. We can talk about ways to deal with that later, if you want.”
Paul is apparently satisfied with your condition, and doesn’t even bother waiting for a reply. You make a few strangled noises of disbelief as he leaves again without further comment, aloof as he often seems to be. He even whistles a jaunty little tune as he goes. That… that //really// seems like the last straw, given the way you’re feeling. //Damn it.//
(if: EventHandsSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[You thrash violently and uselessly against your fleshy bonds, irrationally venting some frustration for Paul’s seemingly cryptic behavior, for your failure to help yourself, and at the sheer helplessness of what you’ve become. You’re left sweating and wheezing in the aftermath of the foolish display. You’re in even more chronic pain because of a pointless round of gluttony that has only left you worse off, and no doubt a little fatter for your trouble. Maybe a bit of his damn paint //will// peel.
You strain your shoulders and drive your fists down against your sides in a spiteful tantrum. Again and again, you thrash your own flesh in a useless display, irrationally venting some frustration for Paul’s seemingly cryptic behavior; for your failure, and for your own helplessness. You’re left sweating, bruised, and breathing raggedly in the aftermath of the foolish display. You’re in chronic pain because of a pointless round of gluttony that only left you worse off, and no doubt a little fatter for your trouble. Maybe a bit of his damn paint //will// peel.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "The thought almost makes you feel better, for some reason.")[(set: $afflictionOverride to "Constipated")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "You felt your constipation getting worse, and now you're full-on bunged up.")(goto: "NormalDay")]
</div>]](else:)[(set: $afflictionOverride to "Constipated")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "You //felt// it coming, and now you're full-on bunged-up constipated.")You do your best to plead with Paul, but he simply doesn't agree that a extra-huge colon-blow feast is something you should be getting today -- at least not while when you're out of favors. Just "normal" food for you, it seems. Maybe it will be fine.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Stupid massively excessive 'normal' food.")[(goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Self-control</div>''
You don't have to be a doctor to foresee a few undesirable side effects with that plan. Even if it worked, your day wouldn't be pleasant. Bad enough being too fat to move, without subjecting yourself (and anybody around) to hours of cramping, gassy, explosive diarhhea. It wouldn't be the first time, but you always swear it will be the last.
Best just to take your chances, and deal with your bloating when you're sure it's a problem.
<div class="roundborder2">(link: "Fair enough.")[(if: (random: 0,10) > 2)[(set: $afflictionOverride to "Constipated")(set: $afflictionOverrideText to "You felt your constipation getting worse, and now you're full-on bunged up.")](goto: "NormalDay")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $weight to it + (3*(($weight * ($foodIntakeCalc / $gluttonyModifier)))))(set: $gluttony += 8)(if: $gluttony > 100)[(set: $gluttony to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder2'>E-Snacking</div>''
You sit back in satisfaction, releasing your iron-grip on the mouse and keyboard, and watch your character perform their (either: "rave", "techno", "disco")-inspired celebration dance.(if: $weight > 300)[ The extra-plush curves shake around in a wooden and not entirely realistic manner. (They could use a bit more ‘bounce’, you think).](if: $weight > 500)[ While the game has a remarkable range of character customization options, there’s only so much the developers could do without completely reworking the 3D model. Maybe you could find a mod, but then it probably wouldn’t be tournament sanctioned.](if:$weight > 800)[ You chuckle, thinking how a modder would probably have to reskin a vehicle to get the proportions you have in mind.]
The chat is still going crazy. You shovel a handful of chips into your mouth, take a few gulps of soda, and trigger the dance sequence again. The whole thing is totally optional, of course, but it seems totally justified considering how thoroughly you just pwned their team. The memory of that (either: "head shot", "last-minute save", "lucky draw", "360 no scope", "perfect sequence of enemy misdirection ploys") is something you’ll cherish... at least until the next game tournament.
The weak light of early dawn begins to filter through your window, and you groan with the realization that you’ve been going the entire night. You don’t even feel especially tired. Maybe you can still summon a bit of the “all nighter” energy you used to pull off all the time in college. You reach for more chips, find yet another bag empty, and wonder if all the extra “fuel” might had anything to do with your stamina and gaming prowess.
<div class="roundborder2">You've made some gains (link: "outside of the leader-board")[(goto: "NormalDay")].
</span>(display: "StatusBox")