{(display: "MedicalConditionsUpdate")(display: "StatusEffectsUpdate")}<span id="content">//''<div class="roundborder2"><font color="#0000AA">(display: "DisplayDateTime")</font>''<!-- insert date/time display -->//(if: ($daysIntoWeek is not 0) and ($daysIntoWeek is not 6) and ($hoursIntoDay is 6) and ($occupation is not 0))[ ''(colour: "red")[Time for Work...]''](elseif: $headedToWork is 0 and $location is not 2)[ Fast Forward: Short (link:"rest")[(goto:"Rest")] / Sleep until (link:"tomorrow")[(goto:"Sleep")].](else:)[ (print: $jobList's ($occupation))]</div>(if: ($tempTimePassed is <6) and ($hoursIntoDay is 0) and ($headedToWork is 0))[<br/>''<span id='message'><font size=+1>The following morning...</font></span>''](display: "SpecialMessage")(if: (($daysIntoWeek is not 0) and ($daysIntoWeek is not 6)) and ($hoursIntoDay is 6) and ($occupation is not 0))[
<div class="roundborder5">- (link:"Shower and Breakfast")[(set: $headedToWork to 1)(goto:"Shower")]
- (link:"Snooze")[(if: ((random: 1,$energy) < 25))[(set: $headedToWork to 1)(goto:"LateForWork")](else:)[(set: $headedToWork to 1)(goto:"RestBeforeWork")]]
- [[Call in Sick]]
- (link: "Quit your job")[(goto:"Quit")]</div>]
(elseif: $location is 1)[<div class="roundborder2"> FOOD: (link:"Eat At Home")[(if: $desiredFullness is 0)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(set: $tempForward to "EatAtHome")(goto:"SetDesiredFullness")](else:)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(goto:"EatAtHome")]] / (link:"Order Delivery")[(if: $desiredFullness is 0)[(set: $tempForward to "EatDelivery")(goto:"SetDesiredFullness")](else:)[(goto:"EatDelivery")]] / (link:"Groceries")[(goto:"FoodShopping")]
PERSONAL CARE: (link:"Shower")[(goto:"Shower")] / [[Exercise]] / (link:"Help Staff")[(goto:"HelpStaff")]
MEDICAL: (link:"Supplements")[(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] / (if:$immobile is 1)[(link:"Immobility Aids")[(goto:"ImmobilityAids")]](else:)[(link: "Mobility Aids")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]] / (link:"Equipment")[(goto:"MedicalEquipment")]
]</div>(else:)[(set: $headedToWork to 0)(display: "Work")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Getting cleaned up</div>''
You drag yourself to the shower...
{(set: $hygiene += (20000/$weight))
(if: $hygiene > 100)[(set: $hygiene to 100)]
(if: $hygiene > 80)[With some scrubbing, you feel clean again.]
(elseif: $hygiene > 60)[You scrub the best you can. It's not a perfect job, but at least you're presentable.]
(elseif: $hygiene > 30)[You scrub what you can, but end up feeling like you haven't had really had a proper cleaning.]
(else:)[...but it's an exercise in futility. You just can't manage a proper cleaning anymore. Maybe it's time to hire some help.]
<!-- Energy Cost for effort of shower -->
(set: $energyCost to $showerDrain)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
{(if: $headedToWork is 1)[
(if: $desiredFullness is 0)[(set: $tempForward to "EatAtHome")You get dressed and (link:"get some breakfast")[(goto:"SetDesiredFullness")]]
(else:)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)You get dressed and (link:"get some breakfast")[(goto:"EatAtHome")].
(else:)[<div class="roundborder5">(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)[[Continue]]</div>]
}</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)}<span id="content">(if: (random: 1, 100) < 10 and $cantMasturbate is 0)[''<div class='roundborder4'>Some alone time...''</div>{
<!-- roll for a chance of masturbating instead of normal rest -->
}(set: $energy to (it * 0.25) + (($energyRecoveryRate * $energyModifier) / $weight * $tempTimePassed))(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]You know you should be resting, but boredom soon has you reaching for a more stimulating option. You end up nearly exhausted, and drenched in... mostly sweat.
The short nap that follows hardly counts as refreshing.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I regret nothing.")[(goto: "Continue")]</div>](else:)[''<div class='roundborder4'>Doing a bit of nothing...''</div>{
You decide to (print: (either:
"watch some TV",
"take a nap",
"play a game on your phone for a while",
"try out a new computer game",
"study the backs of your eyes",
"count the spots on a ceiling tile",
"practice humming the 'Batman' theme",
"try willing your stomach to digest faster. It doesn't seem to be working, so you try harder."
Before you know it, about 3 hours have passed.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: (either: "Go, laziness!", "Being lazy is my super power.", "I did nothing, and it was everything I thought it would be."))[(display: "EnergyRecovery")(goto: "Continue")]</div>
]</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Compile special status warning / messages -->
(set: $currentMessages to "")
(if: $stomachContent > ($stomachSize * 1.1))[(set: $currentMessages += "Keeping your stomach tightly packed with food is making it stretch a bit.<br/>")]
(if: $stomachContent > ($stomachSize * 1.25))[(set: $currentMessages += (either: "You feel like you\'re about to pop!<br/>", "Your stomach is painfully distended!<br/>", "You're so stuffed, it hurts to breathe!"))]
(if: $hygiene < 25)[(set: $currentMessages += "You smell rancid, and feel gross. It makes you a bit ill just thinking about it.<br/>")](elseif: $hygiene < 50)[(set: $currentMessages += "Poor hygiene is negatively affecting your health.<br/>")]
(if: $stomachContent < ($stomachSize * 0.2) and $stomachContent > 0)[(set: $currentMessages += "You're ''very'' hungry.<br/>")]
(elseif: $stomachContent is 0)[(set: $currentMessages += "Your stomach is practically gnawing at itself in ravenous hunger.<br/>")]
(if: $energy < 20 and $energy > 0)[(set: $currentMessages += "You're nearly exhausted, and need to rest soon.<br/>")]
(elseif: $energy is 0)[(set: $currentMessages += "You're too tired to lift a finger. You have to rest...<br/>")]
(if: $cantRest is 1)[(set: $currentMessages += "You're too jittery to get any proper rest.<br/>")]
(if: $currentMessages is not "")[(print: "<br/><div id='message'>" + $currentMessages + "</div>")]
(if: $medicalConditionMessage is not "")[
(set: $medicalConditionMessage to "<b><font color='#c16a00'>Active Conditions:</font></b> " + $medicalConditionMessage)
(if: $statusEffectMessage is not "")[
(if: $medicalConditionMessage is not "")[
(set: $statusEffectMessage to "<br /><b>Active Effects:</b> " + $statusEffectMessage)
(set: $statusEffectMessage to "<b>Active Effects:</b> " + $statusEffectMessage)
<!-- Medical and Status Effect messages -->
(if: ($statusEffectMessage is not "") or ($medicalConditionMessage is not ""))[(print: "<br/><div id='message3'>" + $medicalConditionMessage + $statusEffectMessage + "</div>")]
<!-- Compile flavor text display -->
(set: $flavorText to "")
<!-- grab a "time to go to work" comment -->
(if: (($daysIntoWeek is not 0) and ($daysIntoWeek is not 6)) and ($hoursIntoDay is 6) and ($occupation is not 0))[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorTextTimeForWork))
<!-- otherwise roll odds (10%), show message regarding rapid gain or loss, after initial week of data collection -->
(if: (random: 1,100) < 10 and $flavorText is "" and $hoursPlayed >= 168)[
(if: $weightChange > ($weight * 0.05))[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorTextHighGain))
](elseif: $weightChange < ($weight * 0.01))[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorTextLowGain))
<!-- otherwise roll odds (60%), screen for current weight, and grab a weight-related message -->
(if: (random: 1,100) < 60 and $flavorText is "")[
(if: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 300 and $weight < 400)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText300))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 400 and $weight < 500)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText400))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 500 and $weight < 600)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText500))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 600 and $weight < 700)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText600))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 700 and $weight < 800)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText700))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 800 and $weight < 1000)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText800))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 1000 and $weight < 1250)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText1000))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 1250 and $weight < 1500)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText1250))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 1500 and $weight < 2000)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText1500))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 2000 and $weight < $oneTimeEvents's EventSayGoodbye)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText2000))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= $oneTimeEvents's EventSayGoodbye and $weight < 3000)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText2500))
](elseif: ($weight+$stomachContent) >= 3000)[
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorText3000))
](else:)[error: failed weight screening for message]
<!-- If weight-related message not triggered... -->
<!-- ... default to general work or home messages-->
(if: $flavorText is "")[
(if: $location is 2)[
<!-- otherwise if at work, use work filler message -->
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorTextWork))
<!-- or if at home, use home filler message -->
(set: $flavorText to (either: ...$flavorTextGeneral))
<!-- If any message was triggered, display it now -->
(if: $flavorText is not "")[
<br/><div id='message2'>$flavorText</div>
}<span id="content">(if: $hoursIntoDay <18 and $hoursIntoDay >3)[<div class='roundborder4'>''Sleep away the day?''</div>
You've done all you care to do today, and want to simply sleep and laze until tomorrow morning?]
(else:)[<div class='roundborder4'>''Turn in for the night?''</div>
See you in the morning?]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "See you tomorrow!")[(set: $hoursIntoDay to $hoursPlayed % 24)(if: $hoursIntoDay < 6)[(set: $tempTimePassed to (6 - $hoursIntoDay))(display: "EnergyRecovery")(set: $sleeping to 1)(goto: "Continue")](else:)[(set: $tempTimePassed to (24 - $hoursIntoDay) + 6)(display: "EnergyRecovery")(goto: "Continue")]]
(link: "No, I still have stuff to do.")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Continue")]</div></span>(display: "StatusBox"){<!-- Factor weight into overall body metabolism -->
(set: $metabolism to ($weight / $metabolismDivider)) <!-- divider determines overall metabolism burn speed, set in variable init passage -->
<!-- stomach stretch -->
(if: $stomachContent > ($stomachSize * 1.1))[
(set: $timeOverFilled to $metabolism / ($stomachContent - $stomachSize))
(set: $stomachSize += ((($stomachContent - $stomachSize) / $stomachStretchDivider)) * $timeOverFilled)
(set: $gluttony += ((($stomachContent - $stomachSize) / $gluttonyIncreaseDivider)) * $timeOverFilled)
<!-- reset this turn's health modifier -->
(set: $healthChange to 0)
<!-- Reduction of stomach content (burn) equals metabolism over time -->
(set: $burned to $metabolism * $tempTimePassed)
<!-- if stomach isn't already empty -->
(if: $stomachContent > 0)[
<!-- determine average calories per unit (lb) of stomach content -->
(set: $avgCalories to $stomachCalories / $stomachContent)
<!-- determine how the current caloric average compares against the 750cal/lb "ideal" of a normal sandwich. -->
(set: $calorieHealthPivot to (750 - $avgCalories))
<!-- If there's enough, metabolise stomach content only... -->
(if: $stomachContent >= $burned)[
(set: $stomachContent -= $burned)
(set: $stomachCalories -= $avgCalories * $burned)
<!-- gain 25 percent faster while sleeping -->
(if: $sleeping is 1)[
(set: $weight += ($avgCalories * $burned)/($gainEfficiency*0.75))
(set: $weight += ($avgCalories * $burned)/$gainEfficiency)
(set: $weight += ($avgCalories * $burned)/$gainEfficiency)
(set: $healthChange += (($burned * $calorieHealthPivot) / $calorieHealthChangeDivider))
] (else:)[ <!-- ... otherwise convert remaining content, then burn fat -->
<!-- gain 25 percent faster while sleeping -->
(if: $sleeping is 1)[
(set: $weight += ($stomachCalories/($gainEfficiency*0.75)))
(set: $weight += ($stomachCalories/$gainEfficiency))
(set: $healthChange += ($stomachContent * $calorieHealthPivot) / $calorieHealthChangeDivider)
(set: $burned -= $stomachContent)
(set: $stomachContent to 0, $stomachCalories to 0)
<!-- burn fat at basic gain/loss rate -->
<!-- lose half as much weight while sleeping -->
(if: $sleeping is 1)[
(set: $weight -= (($burned*3500)/($lossEfficiency*0.5)))
(set: $weight -= (($burned*3500)/$lossEfficiency))
](else:)[ <!-- empty stomach, burn fat and confirm zero values -->
<!-- lose half as much weight while sleeping -->
(if: $sleeping is 1)[
(set: $weight -= (($burned*3500)/($lossEfficiency*0.5)))
(set: $weight -= (($burned*3500)/$lossEfficiency))
(set: $stomachContent to 0, $stomachCalories to 0)
<!-- Hygiene changes over time -->
(set: $hygiene -= (($weight / $hygieneDivider)*$tempTimePassed))
(if: $hygiene < 0)[(set: $hygiene to 0)]
<!-- Health penalty for poor hygiene -->
(if: $hygiene <= 50)[(set: $healthChange -= (($hygienePenalty / ($hygiene + 1))*$tempTimePassed))]
<!-- Healing (Health recovery) over time -->
(set: $healthChange += ((($healthRecoveryRate + $healthRecoveryModifier) / $weight)*$tempTimePassed))
<!-- Add aggregate health effect -->
(set: $health += $healthChange)
(if: $health > 100)[(set: $health to 100)]
(if: $health < 0)[(set: $health to 0)]
}<span id="box">{<div class='roundborder3'>''(text-color: #000000)[(link-repeat: "Weight:")[(alert: "Your total current body weight -- and most likely the reason you're here.
Note that this includes stomach contents, which can make the number appear to fluctuate. As far as increasing your weight, keep eating and the rest will take care of itself.")]] (font:"Courier")[(print: (floor: ($weight + $stomachContent)*10)/10)]</font>'' lbs.</div>
(set: $bankBalanceAlert to "The bank balance represents your available funds. No credit cards in this game, so spend cash wisely. Running out is a good way to rush into a 'Game Over'.
The only regular source of income will be the paycheck from that desk job you love so much. While it lasts. Saving for a rainy day might be useful.")
(if: $bankBalance >= 200)[<div class="roundborder3">''(text-color: #000000)[(link-repeat: "Bank Balance:")[(alert: $bankBalanceAlert)]]'' $''(font:"Courier")[(floor:($bankBalance *100)/100)]''</div>](else:)[<div class="roundborder3warn">''(link: "Bank Balance:")[(alert: $bankBalanceAlert)]'' $''(font:"Courier")[(floor:($bankBalance *100)/100)]''</div>]
(if: $occupation is not 0)[<div class='roundborder3'>(text-color: #000000)[(link-repeat:"''Next Paycheck:''")["If you're still working your exhilerating job, the 'next paycheck' shows how much money you should collect you can keep your sanity until Friday."]] $(font:"Courier")[''$income'']</div>]
(if: $health < 60)[(set: $healthBarColor to "yellow")]
(elseif: $health < 30)[(set: $healthBarColor to "red")]
(else:)[(set: $healthBarColor to "green")]
(if: ($healthPrev is not $health) and ($healthPrev is not 0))[
(if: $healthPrev < $health)[
(set: $healthDelta to "<font color=green> ▲</font>")
(set: $healthDelta to "<font color=red> ▼</font>")
(set: $healthPrev to $health)
](else:)[(set: $healthDelta to "")]
(if: $health < 30)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1warn'><b>" + (link-repeat: "Health:")[(alert: $healthAlert)] + "</b> " + (text:(floor: $health)) + "%" + $healthDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $healthBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $health*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")](else:)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1'><b>Health: </b> " + (text:(floor: $health)) + "%" + $healthDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $healthBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $health*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]
(if: $hygiene > 80)[(set: $hygieneState to "Fresh")(set: $hygieneBarColor to "green")]
(elseif: $hygiene > 60)[(set: $hygieneState to "Cleanish")(set: $hygieneBarColor to "green")]
(elseif: $hygiene > 30)[(set: $hygieneState to "A bit rank")(set: $hygieneBarColor to "yellow")]
(else:)[(set: $hygieneState to "Disgusting")(set: $hygieneBarColor to "red")]
(if: ($hygienePrev is not $hygiene) and ($hygienePrev is not 0))[
(if: $hygienePrev < $hygiene)[
(set: $hygieneDelta to "<font color=green> ▲</font>")
(set: $hygieneDelta to "<font color=red> ▼</font>")
(set: $hygienePrev to $hygiene)
](else:)[(set: $hygieneDelta to "")]
(if: $hygieneState is "Disgusting")[(print: "<div class='roundborder1warn'><b>Hygiene: </b>" + $hygieneState + $hygieneDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $hygieneBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $hygiene*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]
(else:)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1'><b>Hygiene:</b> " + $hygieneState + $hygieneDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $hygieneBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $hygiene*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]
(if: $energy < 50)[(set: $energyBarColor to "yellow")]
(elseif: $energy < 25)[(set: $energyBarColor to "red")]
(else:)[(set: $energyBarColor to "green")]
(if: ($energyPrev is not $energy) and ($energyPrev is not 0))[
(if: $energyPrev < $energy)[
(set: $energyDelta to "<font color=green> ▲</font>")
(set: $energyDelta to "<font color=red> ▼</font>")
(set: $energyPrev to $energy)
](else:)[(set: $energyDelta to "")]
(if: $energyBarColor is "red")[(print: "<div class='roundborder1warn'><b>Stamina:</b> " + (text:(floor: $energy)) + "%" + $energyDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $energyBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $energy*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]
(else:)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1'><b>Stamina:</b> " + (text:(floor: $energy)) + "%" + $energyDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $energyBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $energy*10)/10) + "%'></div></div")]
(set: $stomachFill to (($stomachContent/$stomachSize)*100))
(if: $stomachFill > 70 and $stomachFill <= 100)[(set: $stomachBarColor to "yellow")]
(elseif: $stomachFill > 100 or $stomachFill <= 10)[(set: $stomachBarColor to "red")]
(else:)[(set: $stomachBarColor to "green")]
(if:$stomachBarColor is "yellow")[(set:$stomachArrowColor to "green")](else:)[(set: $stomachArrowColor to $stomachBarColor)]
(if: ($stomachPrev is not $stomachContent) and ($stomachPrev is not 0))[
(if: $stomachPrev < $stomachContent)[
(set: $stomachDelta to "<font color=" + $stomachArrowColor + "> ▲</font>")
(set: $stomachDelta to "<font color=" + $stomachArrowColor + "> ▼</font>")
(set: $stomachPrev to $stomachContent)
](else:)[(set: $stomachDelta to "")]
(if: $stomachFill > 100)[
(print: "<div class='roundborder1warn'><b>Fullness: </b><font color=red>" + (text:((floor: $stomachContent*10)/10)) + "</font>/" + (text:((floor: $stomachSize*10)/10)) + " lbs" + $stomachDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $stomachBarColor + "' style='width:100%'></div></div>")]
(elseif: $stomachFill <= 100 and $stomachFill > 5)[
(print: "<div class='roundborder1'><b>Fullness:</b> " + (text:((floor: $stomachContent*10)/10)) + "/" + (text:((floor: $stomachSize*10)/10)) + " lbs" + $stomachDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $stomachBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $stomachFill*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")
](else:)[(print: "<div class='roundborder1warn'><b>Fullness:</b> " + (text:((floor: $stomachContent*10)/10)) + "/" + (text:((floor: $stomachSize*10)/10)) + " lbs" + $stomachDelta + "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + $stomachBarColor + "' style='width:" + (text:(floor: $stomachFill*10)/10) + "%'></div></div>")]
(if: $location is not 2)[
<div class='roundborder3'>(if: (($daysIntoWeek is not 0) and ($daysIntoWeek is not 6)) and ($hoursIntoDay is 6) and ($occupation is not 0))[''Pantry Stock''](else:)[(text-color: #000000)[(link: "''Pantry Stock''")[(goto: "FoodShopping")]]]'':'' (if: (salads of $invFood + sandwiches of $invFood + burgers of $invFood + doughnuts of $invFood + cakes of $invFood) < 10)[(text-colour: red)[(font:"Courier")[(print: salads of $invFood + sandwiches of $invFood + burgers of $invFood + doughnuts of $invFood + cakes of $invFood)]]](else:)[(print: salads of $invFood + sandwiches of $invFood + burgers of $invFood + doughnuts of $invFood + cakes of $invFood)]</div>
}(if: $debug is 1)[
Edibles in the house: (print: salads of $invFood + sandwiches of $invFood + burgers of $invFood + doughnuts of $invFood + cakes of $invFood)
DesiredFullness = $desiredFullness
Gluttony = (floor:($gluttony*100)/100)
Hygiene = $hygiene
Calories Consumed = $caloriesConsumed
energy = $energy
energyPrev = $energyPrev
energyDelta = $energyDelta
timepassed = $tempTimePassed
weightChange = $weightChange
calorieHealthPivot = $calorieHealthPivot
healthchange = $healthChange
gainefficiency = $gainEfficiency
(if: ((passage: )'s name is not "Options") and ((passage: )'s name is not "SetDesiredFullness") and ((passage: )'s name is not "SetEatingPriority"))[<div class='roundborder3'>(link: "Options")[(set: $tempForward to (passage:)'s name)(goto: "Options")]</div>]</span>
<span id="footerLabel">Powered by (link-repeat: "Twine 2.0")[(open-url: "http://twinery.org")]</span>(if: $gluttony is 20)[Several more years of classrooms and exams have finally come to a close. You're ready for the workforce.
While you're not an academic prodigy, you earned a diploma with very little difficulty. Maintaining your diet was a steady distraction -- but you continued to fight your constant hunger, and ended up... a bit heavy. Comfortably and tolerably overweight.
You suppose things might have been much different. So many times, you almost "fell off the wagon". You walk into an interview at a nearby office complex, and almost feel thin next to some of the other candidates. You land the position easily. Now you'll be able to save up for what you really want...](if: $gluttony is 40)[Several years of classrooms, studying, and exams have finally come to a close. You've graduated. It wasn't alway easy, but a diploma gives you access to some job options, and hopefully some income -- at least for the time being.
You've never banished your constant hunger, and you are plenty big enough that if you //really// started to give in, the slope will be slippery. After answering some job postings, you secure a promising position at a nearby office. You need to take care of business for a while, and build up a nest egg.](if: $gluttony is 60)[Several years of classrooms, studying, and exams have finally come to a close. You've graduated. You feel relieved, mostly because you were finding classes an increasingly exhausting //physical// challenge -- but you can't just relax. Not yet. You'll need to spend at least //some// time working, unless you can arrange to win the lottery or something. Food expenses have been draining your savings.
You pull yourself together long enough to attend a couple of job interviews, and despite your appearance and borderline disability, you secure a surprisingly cushy position at a nearby office... while it lasts.]
[[Your first day of work->Continue]]
{(if: $gluttony is 20)[(set: $weight to (random: 280,350))(set: $bankBalance to (random: 9000,11000))(set: $stomachSize to 4)]
(elseif: $gluttony is 40)[(set: $weight to (random: 400,500))(set: $bankBalance to (random: 4000,6000))(set: $stomachSize to 6)]
(else:)[(set: $weight to (random: 500,550))(set: $bankBalance to (random: 900,1100))(set: $stomachSize to 10)]
(if: $occupation is 1)[(set: $income to 750)]
(if: $occupation is 2)[(set: $income to (either: 600, 700, 800, 900))]
(if: $occupation is 3)[(set: $income to 500)]
<!-- Check for milestone events that should already be tripped by starting weight -->
(for: each _event, ...$oneTimeEventNames)[
(if: (_event of $oneTimeEvents < $weight))[
(set: $oneTimeEvents's _event to 99999)
}Your earliest memories have always been about eating: Enjoying your favorite foods. The feeling of an overstuffed stomach. Sneaking extra snacks, or sometimes even extra meals at your friends' houses.
Your parents both work full time jobs, and rarely spend time at home. Eventually they agree to sit you down for "a talk" about "healthy choices". They say they're worried about your eating habits, noting that you're becoming noticeably fat. They make you promise you understand the problem, and that you're prepared to do something about it. No specific advice. No encouragement. They seem relieved to simply have the discussion over with.
You wonder if maybe you should be more concerned with your weight. Your pudgy belly is already straining against your newest shirt, and it's not like they don't have a point. You're awfully tempted just to carry on like nothing has changed, but then again their hamfisted attempt at parenting certainly rubbed you the wrong way. //How will you react?//
(link: "Watch your diet carefully")[(set: $gluttony to 20)(goto: "Intro2")]
(link: "Do things the same way you always have")[(set: $gluttony to 40)(goto: "Intro2")]
(link: "Defy them and gain weight on purpose")[(set: $gluttony to 60)(goto: "Intro2")]
(display: "init_variables")(if: $gluttony is 20)[Ugh. Dieting sucks, but there are good reasons to keep your weight under control. You keep working at it for your own sake.
By the time you enter high school, more weight still stubbornly creeps onto your frame. The trend continues until graduation. It's a constant struggle, and despite what you feel is impressive self-control, you're still plunging into "fat" territory by any normal, reasonable definition.
You always feel like you're on a razor's edge, waiting to lose control. It's troublesome, but you manage keep up the resistance. It seems like a good idea -- a way to buy yourself extra time.](if: $gluttony is 40)[No worries, right?
By the time you enter high school, even without any particular effort, you've managed to pack on //a lot// of weight. Your parents look on with distain, but apparently they can't even be bothered to arrange another awkward chat, clumsy intervention, or any other meaningful gesture that might make a difference.
You become the token fatty that stands out in most classes, rarely overshadowed in size by another student -- and never by very much. Your girth hardly makes for an easy, ridicule-free school career, but you muddle through, trying to take the good with the bad.](if: $gluttony is 60)[Screw them, and screw healthy choices. You binge like never before, and take satisfaction in your parents' dismay as your weight balloons. After a few months, you've made your point. After a few //more// months, every attempt to slow down only seems to make things worse. Was this really such a good idea?
When you begin high school you are easily the fattest student, and by senior year you've surpassed every adult in town who could still compete with your size. Luckily the Internet helps to put things into perspective. You find plenty of people who have reached more advanced stages of obesity -- some even younger than yourself, and a few cases so extreme that you flinch at the details. You chat with some of these people regularly, and find their shared experience invaluable. You also learn to accept when their profiles sometimes become inactive without explanation...]
The time comes when you need to choose a career path. It's already clear that you are angling toward a desk job, but //what specialty will you focus on?//
(link: "Computer Programmer")[(set: $occupation to 1)(goto: "Intro3")]
(link: "Graphic Designer")[(set: $occupation to 2)(goto: "Intro3")]
(link: "Stock Trader")[(set: $occupation to 3)(goto: "Intro3")]{
<!-- Variables intitialized and given default values -->
(set: $debug to 0) <!-- hidden status number display-->
<!-- CHARACTER attributes -->
<!-- Event-driven conditional attributes -->
(set: $immobile to 0) <!-- flag for immobility state -->
(set: $cantMasturbate to 0) <!-- flag when too big to masturbate-->
(set: $donnaRelationship to 0) <!-- Friendliness with Donna -->
(set: $location to 1) <!-- 1-Home 2-Office 3-Working-at-home -->
(set: $staff to "none") <!-- hired help none / maid / Donna -->
(set: $staffTraining to 1) <!-- assistance level (1 basic, 2 EMT training) -->
(set: $sleeping to 0) <!-- flag set during sleep (vs. rest or awake) -->
(set: $health to 100) <!-- Overall health in percent -->
(set: $healthPrev to 0) <!-- Health on previous turn -->
(set: $energy to 100) <!-- Current energy/stamina, starting at 100 -->
(set: $energyPrev to 0) <!-- Energy/Stamina on previous turn -->
(set: $hygiene to 100) <!-- Hygiene, expressed in percentage cleanliness -->
(set: $hygienePrev to 0) <!-- Hygiene on previous turn -->
(set: $metabolism to 5) <!-- Metabolic rate (calculated by weight / metabolic divider -->
(set: $gluttony to 0) <!-- Tendency toward overeating, out of 100 -->
(set: $weight to 1) <!-- Weight in Pounds - weight display will have stomach content added separately -->
(set: $stomachContent to 3) <!-- Current volume of stomach contents -->
(set: $stomachPrev to 0) <!-- Volume/content of stomach on last turn -->
(set: $stomachCalories to 2000) <!-- Caloric value of stomach contents -->
(set: $stomachSize to 10) <!-- Current capacity of stomach (corresponding to pounds of food, figured into weight display) -->
(set: $stomachFill to 0) <!-- Percent stomach is full-->
(set: $desiredFullness to 0) <!-- Target fullness when eating (percent) -->
(set: $desiredFullnessModifier to 0) <!-- Perk from effects -->
(set: $foodPreference to 2) <!-- Home food eating order --- 1: healthiest first, 2: random, 3: richest first -->
(set: $nauseaResist to 1) <!-- resistance to getting sick, with "1" being normal, "0.5" half, etc) -->
(set: $nauseaModifier to 0) <!-- perk from status effect -->
(set: $sickCounter to 0) <!-- times sick, for end screen -->
(set: $moneyEarned to 0) <!-- total income, for end screen) -->
(set: $weightSunday to 0) <!-- series of storage -->
(set: $weightMonday to 0) <!-- variables to find -->
(set: $weightTuesday to 0) <!-- weekly change in weight-->
(set: $weightWednesday to 0)
(set: $weightThursday to 0)
(set: $weightFriday to 0)
(set: $weightSaturday to 0)
<!-- Food Inventory Datamap (paired array) -->
(set: $invFood to (datamap: "salads", 5, "sandwiches", 5, "burgers", 5,
"doughnuts", 12, "cakes", 2))
<!-- Food Item Properties -->
(set: $saladPrice to 1)
(set: $saladCalories to 250)
(set: $saladVolume to 1)
(set: $sandwichPrice to 2.75)
(set: $sandwichCalories to 300)
(set: $sandwichVolume to 0.5)
(set: $burgerPrice to 4) <!-- Set food item prices -->
(set: $burgerCalories to 800) <!-- Set food calorie count-->
(set: $burgerVolume to 0.8) <!-- Set food volume -->
(set: $doughnutPrice to 6)
(set: $doughnutCalories to 1800)
(set: $doughnutVolume to 1)
(set: $cakePrice to 15)
(set: $cakeCalories to 5000)
(set: $cakeVolume to 3)
<!-- fast food... -->
(set: $fastFoodCaloriesLower to 1200) <!-- range of calorie -->
(set: $fastFoodCaloriesUpper to 1800) <!-- content per lb -->
(set: $checkFood to 0) <!-- random number during "find something to eat" passage -->
(set: $fastFoodPrice to 5) <!-- Delivery food price multiplier (price/lb) -->
(set: $cafeteriaFoodPrice to 3) <!-- Office Cafeteria food price multiplier (price/lb) -->
<!-- Medical Inventory Datamap -->
(set: $invMedical to (datamap: "weightShakes", 0, "healthSerums", 0, "stomachNumbs", 0, "pepPills", 0, "canes", 0, "walkers", 0, "scooters", 0, "scooterXLs", 0, "doubleDoors", 0, "mobilityHandles", 0, "bedpans", 0, "bedSlings", 0))
<!-- Medical Item Properties -->
(set: $weightShakePrice to 40)
(set: $weightShakeCalories to 10000)
(set: $weightShakeVolume to 2)
(set: $weightShakeUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $healthSerumPrice to 50)
(set: $healthSerumCalories to 0)
(set: $healthSerumVolume to 2)
(set: $healthSerumUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $stomachNumbPrice to 100)
(set: $stomachNumbCalories to 0)
(set: $stomachNumbVolume to 2)
(set: $pepPillUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $pepPillPrice to 15)
(set: $pepPillCalories to 0)
(set: $pepPillVolume to 0.1)
(set: $pepPillUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $canePrice to 75)
(set: $caneUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $walkerPrice to 200)
(set: $walkerUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $scooterPrice to 750)
(set: $scooterUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $scooterXLPrice to 2500)
(set: $scooterXLUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $doubleDoorPrice to 2000)
(set: $doubleDoorUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $mobilityHandlePrice to 1500)
(set: $mobilityHandleUsedFirstTime to 0)
<!-- unlockable item flags -->
<!-- REMOVE/REPLACE with event complete check -->
(set: $showBedPan to 0)
(set: $showBedSling to 0)
<!-- Initialize one-time event triggers -->
(display: "OneTimeEventsInit")
<!-- Flavor text arrays initialize -->
(display: "FlavorTextArrays")
<!-- Initialize medical conditions status Datamap -->
(display: "MedicalConditionsInit")
<!-- Initialize effect-over-time statuses and supplement Datamap -->
(display: "StatusEffectInit")
<!-- Work-related Game attributes -->
(set: $occupation to 0) <!-- current job, '0' for none -->
(set: $jobList to (array: "Computer Programmer", "Graphic Artist", "Stock Trader")) <!-- array of job names -->
(set: $headedToWork to 0) <!-- flag for morning work routine, advancing combo shower/eat event -->
(set: $workEffort to 2) <!-- how seriously you take your work - default 2/average -->
(set: $income to 1000) <!-- Weekly wage -->
(set: $weekQuota to (random:43,67)) <!-- Weekly work target -->
(set: $weekOutput to 0) <!-- Weekly production so far-->
(set: $beenPaid to 0) <!-- flag if weekly pay receieved -->
(set: $workplaceEvaluation to 50) <!-- work performace evaluation, out of 100 -->
<!-- Other game settings -->
(set: $bankBalance to 5000) <!-- funds -->
(set: $hoursPlayed to 30) <!-- Hours of in-game time passed -->
(set: $tempTimePassed to 0) <!-- Hours since previous turn -->
(set: $caloriesConsumed to 0) <!-- running total of caloric intake) -->
(set: $tempForward to "null") <!-- redirect for proceeding to a passage after looking after other business -->
(set: $travelDistance to 0) <!-- intended travel for mobility check and energy drain -->
(set: $overEat to 0) <!-- flag set when glutton triggers overeating condition -->
(set: $wasJustSick to 0) <!-- flag to adjust message on a repeat sickness event -->
(set: $spentOnFastFood to 0) <!-- running tally of money spent on fast food -->
(set: $spentOnGroceries to 0) <!-- running tally of money spent on grocery foods -->
(set: $wasWalking to 0) <!-- flag to indicate if current turn followed a walking / travel event -->
<!-- Event Flags -->
(set: $firstDayWork to 1) <!-- becomes "0" after first attending work -->
<!-- Balancing variables to tweak gameplay -->
(set: $calorieHealthChangeDivider to 3000) <!-- lower value to increase reward/penalty for healthy/unhealthy food -->
(set: $healthRecoveryRate to 7) <!-- Rate of natural healing -->
(set: $healthRecoveryModifier to 0) <!-- Health Perk from some effects -->
(set: $gainEfficiency to 7000) <!-- Calories metabolized to gain a pound (3500 would perfect efficiency, suggest 7000) -->
(set: $lossEfficiency to 18000) <!-- Calories metabolized to lose a pound -->
(set: $metabolismDivider to 500)<!-- Higher number, slower calorie burn -->
(set: $hygieneDivider to 1500) <!-- Higher number, slower hygiene drop -->
(set: $hygienePenalty to 2) <!-- Value divided by hygiene score to get health reduction (higher for bigger penalty) -->
(set: $energyRecoveryRate to 4000) <!-- Rest effectiveness -->
(set: $energyRecoveryModifier to 1)<!-- status effect - mult on above -->
(set: $energyDrainDivider to 300) <!-- energy cost, lower greater-->
(set: $energyDrainModifier to 1) <!-- status effect - mult on above -->
(set: $stomachStretchDivider to 15) <!-- Higher, slower stomach stretch-->
(set: $gluttonyIncreaseDivider to 30) <!-- Glutton increase with overeating - larger number is slower -->
(set: $travelDrain to 3) <!-- Energy cost to travel -->
(set: $travelModifier to 1) <!-- Fraction of current weight to apply toward travel stamina handicap (i.e. 0.2 to make 1000lbs travel like a 200lbs man) -->
(set: $showerDrain to 5) <!-- Energy cost to clean/shower -->
(set: $exerciseDrain to 15) <!-- Energy cost to exercise -->
<!-- Message display cache -->
(set: $currentMessages to "") <!-- persistent message placeholder -->
(set: $saveMessage to "") <!-- save screen status -->
}{(if: $occupation is 1)[Computer Programmer: Moderately starting income, and a reasonably established employee should get the opportunity to work from home.]
(else-if: $occupation is 2)[Graphic Artist: Lower income, but you've recently developed a particular joy for creative design work and find it easy to work for long periods.]}
(else-if: $occupation is 3)[Stock Trader: Stressful shifts and irratic income, but if you can ride out the dry spells, you can also cash in on incredible short-term gains.]
//Is this what you studied?//
[[Yes->Intro4]] / [[No->Intro2]]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Calling in Sick</div>''You pick up the phone, and give the receptionist at your office your best excuse.
Best not let this become a habit if you want to keep your job.
<div class="roundborder5">[[Continue]]</div></span>(display: "StatusBox")
(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)
(set: $headedToWork to 0)(display: "init_variables")
Intro skip for testing purposes
(link: "First work day, Normal")[(set: $occupation to 1, $bankBalance to 1000, $gluttony to 20, $weight to 400)(goto: "Continue")]
(link: "First work day, extremely fast gain")[(set: $occupation to 1, $bankBalance to 1000, $gluttony to 20, $weight to 400, $gainEfficiency to 100)(goto: "Continue")]
(link: "Unemployed, Normal")[(set: $occupation to 0, $bankBalance to 1000, $gluttony to 20, $weight to 400)(goto: "Continue")]
(link: "Unemployed, extremely fast gain, Donna hired, bunch of money")[(set: $occupation to 0, $bankBalance to 50000, $gluttony to 20, $weight to 400, $gainEfficiency to 100, $staff to "Donna")(goto: "Continue")]
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Options Menu</div>''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Change General Eating Amount")[(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")]
(link: "Change Home Eating Priority ")[(goto: "SetEatingPriority")]
(link: "Save / Load Game")[(goto: "SaveGame")]
Debug: (link: "on")[(set: $debug to 1)(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: $tempForward)] / (link: "off")[(set: $debug to 0)(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: $tempForward)]
(link: "Continue")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: $tempForward)]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
Test datanames: (print:(datanames:$statusEffectState))
Test: (print: $statusEffectState){(if: $location is 2)[
(if: $hoursIntoDay < 3)[(print: "Midnight")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 6)[(print: "Dead of Night")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 9)[(print: "Early Morning")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 12)[(print: "Morning Work Shift, ")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 15)[(print: "Noon Hour, ")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 18)[(print: "Afternoon Work Shift, ")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 21)[(print: "Evening")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 24)[(print: "Late Evening")]
(if: $hoursIntoDay < 3)[(print: "Midnight")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 6)[(print: "Dead of Night")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 9)[(print: "Early Morning")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 12)[(print: "Late Morning")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 15)[(print: "Noon")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 18)[(print: "Afternoon")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 21)[(print: "Evening")](elseif: $hoursIntoDay < 24)[(print: "Late Evening")]
(if: $daysIntoWeek is 0)[Sunday](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 1)[Monday](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 2)[Tuesday](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 3)[Wednesday](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 4)[Thursday](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 5)[Friday](else:)[Saturday] - Day (print: (floor: ($hoursPlayed / 24)))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>This doesn't feel right.</div>''
You've heard of exercise of course, but it has always seemed like something that happens to other people... who enjoy punishing themselves.
(if: $energy < 5)[For the moment, that's going to hold true. You're simply too tired to even consider any recreational jiggling.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Honestly, it's probably better that way.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
](elseif: $health > 90)[As far as your concerned, it can stay that way. Maybe you'll reconsider if you need to boost your health, but that's not a problem right now. You're sure as hell not going to work out for fun.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Ha! That'll be the day!")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
](else:)[But this time, you've decided a little health boost might be worth the sacrifice. You might even get some muscle tone under that lard...
You spend three hours suffering through sessions of (if: $weight < 400)[(either: "jumping jacks", "leg squats")](elseif: $weight < 600)[(either: "arm curls", "leg lifts")](elseif: $immobile is 0)["slow waddling laps around the room"](elseif: $weight < 1250)[(either: "resistance therapy with a rubber band", "twisting your upper body from side to side", "sweeping snow-angel motions a.k.a. 'fat man jumping-jacks'")](elseif: $weight < 1750)[(either: "generating sloshing ripples with the strength left in your leg muscles", "rolling your wrists and flapping your hands")](elseif: $weight <= 3000)["struggling aimlessly against the deepening confines of your blubbery tomb"], alternating with periods of rest and hydration.
{(set: $energyCost to $exerciseDrain)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
(set: $health += ((10000/$weight) / $energyEffect))
(if: $health > 100)[(set: $health to 100)]
(set: $hygiene -= (($weight / 15) / $energyEffect))
(if: $hygiene < 0)[(set: $hygiene to 0)]
<!-- Overall stamina drain (strength) reduced by (up to) 5% per session -->
(set: $energyDrainDivider += (($energyDrainDivider * 0.05)/ $energyEffect))
(if: $energy is 0)[<br/> You hit a wall, absolutely drained of stamina, before you can get the most our of your workout.]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I feel tired, sweaty, and violated.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 3)(goto:"Continue")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Grocery Run...</div>''Thanks to one weird trick you read online, your food never spoils, and it doesn't take up any space. (Neat!) <table class='foodTable'><tr><td>
//Boring garden salad://
$saladVolume lbs, $saladCalories calories, ''have (if: salads of $invFood is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: salads of $invFood) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $saladPrice)[//<font color='red'>Not enough cash</font>//](else:)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: salads of $invFood to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$saladPrice)(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + $saladPrice)(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($$saladPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $saladPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: salads of $invFood to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $saladPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($saladPrice*10))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(10 * $saladPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $saladPrice * 50)[ / (link:"50")[(set: salads of $invFood to it + 50)(set: $bankBalance to it - (50 * $saladPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($saladPrice*50))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(50 * $saladPrice)))]
//PB & J Sandwich://
$sandwichVolume lbs, $sandwichCalories calories, ''have (if: sandwiches of $invFood is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: sandwiches of $invFood) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $sandwichPrice)[//<font color='red'>Not enough cash</font>//](else:)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: sandwiches of $invFood to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$sandwichPrice)(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + $sandwichPrice)(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($$sandwichPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $sandwichPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: sandwiches of $invFood to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $sandwichPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($sandwichPrice*10))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(10 * $sandwichPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $sandwichPrice * 50)[ / (link:"50")[(set: sandwiches of $invFood to it + 50)(set: $bankBalance to it - (50 * $sandwichPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($saladPrice*50))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(50 * $sandwichPrice)))]
//Double Cheeseburger://
$burgerVolume lbs, $burgerCalories calories, ''have (if: burgers of $invFood is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: burgers of $invFood) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $burgerPrice)[//<font color='red'>Not enough cash</font>//](else:)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: burgers of $invFood to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$burgerPrice)(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + $burgerPrice)(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($$burgerPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $burgerPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: burgers of $invFood to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $burgerPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($burgerPrice*10))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(10 * $burgerPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $burgerPrice * 50)[ / (link:"50")[(set: burgers of $invFood to it + 50)(set: $bankBalance to it - (50 * $burgerPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($burgerPrice*50))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(50 * $burgerPrice)))]
//Six-Pack of Glazed doughnuts://
$doughnutVolume lbs, $doughnutCalories calories, ''have (if: doughnuts of $invFood is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: doughnuts of $invFood) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $doughnutPrice)[//<font color='red'>Not enough cash</font>//](else:)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: doughnuts of $invFood to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$doughnutPrice)(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + $doughnutPrice)(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($$doughnutPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $doughnutPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: doughnuts of $invFood to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $doughnutPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($doughnutPrice * 10))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(10 * $doughnutPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $doughnutPrice * 50)[ / (link:"50")[(set: doughnuts of $invFood to it + 50)(set: $bankBalance to it - (50 * $doughnutPrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($doughnutPrice*50))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(50 * $doughnutPrice)))]
//Entire Frosted Cake://
$cakeVolume lbs, $cakeCalories calories, ''have (if: cakes of $invFood is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: cakes of $invFood) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $cakePrice)[//<font color='red'>Not enough cash</font>//](else:)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: cakes of $invFood to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$cakePrice)(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + $cakePrice)(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($$cakePrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $cakePrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: cakes of $invFood to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $cakePrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($cakePrice*10))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(10 * $cakePrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $cakePrice * 50)[ / (link:"50")[(set: cakes of $invFood to it + 50)(set: $bankBalance to it - (50 * $cakePrice))(set: $spentOnGroceries to it + ($cakePrice*50))(goto: "FoodShopping")] ($(print:(50 * $cakePrice)))]
<div class="roundborder2">(link:"I'm Done Here...")[(goto: "Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Review your eating habits</div>''
How do you want to feel after you've finished a meal?
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $desiredFullness is not 70)[(link:"Barely satisfied")[(set: $desiredFullness = 70)(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")]](else:)[//''- Modest Snack -''//]
(if: $desiredFullness is not 100)[(link:"Comfortably Full")[(set: $desiredFullness to 100)(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")]](else:)[//''- Comfortably Full -''//]
(if: $desiredFullness is not 120)[(link:"A Bit Stuffed")[(set: $desiredFullness to 120)(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")]](else:)[//''- A Bit Stuffed -''//]
(if: $desiredFullness is not 140)[(link:"Painfully Stuffed")[(set: $desiredFullness to 140)(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")]](else:)[//''- Painfully Stuffed -''//]</div>
(if: $desiredFullness is 70)[You make an effort to be a sensible non-glutton. ](elseif: $desiredFullness is 100)[You aim for a satisfied and full stomach. ](elseif: $desiredFullness is 120)[You push your limits a little bit, to feel the ache and stretch in your stomach. ](elseif: $desiredFullness is 140)[You routinely descend into reckless, nausea-inducing gluttony. ](if: $desiredFullness is not 0)[Is this correct?
<div class="button2">''(link:"Confirm and Proceed")[(if: ($headedToWork is 1) or ($tempForward is 'EatAtHome'))[(goto:"EatAtHome")](elseif: $tempForward is 'EatDelivery')[(goto:"EatDelivery")](else:)[(goto:"Options")]]''</div>]
(if: $desiredFullness > 100)[<br/>//Intentional overeating has a chance of making you ill.//]
//(You'll be able to change this later in the "options" menu.)//
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Eating at home...</div>''
<!-- roll for one-time unintended overeating based on gluttony -->
(if: (random: 1,100) < $gluttony)[
(set: $overEat to 1)
(set: $desiredFullnessBackup to $desiredFullness)
(set: $desiredFullness += (random: 20,60))
](else:)[(set: $overEat to 0)]
(set: $mealVolume to 0)
(set: $availableFoods to (a:)) <!-- create blank available food array -->
(if: salads of $invFood > 0)[(set: $availableFoods to it + (a:"salad"))]
(if: sandwiches of $invFood > 0)[(set: $availableFoods to it + (a:"sandwich"))]
(if: burgers of $invFood > 0)[(set: $availableFoods to it + (a:"burger"))]
(if: doughnuts of $invFood > 0)[(set: $availableFoods to it + (a:"doughnut"))]
(if: cakes of $invFood > 0)[(set: $availableFoods to it + (a:"cake"))]
(if: $availableFoods's length is 0)[(set: $outOfFood to 1)]
(set: $stomachFill to ($stomachContent/$stomachSize)*100)
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier))[
(set: $counter to 0)
(display: "FindSomethingToEat")
](else:)[You're not hungry... yet.(set: $shortMeal to 1)]
(if: ($ateSalad>0) or ($ateSandwich>0) or ($ateBurger>0) or ($ateDoughnut>0) or ($ateCake>0))[(either:"Breakfast? Dinner? No matter. It all ends up in the same place.","You're an equal opportunity grazer.","Some say certain foods don't go together. You've never had that issue.","Your strategy for meal planning is basically 'whatever is closest'.","Extra ketchup and salt make anything better.")<br />
You ate(if: $ateSalad is not 0)[
(if: $ateSalad is 1)[(print: "1 salad, ")]
(else:)[$ateSalad salads,]
(if: $ateSandwich is not 0)[
(if: $ateSandwich is 1)[(print: "1 sandwich, ")]
(else:)[$ateSandwich sandwiches,]
(if: $ateBurger is not 0)[
(if: $ateBurger is 1)[(print: "1 burger, ")]
(else:)[$ateBurger burgers,]
(if: $ateDoughnut is not 0)[
[(print:($ateDoughnut * 6)) doughnuts,]
(if: $ateCake is not 0)[
(if: $ateCake is 1)[1 cake]
(else:)[$ateCake cakes]
](else:)[(set: $shortMeal to 1)]
<br />
(if: $lastSalad is 1)[That was your last salad. (set: $lastSalad to 0)]
(if: $lastSandwich is 1)[That was your last sandwich. (set: $lastSandwich to 0)]
(if: $lastBurger is 1)[That was your last hamburger. (set: $lastBurger to 0)]
(if: $lastDoughnut is 1)[That was your last pack of doughnuts. (set: $lastDoughnut to 0)]
(if: $lastCake is 1)[That was your last cake. (set: $lastCake to 0)]
(if: $outOfFood is 1)[''There's NO MORE food left!''<br />(set: $outOfFood to 0)]
(if: $overEat is 1)[<br /><br />Oooh... you had trouble stopping yourself, and ate a bit more than you meant to.
(if: ($desiredFullness is > 140) and ($shortMeal is 0))[<br />You should have stopped a long time ago... that was ''really'' too much.</br>Your stomach gurgles unhappily. Hopefully you can keep it all down...
(set: $ateSalad to 0)
(set: $ateSandwich to 0)
(set: $ateBurger to 0)
(set: $ateDoughnut to 0)
(set: $ateCake to 0)
(set: $energyCost to $mealVolume)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
(if: $overEat is 1)[
(set: $desiredFullness to $desiredFullnessBackup)
(set: $overEat to 0)
(if: $headedToWork is 1)[
(if: $shortMeal is 0)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)<br /><br /><div class="roundborder5">(link: "Off to Work...")[(set: $location to 2)(set: $travelDistance to 3)(goto: "Continue")]</div>]
(else:)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(set: $shortMeal to 0)<br /><br />Oh Fine, (link:"I'll just leave for work...")[(set: $travelDistance to 3)(set: $location to 2)(goto: "Continue")]]
(if: $shortMeal is 0)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)<br /><br /><div class="roundborder5">(link: "Burp!")[(goto: "Continue")]</div>]
(else:)[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(set: $shortMeal to 0)<div class="roundborder5">(link:" Ok, Fine...")[(goto: "Continue")]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
(set: $counter to it + 1)
<!-- Inner loop 1 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 2 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 3 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 4 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 5 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 6 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 7 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 8 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 9 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Inner loop 10 -->
(if: $stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier) and $outOfFood is not 1)[
<!-- Finalize, recursive call if needed -->
(if: ($stomachFill < ($desiredFullness + $desiredFullnessModifier)))[
(if: $counter > 10)[Aborted -- too many loops, ]
(elseif: $availableFoods's length is 0)[
(set: $outOfFood to 1)
(else:)[(display: "FindSomethingToEat")]
]}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Delivery: Let them do the cooking...''</div>
(if: $location is 2)[Have a craving? Pizza, Chinese, Fried Chicken... all loaded with calories, and certainly a quick fix so you can get on with your work day.](else:)[Out of groceries? Have a craving? Pizza, Chinese, Fried Chicken... all loaded with calories, and certainly a quick fix when you don't want to (or //can't//) leave the house.]
But hardly the most //economical// option... To get your fill, it's going to ''cost (if: (((((((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)/100)*$stomachSize)-$stomachContent)*$fastFoodPrice)*100)/100) < 0))[nothing, at the moment.](else:)[ about $(print:((floor:(((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) /100)*$stomachSize)-$stomachContent)*$fastFoodPrice)*100)/100).]''
(if: $bankBalance < (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize)-$stomachContent) * $fastFoodPrice)[
You need more cash! Maybe (link: "just forget it")[(goto: "Continue")(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)] for now.
You might also consider (link: "settling for a smaller portion")[(set: $tempForward to "EatDelivery")(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")].
](elseif: ((((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize)-$stomachContent) * $fastFoodPrice) < 20)[Most places that deliver have a $20 minimum.
Probably best to just (link: "forget it for now")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Continue")].](else:)[
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Phone 'em up!")[(set: $tempForward to "EatDelivery")(goto: "EatDelivery2")]
(link: "Not right now")[(goto: "Continue")(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Food Delivery Arrives...</div>''{(set: $fastfoodCalories to (random: $fastFoodCaloriesLower, $fastFoodCaloriesUpper))
(set: $stomachFill to ($stomachContent/$stomachSize)*100)
(set: $bankBalance to it - (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize) - $stomachContent) * $fastFoodPrice)
(set: $SpentOnFastFood to it + (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize) - $stomachContent) * $fastFoodPrice)
(set: $eatAmount to (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize) - $stomachContent))
(set: $stomachContent to it + $eatAmount)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + ($eatAmount * $fastfoodCalories))
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it +($eatAmount * $fastfoodCalories))
(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)<br/>(if: $location is 2)[You have the delivery guy bring everything straight to your office, so you can continue to rest your ass during your lunch break, all while staying within easy reach of computer. (Just as long as you don't spill on the keyboard.)]
You (either:"lose yourself to the moment, eating","scarf down","inhale","noisily eat") (floor:($eatAmount * 100)/100) lbs of (either:"meat Lovers pizza", "chinese food drowned in sweet and sour sauce", "rich pasta with dripping cheesy garlic bread", "greasy fried chicken", "sloppy barbecue ribs", "triple-stuffed beef burritos", "gravy-soaked fries and onion rings", "loaded double-decker tacos", "foot-long chili dogs").
(if: ($hoursIntoGame > 300) and ($location is 2) and ($donnaRelationship is 1))[<br />Just as you're about to get back to work, Donna pokes her head in the door, and gives a critical eye when she spots you cleaning food wrappers off your desk. "I thought you were probably holed up in here. I'm supposed to inform you that the building has a perfectly servicable cafeteria, and you're technically not supposed to eat at your desk. I don't really care." She turns and leaves as quickly as she appeared.]
(elseif: ($hoursIntoGame > 300) and ($location is 2) and ($donnaRelationship is < 3))[<br />Just as you're about to get back to work, Donna pokes her head in the door for a second, and spots you cleaning up your desk. "I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the office cafeteria is actually pretty decent. Might help you stretch your money a bit further." She doesn't hang around for a small talk, and quickly heads on her way.
(if: $location is 2)[
(link: "Back to work!!")[
(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)
(goto: "Continue")
(link: "Burp!")[
(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)
(goto: "Continue")
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<!-- Call for energy/stamina recovery calculation -->
<!-- $tempTimePassed for applicable event must... -->
<!--... already be set in originating passage. -->
<!-- record previous energy amount prior to change -->
(set: $energyPrev to $energy)
(set: $energy to it + ((($energyRecoveryRate * $energyRecoveryModifier) / $weight) * $tempTimePassed))
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
<!-- energyRecovery set in initVariables -->
<!-- divided by current weight, as penalty for size -->
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Supplement City...</div>''<table class='foodTable'><tr><td>
''Xtra-dense weight gain shake:''
For emergency treatment of dangerously emaciated individuals.
$weightShakeVolume lbs, ''have (if: weightShakes of $invMedical is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: weightShakes of $invMedical) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $weightShakePrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $weightShakePrice)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: weightShakes of $invMedical to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$weightShakePrice)(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($$weightShakePrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $weightShakePrice * 5)[ / (link:"5")[(set: weightShakes of $invMedical to it + 5)(set: $bankBalance to it - (5 * $weightShakePrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(5 * $weightShakePrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $weightShakePrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: weightShakes of $invMedical to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $weightShakePrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(10 * $weightShakePrice)))]
(if: (weightShakes of $invMedical is not 0) and (((($stomachContent / $stomachSize)*100)<($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)) or (($desiredFullness is 0) and ($stomachContent < $stomachSize))))[<div class='button2'>(link: "Drink one now")[(set: $stomachContent += $weightShakeVolume)(set: $stomachCalories += $weightShakeCalories)(set: weightShakes of $invMedical -= 1)(if: $weightShakeUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $weightShakeUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "WeightShakeFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MedicalSupplements")]]</div>]
''Restorative Health Serum:''
Boosts natural healing for 5 days. (15 days max). (if: HealthSerum of $statusEffectState is > 0)[(colour: #028700)[Current dose: (floor: (HealthSerum of $statusEffectState)/8) days.]]
$healthSerumVolume lbs, ''have (if: healthSerums of $invMedical is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: healthSerums of $invMedical) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $healthSerumPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $healthSerumPrice)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: healthSerums of $invMedical to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$healthSerumPrice)(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($$healthSerumPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $healthSerumPrice * 5)[ / (link:"5")[(set: healthSerums of $invMedical to it + 5)(set: $bankBalance to it - (5 * $healthSerumPrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(5 * $healthSerumPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $healthSerumPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: healthSerums of $invMedical to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $healthSerumPrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(10 * $healthSerumPrice)))]
(if: (healthSerums of $invMedical is not 0) and (((($stomachContent / $stomachSize)*100)<($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)) or (($desiredFullness is 0) and ($stomachContent < $stomachSize) and (HealthSerum of $statusEffectState <= 112))))[<div class='button2'>(link: "Drink one now")[(set: $stomachContent += $healthSerumVolume)(set: $stomachCalories += $healthSerumCalories)(set: healthSerums of $invMedical -= 1)(set: HealthSerum of $statusEffectState += 40)(if: HealthSerum of $statusEffectState > 120)[(set: HealthSerum of $statusEffectState to 120)](if: $healthSerumUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $healthSerumUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "HealthSerumFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MedicalSupplements")]]</div>]
''Stomach Numbing Elixer:''
Stomach capacity up & extra nausea resistance for 2 days. (6 days max). (if: StomachNumb of $statusEffectState is > 0)[(colour: #028700)[Current dose: (floor: (StomachNumb of $statusEffectState)/8) days.]]
$stomachNumbVolume lbs, ''have (if: stomachNumbs of $invMedical is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: stomachNumbs of $invMedical) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $stomachNumbPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $stomachNumbPrice)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: stomachNumbs of $invMedical to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$stomachNumbPrice)(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($$stomachNumbPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $stomachNumbPrice * 5)[ / (link:"5")[(set: stomachNumbs of $invMedical to it + 5)(set: $bankBalance to it - (5 * $stomachNumbPrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(5 * $stomachNumbPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $stomachNumbPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: stomachNumbs of $invMedical to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $stomachNumbPrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(10 * $stomachNumbPrice)))]
(if: (stomachNumbs of $invMedical is not 0) and (((($stomachContent / $stomachSize)*100)<($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)) or (($desiredFullness is 0) and ($stomachContent < $stomachSize) and (StomachNumb of $statusEffectState <= 40))))[<div class='button2'>(link: "Drink one now")[(set: $stomachContent += $stomachNumbVolume)(set: $stomachCalories += $stomachNumbCalories)(set: stomachNumbs of $invMedical -= 1)(set: StomachNumb of $statusEffectState += 16)(if: StomachNumb of $statusEffectState > 48)[(set: StomachNumb of $statusEffectState to 48)](if: $stomachNumbUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $stomachNumbUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "StomachNumbFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MedicalSupplements")]]</div>]
''Pep Pill:''
Fills stamina and reduces stamina cost, but no recovery for one day. (max one dose)(if: PepPill of $statusEffectState is > 0)[(colour: #028700)[Current dose: (floor: (PepPill of $statusEffectState)*3) hours.]]
$pepPillVolume lbs, ''have (if: pepPills of $invMedical is 0)[<font color='red'>none</font>](else:)[(print: pepPills of $invMedical) left].''
(if: $bankBalance < $pepPillPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $pepPillPrice)[Buy (link: "1")[(set: pepPills of $invMedical to it + 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$pepPillPrice)(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($$pepPillPrice)](if: $bankBalance >= $pepPillPrice * 5)[ / (link:"5")[(set: pepPills of $invMedical to it + 5)(set: $bankBalance to it - (5 * $pepPillPrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(5 * $pepPillPrice)))](if: $bankBalance >= $pepPillPrice * 10)[ / (link:"10")[(set: pepPills of $invMedical to it + 10)(set: $bankBalance to it - (10 * $pepPillPrice))(goto: "MedicalSupplements")] ($(print:(10 * $pepPillPrice)))]
(if: (Exhaustion of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and (pepPills of $invMedical is not 0) and (((($stomachContent / $stomachSize)*100)<($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)) or (($desiredFullness is 0) and ($stomachContent < $stomachSize) and (PepPill of $statusEffectState is 0))))[<div class='button2'>(link: "Swallow one now")[(set: $stomachContent += $pepPillVolume)(set: $stomachCalories += $stomachNumbCalories)(set: pepPills of $invMedical -= 1)(set: PepPill of $statusEffectState += 8)(if: $pepPillUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $pepPillUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "PepPillFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MedicalSupplements")]]</div>](if: Exhaustion of $medicalConditionState is not 9999)[<font color=red>Cannot be used while exhausted</font>]
<tr><td colspan=2>(if: ((($stomachContent / $stomachSize)*100)>=($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)) and $desiredFullness > 0)[(text-color: red)[Too full to choke down any supplements right now...]]<br/><div class="roundborder2">(link:"I'm Done Here...")[(goto: "Continue")]</div></td></tr></table></span>(display: "StatusBox")Todo
<!--acting as a function to automatically drain
energy based on weight -->
<!--variable 'energyCost' must be set prior to
calling this passage -->
<!-- record previous energy amount prior to change -->
(set: $energyPrev to $energy)
(set: $energy to it - ($energyCost * ($weight - ($weight * $travelModifier)))/($energyDrainDivider * $energyDrainModifier))
<!-- energyEffect represents portion (out of 1) of requested energy provided (ie. 0.5 means half of the required energy was available -->
<!-- can be used to represent how much of an activity would be completed-->
(set: $energyEffect to 1)
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energyEffect to ($energyPrev / ($energyPrev + -$energy)))(set: $energy to 0)]
(set: $energyCost to 0)
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Hit the snooze button...''</div>
You wait until the last possible moment to haul yourselve out of your cozy bed. The extra rest is small comfort -- hastily throwing on some clothes, you barely get to work on time.
(link:"Go, go, go...")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(set: $location to 2)(set: $travelDistance to 3)(goto: "Continue")]</span>(display: "EnergyRecovery")(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $travelDistance to 0)(if: $firstDayWork is 1)[(set: $firstDayWork to 0)]}(if: $hoursIntoDay is 9)[Your desk still has a quaint, old-fashioned inbox.
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $weekOutput >= $weekQuota)[(set: $temp to "100")You inbox is empty. You could head home, or find something to keep busy.](else:)[(set: $temp to (text:(($weekOutput/$weekQuota)*100)))''(text:$weekQuota-$weekOutput)'' work units left this week.]
(print: "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + "green" + "' style='width:" + $temp + "%'></div></div>")
Work your shift: (link: "Lazy")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(set: $workEffort to 1)(display:"DoSomeWork")(goto: "Continue")] / (link: "Average")[(set: $workEffort to 2)(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(display:"DoSomeWork")(goto: "Continue")] / (link: "Dedicated")[(set: $workEffort to 3)(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(display:"DoSomeWork")(goto: "Continue")]
(approx. 4 / 8 / 12 units per shift)(if: $weekOutput >= $weekQuota)[(link: "Head for Home")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "HeadForHome")] / (link: "Keep busy")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(display:"DoSomeWork")(goto: "Continue")]]
(link: "Go Home Early")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(goto: "HeadForHome")]</div>](elseif: $hoursIntoDay is 12)[''It's lunch time''.
Bag lunches are for chumps of course, so what'll it be today?
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Office Cafeteria")[(if: $desiredFullness is 0)[(set: $tempForward to "EatCafeteria")(goto:"SetDesiredFullness")](else:)[(goto:"EatCafeteria")]]
(link: "Order Take-out")[(if: $desiredFullness is 0)[(set: $tempForward to "EatDelivery")(goto:"SetDesiredFullness")](else:)[(goto:"EatDelivery")]]
(link: "Skip Lunch")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(goto: "Continue")]
(link: "Go Home Early")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(goto: "HeadForHome")]
</div>(if: $weekOutput >= $weekQuota)[(set: $temp to "100")](else:)[(set: $temp to (text:(($weekOutput/$weekQuota)*100)))]<br /><div class="roundborder5">(if: $shiftWorkOutput > ($weekQuota-$weekOutput))[(print:($weekQuota-$weekOutput))](else:)[$shiftOutput] items looked after, ''(text:$weekQuota-$weekOutput)'' units to go.
(print: "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + "green" + "' style='width:" + $temp + "%'></div></div>")</div>
](elseif: $hoursIntoDay is 15)[Your desk still has a quaint, old-fashioned inbox.
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $weekOutput >= $weekQuota)[(set: $temp to "100")You inbox is empty. You could head home, or find something to keep busy.](else:)[(set: $temp to (text:(($weekOutput/$weekQuota)*100)))''(text:$weekQuota-$weekOutput)'' work units left this week.]
(print: "<div class='w3-progress-container w3-round'><div class='w3-progressbar w3-round-small w3-" + "green" + "' style='width:" + $temp + "%'></div></div>")
Work your shift: (link: "Lazy")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(set: $workEffort to 1)(display:"DoSomeWork")(if: $daysIntoWeek is 5)[(goto:"Payday")](else:)[(goto:"HeadForHome")]] / (link: "Average")[(set: $workEffort to 2)(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(display:"DoSomeWork")(if: $daysIntoWeek is 5)[(goto:"Payday")](else:)[(goto:"HeadForHome")]] / (link: "Dedicated")[(set: $workEffort to 3)(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(display:"DoSomeWork")(if: $daysIntoWeek is 5)[(goto:"Payday")](else:)[(goto:"HeadForHome")]]
(approx. 4 / 8 / 12 units per shift)(if: $weekOutput >= $weekQuota)[(link: "Head for Home")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "HeadForHome")] / (link: "Keep busy")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(display:"DoSomeWork")(goto: "Continue")]]
(link: "Go Home Early")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(goto: "HeadForHome")]</div>]{
(set: $hoursPlayed += $tempTimePassed)
(set: $hoursIntoWeek to ($hoursPlayed % 168))
(set: $daysIntoWeek to (floor:($hoursIntoWeek / 24)))
(set: $hoursIntoDay to ($hoursPlayed % 24))
<!-- Set previous turn values prior to metabolism -->
<!-- (note the "energyPrev" value is set in energyrecover passage) -->
(set: $healthPrev to $health)
(set: $hygienePrev to $hygiene)
(set: $stomachPrev to $stomachContent)
(set: $stomachCaloriesPrev to $stomachCalories)
(display: "Metabolism")<!-- perform body/health calculations -->
<!-- Kludge to prevent obvious reduction in stomach content after you were just eating your fill -->
(if: ((history:)'s last is "EatAtHome") or ((history:)'s last is "EatCafeteria2") or ((history:)'s last is "EatDelivery2"))[
(set: $stomachContent to $stomachPrev)
(set: $stomachCalories to $stomachCaloriesPrev)
<!-- Daily calculation updates -->
(if: $hoursIntoDay is 6)[
<!-- Weekly weight change calculation -->
(display: "WeightWeekChange")
(set: $next to "Main")
<!-- energy cost for traveling -->
(set: $wasWalking to 0)
(if: $travelDistance is not 0)[
(set: $wasWalking to 1)
(set: $energyCost to ($travelDistance * $travelDrain))
(display: "EnergyDrain")
(set: $travelDistance to 0)
<!-- call mobility check mini-game -->
(if: $energy is < 10)[
(set: $next to "MobilityCheck")
<!-- First Day of work, meeting Donna-->
(if: ($firstDayWork is 1) and ($location is 2))[
(set: $next to "Donna1")
<!-- If employed, late Friday at home, or Saturday, and not yet paid, and not already redirected, call payday -->
(if: (($occupation is not 0) and ($daysIntoWeek is 5) and ($hoursIntoDay >= 18) and ($beenPaid is 0) and ($location is not 2)) or (($occupation is not 0) and ($daysIntoWeek is 6) and ($beenPaid is 0)) and ($next is "Main"))[
(set: $next to "Payday")
<!-- if not already redirected, trigger new milestone events -->
(if: $next is "Main")[
<!-- check for one-time event weight trigger -->
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(for: each _event, ...$oneTimeEventNames)[
(if: (_event of $oneTimeEvents < $weight) and
($currentEvent is ""))[
(set: $currentEvent to _event)
<!-- REJECT event if context restriction applies -->
(if: $wasWalking is not 1)[
<!-- needs to have just travelled/walked -->
(if: $currentEvent is "EventScooterBreak")[
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(if: $location is not 2)[
<!-- needs to be at work -->
(if: $currentEvent is "EventBreakChair")[
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(if: ($location is not 1) and ($location is not 3))[
<!-- needs to be at home -->
(if: $currentEvent is "EventCantWalkFar" or "EventBedroomDoor")[
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(if: $tempTimePassed <= 3)[
<!-- needs to be asleep ->
(if: $currentEvent is "EventCantReachRestroom"
or "EventImmobility")[
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(if: $staff is not "Donna")[
<!-- need Donna available -->
(if: $currentEvent is "EventBellyBed" or "EventSayGoodbye")[
(set: $currentEvent to "")
(if: $currentEvent is "EventAltimatum")[
<!-- No altimatum if she's not around -->
(if: $staff is not "Donna")[
(set: $next of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)
(set: $currentEvent to "")
<!-- need a bed sling -->
(if: bedSlings of $invMedical is 0)[
(if: $currentEvent is "EventBellyBed")[
<!-- Too late to trigger if immobile -->
(if: $immobile is 1)[
(set: $next of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)
(set: $currentEvent to "")
<!-- Set forwarding location to triggered event -->
(if: $currentEvent is not "")[
(set: $next to $currentEvent)
<!-- If triggered event is a "milestone", then disable it -->
(if: $oneTimeEventNames contains $next)[
(set: $next of $oneTimeEvents to 99999)
<!-- if not already redirected, check for overeat sickness -->
(if: $stomachContent > ($stomachSize * 1.1) and $next is "Main")[
<!-- chance of overeating sickness -->
<!-- content/size normally 1.1 to 2 (for double capacity-->
<!-- nausea resist (norm. 1), times rand. 1 to 2 -->
<!-- (auto sick if double capacity, until resist up)-->
<!-- add weight to stomach content effect...-->
<!-- base on pivot caloric content 750-->
(if: (((random:100,200)/50)*($nauseaResist+$nauseaModifier)) < (($stomachContent / $stomachSize) * ($avgCalories/750)))[
(set: $next to "OverEatSick")
<!-- Chance to trigger WORK related events here -->
(if: ($next is "Main") and ($location is 2))[
<!-- Fire drill event -->
(if: (random: 1,100) <= 2)[
(set: $next to "WorkFireDrill")
<!-- Play roulette for new medical situations on an uneventful turn -->
(if: $next is "Main")[(display: "MedicalConditionsInfect")]
<!-- Play roulette for other random events -->
(if: ($next is "Main") and ((random:1,100) < 3) and ($donnaRelationship > 2))[
(set: $next to "WeekLongStudy")
<!-- reset "wasjustsick" flag if nausea not retriggered -->
(if: $next is not "OverEatSick")[(set: $wasJustSick to 0)]
<!-- reset "beenPaid" flag on Monday -->
(if: $occupation is not 0 and $daysIntoWeek is 1 and $beenPaid is 1)[(set: $beenPaid to 0)]
<!-- reset "sleeping" flag before contining in the morning-->
(if: $sleeping is 1)[(set: $sleeping to 0)]
<!-- reset "can't rest" flag for message/status-->
(set: $cantRest to 0)
<!-- If no special / mandatory events, -->
<!-- $next will contain "Main" loop label -->
(if: $debug is 1)[(link: $next)[(goto: $next)]]
(else:)[(goto: $next)]
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>You overslept!''</div>
There's a message on the machine from your boss, wondering where you are. Hastily throwing on some clothes, you try to salvage the rest of the work day.
<div class="roundborder5">(link:"Go, go, go...")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 9)(set: $travelDistance to 3)(set: $location to 2)(goto: "Continue")]</div></span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Mobility Challenge</div>''
Ooomph! Only part way to your destination, you realize you might have been a bit over-ambitious.
Insert game of chance to determine if you push yourself, or surrender to other options.
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){<!-- Reduce stomach contents by between 25 and 100 percent -->
(set: $vomitLoss to (random: 40, 90))
(set: $stomachContent to it * (1 - ($vomitLoss / 100)))
(set: $stomachCalories to it * (1 - ($vomitLoss / 100)))
<!-- Significant stamina penalty -->
(set: $energyCost to 10)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
<!-- Minor health penalty -->
(set: $health to it * 0.8)
<!-- Advance sick counter for end score screen -->
(set: $sickCounter to it + 1)
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Hmmmp... mmmp... Bleeeech!! (if: $wasJustSick is 1)[Again...]''</div>
Try as you might, you(if: $wasJustSick is 1)[ ''still''] can't do anything to settle your abused stomach, and it suddenly rebels. (if: $location is 2)[You duck into the restroom just in time, and do your best not to attract embarassing attention from other workers.](else:)[You find your toilet, and ride out the waves of nausea.]
(if: ((random:500,1000)/$weight) < 1)[Despite your best efforts, you can't help but get some on yourself. Wonderful.(set: $hygiene -= (random:20,50))]
(if: (random:1,100) < 30)[You held out a little longer this time -- enough that you think ''you have slightly more iron-stomach resistance''.(set: $nauseaResist to it * 1.05)
You clean yourself up as best you can, feeling much worse for the episode. Bad luck(if: $wasJustSick is 1)[... again.](else:)[ this time.] If this starts becoming a habit, you might consider (link: "eating less")[(set: $wasJustSick to 1)(set: $tempForward to "Continue")(goto:"SetDesiredFullness")].
<div class="roundborder5">(link:"Ble...*burp* I'll be fine.")[(set: $wasJustSick to 1)(goto: "Continue")]</div></span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Office Cafeteria''</div>
They have a pretty good outfit running the lunch room at your office, and there's a rows of steamer trays filled with a few simple but filling casseroles and pots of thick soup.
Not quite as cheap as home-cooked food, but it is convenient and reasonably tasty... To get your fill, it's going to ''cost (if: (((((((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier)/100)*$stomachSize)-$stomachContent)*$cafeteriaFoodPrice)*100)/100) < 0))[nothing, at the moment.](else:)[ about $(print:((floor:(((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) /100)*$stomachSize)-$stomachContent)*$cafeteriaFoodPrice)*100)/100).]''
(if: $bankBalance < (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize)-$stomachContent) * $cafeteriaFoodPrice)[
<div class="roundborder5">You need more cash! Maybe (link: "just forget it")[(goto: "Continue")(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)] for now.
You might also consider (link: "settling for a smaller portion")[(set: $tempForward to "EatCafeteria")(goto: "SetDesiredFullness")].</div>
](elseif: ((((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize)-$stomachContent) * $cafeteriaFoodPrice) < 5)[You're already so full, you're not even sure you can pack away a basic $5 meal special.
<div class="roundborder5">Probably best to just (link: "forget it for now")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Continue")].</div>](else:)[
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Sounds Good")[(set: $tempForward to "EatCafeteria")(goto: "EatCafeteria2")]
(link: "On second thought...")[(goto: "Continue")(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)]</div>]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Lunch of Champions...</div>''{(set: $fastfoodCalories to ((random: $fastFoodCaloriesLower, $fastFoodCaloriesUpper)*0.7))
<!--Use fast food calories base, and use 0.7 muliplier reduction for cafeteria food -->
(set: $stomachFill to ($stomachContent/$stomachSize)*100)
(set: $bankBalance to it - (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize) - $stomachContent) * $cafeteriaFoodPrice)
(set: $eatAmount to (((($desiredFullness+$desiredFullnessModifier) / 100) * $stomachSize) - $stomachContent))
(set: $stomachContent to it + $eatAmount)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + ($eatAmount * $fastfoodCalories))
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it +($eatAmount * $fastfoodCalories))
(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)
<!-- 50% chance of ecountering Donna -->
(if: (random:1,100) < 50)[
You seen Donna seated in the corner, eating alone. Other employees seem to be actively avoiding her table.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Empty seats. Sweet.")[(goto: "DonnaCafeteriaA")]
(link: "Sit somewhere else.")[(goto: "DonnaCafeteriaB")]</div>
](else:)[Nothing special seems to be going on in the cafeteria today. You plop yourself down at a free bench, ignore the judgemental stares, and (display: "EatCafeteria3")].
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Back to work!!")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 3)(goto: "Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Screw this job!</div>''
So, uh, money is pretty useful for... things. You like things.
(if: $hoursPlayed is 30)[
Plus, it's pretty ballsy to quit a job on the morning of ''your first day''.
Are you really ready to cut off your main income stream?
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Hell yeah!")[(set:$occupation to 0)(goto:"Quit2")]
(link:"Wait, NO!")[(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>No really... SCREW THIS JOB!</div>''
You make a couple of calls, and make your feelings clear.
(insert comment about how they took your resignation based on recent work performance)
At any rate, that's that. You are now ''unemployed''. Congrats, quitter.
<div class="roundborder5">[[Continue]]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
(if: $foodPreference is 1)[
(set: $checkFood to $availableFoods's 1st)
](elseif: $foodPreference is 2)[
(set: $checkFood to (either: ...$availableFoods))
(set: $checkFood to ($availableFoods's last))
(if: $checkFood is "salad")[
(set: salads of $invFood to it - 1)
(set: $stomachContent to it + $saladVolume)
(set: $mealVolume to it + $saladVolume)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + $saladCalories)
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it + $saladCalories)
(set: $ateSalad to it + 1)
(if: salads of $invFood is 0)[
(set: $availableFoods to it - (a:"salad"))
(set: $lastSalad to 1)
(elseif: $checkFood is "sandwich")[
(set: sandwiches of $invFood to it - 1)
(set: $stomachContent to it + $sandwichVolume)
(set: $mealVolume to it + $sandwichVolume)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + $sandwichCalories)
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it + $sandwichCalories)
(set: $ateSandwich to it + 1)
(if: sandwiches of $invFood is 0)[
(set: $availableFoods to it - (a:"sandwich"))
(set: $lastSandwich to 1)
(elseif: $checkFood is "burger")[
(set: burgers of $invFood to it - 1)
(set: $stomachContent to it + $burgerVolume)
(set: $mealVolume to it + $burgerVolume)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + $burgerCalories)
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it + $burgerCalories)
(set: $ateBurger to it + 1)
(if: burgers of $invFood is 0)[
(set: $availableFoods to it - (a:"burger"))
(set: $lastBurger to 1)
(elseif: $checkFood is "doughnut")[
(set: doughnuts of $invFood to it - 1)
(set: $stomachContent to it + $doughnutVolume)
(set: $mealVolume to it + $doughnutVolume)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + $doughnutCalories)
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it + $doughnutCalories)
(set: $ateDoughnut to it + 1)
(if: doughnuts of $invFood is 0)[
(set: $availableFoods to it - (a:"doughnut"))
(set: $lastDoughnut to 1)
(elseif: $checkFood is "cake")[
(set: cakes of $invFood to it - 1)
(set: $stomachContent to it + $cakeVolume)
(set: $mealVolume to it + $cakeVolume)
(set: $stomachCalories to it + $cakeCalories)
(set: $caloriesConsumed to it + $cakeCalories)
(set: $ateCake to it + 1)
(if: cakes of $invFood is 0)[
(set: $availableFoods to it - (a:"cake"))
(set: $lastCake to 1)
(else:)[SELECTION ERROR (set: $outOfFood to 1)]
(if: $availableFoods's length is 0)[
(set: $outOfFood to 1)
(set: $stomachFill to ($stomachContent/$stomachSize)*100)
(if: $workEffort is 1)[
(set: $shiftOutput to (random:2,6))
(set: $energyCost to 1)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
(elseif: $workEffort is 2)[
(set: $shiftOutput to (random:4,12))
(set: $energyCost to 3)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
(elseif: $workEffort is 3)[
(set: $shiftOutput to (random:10,20))
(set: $energyCost to 5)
(display: "EnergyDrain")
<!-- if output will exceed quota, change output to match quota -->
(if: ($shiftOutput + $weekOutput) > $weekQuota)[(set:$shiftOutput to ($weekQuota-$weekOutput))]
<!-- add -->
(set: $weekOutput += $shiftOutput)
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Heading for home...</div>''
(if: $hoursIntoDay is 18)[You got $shiftWorkOutput more items looked after, leaving (print:$workQuota-$workOutput) on your desk for another day.
Another day of work finished, you (link: "pack up and head for home")[(set: $travelDistance to 3)(set: $location to 1)(goto: "Continue")].]
(else:)[(if:($workQuota-$workOutput) > 0)[You leave (print:$workQuota-$workOutput) unfinished items on your desk for another day.]
You check in with the secretary on the way out, and (link: "head for home")[(set: $travelDistance to 3)(set: $location to 1)(goto: "Continue")]]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $bankBalance += $income)(Set: $moneyEarned += $income)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Yay payday!</div>''
(if: $location is 2)[You got $shiftWorkOutput more items looked after, (if:$weekOutput<$weekQuota)[leaving (print:$weekQuota-$weekOutput) unfinished on your desk.](elseif: $weekOutput is $weekQuota)[finishing all your work just in time.](else:)[hoping that your boss appreciates the extra work you did this week.]
Being Friday, your wages are automatically deposited into your bank account. Handy.
Work week finished, you (link: "head for home with your small influx of cash")[(set: $travelDistance to 3)(set: $location to 1)(goto: "Continue")].](else:)[You just got a notification that your week's wage has been issued by direct deposit into your bank account. Handy.
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
(set: $weekQuota to (random:43,67))
(set: $weekOutput to 0)
(set: $beenPaid to 1)
<!-- General filler, but only at home -->
(set: $flavorTextGeneral to (array:
"Today's gratuitous body fat estimate: (font:'Courier')[(round:(($weight-200)/$weight)*100)]%",
"In the stillness, your stomach gurgles softly.",
"Precisely nothing exciting is happening.",
"The newly-hired TV news anchor is kind of cute.",
"You wonder how many people there might be out there, doing what you're doing. Seems like the weight-gain thing is more popular these days.",
"(if: $immobile is 1)[Guess you can let your membership in that 'clothes of the month' lapse, now that you seldom wear more than a blanket.](else:)[You're glad you kept paying your membership for that suspiciously convenient 'Clothes of the Month' club. They have such an unlikely selection of plus-sizes.]",
"(if: $immobile is 0)[You know that feeling when big, flabby parts of you seem to keep moving, even after you try to stop? Yeah, that's been happening more often.](else:)[You would think that becoming your own cushion would guarantee comfort. Not so much.]",
"This is a perfectly natural process. Imagine the cave men who hunted and foraged an enormous stash, hid from predators, and secretly packed on extra winter weight. I'll bet National Geographic has a whole archive of fat-appreciation cave drawings.",
"Fun fact: your stomach can hold about (floor: ($stomachSize / 4)) times that of a non-freakish person.",
"On a positive note, you're drought and famine resistant."
(set: $flavorTextTimeForWork to (array:
"It's the dawn of another stimulating work day.",
"Bleary eyed, you look at your alarm clock and sigh deeply. Need to get up... need to pay the bills.",
"Would they notice if you just skipped work? \*sigh\* They probably would.",
"You wake from a dream about getting ready for work. You're relieved it was only a dre... oh crap.",
"You've discovered a new and miraculous level of comfort; a higher plane of absolute slothful perfection, and damn it... it's time for work."
(set: $flavorTextWork to (array:
"You briefly ponder how much bigger you might already be if you didn't have to worry about holding down a job.",
"In one sense, getting fatter is literally wasting your life away. Spending time in this office still feels like a worse offender.",
"The ticking from the reliable old wall clock is beginning to drive you mad. Couldn't they have found one manufactered in the last few decades?",
"There's a general office din from nearby rooms -- the sound of dozens of people that are almost certainly more motivated than you.",
"Someone thoughtfully dropped off more TPS forms while you were gone.",
"You stop to consider whow long they would keeping issuing your pay if this place should happen to burn down. Enexpectedly. At night.",
"Who keeps taking the damn stapler?",
"You wish your office was closer to the cafeteria.",
"At least someone in human resources was thoughtful enough to give you a ground-floor office.",
"The fluorescent tubes hum like angels.",
"Luckily you actually have a pretty solid background in programming, and it would take a lot of blubber to keep you from operating a keyboard and mouse.",
"You spot Donna, arm-deep into the guts of a copy machine, cursing softly. She probably doesn't need any distractions.",
"You pass a room with an ongoing lecture about customer service. Seems like Donna is in one of the seats, nearly asleep.",
"A frumpy-looking staffer shuffles past with several boxes of files stacked in front of their face. You realize belatedly that it was Donna."
(set: $flavorTextHighGain to (array:
"There's always a strange itch across your chest and belly whenever you gain this quickly.",
"It's not often when you can just //feel// the difference from one week to the next.",
"Your skin feels a little tight, as if it needs more time to stretch and accommodate all the weight you've packed on the last while.",
"It's funny how you can just //tell// when you're pushing through a phase of extra-fast gaining."
(set: $flavorTextLowGain to (array:
"It doesn't seem like you've made much headway with your weight lately.",
"Your mounds of blubber seems softer. You can't have lost much weight, but your skin is loose and ready for more.",
"Hopefully you'll have a chance to pick up the pace with your gaining."
(set: $flavorText300 to (array:
"You hike up your pants yet again, enjoying a the way your belly droops over your waistband.",
"Sometimes when you stop and think about it, you realize you're a little more winded than you probably ought to be.",
"Some people already consider you rather obese. Some people are also very silly and judgemental, and need to go eat some damn cake.",
"You'd totally eat green eggs and ham.",
"Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #4 - The sill on top of your belly is a magical piece of furniture in its own right.",
"(if: $location is 2)[The handle to flush the urinal is at the perfect height to plunge into your belly button. You get a moment's amusement by flushing without using your hands.](else:)[Your fabric of your shirts always seems to be digging into your armpits. It's almost as if the designers never considered fitment for someone quite as 'front heavy' as yourself.]"
(set: $flavorText400 to (array:
"Few would call your wardrobe particulary stylish. Then again, the market isn't exactly flooded with fashionable and affordable clothing for the ample gentleman.",
"You pause for a moment, noting with a certain fascination how much your thighs chafe together.",
"You break the peaceful stillness by taking your considerable mound of chub in both hands, lifting it, and letting it slap against your thighs.",
"Sedentary lifestyle seems to be creeping up on you.",
"It's pretty obvious you're winded more easily than you used to be. Good thing you're not persuing a career in the field of... well... anything remotely associated with physical labor.",
"Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #17 - Getting irritated with yourself for eating so much, but even more irritated when you have to //stop//.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #53// - The staff at supermarkets and restaurants, as a rule, aren't very good at hiding that judgemental look that screams 'Really? At your size, you think you need //all// of this?'.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #22// - To bend over is to knowingly invite a sudden and intense urge to pee.",
"Your collection of stretch marks is multiplying. You absently run your fingertips across a few of the widest tender furrows."
(set: $flavorText500 to (array:
"You shift in your chair, trying in vain to redistribute the substantial pile of belly to rest more comfortably on your lap.",
"You take a few deep breaths, combating your worsening fatigue. It's getting more difficult to concentrate -- these days you find yourself quickly and easily winded after even simple tasks.",
"There's a predictable rhythm to your ponderous waddling stride. You've learned to flow with it, or else tire yourself out plowing your belly with your thighs.",
"(if: $location is not 2)[You bobble the TV remote control, and make an uncharacteristically athletic lunge for it without thinking. You miss the grab, and overshoot into an awkward stumble that nearly sends you sprawling.] (if: $staff is 'Donna')[//Clutz!//, Donna helpfully calls across the room.]",
"Yet another jolt of electric pain shoots up your overburdened back. You do your best to pull your shoulders back and improve your posture, but it's a futile exercise.",
"You can't deny it any longer. You've developed a new overtone to your usual body odor, and it seems to linger regardless of cleaning.",
"Seems like you're destined to be thick around the middle, somewhere between apple and pear-shaped. Isn't storing fat centrally supposed to be a higher-risk? Well, whatever. It's happening.",
"Coming back from a restroom break, you hesitate a moment before sitting down, marvelling at how far your jiggling paunch has advanced toward the goal of fully smothering your crotch.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #41// - Sitting where the remote control //isn't//, and needing a short rest before tackling the problem."
(set: $flavorText600 to (array:
"It's funny how easily a significant reluctance to move can become part of a daily routine.",
"You think it's a shame how many casually obese folk seem to give up at about this point... or go whore themselves out on TV.",
"The rhythmic slapping against the fronts of your thighs while you walk serves as a gentle reminder that you might be getting a bit fat.",
"Sore feet are a constant nuisance these days. It's almost like they haven't automatically adjusted to carrying more than 3 times your 'ideal' weight.",
"You take a momement to recall, with some amusement, a time when you stopped in front of the neighborhood gym just to linger and tease the patrons by eating candy bars.",
"Took you a couple of tries to get up, hips and knees burning like lava.",
"Another day, another horribly inadequate excuse after being caught sucking your own nipples.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #60// - A constant and increasingly justified fear of falling down.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #76// - Having to rest your belly in the sink if you want to reach the faucet.",
"Well, your knee joints already feel (and //sound//) like they have gravel floating in them. How much longer do you plan to walk, again?"
(set: $flavorText700 to (array:
"You have to admit, your condition doesn't make walking very much fun. It's frankly a bit of struggle these days -- when you're not avoiding it, that is.",
"It's almost like being this obese causes premature wear to your joints. Or something. Ow.",
"Your waddling motion is more pronounced than ever, exacerbated by the ponderous swinging bag of fat thumping against your knees.",
"There's no longer any question your primary shape will be 'round', but just enough blubber seems to be seeping into your thighs and calves that you imagine they'll become an issue soon enough.",
"//You're a burden on the tribe and its resources. You're a slow and sickly liability. The predators are definitely going to start with you.// A faint but persistent echo of instinct quietly nags at you, trying desperately to make you reassert your sense of self-preservation.",
"Occasionally you try to rub the circulation back into your legs, plagued by a irritating pins-and-needles sensation.",
"At some point, you must have begun to accept that it's //normal// to feel like there's someone sitting on your chest.",
"Some swelling is settling into your lower extremities. Get used to those red, sore, puffy legs and feet.",
"Used to be that you always confident about 'wearing' your fat. Lately you've been getting the uncomfortable notion that you're actually a passenger inside it.",
"You'd barely last two seconds in a standing position without locking your knees.",
"Putting on your own socks and shoes is officially on the list of things to 'avoid whenever possible'.",
"Funny how you can get used to things -- like a slowly growing list of everyday movements that cause a sudden urge to pee.",
"It's entirely possible that Mother Nature had reasons for putting so many huge animals on four legs and flat feet/hooves.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #58// - It's no cooncidence that the angry-looking bruised welt on one side of your ample gut corresponds perfectly with a well-worn corner of your kitchen counter.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #84// - Dragging an area rug halfway across the room because it gets caught in your cankle.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #92// - At least //some// of your difficulty getting off the toilet lately can be attributed to the considerable suction while pulling that porcelain bowl out of your ass crack.",
"(if: $location is not 2)[You're half-listening to a TV documentary: '...while an average person can deadlift in the neighborhood of 300lbs, there are documented cases of hysterical strength, where adrenaline may temporarily grant extraordinary abilities such as lifting a car to save a loved one.'"
(set: $flavorText800 to (array:
"(if: $immobile is 0)[It really has gotten to the point where dragging your fat ass any distance is a gargantuan effort.](else:)[You had hoped to hold out a bit longer before succumbing to immobility. So sense dwelling on it, you suppose.]",
"You're assaulted by waves of unavoidable pins-and-needles numbness in your legs and feet.",
"It's sort of surreal to be closing in on the big '1000'. It seems like there should be some kind of prize -- at least, something more than being obscenely fat.",
"Oddly, you don't remember your health class covering the practical everyday issues, like obesity-related incontinence.",
"(if: $cantMasturbate is not 1)[You realize with growing concern that it's getting ridiculously difficult to lay a hand on your own man bits.](else:)[You find yourself absently digging a hand toward your groin, already forgetting the futility of it. Damn.]",
"It's a bit amusing to see people thinking they're really fat when their belly is smaller than one of your man-boobs.",
"On the (usually unexpected) occasions when you find yourself sprawled on the floor, it's easy to imagine you've devolved into some sort of baser form -- heaving and wobbling like a slug, with little to suggest a civilized human being.",
"Honestly, you can understand why a lot of fatties seem to quit before this point. The consequences bear some serious weight. //*rimshot*//",
"You like to leave the window shades open to bring light into the room, but lately more kids have been nosing around. Nothing helps popularity quite like becoming a freakish entry in the school rumor mill.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #133// - Taking a break from eating so that you can catch your breath.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #154// - While fat is generally soft and pliable, it can unfortunately still cause extreme and regrettable discomfort should your junk get pinched in just the //wrong// way.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #161// - To say you eat a lot is an understatement, but a body this size akes several times the usual amount of food just to maintain. A normal diet would be incredibly harsh, even if you were interested in such a bizarre idea.",
"You've heard people recommend squatting for easier bowel movements. They probabably didn't have to deal with an epic sack of lard occupying the space between their knees and face.",
"Maybe you were always looking for control. You can't choose your family, your upbringing, or your species. Most changes you can effect on your body are cosmetic. Getting this fat is a transformation that goes beyond skin deep, and makes a lasting difference.",
"They say 'self mutilation'. You say 'all-natural and organic body modification'."
(set: $flavorText1000 to (array:
"It's sobering to think of how few reported '1000lb' guests appear on the TV shows. It's probably not just because of the moving logistics.",
"Getting this fat has closed a lot of doors for you -- but then, you'd probably just get stuck anyway.",
"You play a delicate balancing act. The pressure on your lungs in frightening, and focusing on it only seems to make it worse.",
"Your immense size is leading to an odd sense of physical detachment. You're aware of countless little aches, pinches, and itches - but most of them seem vague and impossible to isolate.",
"Despite already greedily filling the trough between your legs, your belly continues to spread in every direction -- now easily spilling beyond your knees while seated.",
"In a development that doesn't bode well for your independence, it's getting noticeably difficult to lift your god-damn arms.",
"(if: $cantMasturbate is not 1)[It's actually surprising that you can still lay a hand on your own man bits. Um... you can right? Wow... Yeah. Barely.](else:)[You find yourself absently digging a hand toward your groin, momentarily forgetting the futility of it.]",
"Your mounds of flesh sometimes catch and slide against each other, shifting to resettle and equalize pressure, like continental plates in a bizarre parody of blubber geology",
"A few of your deepest, least accessible folds of skin have already begun to fester. The flesh is too impacted to shift or breathe properly",
"You ever get that feeling that you're... I don't know... flirting with some kind of deeply-ingrained biological limit?",
"If fetish artwork has taught you anything, it's that your body is going to grow a monsterous hyper-phallus. Yup... any time now.",
"Shit. For about the millionth time, you remind yourself that you really //are// immobile. And by quite a 'healthy' margin.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #166// - Losing the remote control, while being in direct physical contact with said remote control.",
"You reach behind your head and grab the headboard with both hands. It emits a tortured groan as you begin pulling, using it as an unwilling anchor in an attempt to scoot yourself a bit further up the bed. The friction of fabric feels alarmingly coarse on your raw backside, searing with each sloshing jerk of flesh. With a sigh of relief, you finally reach the can of soda on your nightstand.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #167// - An uninjured, uncrippled man, in reasonable health -- who will never walk again.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #185// - Intense pent-up urges that swing wildly between frustrating and incredible.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #204// - Suppressing the instinct to fight against your self-imposed captivity.",
"You thought you'd be more 'gassy' as an enormous bedbound fatass. Not so much. You have your gassy moments, but they're pretty much linked to what you've been eating.",
"Your stomach is an inappropriately big void just begging to be filled, and stands as much chance of shrinking back to normal size as the skin around your enormous belly.",
"Seen a few times in ultra-obesity discussions: 'Someone manages to get that fat, they're not even gonna //want// to get up and walk again.' Actually, you will. Often.",
"From a rational perspective, this almost makes as much sense as letting yourself get run over by a steam roller."
(set: $flavorText1250 to (array:
"The pins-and-needles sensation from your smothered legs isn't likely to improve with belly fat already reaching as far as your ankles.",
"The last few times you stood up and tried to walk, you remember the odd sensation of fat sagging against your feet. What do you suppose that feeling means now, since you're lying down?",
"It's not like you can see them anymore, but... it's probably shouldn't be this difficult to wiggle your feet.",
"Your tried unassisted breathing again for a few moments today. Result: //not an option//. (if: $staff is 'Donna')[Donna didn't seem particularly concerned by the result, but then it probably comes as no surprise.]",
"You've had an interest in the fattest people around. You're fairly sure you've become larger than any of them.",
"Maybe most people feel this way far sooner -- but you've got to admit, being record-breaking obese is tough on the system. You don't feel so hot most days.",
"Momentarily confused, you realize you blacked out for a moment... after a truly decisive battle trying to force out a stubborn fart. You think it won.",
"It's hard not to feel like you're floating. When you get the notion to challenge your unmovable bulk, you find nothing solid to act upon. Only a rubbery mass that yields to your strength without giving anything back.",
"You recall a moment as a young boy, playing outside, curiously watching the approach of a roiling storm front. It blew in quickly, dark and silently roaring. Your father came to you, rushing to gather you up and run to shelter. A violent gust staggered him as he ran, but you both made it just as the hail begain. Oddly, you imagine you're still in that yard, facing that storm, unmoving. Immobile. Stubbornly anchored to withstand the gale.",
"You struggle for a moment simply to scratch an itch on your nose. Bending your elbow makes the flab on the inside of your arm bunch up and squeeze out the sides.",
"The effort it takes to simply bring your hands together is getting a little ridiculous, resembling an odd sort of breast-mashing solo bear-hug. So much for all those standing ovations you had planned.",
"Your lower body is nearly consumed in lard, and the still-expanding bulk has forced your legs apart in a brutal mockery of gymnastic splits. Your hips are in constant agony, aching with tension you're absolutely incapable of relieving.",
"There's an unexpected tickle from the base of your smothered (either:'left','right') leg just before a rumbling pocket of gas escapes.",
"(if: $staff is 'Donna')[It's a good thing Donna is willing to help with some of your more... //intimate// needs.](else:)[You don't think it's possible to die of sexual tension, but some days you begin to wonder.]",
"Even with some sort of laboratory assistance, you've pretty much removed yourself from the gene pool.",
"It occurs to you that 'My 600 lb life' might have easily been called 'Hoarders: Body Fat Edition'",
"Rags on sticks are an impractical fad. 2/5 stars. Would not recommend.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #259// - Feeling a weird vague pop and odd burning sensation while trying to shift your bloated form, and being relieved when you find out you've //only// shit yourself.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #290// - Willingly subjecting yourself to a slow and crippling transformation that makes you a prisoner in your own body.",
"(if: $staff is 'Donna')[Donna thinks it's funny to leave cocktail umbrellas stuck between you toes.] (if: EventFeetSmothering of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Hilarious, now that it's becoming a very real struggle for you to knock the damn things loose.]",
"You're probably not going to see much return on the old age security payments that came off your paychecks. Cheerful thought.",
"Every once in a while, it strikes you how much you would appreciate the chance to walk again.",
"You were never an athlete. The onset of immobility has hardly been gradual, gentle, or forgiving."
(set: $flavorText1500 to (array:
"(if: $staff is 'Donna')[Donna is full of stunning insights. 'Whoa. I'm still getting used to seeing you so //blob-like//'.](else:)[You are getting ridiculously close to the fictional 'blob-like' stereotype.]",
"There's something a little bizarre about having your lower body practically submerged. You liked some of the things down there.",
"(if: eventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Nope... still can't free your toes from the tomb of fat. That just feels //weird//.](else:)[It's all you can do to make your toes feel the kiss of cool air for a moment before they dissapear again.]",
"You're startled by a little squeak of gas from your rank arm cavity. Turns out the sound isn't loud and rumbly as the leg ones.",
"The puckering bracelets of fat around your wrists are growing tighter, threatening to take even that small freedom away from you.",
"Regardless of what you might think about being this size, it's brutally obvious that your body is suffering some rather serious consequences.",
"You find eyes are getting sore from straining the limits of your peripheral vision. Seems your lard-clotted neck can't quite turn your head like it should.",
"Any second thoughts? Any regrets?",
"You have to finally admit that you've gone beyond any hope of backpedaling now. This crazy thing you're doing has truly cascaded out of your control.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #334// - Once a stomach stretches this much, it's physically challenging to get yourself reasonably full. Also, there is noticeable pressure on your other organs when you do.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #358// - There's still a normal-sized human inside all this.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #388// - A general feeling of severe constipation that seems to radiate from parts of your body completely unrelated to your digestive system.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #315// - Making rather awkward enquiries regarding the future disposal of a very large corpse.",
"It's probably a good thing this floor is poured concrete.",
"(if: $weight > EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents)[(if: $staff is 'Donna')[Donna gamely digs for your feet to trim your toenails. 'Jesus Christ. These things are already more than (floor:((($weight-(EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents))/100)+2)) inches deep!'](else:)[Your maid begrudingly attempts to find your toenails to trip them. She announces in disgust that they're already more than (floor:((($weight-(EventFeetStuck of $oneTimeEvents))/100)+2)) inches deep.]](else:)[(if: $staff is 'Donna')[Donna gamely trims your toenails, insisting the way they barely poke beyond your nearly-swallowed feet is absolutely hilarious.](else:)[The maid begrudingly trims your toenails, declaring with disgust that they barely poke beyond your near-smothered feet.]",
"You imagine a crew making a hole in the roof to haul you out with a sky-crane helicopter. But the lines break. And you fall 50ft to smash into the yard like an overripe melon. With gawkers caught beneath. Including your parents. You stifle a sadistic giggle.",
"You try to bring your hands together, fighting the building resistance until you're left sweating with your finger tips slightly farther apart than last time.",
"Even if you could lose HALF this weight, you'd likely still be pinned to your bed."
(set: $flavorText2000 to (array:
"Holy crap. You though 1000lbs was a bit crazy? This doesn't even seem real any more.",
"No question. You're a blob, plain and simple.",
"Each day that you wake up again is frankly a little bit of a surprise.",
"Much of the feedback you still get from your body has been reduced to little false tingles from nerves forced beyond agony into perpetual numbness.",
"Beneath your facade of blubber is a tormented man -- forced into a spread-eagle position, enduring the flaring pain as his joints are drawn ever further beyond their limits.",
"You're started to realize you can't feel your feet at all. Not even a little. You're not even sure exactly when that happened.",
"A persistent pressure builds from around your forearms, forcing fat to steadily creep further past your wrists. The expanding ring of lard is already snug against both your palms, and threatens soon to swallow down your hands.",
"(if: $eventBuriedFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[The mouth of the tunnel is still narrowing, or perhaps you're retreating even deeper inside.](else:)[You pant against the considerable mass hugging your face and rising steadily above your swollen cheeks, resting against a growing part of your face. Your view is becoming eerily similar to a cave mouth or tunnel opening.]",
"(if: $eventBuriedFace of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[Everything sounds like it's underwater. You try in vain to tilt your head, hoping to bring an ear above the tide of fat and enjoy a few more precious moments of unmuffled sound.](else:)[You wiggle your head every so often, trying to keep your mouth and ears mostly clear of the stubborn moat of fat. ]",
"With senses dulled by over a ton of insulating fat, you risk completely losing touch with the outside world.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #433// - Weighing as much as a compact automobile, but without any of the structure needed to easily lift, anchor, or manipulate that weight.",
"You really need a vacation. Is there a cruise ship somewhere that's sitting lopsided in the water, and needs some targeted ballast? That could count as work, even.",
"You get the impression that your fat has further tightened its strangle-hold -- like it's running out of places to accumulate, and can't spread any more quickly.",
"Nobody is even trying to trim your toenails anymore, but the sharp and omnious jabbing sensation strongly suggests they're still growing. Yipee, another source of infection.",
"Ironically, you never really appreciated how force-feeding a glutton could be an ironic punishment. //Ha...ha...haha...//",
"(if: $staff is 'Donna')[Donna thoughtfully climbed up and showed you a few smartphone pictures. You still get a little thrill to see your gartantuan self from the outside, but there are definitely some disturbing sites of deformity, necrosis and decay.](else:)[You wish you could reconcile your body image with some of the throbbing, searing, and aching discomforts that don't feel particulary healthy. If only you could see, you expect you'd find some disturbing sites of deformity and decay.]",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #450// - The brain makes some really strange conclusions when the majority of your sensory feedback is either missing, coming from the wrong location, or dismissed as impossible.",
"It must be getting really tough to make the distinction between the stretch marks and anything else."
(set: $flavorTextGoodBye to (array:
"You hear only the gurgles and creaks of your own body, the rhythmic hiss of oxygen, and your rapid, thready pulse rushing in your ears.",
"You're consumed in total darkness, blinded by the musty roll of flesh that now rests on top of your face.",
"It's difficult to shake the rather depressing notion that - at this point - you're pretty much just waiting to die.",
"How long to those guys in prison movies usually spend in solitary before going crazy?",
"You have to admit, it would be //really// interesting to see another picture of yourself from the outside. Or... you know... anything.",
"(if: $hoursIntoDay is 6)[Hurray. So begins another day of highly unlikely survival.](else:)[There could be a really awesome party going on in the house //right now//, and you won't even know. They should bring some chips and dip.]",
"Maybe the claustrophobic feeling will begin to fade once the fat finishes backfilling over your head.",
"(if: $eventSayGoodbye of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[It would've been nice to see Donna one more time. It's hard to tell, but you think she's climbed on you a few time, pulling at the fat covering your head.](else:)[AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! *gasp* AAAaaahh... hmm?
Oh, right... this is my life now.]",
"You've been having this incredibly vivid dream. You're the victim of a curse, fattened you beyond immobility by a mischievious dragon, forced to live as a helpless, featureless ball of lard. Try as you might, you can't wake up.",
"Every so often, you think you feel a rhythmic slapping from an unfocused source. You suddenly pick out 'shave and a haircut', but find yourself utterly powerless to yell, slap, wiggle, or even fart the suitable response.",
"You hear an oddly hollow slapping sound, and realized some indeterminate part of you skin is being slapped like a drum. It might even be a message -- you suddenly recognize the iconic 'S-O-S' in Morse code. It might have been useful, in retrospect, if you had learned some other codes.",
"You're wracked with a violent coughing fit, and absently wonder if anybody else would even notice your distress. You don't feel any lingering movement any more. No jiggling. No sloshing. Just absolute drum-tight roundness.",
"Fun fact: ONE of your arms now weighs more than your entire body did (floor: $hoursPlayed/720) months ago.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #465// - Given the chance to do this all over again, you'd have no hope of stopping yourself.",
"//Things normal-sized people wouldn't understand: #499// - Feeling like you should literally explode at any moment, and taking a few more bites to test it."
(set: $flavorText3000 to (array:
"Hopefully in a turn or two, the endgame will trigger like its supposed to"
(if: $daysIntoWeek is 0)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightSunday)
(set: $weightSunday to $weight)
](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 1)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightMonday)
(set: $weightMonday to $weight)
](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 2)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightTuesday)
(set: $weightTuesday to $weight)
](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 3)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightWednesday)
(set: $weightWednesday to $weight)
](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 4)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightThursday)
(set: $weightThursday to $weight)
](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 5)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightFriday)
(set: $weightFriday to $weight)
](elseif: $daysIntoWeek is 6)[
(set: $weightChange to $weight - $weightSaturday)
(set: $weightSaturday to $weight)
<!-- DataMap with single-time event names, and weight when they are triggered -->
<!-- Initialized in rough order of occurrence, in seperate commands to account for dependencies on earlier random rolls -->
(set: $oneTimeEvents to (datamap:
"EventBreakChair", (random: 400, 500),
"EventCantUseUrinal", (random: 425, 575),
"EventReach600", 600,
"EventBedroomDoor", (random: 730, 775),
"EventCantWalkFar", (random: 650, 725)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventCantReachRestroom", $oneTimeEvents's EventCantWalkFar + (random: 5, 50),
"EventScooterBreak", $oneTimeEvents's EventCantWalkFar + (random: 5, 50)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventImmobility", (random: 810, 920),
"EventRequireOxygen", (random: 875, 1100)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventGoFundMe", $oneTimeEvents's EventImmobility + (random: 25, 75),
"EventCantRollOver", $oneTimeEvents's EventImmobility + (random: 100, 200),
"EventCantJerkOff", $oneTimeEvents's EventImmobility + (random: 75, 250)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventReach1000", 1000,
"EventFirstHeartAttack", (random: 1125, 1225),
"EventAltimatum", (random: 1226, 1300),
"EventGroinFart", (random: 1200, 1250),
"EventFeetSmothering", (random: 1250, 1400)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventBellyBed", $oneTimeEvents's EventFeetSmothering + (random: 50, 200),
"EventFeetStuck", $oneTimeEvents's EventFeetSmothering + (random: 250, 400)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventFattestMan", (random: 1100, 1200),
"EventBedCollapse", (random: 1400, 1600),
"EventCantReachFace", (random: 1600, 1800)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventHandsSmothering", $oneTimeEvents's EventCantReachFace + (random: 50, 200)
(set: $oneTimeEvents to it + (datamap:
"EventHandsStuck", $oneTimeEvents's EventHandsSmothering + (random: 100, 200),
"EventReach2000", 2000,
"EventFaceBuried", (random: 2140, 2300),
"EventSayGoodbye", (random: 2450, 2650),
"EventReach3000", 3000
<!-- Add names to a standalone reference array, because I need to preserve the order, and the "datanames" macro alphabetizes them -->
(set: $oneTimeEventNames to (a:
}{(set: $hygiene to it * 0.4)(set: $energyCost to 10)(display: "EnergyDrain")}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Well, this is a little inconvenient...</div>''
You stand in front of (if: $location is not 2)[your toilet](else:)[the men's room urinal], awkwardly juggling the bulk of your massive hanging belly. One arm ambitiously cradles your gut, struggling to support the awkward load for more than a few seconds. With luck, you'll be able to sneak your other hand underneath to quickly nudge your cock in the correct general direction.
You've had lots of practice ochestrating this peculiar pee dance, but lately it's been quite challenging. When the mood takes you, which seems to be often, this ridiculous scenerio strikes you as a turn-on. That just adds another handicap.
Despite your best efforts, the edge of your sagging belly keeps spoiling the target. You rearrange your grip a couple more times, sensing it's still not right, but feel a growing urgency to do your business. You risk it.
A telltale warm trickle makes you curse; its already running down your leg and soaking your hand. Before you can stop, you carelessly lose your grip, resulting in an even more embarrassing mess.
(if: $staff is "Donna")[
Donna walks by, and shakes her head. "Damn it, stop being stubborn and sit down next time. I won't think less of you, Mr. lady man."
You make a quick attempt to mop up the worst of it, (if: $staff is "Donna")[but Donna ends up doing most of the actual cleaning, ](if: $staff is "maid")[eventually calling in the maid to help finish up, ]but there's no denying you've made a mess of yourself.
You begrudgingly accept that one of man's great priviledged conveniences has been lost to you, and ''you're no longer able to pee standing up''.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Well, crap.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventRavenous")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Well, well, well... 600lbs.</div>''
Seems like it crept up on you. You weren't exactly lean to begin with, but when did your "normal" get to be three times the weight of a normal person? It's definitely a significant day-to-day burden, but not incapacitating. Not the 'point of no return' you feared it might be.
You expected 600lbs would be a real milestone -- something to stand out and demand your attention. After all, society seems to have chosen this as the threshold defining truly //freakishly// overweight individuals who waddle onto talk show stages or get reality TV programs dedicated to their plight. You make a mocking little "hop" -- not nearly enough to actually leave the ground -- but to enjoy the mounds of fat jiggling on your frame. You can't imagine yourself going on camera. Not yet. This still seems so mundane, it would hardly be worth the fuss.
You decide that a lot of TV guests are probably just looking for attention. If they didn't want to be fat, they could do something about it. If they did want it -- well, you're living proof that it's possible to continue living a //relatively// normal life. (if: $occupation is not 0)[Hell, you're still holding down a job. What's their excuse?]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "It's kind of a big deal, I guess.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $health to it * 0.8)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>A difficult burden...</div>''
You place your hands firmly (and your belly, unintentionally) against the door jam, marvelling at the undeniable truth. Your heart is already pounding. Each sharp laboring breath is coming a little quicker. Even the simple task of remaining upright with the aid of the structural wall has become an unsustainable burden. If you dawdle much longer, the chances are good that you'll fall or careen face-first into something.
It's been a while since you've been able to casually rise or move about. Sitting has gradually become your natural state, and rejecting that nature requires deliberate planning, economy of movement, and no small amount of effort. On these increasingly rare occasions -- like today -- you're forced to acknowledge that your world has basically been reduced to this one room, and it's still shrinking.
You may have reached and surpassed 600lbs with an almost casual air, but now you're on the cusp of an entirely different level. Your instincts are yammering for your attention, urging you to consider self-preservation. (if: $staff is "Donna")[Donna is watching curiously from a nearby chair, looking up from her book. "Gonna to ask for some help, hon?" You grin, and recklessly shove off the wall.](else:)[Out of spite, you recklessly wait a few extra seconds before abruptly shoving off the wall.] You hastily waddle the three steps in a state of rising panic, barely pivoting in time to collapse ass-first onto the creaking sofa. (if: $staff is "Donna")[Donna shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and goes back to her reading.]
When you finally recover enough to concentrate on something besides gasping for breath, you begin the slow and arduous process of scooching your ass toward the comfortably worn crater in the cushions. A fresh cluster of bruises makes you wince. Fair payment for your petulence.
''You can barely stand for a minute, or walk more than a few short steps.''
''Item Unlocked: Home Mobility Handles''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Hmm. More handholds would be helpful.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $hygiene to it * 0.2)(set: $showBedPan to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>URGH! Shit..shit...shitshitshit</div>''
You're roused by the intensity of your need to use the toilet, and immediately begin the arduous process of levering yourself toward the edge of the bed. Every twist, wobble, and grunt makes you regret the agonizing pressure on your bowels. After a seemingly endless parade of of sloshing blubber, you're finally in position -- gasping for breath, feet planted on the floor, fat spilling well past your knees.
You look across the room to the ajoining bathroom, steeling yourself. (if: mobilityHandles of $invMedical is 1)[You test your grip on the first handle, and breath a few times deeply. ]It isn't far. One smooth motion. //God, please...//
You rock yourself backward before ambitiously pushing off the edge, grunting as gravity openly defies your attempt to straighten up. From the outset, you know you're in trouble. Trying to keep your sphinter clenched has robbed some of your usual hoisting strength. You're left wavering partway, (if: mobilityHandles of $invMedical is 1)[fingers slipping, and knees not even locked.](else:)[trying to lock your knees and pinwheeling your arms for balance.] An abrupt landing or straight-out fall could spell disaster.
You go for broke... //Pfft...// forcing yourself the rest of the way up through sheer force of will... //Pffth..blpupp....// and focusing on (if: mobilityHandles of $invMedical is 1)[your hand holds and ]each of the half-dozen or so steps to reach your goal.
You barely remember your gargantuan ass hitting the porcelain. As you sit there red-faced and shuddering with relief, the smell finally hits you. It's quite some time before you're prepared to deal with the awful mess left in your wake on this decidedly //un//restful night.
''You've unlocked the "bed pan" in medical supplies.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I could have used that earlier, Jackass.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventRavenous")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $hygiene to it * 0.4)(set: $immobile to 1)
(set: $tradeIn to 0)
(if: canes of $invMedical is 1)[(set: $bankBalance += ($canePrice / 2))(set: $tradeIn to ($canePrice /2))]
(if: walkers of $invMedical is 1)[(set: $bankBalance += ($walkerPrice / 2))(set: $tradeIn to ($walkerPrice /2))]
(if: scooters of $invMedical is 1)[(set: $bankBalance += ($scooterPrice / 2))(set: $tradeIn to ($scooterPrice /2))]
(if: scooterXLs of $invMedical is 1)[(set: $bankBalance += ($scooterXLPrice / 2))(set: $tradeIn to ($scooterXLPrice /2))]
(if: mobilityHandles of $invMedical is 1)[(set: $bankBalance += ($mobilityHandlePrice / 2))(set: $tradeIn to ($mobilityHandlePrice /2))]
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Beached...</div>''
Sweat runs down your face, little rivulets joining the others, collecting and funneling down to where, despite a valiant effort, your couch-swallowing ass has once again settled into your abused mattress. After the considerable time and energy you spent manuevering to the edge of your bed this morning, it was hardly your intention to stay here indefinitely.
The first time you tried -- and failed -- to rise, a little wave of panic served up a jolt of adrenaline. You were so close -- you just have to give it your full attention next time. You probably weren't fullly awake yet, and besides, you always feel stronger after having some breakfast.
The second time was even more abortive than the first, cut short by breathlessness, and rubbery weakness in your overburdened legs. Breakfast weighed heavily in your stomach. More time... a bit more time. You needed to at least let your muscles recover properly before jumping to conclusions.
You waited almost an hour -- long enough for your legs to recover as much as they ever do. Long enough that simply mulling over the prospect of another failure gave you a fresh boost of adrenaline.
Long enough that it's plain to see you're really, //truly//, stuck here, wobbling helplessly and adding regrettable amounts of fresh moisture to your bedding. (if: $staff is "Donna")[Over the next several hours, in several stages, you let Donna gently help you back to the middle of the bed.](else:)[In several stages, over the next several hours, you eventually make your way back to your customary, and now mandatory, spot on the bed.]
''You are bed-bound and effectively immobile.''
'''Mobility aids' section replaced by '//IM//mobility aids'. You receive a 1/2 value ($$tradeIn) trade-in credit for all your obsolete equipment. (if: doubleDoors of $invMedical is 1)[Except your widened doors, of course. Can't give those back.]''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Thank God for cell phones.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 3)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")
(set: $canePrice to 75)
(set: $caneUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $walkerPrice to 200)
(set: $walkerUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $scooterPrice to 750)
(set: $scooterUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $doubleDoorPrice to 2000)
(set: $doubleDoorUsedFirstTime to 0)
(set: $mobilityHandlePrice to 995)
(set: $mobilityHandleUsedFirstTime to 0){(set: $showBedSling to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Hope you like counting ceiling tiles...</div>''
You lurch and flail, twisting in a desperate bid to shift your lard-anchored body. You remember that not so long ago, this would have been fairly straightforward. Your soft blubbery mounds used to yield, flow and spill over each another, the little cascades gradually reshaping and settling where they could. It was possible -- though still arduous, sweaty work -- to gradually roll from your back to your sides in stages.
But that was before the fat began filling the voids, developing into a far thicker mass, snug and unyielding. One that now firmly grips you down to your core.
You've been lying in bed on your back, sitting up slightly thanks to a combination of pillows and natural cushioning. It's a reasonably comfortable position, tolerable even after a few days. But not weeks. The throbbing of your bed sores is tortuous irritation. You're suddenly gripped by a powerful stir-crazy compulsion to move.
You take a few extra deep breaths to prepare for the immense pressure you know will pinch your lungs. You grip your headboard with one hand, warm up with a couple of slow rocking heaves to build momentum, and then throw all your strength into a twisting motion. You manage to slowly crane your lumbering outside leg into the air, and do your best to ignore the searing pain of your livid overstretched skin. One enormous butt cheek begins to rise ponderously, wobbling just a few inches above the bowl-shaped impression in the mattress. It's a good start, but the real goal has always been to reach the elusive tipping point; the moment when the bulk of your belly spills sideways and gravity begins to help rather than hinder. You wheeze with effort, and barely manage to hold your position. A few more seconds pass. Rather than make headway, you hang in place. It occurs to you that the kiss of cool air on your backside feels like bliss, even as a tang of festering flesh reaches your nostrils.
Exhaustion hits you hard, leaving you out of breath and gasping desperately. You suddenly falter, collapsing harshly back into place with a painful grunt and a few seconds of fierce sloshing.
Perfect setup, textbook execution, and... you note with some frustration... no reason to suspect another attempt might yield betters results. Not without the right equipment.
''You're no longer able to roll over by yourself.''
''Unlock Medical Item: Bariatric Sling''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Don't they use those to move whales?")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventRavenous")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $cantMasturbate to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>One less entertainment option...</div>''
You've been unable to roll over for a while now, which also stole an option you didn't properly appreciate until it was too late. When your belly reluctantly spilled off to the side, it provided reliable access to your smothered nethers. You can still manage the rare auto-climax with friction alone, but the results are unreliable at best... not to mention less satisfying. (if: $staff is "Donna")[Donna seems strangely unsympathetic to your plight, and refuses to linger in that area any longer than the bare minimum a sponge-bath requires.] So without any convenient shortcuts, you've been playing "miner".
With belly fat spreading well beyond your hips, and and no small amount of accumulation around your chest and arms, the "direct" route to your crotch seems a little less direct with each passing day. You reach widely around, blindly probing for the best spot beneath your massive horizon of fat. You push and begin reverse-clawing with your fingers to widen an improvised tunnel. A foetid odor reaches your nose as the moist cavity is exposed to air, and a thick film of slimy residue lubricates as you burrow even deeper. Your shoulder begins to burn with effort as your upper arm pinches painfully against your man-boob. Sooner than you expect, you're struggling at the absolute limit of your reach.
You wiggle you fingers and feel a faint sympathetic shiver teasing your buried cock. You probe back and forth, noting the coarse strands of pubic hair that put you infuriatingly close to your goal. Your shoulder is cramping painfully, yet you continue to struggle, pleading for strength to touch it just one more time. Mounting exhaustion begins to erode your will, spoiling the tenuous erection you didn't even realize was building. The tatalizing shiver recedes as your goal shrinks even farther beyond your reach.
It's no use. You concede cruel defeat. As a final insult, you're met with surprising new resistance during extraction. You grapple weakly in tired frustration before a sloppy squelch of suction reluctantly frees your glistening slime-fouled arm.
''You're no longer capable of intentionally masturbating.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Stupid lucky kittens...")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventRavenous")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>It couldn't hurt to gain a bit faster...</div>''
Usually you steer clear of those grey-market pharmaceutical web sites, but this stuff seemed relevant to your interests. "A concentrated treatment option for morbidly //under//weight patients. Prolonged use not recommended. To be administered by medical professionals only." The ominous warning label gives you the distinct impression this isn't your typical meal-replacement shake -- which is good, because those suck.
You fight with the child-safe cap on the glass bottle, eventually popping the stubborn seal. The midnight-black shimmering liquid oozes slowly toward the spout.
When the first mouthful lands heavily on your tongue, it takes an awkward moment before you can finally force yourself to swallow. The taste is peculiar -- like rendered grease and molasses, with hints of chocolate and butterscotch. There's also something vaguely medicinal... probably to aid digestion or suppress the gag reflex.
Your stomach makes an alarming gurgle, producing an unpleasant belch with a cloying taste. Despite a few initial squawks of complaint, it takes only a few minutes before your stomach settles down and declares business as usual. You still think it might be a good idea and see what effect this serum has before chancing more doses.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "This crap is expensive. It had better work...")[(goto:"MedicalSupplements")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Maybe I can recover a bit faster...</div>''
Fruits and vegetables. If someone twisted your arm, you might admit that your diet is a bit lacking in this area. For all that you consistently pack away massive volumes of food, none of it will keep you supplied with those omega-3s, beta-whatsits, or alphabetical wonder-vitamins.
Apparently, these are things a healthy body needs...
Luckily, this surprisingly simple serum represents a 5-day supply of essential nutrients. No side effects. No regrets. Your body will thank you -- or at least hate you little bit less.
Temporarily improves you health recovery rate. Take up to triple the dose to extend the effect time. (Immediate effect does not stack).
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I'm turning into a regular health-food connoisseur...")[(goto:"MedicalSupplements")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $firstDayWork to 0)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Office Orientation...</div>''
You've only been in your new office a few moments, still eying the suspiciously flimsy-looking desk chair, when a young lady pokes her head around the edge of your door.
"Oh, it's the new guy", she observes, stepping inside and approaching you with a presumptious air of confidence. Her dark shoulder-length hair is a tangled shadow of what might have been an expensive salon cut. Her designer-label clothes look wrinkled and slept-in. She holds out her hand, seeming to take for granted you'll shake it. You hobble around with a lumbering step, reach out, and politely oblige. You notice her eyes linger for a moment on at your bloated midsection.
"Hi, ''I'm Donna''. You'll probably see me doing all sorts of odd jobs around this place. Today it seems I get to play 'greeter'. Pleased to meet you." Her eyes seem friendly, though you detect what might be an ironic smirk.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Spare a moment. She seems nice.")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Donna2A")]
(link: "I should be getting down to work...")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Donna2B")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $donnaRelationship to 2)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Office Orientation, Continued...</div>''
You've already decided you like something about this strange lady, and find yourself smiling back. She seems pleased by your attention, and cheerfully continues:
"A few helpful notes for your first day: ''New projects'' will land on your desk ''every Monday'' morning. These will always be time-sensitive and need ''finishing by Friday at closing'', which also happens to be when you'll get paid. You're lucky enough to get weekends off. We have a pretty laid-back work culture here," she stops to check the hallway behind her, and turns back with a conspiratorial grin, "so as long as you get the work done, nobody will really care if you're actually here. Just check in with the secretary when you plan to keep odd hours."
She looks at her watch, and sighs. "Speaking of which, there's probably something I'm supposed to be doing. I'm sure I'll see you around."
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Thanks for dropping by?")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Continue")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $donnaRelationship to 1)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Office Orientation, Continued...</div>''
You mumble something about how you had best be getting busy. She seems to deflate a little, but recovers quickly with poorly masked irritation.
She speaks in level tones -- "Fine, so here's your orientation: New projects will land on your desk every Monday morning. These will always be time-sensitive and need finishing before closing on Friday. You'll get paid then, and have the weekend off. That's about it. Have fun."
She turns to leave. It seems like she hesitates for a moment, glancing back, but proceeds to see herself out.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Weird.")[(set: $tempTimePassed to 0)(goto: "Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Woah, half a ton...</div>''
It's tempting to start planning for the final stretch. A thousand pounds already? That marks one of the last "normal" milestones, exclusive to just a few of the //former// all-time-fattest.
The posthumous footnotes always remark "nearly 1000lbs", or "over 1000lbs", as if that simple statement explains it all, with no uncertainty about their fate. In fairness, carrying the weight of roughly 5 average men does paint a pretty horrible picture for life expectancy. Even if you were prepared to turn back, change everything and suffer through extensive weight loss, your body would remain forever altered. Stretched. Deformed by echoes of excess. The way forward is shrouded in darkness and uncertainty. It's downhill. Possibly into a pit, or perhaps a neat cave of some kind. There might be spikes, or treasure. Possibly a dragon.
Ok, so...apparently having so much time to yourself might also be fraying your mind a little. The fact remains that you feel surprisingly... well, not //healthy//, exactly, but certainly better off than you have any right to be. Maybe it's genetics, or faith, or dumb luck -- but you honestly believe you have the strength to keep blazing your way forward. One way or another, the destination should be pretty remarkable.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Dragons are cool. Also, big round things. Like fat bellies and significant milestone numbers.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Playing footsie... </div>''
It's been difficult for you to visualize your growing proportions, especially with so much of your lower body out of sight (and out of reach).
As you lay in your most favorite and very mandatory bed, you begin to test the flexibility of each joint starting with your feet. The sensory feedback is a little difficult to process. You wiggle your feet again, marveling at the thick swollen cushion that hugs your ankles and fully cradle your heels.
A perverse and powerful urge suddenly comes unbidden, no doubt fuelled in part by the restless boredom of forced immobility. You clench your muscles and diliberately tug, dragging your legs deeper into the perimeter of your vast bulk. Your feet come firmly against the edge of their puckering sockets, caught between opposing forces. You're just beginning to imagine the day when they remain caught in this way, when much to your surprise... they suddenly slip past the crown with an odd //pop-blorp!//, disappearing from sight, seemingly wedged inside you! Your ankles immediately blossom with a burning ache, rejecting the unnatural position -- toes drawn out perfectly straight, like a bizarre parody of ballet dance en pointe.
Wide-eyed at the sensation, you squirm in haste to push your legs back to their full extension. There's no mistaking the significant snag of hesitation before your feet relunctantly squirt back out.
You weren't expecting today's body image update to be quite so vivid.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Maybe I should... try that again. Later. Just to be sure I didn't forget any details.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventRavenous")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Whoops. Did I still had socks on?</div>''
It might not have been particularly wise, in retrospect... the way you've been casually accepting the gradual disappearance of your feet. It barely registered as a concern; even when they began quietly withdrawing into their puckering cavities while you slept. Now, you're not sure when you last bothered to actively force their freedom. (if: $staff is "Donna")[(//"Last month!"// Donna calls from across the room.) ]You guess it's probably been close to a month. You seem to recall the task was hardly trivial at the time.
Eh, you suppose the hygiene concerns are real enough. And what about clipping your nails? Maybe you should try take this seriously. Set your tootsies free, and all that...
You're soon struggling at full extension, gasping with exertion. Your hips burn with pain, threatening to dislocate at any moment. The skin is tight and chafing around the painfully swollen leg openings. Reckless of your stamina, you continue to twist and groan with effort, but your flesh seems to magically squeeze harder, stubbornly refusing to release your bloated limbs.
You give one last mammoth thrust of effort.//There!// You //barely// feel a faint kiss of cool air on the tips of your toes, just as a sharp tearing sensation blooms from somewhere deep inside the cavernous mound that contains your left calf. You grimace, and force yourself to relax again.
The pain continues to throb. You know that your performance is finished, and you've reached your limitations. Through your sweaty exhaustion and alarmingly ragged breathing, (if: $staff is "Donna")[you don't even notice Donna approach, damp cloth in hand, to wipe away the puss slowly trickling from the greedy oriface.](else:)[there's no way you would notice that a trickle of foul puss is slowly seeping from the greedy oriface.]
''Your feet are completely trapped beneath your fat.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "*huff* That probably... *huff* ... isn't going to.... help my dwindling mobility...")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $health to it * 0.6)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//*creeee...creak*//</div>''
You stop for a moment, holding yourself partway into the motion of reaching for another file. You've mentioned your lack of confidence in your standard-issue desk chair -- the same as all the others, seemingly purchased in bulk for the workers on this floor.
The durability and support might be adequate for a starving student's dorm room. For you, it's a ticking time bomb.
One of the janitors has been around already. They declared your chair to be in good working order -- then left on another errand, mumbling something about how whales don't use chairs anyways.
Gingerly, you lean a little further... *creeeak*
**POP** -- You yelp at a split second of weightlessness before you abruptly collide with the floor. Your head bounces with a dull smack.
You groan, momentarily rattled. Your wrists ache from your instinctive but failed attempt to catch yourself, and you're sure you'll have some fresh bruises. (if: $donnaRelationshif >= 2)[Donna comes around the corner at a jog, followed closely by a few other curious onlookers who must have heard the noise. She offers a hand as you struggle to roll yourself upright. "Are you ok? It looks like you went down pretty hard... and damn...", she looks over at the snapped chair, "...if I'd known..."
You grimace, holding your head, assuring her you'll fine. She looks at you sceptically... "Well, if you're certain... I'm glad it wasn't worse. I'll send someone right over with seating suitable for more than a half-starved toddler."
She helps to gain your unsteady feet, and hesitates as if she'd like to say more -- but when she notices all the gawkers nearby, she suddenly makes a business-like exit.
The same janitor, looking underwhelmed with his lot in life, arrives a short time later with a solid, if worn and dated-looking, management-style leather highback chair.](else:)[A few curious onlookers poke their head in the door, obviously wondering about the oddly loud and organic crash. Just when someone is about to ask if you're ok, Donna pushes past them all and simply glares.
You jostle yourself slowly into an upright position, and begin to rise a little unsteadily, leaning on the desk for support.
"Oh... well you seem better off than I'd have expected from the noise. No concussion then? Gods be praised."
You notice the onlookers wearing a mixed bag of expressions... some concerned, others sympathetic, but the majority showing some degree of disgust. You can only wince and smile apologetically.
Donna is already turning to leave, her voice fading as she goes. "Perhaps there's another chair in storage. I'll inquire about something more appropriate to your... particular needs."
Some time later, an irritable janitor wheels in a beat-up looking but solid highback chair. It's dusty, and smells of mildew -- but after a quick wipe-down and test-sitting you have to admit it's serviceable and even pretty comfortable.]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "The floor tiles meet all industry standards for durability. Ow.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){
<!-- Datamap containing all possible medical condition, and a corresponding numeric state -->
<!-- 0 for terminal, 1-9998 for countdown (to terminal), 9999 for inactive -->
(set: $medicalConditionState to (datamap:
"Exhaustion", 9999,
"Ulcer", 9999,
"BackTrouble", 9999,
"DigestiveCramps", 9999,
"FoodPoisoning", 9999,
"SkinTear", 9999,
"ChronicItch", 9999,
"HeartAttack", 9999,
"Infection", 9999,
"FallDown", 9999,
"StuckInDoorway", 9999,
"BreathingDifficulty", 9999,
"O2Malfunction", 9999,
"ChronicLymphoma", 9999,
"Constipated", 9999,
"Overheated", 9999,
"PanicAttack", 9999,
"CreatureHost", 9999,
<!-- Default '1', trigger first time screen and set to zero -->
(set: $medicalConditionFirstTime to (datamap:
"Exhaustion", 1,
"Ulcer", 1,
"BackTrouble", 1,
"DigestiveCramps", 1,
"FoodPoisoning", 1,
"SkinTear", 1,
"ChronicItch", 1,
"HeartAttack", 1,
"Infection", 1,
"FallDown", 1,
"StuckInDoorway", 1,
"BreathingDifficulty", 1,
"O2Malfunction", 1,
"ChronicLymphoma", 1,
"Constipated", 1,
"Overheated", 1,
"PanicAttack", 1,
"CreatureHost", 1,
<!-- For each condition, check if it is not already active, then check for activation condition. Set flag to ensure only one condition is started on a given turn. -->
<!-- TEST -->
(set: Exhaustion of $medicalConditionState to 10)
<!-- Flag to show a new condition has been rolled this round -->
(set: $newAffliction to 0)
(if: (Exhaustion of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0) and ($weight >= 300) and ($energy < 25) and ((random:1,100) < 5) and ($energyRecoveryModifier is 0))[
(set: Exhaustion of $medicalConditionState to (random: 10,20))
(set: $newAffliction to 1)
(if: Exhaustion of $medicalConditionFirstTime is 1)[
(set: $next to "ExhaustionFirstTime")
(if: (Ulcer of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (BackTrouble of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0) and ($weight >= 300) and ($immobility is 0) and ((random:1,100) < 5))[
(set: BackTrouble of $medicalConditionState to (random: 3,7))
(set: $newAffliction to 1)
(if: (DigestiveCramps of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (FoodPoisoning of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (SkinTear of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (ChronicItch of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (HeartAttack of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (Infection of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (FallDown of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (StuckInDoorway of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (BreathingDifficulty of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (O2Malfunction of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (ChronicLymphoma of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (Constipated of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (Overheated of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (PanicAttack of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
(if: (CreatureHost of $medicalConditionState is 9999) and ($newAffliction is 0))[]
}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Rubbing's racing...//</div>''
It seems like it's been ages since you could simply stride out of your bedroom without taking special care not to bark your hips and love handles on the door frame. It's just not practical to approach the door straight-on these days. Lately you've resorted to turning sideways and shimmying through, which has been quite a bit easier -- until now.
One side of the door is harshly wedged between your butt cheeks, cutting clear through to your tailbone. You've managed to shimmy and jostle your bulk across the opposite jam as far as your belly button, but stall at the thickest part of your midsection. Two equal pillows of lard crudely spill past the edges on each side. You're wary of the pinching discomfort and squeezing pressure on your lungs and bladder -- as well as the realization of how terribly close you are to actually getting stuck.
When you finally work your sprawling gut past the halfway point, the relief is tempered by the sharp throbbing ache that lingers long afterward. Livid red marks decorate your sagging belly, layered on top of forgotten bruises from your efforts over the past several days.
Now that you've become amply wide in both directions, something is going to have give. Soonish.
''Mobility Aid Unlocked: Double-Width Doors''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Sounds expensive.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")Todo - GoFundMe campaign
- Honest about wanting to gain (Little support, chance of anonmymous benefactor), or pretend to need weight loss (good money, penalty in final score)
[[Continue]]Todo - first heart attack (unlock defibriliator)
Lock medical event chance until this happens?
[[Continue]]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>//Somebody's fantasy...//</div>''
With Donna's encouragement, and what little assistance she could offer, you sputter and heave and wiggle a little further. At some point, you literally begin pouring over the unseen edge of your bed. It seems to start in slow-motion, but soon you're helplessly riding an avalanche toward the floor. The ride is short, and ends very abruptly. A pained grunt escapes your lips as all the air is driven from your lungs. Your blubber tries to escape in every direction at once, but rebounds with a jarring lurch after finding nowhere to go. You had no chance to avoid pissing yourself, but still have hope that your bowels can hold out. Tears of pain cloud your vision.
You've stranded yourself -- face-down and belly-bound -- in an enormous sprawling heap. Your legs are splayed wide, uselessly suspended atop the widest part of your gut. You wriggle, trying to brace or push with your hands, but the only thing within reach is your vast rubbery brisket. With some abrupt and frantic sloshing, you manage to make the toes of one foot uselessly brush against the floor. You have the craziest sensation of being both utterly stuck, yet fearful that you might suddenly shift without warning.
Donna seems to be torn about whether to take any of this seriously. "Oh... *giggle* I'm sorry... this just seems like a cliché straight out of feeder fan-fiction. Can you still breathe well enough?"
Honestly, it's a near thing. This foolish stunt //seemed// like an attractive notion -- like something that you wanted... no, //needed// to try while you still had the chance. Unfortunately, this flight of fancy should have stayed fictional. It's easy to imagine a belly bed as a cozy thing; a cushioned cradle of flesh with a lucky owner happily perched on top, tethered conveniently by their torso. Nobody imagines this -- your blubber is draped around you, spilling down from ample deposits around your back and buttocks. You're stranded deep within the fleshy mound, imprisoned by your accumulated mass, and enduring such inescapable crushing pressure that you fear at any moment you'll choke on your own vomit.
"You've got a look on your face that says you're in free-fall without a parachute. I'm not sure you should stay like this very long."
While she rushes to get the bariatric sling into position, you spend a few more minutes //trying// to fixate on something wonderful about the experience, but end up only remembering how your body screamed for relief.
You're glad the sling works properly, and has a good operator. You never thought you'd be so happy to be stuck on your back again. Angry bruises are already sprouting at the margins of your belly and chest as a painful testament to this foolish excercise.
(link: "It's fine. I had to try it once, right?")[(goto: "Continue")]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")TEMP
Respiration frustration...
You catch yourself fading, your vision going dark around the edges, before wobbling in sudden panic and struggling to take a few more labored gasping breaths. Fresh beads of sweat run down your brow, and a dull ache radiates from your chest. You have a serious problem. Hardly a //new// problem, mind you, but it refuses be ignored any longer.
You've known all along that getting this big would mean more than simply giving up your mobility. At more than (insert code) times an average man's weight, the pressure on //all// your organs is obscene, but you feel it the most on your lungs. Your body is still expanding, demanding more oxygen, but your lungs have already squeezed down to a fraction of their usual capacity. Your diaphragm aches with constant effort, and you feel tired and vaguely ill all the time. A fog clouds your thoughts. You have little energy to spare. You realize with a strangled gurgle how dangerously close you must be to suffocating, but there doesn't seem to be enough air left in the room to properly call for help.
Gaining was so easy -- is //still// easy -- but at this moment, terror overshadows your stubborn pride. It's not like you didn't see it coming, and it's not like you can just rewind your progress. This weight has become your burden, regrets be damned. You wriggle weakly in one last feeble attempt to shift something... anything... to escape the weight crushing your chest. You fade deeper, sinking beneath consciousness...
(if Donna present/maid hired) You wake a dawn with pinching sensation around your face. A gentle hissing sound enters your awareness, bringing with it an unaccustomed sense of comfort, energy and well-being. You crack open your eyes, and the room seems brighter; your mind sharper. (Your maid/Donna) is looking at you with real concern. You reach up to inspect the plastic mask that appeared overnight, squirming with an inappropriate little giggle of euphoria.
(if Donna present) "Glad you're feeling better, my little Butternugget. That was a close call last night", she says. "Should planned a little better for this, I suppose. Should have realized how bad the symptoms were getting, but of course you were never one to complain. You didn't even remember we had this thing in storage, did you?"
(if maid hired)"Glad you's feelin better, mister. Dat was some close call last night", she says. "I couldn't wake ya. Figured you woulda warned me dat you was having so much trouble breedin. Good ting dis wasn't empty yet."
(if Donna present/maid hired)That's when you finally recognize the mask, and the small pressure tank nearby. (Donna/The maid) mentioned she would feel better with a small emergency oxygen supply in the house, and something about scavenging an old uncertified tank laying around from an late uncle's estate. You had forgotten.
trigger medical episode
[[Continue]]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Fall will be short this year...</div>''
A few rays of sun still filter through the windows despite having them mostly shuttered for privacy. You think you see an unusual shadow from the corner of your eye. Probably some curious kids who heard rumours about the blubbery freak living on this street, trying to sneak a look. It wouldn't surprise you if there are even a few voyeurs for this kind of thing. (if: $staff is "Donna")[You almost call out, but quickly remember that Donna had just stepped out to visit with her father.]
You wheeze, turning your neck as far as possible against a thick noose of flab. You want to get a better look... but see only the fleshy horizon that blocks your view of the ground-level window. You reach up and blindly grasp for the edge of your headboard. With a rare stroke of luck, you find it at a convenient grabbing distance. You take firm hold, bracing for leverage to rotate your upper body in the desired direction.
You begin with a couple of woefully inadequate lurching twists, barely altering your position. A fully committed third effort finally succeeds in shifting your upper body a few inches, trapping an arm beneath your flowing chest. You gasp with discomfort and dangerously restricted breathing. Stubbornly, you fight to keep yourself from rolling back, determined to catch just a quick glimpse. Ahh... so that's it. Just the neighbor's cat.
The image of a lumberjack calling "timber" flashes through your mind, before blurring into a violent onslaught of sensations. A louder, sharper snapping sound. A split second of weightlessness. Joints screaming in pain, limbs splayed outward with traumatic overextension. A concussive shock, like the snap of a wet towel to all your organs at once. Wild, fatty undulations that seem to take forever to settle. The terrifying realization that your lungs refuse to respond. Pain. Stars. Darkness.
You wake up from a vague dream -- something about a vehicle collision, and trying to locate the license number on a manatee. You try to shake your head to clear it of sleep, and realize you barely can. Everything is heavy. Everything is sore. Also, everything is a couple of feet closer to the ground now.(if: $staff is "Donna")[Donna seems to have arrived home during your unscheduled nap. She's smiling at you, though you sense she's also watching you carefully for signs of lasting harm.
"Nice work on the bed frame, darling. That makes some things a little easier for me to reach. Glad you're thinking of me."]
You remember that was a particularly well-built bed, and you even had a few extra bars of reinforcement added. Guess there's not much point in trying to replace it.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "If you can't get up, you might as well stay down.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")Todo - First unexpected belch from smothered bits -- flatulence from external body cavity, rather than digestive gasses.
//Officials from Guinness have confirmed today there is a new claim on the dubious title of 'fattest living man'. //
You're not sure when exactly the word got out. It's not like you called the Guinness people yourself, and said "hey, you should come take a look. Stop at SeaWorld on the way over. See if they'll lend you their scales." (if Donna) You suspect Donna had a hand in this, judging by her knowing little smile. (if Maid) You suspect your maid may be a bit of a gossip.
//Members of the scientific community have expressed an interest in the physiology of this record-setting man. A physician familiar with the case has said that the individual shows not only an abnormal predisposition toward morbid obesity, but also seems largely unaffected by the usual health risks. There is speculation that his genetics may play a role, and further research could have far-reaching implications for all levels of health care.//
A bunch of officious looking...
inability to reach your face
[[Continue]]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Do the wave...</div>''
You feel a certain kinship with Miss Beauregarde.
You keenly recall the climax of her fantastical ordeal. Relentlessly expanding, hands flailing, limbs forced absolutely erect. Helpless, shamed, and allegedly chastened. You close your eyes, and put yourself in her place. It doesn't take much imagination. You slowly and deliberately roll your wrists, letting your hands sweep against the puckering spillage from your massive forearms. You try to wiggle your entombed feet, taking encouragement from the dull tingling that penetrates the chronic numbness.
Sure, your circumstances are a bit different. There was no experimental chewing gum. No sudden, plot-convenient karmic backlash. You chose this. You've been actively grinding the excess calories to make it happen. You'll never be an idyllic sphere, ready for rolling about -- not when your shape is better described as a sprawling, gravity-contorted mound of blubber. The action of an oversized juicer might provide a noteworthy (and potentially gruesome) experience, but certainly not relief. Not for you.
But you're fine with that.
You flail your hands like you mean it, wrists aching with the strain, and idly wonder how much longer you'll manage even that. The comparison with a certain blueberry girl is hardly a stretch, but some stretching can certainly still be arranged.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Fine, but no more Willy Wonka references. Too cliché.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")Discover cannot expell hands
[[Continue]]Breaking 2000 lbs
[[Continue]]Neck creeping up face, difficult to turn head, barely open jaw, muffled hearing.
[[Continue]]Heart-rending goodbye to Donna, who can no longer guarantee further communication after your head is lost beneath advancing flesh.
[[Continue]]Attaining 3000 lbs, which triggers a game "Win" condition and ending.
[[Continue]]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Which part of the pantry gets raided first?</div>''
<div class="roundborder5">(if: $foodPreference is not 1)[(link:"Healthy Stuff")[(set: $foodPreference to 1)(goto: "SetEatingPriority")]](else:)[//''- Healthy Stuff -''//]
(if: $foodPreference is not 2)[(link:"Mix it up")[(set: $foodPreference to 2)(goto: "SetEatingPriority")]](else:)[//''- Mix it up -''//]
(if: $foodPreference is not 3)[(link:"Sweet and fattening, of course!")[(set: $foodPreference to 3)(goto: "SetEatingPriority")]](else:)[//''- Sweet and/or fattening -''//]</div>
(if: $foodPreference is 1)[You actually like salad?](elseif: $foodPreference is 2)[You're an equal opportunity gourmet.](else:)[It's dessert time, all the time.] Is this correct?
<div class="button2">(link:"Confirm Setting")[(goto:"Options")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")Week Long Study
<!--{(set: $studyType to (either: ))}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>(if: $occupation is not 0)[A week off work? ]Contribute to scientific research!</div>''
(if: $location is 2)[Donna excitedly enters your office, and slides some official-looking forms across your desk. "I think you might find what's on those forms interesting. The medical labs had some openings in a new human study. I pulled a few strings, and got you pre-approved."]
(else if: ($location is not 2) and $staff is "Donna")[Donna excitedly enters the room, holding some official-looking forms. "I think you might find this interesting. The medical labs had some openings in a new human study. I pulled a few strings, and got you pre-approved."]
(else:)[Donna calls you up, sounding more than a little excited. "I think you might find this interesting. The medical labs had some openings in a new human study. I pulled a few strings, and got you pre-approved."]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "That's like the thing they use to move whales, right?")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")--><span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Something to discuss..</div>''
''"Don't bother getting up. We need to talk."''
You open your eyes to find Donna nearly face-to-face, regarding you with unexpected intensity. She found perhaps the only barely-suitable ledge left upon which to sit, and is lazily draping herself over your ample chest with both elbows planted, and her hands on her chin. If her eyes weren't so serious, you might find it amusing how much she's unintentionally sinking. You wonder for a second if you've offended her.
Her sudden closeness is no surprise. Her ongoing assistance with your bodily needs has often been very hands-on, and you've even grown comfortable with the way she sometimes lingers in your personal space, as though quietly admiring the expansion of her favorite blubber-pet. This sudden directness, however -- the look in her eyes... is more than a bit unnerving.
"If my captive audience can spare a moment," A glimmer of her typical humor leaks through, but disappears just as quickly, "Allow me to clear the air. Whatever you might think of your current... living situation, I feel the need to spell out the obvious.
"You're bedbound, and you've had a significant health scare. You're dependent on me for both the necessities of life, and the excesses that continue to threaten it. Until now I have been a willing enabler. I've played along, because frankly I've find it //so damn hot// the way you keep getting bigger. I imagine you probably feel much the same, or you wouldn't have been such a pudgey piggy when I met you.
"But I'm not stupid. I'm not sadistic. I'm not a fan of bondage for the sake of bondage. These days can't be particularly pleasant for you; labored sleep, struggling to breathe, perking up just long enough to devour disasterously unhealthy meals, and spending your few waking hours generally marinading in your own sweat. Can it be worth the few moments of pleasure? I'd be deep worried if you can claim as much. The truth is, this is hurting you. //I'm// hurting you.
"It isn't too late to stop this... to work toward having a normal life again. It could be the hardest thing you ever do. A lot of damage has already been done. No doctor is going to touch your case with a 10 foot pole, so lipo and stomach reduction are off the table. Few people have ever weighed as much as you do now, let alone return to a healthy size. But still, it //is// possible. Less likely with each passing day... but possible. If there is //any// chance you would choose that path, I'd fully support you.
"I just need to KNOW you understand. You //have// a choice, and it's yours to make. If I'm going to be your Kevorkian and deliver suicide by smothering in fat, then at least convince me that you've considered these things.
//"Do you have regrets? Is this really what you want?"//
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I regret nothing. This has always been my dream, and you're just helping me achieve it. Keep calm and carry on.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventAltimatumA")]
(link: "Of course I've had second thoughts, but you make the worst days bearable. That will be leaving you.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"EventAltimatumB")]
Option C
override [[Continue]]
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>(either:"Fire Drill!","Fire Alarm!")</div>''
Fire Drill Event
Forced to leave building, lose stamina, and miss half day.
If too tired to move, sub-event.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I didn't really want to work anyway.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 3)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){<!-- Reset Status Effect Messages -->
(set: $medicalConditionMessage to "")
<!-- For each medical condition (in medicalConditionState)... -->
(for: each _condition, ...(datanames:$medicalConditionState))[
<!-- Reduce time of condtion by turn duration.. -->
(if: _condition of $medicalConditionState is not 9999)[
(set: _condition of $medicalConditionState -= ($tempTimePassed / 3))
<!-- ... and reset if time ran out. -->
(if: _condition of $medicalConditionState <= 0)[
(set: _condition of $medicalConditionState to 9999)
<!-- If condition is active... -->
(if: _condition of $medicalConditionState < 9999)[
<!-- Add message string -->
(if: _condition is "Exhaustion")[
(set: $medicalConditionMessage += "- (link-repeat:'Exhaustion')[(goto: 'ExhaustionFirstTime')] (" + (string: _condition of $medicalConditionState * 3) + " hours) ")
<!-- Ensure 'incapacitate' status is active with duration at least as long as the exhaustion condition -->
(if: (Incapacitate of $statusEffectState is 9999) or (Incapacitate of $statusEffectState < _condition of $medicalConditionState))[(set: Incapacitate of $statusEffectState to _condition of $medicalConditionState)]
]}(either:"eat","scarf down","inhale","noisily eat") (floor:($eatAmount * 100)/100) lbs of (either:"steamer tray Lasagna","cheesy tater-tot casserole","cabbage rolls swimming in rich tomato sauce","honey-garlic chicken wings","extra-creamy tuna casserole")Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!-- Datamap containing all effect-over-time status effects or supplements, and a corresponding numeric state (status) -->
<!-- 0 for inactive, > 1 for countdown (turns) until wearing off -->
(set: $statusEffectState to (datamap:
"HealthSerum", 0,
"ObesityTolerance", 0,
"StomachNumb", 0,
"PepPill", 0,
"Ravenous", 0,
"Incapacitate", 0,
(set: $statusEffectNames to (array:
}{<!-- Reset Status Effect Messages -->
(set: $statusEffectMessage to "")
<!-- For each (in statusEffectState)... -->
(for: each _status, ...($statusEffectNames))[
<!-- Reduce time of effect by turn duration.. -->
(if: _status of $statusEffectState is not 9999)[
(set: _status of $statusEffectState -= ($tempTimePassed / 3))
<!-- ... and ensure an even zero value if time ran out. -->
(if: _status of $statusEffectState < 0)[
(set: _status of $statusEffectState to 0)
<!-- Reset any effect modifiers for inactive effects -->
(if: _status of $statusEffectState is 0)[
(if: _status is "HealthSerum")[
(set: $healthRecoveryModifier to 0)
(if: _status is "ObesityTolerance")[
(if: _status is "StomachNumb")[
(set: $nauseaResistModifer to 1)
(if: _status is "PepPill")[
(set: $energyRecoveryModifier to 1)
(set: $energyDrainModifier to 1)
(if: _status is "Ravenous")[
(set: $desiredFullnessModifier to 0)
<!-- If status effect is still active... -->
(if: _status of $statusEffectState > 0)[
<!-- Check for each effect, add message, and apply effect -->
(if: _status is "HealthSerum")[
(set: $statusEffectMessage += "- Health Recovery▲ ")
(set: $healthRecoveryModifier += 3)
(if: _status is "ObesityTolerance")[
(if: _status is "StomachNumb")[
(set: $statusEffectMessage += "- Nausea Resist▲ ")
(set: $nauseaResistModifier to 2)
(if: _status is "PepPill")[
(set: $statusEffectMessage += "- Energy Drain▼ ")
(set: $cantRest to 1)
(set: $energyRecoveryModifier to 0) <!-- no recovery -->
(set: $energyDrainModifier to 4) <!-- quarter drain -->
(if: _status is "Ravenous")[
(set: $statusEffectMessage += "- Hunger▲ ")
(set: $desiredFullnessModifier += 40)
(if: _status is "Incapacitate")[
(set: $statusEffectMessage += "- <font color='red'>Incapacitated!</font> ")
]}{(set: _effectTime to (random: 4,12))(set: Ravenous of $statusEffectState to _effectTime)(set: StomachNumb of $statusEffectState to _effectTime)(set: $health += 10)(if: $health > 100)[(set: $health to 100)](set: $energy += 25)(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Let's get on with this...</div>''
In the aftermath of your latest milestone, you feel oddly energized. There's a glow of appreciation -- one you know is irrational and unhealthy, but it flares all the same, feeding the urge...
The urge to keep growing even bigger -- and the sooner the better.
From somewhere within your mind, you sense your priorities have shuffled. Pain is a mere irritation. You simply *know* you can eat even more, and your stomach probably won't betray you. At least not for a while...
''You temporarily can and //will// cram more into your stomach.''
''You are temporarily resistant to nausea.''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Less bleating, more eating!")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Maybe I can stuff myself a bit further...</div>''
You were scouring the latest list of grey-market pharmaceuticals when this little gem showed up: an anesthetic for targeted numbing of the stomach wall and lining. Intended to assist with pain management in patients with chronic stomach conditions, such as ulcers or cancer. Reported side effects include loss of stomach sensation, inability to properly judge stomach contents, and insatiability.
Patients are advised to carefully regulate their diet to avoid undesired bloating, discomfort, or weight gain. Revised dietary guidelines were hastily introduced after isolated reports of dangerous increases in body weight during early clinical trials.
Significantly increases your peak stomach capacity, and makes you more nausea resistant. This overeater's miracle lasts 2 days per dose, with up to a triple dose. (Effect duration is extended, but does not stack).
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Wait... //'undesired'// weight gain?")[(goto:"MedicalSupplements")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Maybe I can get the energy to push myself a bit further...</div>''
Nothing special about these. They've been the savior of college students, graveyard shift workers, and truckers for //generations//.
Strong stimulants are probably a terrible idea for an overtaxed cardiovascular system, but whatever. YOLO.
Results in full immediate stamina recovery, and then much reduced stamina drain for 24 hours. Makes resting/sleeping ineffective until it wears off. Single doses only.
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "I feel so damn perky, the heart palpitations don't even bother me.")[(goto:"MedicalSupplements")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Mobility Aids</div>''Handy if you still value leaving the house or getting to work.<table class='foodTable'><tr><td>
''Walking Cane:''
It's a stick. For walking.
(if: $bankBalance < $canePrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash ($$canePrice)</font>](elseif: canes of $invMedical is 1)[<font color='green'>You own one.</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $canePrice)[<div class='button2'>(link: "Buy it")[(set: canes of $invMedical to 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$canePrice)(set: $travelModifier to it - 0.1)(if: $caneUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $caneUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "CaneUsedFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MobilityAids")]] ($$canePrice)</div>]</td><td>
(if: canes of $invMedical is 1)[''Walker Frame:''
It's like several sticks, shaped into a frame. Also for walking.
(if: $bankBalance < $walkerPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash ($$walkerPrice)</font>](elseif: walkers of $invMedical is 1)[<font color='green'>You own one.</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $walkerPrice)[<div class='button2'>(link: "Buy it")[(set: walkers of $invMedical to 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$walkerPrice)(set: $travelModifier to it - 0.2)(if: $walkerUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $walkerUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "WalkerUsedFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MobilityAids")]] ($$walkerPrice)</div>
]]</td></tr><tr><td>(if: walkers of $invMedical is 1)[''Used Mobility Scooter:''
Screw regular wheelchairs. Aint nobody got the arm strength for that.
(if: $bankBalance < $scooterPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash ($$scooterPrice)</font>](elseif: scooters of $invMedical is 1)[<font color='green'>You own one.</font>](elseif: EventScooterBreak of $oneTimeEvents is 9999)[<font color='red'>You destroyed yours.</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $scooterPrice)[<div class='button2'>(link: "Buy it")[(set: scooters of $invMedical to 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$scooterPrice)(set: $travelModifier to it - 0.3)(if: $scooterUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $scooterUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "ScooterUsedFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MobilityAids")]] ($$scooterPrice)</div>
</td><td>(if: EventScooterBreak of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[''Mobility Scooter XL:''
The Humvee of mobility scooters. Good for haulin' ass. Your ass.
(if: $bankBalance < $scooterXLPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash ($$scooterXLPrice)</font>](elseif: scooterXLs of $invMedical is 1)[<font color='green'>You own one.</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $scooterXLPrice)[<div class='button2'>(link: "Buy it")[(set: scooterXLs of $invMedical to 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$scooterXLPrice)(set: $travelModifier to it - 0.3)(if: $scooterXLUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $scooterXLUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "ScooterXLUsedFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MobilityAids")]] ($$scooterXLPrice)</div>
</td></tr><tr><td>(if: EventBedroomDoor of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[''Double-width doors:''
Get trapped in your body, not your house. Fatty.
(if: $bankBalance < $doubleDoorPrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash ($$doubleDoorPrice)</font>](elseif: doubleDoors of $invMedical is 1)[<font color='green'>You have these.</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $doubleDoorPrice)[<div class='button2'>(link: "Renovate them")[(set: doubleDoors of $invMedical to 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$doubleDoorPrice)(if: $doubleDoorUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $doubleDoorUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "DoubleDoorUsedFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MobilityAids")]] ($$doubleDoorPrice)</div>
</td><td>(if: EventCantWalkFar of $oneTimeEvents is 99999)[''Mobility Handles:''
Strategically placed handle grips for your struggling convenience. Delays onset of total immobility.
(if: $bankBalance < $mobilityHandlePrice)[<font color='red'>Need more cash ($$mobilityHandlePrice)</font>](elseif: mobilityHandles of $invMedical is 1)[<font color='green'>You've got them.</font>](elseif: $bankBalance >= $mobilityHandlePrice)[<div class='button2'>(link: "Buy it")[(set: mobilityHandles of $invMedical to 1)(set: $bankBalance to it -$mobilityHandlePrice)(set: $EventImmobility to it + (random:50,100))(if: $mobilityHandleUsedFirstTime is 0)[(set: $mobilityHandleUsedFirstTime to 1)(goto: "MobilityHandleUsedFirstTime")](else:)[(goto: "MobilityAids")]] ($$mobilityHandlePrice)</div>
<tr><td colspan=2><div class="roundborder2">(link:"I'm Done Here...")[(goto: "Continue")]</div></td></tr></table></span>(display: "StatusBox")Todo
[[Continue]]<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>It's a stick...</div>''
A cane isn't much help, but you welcome anything that lets you have an easier time with your balance and stability.
If you were the self-conscious type, you might resent the occasional dirty looks from folks who note you're neither elderly or crippled, and certainly not out for a exhilerating hike in the woods.
Your handicap is arguably selfish and self inflicted, so lots of luck getting others to understand.
(Travelling stamina drain due to weight has been reduced.)
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "One small step for man, one giant leap for obesity.")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>I could get some tennis balls for the feet...</div>''
Whatever you might think about your weight or physical condition, being glad for the support of a walker is a concrete indication that you're already pushing normal limits. It's still hard to shake the preconception that these things are only for old folks.
Perhaps you should feel some shame at how easily you're outpaced by several of the elderly residents at the nearby nursing home.
(Travelling stamina drain due to weight has been reduced.)
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Wily old timers...")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Wanna race?</div>''
You get a little boyish thrill while testing your slightly used electric cripple-cart, even though it's certainly not a high performance unit.
It's soon evident, however, that the experience will never hold a candle to your memories of go-karting when you were younger -- expecially when the scooter is so heavily loaded down.
(Travelling stamina drain due to weight has been reduced.)
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Did anyone check the brakes?")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox"){(set: $travelModifier to it +0.3)}<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4warn'>Scorched your trousers...</div>''
Squatting tires. Groaning motor. Burning smell at the crest of even shallow inclines. These subtle clues might have served as a warning, but you still feel a sense of betrayal at the sudden failure of your trusty second-hand mobility scooter. Some concerned passer-bys graciously came to your aid when the overburdened vehicle uncerimoniously caught fire, leaving you in a huffing, slightly singed rush to dismount. Verdict? A total write-off. If you decide to get a replacement, it'll have to be a heavy-duty model.
''Unlock Mobility Aid: Mobility Scooter XL''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "She left us too soon -- the noble steed.")[(set:$tempTimePassed to 0)(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Practially needs a truck license...</div>''
This thing is actually pretty bad-ass for a cripple-cart. Air horn. Security system. Auxilliary battery packs. Off-road tires and dual high-output motors. You could probably haul a camper behind this thing.
Of course, your satisfaction is tempered by the edge of desperation and relief each time you finish maneuvering your ass into position to ride the damn thing. The truth is, with immobility clearly on the horizon, you're not at all certain you'll be getting your money's worth out of this one.
(Travelling stamina drain due to weight has been reduced.)
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "Can I at least use the drive-through?")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Home renovations...</div>''
It might be an act of denial at this point. Do you really need to leave the house? (if: $occupation is not 0)[Is it worth it for your job? ]For the exercise? For your non-existent social life? Do you still expect to make it to important engagements, like eating contests?
(if: EventBedroomDoorStuck of OneTimeEvents is 99999)[The contracters charge you dearly for a rush job, no doubt realizing they can take advantage of your unfortunate circumstances. They dutifully widen your door openings](else:)[The contracters spend a couple of days dutifully widening the door openings], re-routing some plumbing and electical along the way. There's some talk of problems with structure, but they find a way to shore up one support beam and tie into another. A few workers were a tad conspicuous about their curiosity or disgust, unable to hide their stares and comments when they thought you weren't paying attention.
Realistically, this is an investment in safety. Fire. Medical emergency. But you know this is really amounts to a stop-gap if your gaining continues at a similar rate. The important thing is that the doors are wide enough to let you leave the house long after you'll have the power to do so.
(if: EventBedroomDoorStuck of OneTimeEvents is 99999)[Anyways, ''you've removed that particular obstacle to leaving your bedroom''.](else:)[(''You've removed the immediate threat of getting stuck in your bedroom.'')]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "The wider openings really open the place up.")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Final Home renovations...</div>''
A bit desperate, but the handles are pretty practical. Better for balance. For distributing effort. For avoiding catastrophic falls.
There's probably an obvious message in the fact that your body's strongest leg muscles aren't cutting it any more, and you're relying on the meager assistance of your arms to meet your strength quota.
It's really getting quite bothersome to get up at all, but you suppose at least this bought you some time.
[(''You can 'stand' your weight a little bit longer.'')]
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "It's like a house-wide jungle gym set.")[(goto:"MobilityAids")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Too... *huff* ...tired...</div>''
It's always been a little difficult for you to stay energetic and perky at your size, but this time is different. You feel utterly spent.
It's more than a passing moment of weakness. You'll actually need some time to recover from this, and you're not going anywhere until you do.
''You are experiencing a bout of exhaustion''
<div class="roundborder5">(link: "No energy... to argue...")[(goto:"Continue")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")<span id="content">''<div class='roundborder4'>Save or Load a Game...</div>''
(print: $saveMessage)
Test: (print: "Day " + (string:(floor:(($hoursPlayed / 24)))) + ", " +(string:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs")
<td>(if: (saved-games:) contains "A")[(print:(saved-games:)'s "A") <br />(link: "Load")[(load-game:"A")(set: $saveMessage to "Game Loaded!")] - (link: "Replace")[(if:(save-game:"A", "Day " + (string:(floor:(($hoursPlayed / 24)))) + ", " +(string:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(set: $saveMessage to "Game saved!")
](else: )[
(set: $saveMessage to "Error - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]](else:)[
(link: "Save to slot 1")[(if:(save-game:"A", "Day " + (string:(floor:(($hoursPlayed / 24)))) + ", " +(string:(floor: $weight)) + "lbs") )[
(set: $saveMessage to "Game saved!")
](else: )[
(set: $saveMessage to "Error - Game NOT saved!")
](goto: "SaveGame")]
<div class="button2">(link:"Proceed")[(goto:"Options")]</div>
</span>(display: "StatusBox")